Templar Sun King

Chapter 498 God Template

Chapter 498 God Template
After raising the Kingdom of God to the Outer Plane and staying within the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Avalon, Adam finally had time to look at the god template upgraded from the agent template.

A substitute is a substitute for fulfilling the authority of the sun god.

But now, Adam is already a genuine sun god, and he is also a true god with the priesthood of the sun. The template that belongs to the gods is opened!
Name: Adam Weaving
Rank: True God

Title: Lord of the Temple, God of the Sun
Rating: 38
Portfolio: Sun

Clergy domains: Sun, Holy Light, Sovereign, Dawn, Gospel, Retribution, Fire, Light, Healing

Law: Law of Light (comprehension progress 21%)

Kingdom of God: Holy Paradise Mountain (Fusion progress 65%)

Divine Power: 9000
Faith: 1986798
Secondary God: Dawn Angel Uther (Level 33), Gospel Angel Raphael (Level 33), Punishment Angel Uriel (Level 33), God of Knights Andrew (Level 30)
Magic Pet: Bird of Paradise (25+5)

There is no need to mention the name, Adam is still Adam, but he used to be Adam who belonged to the category of mortal things, and now he is Adam at the level of the true god.

The crystallized sacred fire hidden in the sun in the sanctuary space on the third floor of the sanctuary, and the priesthood crystal hidden in the sun temple on the sixth floor are the fundamental reasons why Adam can be promoted to the true god in less than half a minute after igniting the sacred fire.

Adam is not without any doubts and inquiries about this. In fact, he has a rough guess about the origin of the sanctuary, the crystallized fire, and the priesthood crystal, but the final verification needs to be done after opening the seventh floor of the sanctuary.

All secrets and mysteries will be known when the last floor of the sanctuary is opened.

Move your eyes down and come to the level column, the occupation level is 38!

Levels 1-25 belong to the category of mortal things, divided into five levels: black iron, bronze, silver, gold, and legendary.

Level 25-30 is the current special stage of the four heroes Simon, Teresa, Gallon, and Sergey, between the peak of legend and demigod.

Levels 30-35 are demigods, and Angel of Dawn was first summoned at level 30.

Level 36 begins to enter the second stage of the gods, the true god.

Obviously, the clergy crystal from the Sun Temple is more mysterious and powerful than imagined. It is so powerful that it helps Adam to be promoted to the true god and pushes him to level 38 in one fell swoop, which is equivalent to a god who has been immersed in the true god for many years .

Continue to move down, the sun priesthood and the sun, the holy light, the monarch, the morning light, the gospel, the punishment, the flame, the light, and the nine priesthood fields of medicine.

The priesthood is the sublimation and strengthening of the priesthood field, representing the absolute power and dominance of the true god in a certain aspect.

To explain in the words of modern society, gods are professional within the scope of their priesthood, and they are the most outstanding and professional.

For example, in terms of agriculture and crop harvest, no one in the entire multiverse can compare with the goddess of abundance who is in charge of the priesthood of harvest, not even the goddess of darkness, the main god.

There are specializations in the art industry, and this is the truth.

Similarly, in the field of the sun, Adam is the best among the gods.

As for the Lord of Dawn and Order, who competes with Adam for the position of the original god of light, his ability in the field of dawn is slightly inferior to that of Adam.

Generally speaking, the relationship between priesthood and priesthood domain is somewhat similar to the roots and branches of a tree.

As the root of the priesthood, it absorbs knowledge and nutrients from all things and laws in the world, providing the foundation and possibility for the birth of the priesthood.

Based on the breadth and depth of the priesthood, the priesthood has been converged and grown, and they are related to each other, and then other priesthood fields have been derived.

If Adam is not promoted to the true god by inheriting the priesthood, he must first obtain the sun, flame, light, or other priesthood fields such as dawn, dusk, light, etc. before he can have the hope of condensing the sun priesthood.

In addition, there is no limit to the number of priesthoods that a god can master—the most typical example is the goddess Heliana across the three major gods. Great priesthood - but there are main priesthood and deputy priesthood.

The main priesthood is the trunk of the tree, and the minor priesthoods are the branches, which together form a complete priesthood system.

Of course, for Adam who currently only has one priesthood, it is still too early to assign and establish the master priesthood and deputy priesthood.

Then there is the crucial law, the key to Adam's access to the Lord God in the future.

The law of light, the comprehension progress is 21%!

One rule corresponds to a perfect godhead, Adam and the Lord of Dawn split the law of light is a foregone conclusion.

Only when one party dies, the remaining one will have the possibility to condense the godhead and ascend to the main god.

"If calculated according to one person and half, I have already comprehended 21% of the law of light, which means that another 29% will reach the limit of my contact with the law of light."

Adam muttered to himself with a strange look on his face.He is not worried about the inevitable battle with the Lord of Dawn or the difficulties and obstacles that may be encountered on the road to comprehend the law.

On the contrary, what really made him hesitate was whether to launch a divine battle against the Lord of Dawn immediately after reaching 50%.

"It must be because of the help of the temple, otherwise why would I feel that comprehending the law is not as difficult as I imagined."

This is not because Adam is arrogant or pretending to be X. The first time he comprehended the law of light was with the help of the Angel of Dawn and the Angel of Retribution, he entrenched his consciousness on the law summoned by the prophesied three goddesses, and gained 1% progress.

Immediately afterwards, the Bright Gem and a priest crystal from the Sun Temple each provide 10% progress.

From scratch to 21% now, the middle time is less than a week.

The speed is unprecedented and rare in the world.

Thinking of the difficulties in comprehending the laws mentioned by the space lord last time, Adam became more and more sure of his guess.

The line of sight continued down and came to the sacred paradise mountain of the Kingdom of God.

It was expected that the Holy Church would be his kingdom of God. It could be said that it had been decided since the first fusion of the Legendary Domain and the Holy Church.

The second floor of the sanctuary, the Nine Layers of Purgatory, the third floor of the sanctuary space, the fourth floor of Cloud City, the fifth floor of Eden, and the sixth floor of the Sun Temple have all been integrated this time, leaving only the first floor of hell and the unknown world. seventh floor.

Adam had a hunch that the day he ascended to the main god and obtained the main god of light, the source of light, was the moment when the domain of the gods and the temple were completely integrated, and the progress reached 100%.

Because there are still three full levels away from the main god, Adam quickly skipped this line and focused on the message from God.

The Angel of Dawn, the Angel of Gospel, the Angel of Punishment and Andrew, the God of Knights, are Adam's four subordinate gods at this stage.

The number is so large that it is second only to the God of Truth in the entire multiverse. This has to be said to be a very proud thing.

Of course, in terms of strength, the two are not comparable for the time being. After all, the Four Horsemen of Truth are true gods who have been famous for many years.

What God shares is the authority of believing in the gods, and what Andrew shares at the moment of absorbing the divine fire is Adam's authority in the realm of the monarch, thus gaining the realm of knights and becoming the god of knights.

Adam recalled the situation at that time, and guessed what kind of authority the other four heroes would share from him, and what kind of god they would become.

Even their collective name, Adam, has already been figured out, and it is called Guanghui Yagami.

However, none of the Radiant Seven Gods seemed to listen to it?
(End of this chapter)

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