Templar Sun King

Chapter 496 Chapter 4 Obedience God, God of Knights

Chapter 496 The Fourth Obedient God, God of Knights

In the outside world, all the gods are waiting for Adam, who has successfully ignited the fire, to come out from the stars of the temple and officially declare the name of the god.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time passed by little by little, but this huge star was quietly suspended in the void, emitting circles of milky white light without any movement.

If it wasn't for the Angel of Dawn and the Angel of Punishment standing next to the stars, they would have thought that this god who successfully ignited the divine fire followed in Pansy's footsteps and fell unexpectedly just as he ascended to the throne of God.

"I am Arlos, Death!"

Arlos, who ignited the divine fire that night, succeeded in becoming a god under the protection of the three goddesses of prophecy, the goddess of silence, the demon of destruction and fire, and announced his divine name to the multiverse before Adam.

Sea God looked curiously at the star that was comparable in size to the kingdom of Avalon: "Why hasn't Adam come out yet, what is he doing?"

"Could it be something wrong, it shouldn't be." The goddess of abundance frowned, a little worried.

"It's best if there is an irreversible problem." The Lord of Dawn and Order sat on the throne, his body was empty and devoid of divine power, and he thought maliciously, "Huh?"

Just when the gods couldn't help guessing, the huge star suddenly radiated a circle of brilliance that was more dazzling than ever before.

In this brilliance, the gods could easily capture an aura that did not belong to a demigod.

"This... True God, this is the breath of the True God!"

"What's going on? Is there a second god among the stars?"

The Lord of Dawn and Order, who had temporarily lost his divine power due to divine punishment, suddenly stood up from his seat, his nose spread, his eyes opened wide, and he made a shocking wave: "Impossible!"

At the moment when this round of brilliance rose from the huge star, the Lord of Dawn clearly felt that there was a second will that was comparable to him on the law of light that was originally monopolized by him alone.

This situation couldn't be more clear. The second real god who comprehended the law of light and aimed at the source of light was born!

The Lord of Dawn has envisioned situations for the Law of Separation on more than one occasion, but none of them can compare to the current situation.

"How could it be a true god!"

A demigod who has just ignited the divine fire, how could he suddenly be promoted to a true god!

Divine Fire is the symbol of a demigod, and priesthood is a symbol of a true god. An ordinary demigod who wants to be promoted to a true god needs to constantly understand the field of priesthood and even the laws to gather priesthood.

This is a long process that often takes hundreds of years to complete.

But Adam...

How long did it take, the time from completing the Conferred God to being promoted to the True God was not even half a minute!
The Lord of Dawn sat slumped on the divine throne, and for the first time on his usually majestic face showed bewilderment and bewilderment because of the absurdity.

"God Lord, this is..." The Moon and the Goddess of Hunting were astonished to feel the aura of true God radiating from the huge star together with the brilliance, just like her.

Just after Adam successfully became a god, she laughed and joked with the natural punisher: "If Adam wants to, a god system composed of three and a half gods will be born in the multiverse."

In the blink of an eye, the demigod was promoted to the true god, which was beyond her expectation.

One true god, two demigods, this kind of strength is almost comparable to the goddess of abundance.

"This is really... a big surprise!" The goddess of abundance stood up from her seat with an uncontrollable smile on her face.

"As expected of the person my lord has set his eyes on a long time ago, he has reached the sky in one step and become a true god!" The goddess of autumn was still in a trance when she sighed.

God, she lit the fire for nearly a thousand years and is still spinning in half-god.

Although it is said that the strength of a slave god depends on the god they believe in, and will always be lower by one rank, but it is an indisputable fact that she has not yet reached the peak of a demigod.

The goddess of spring thought of the situation at that time, and her brain was dizzy again: "Yes, when my lord was optimistic about Adam, the other party was only a silver-strength mage."

Two years, this is only two years!
Just two years is nothing but an insignificant time that is so short that it can be ignored for a near-immortal god.

For a moment, the Goddess of Spring didn't know whether to admire the Goddess of Plenty's extraordinary vision or Adam's rare and terrifying talent in that life.

Shocked, puzzled, unbelievable, similar emotions continue to arise in every god who witnessed Adam igniting the fire, becoming a demigod, and being promoted to a true god. The three goddesses and the four main gods are no exception.

"Grace, in this situation..."

The situation in front of her was beyond Ditni's expectations. She didn't even have time to rush to the place where Arlos was at the first time, and personally sent her blessings, watching helplessly as the goddess of silence took the lead.

"It would be great if I could draw his thread of fate just now."

Feite regrets that this kind of characters that cannot be perceived in fate are good materials for sacrifices to modify fate.

It's a pity that from the beginning to the end, even if the three of them worked together, they couldn't find a trace of Adam in the long river of fate.

"The stars are starting to rise!"

The sun rose slowly, jumped out of the sea level, and sprinkled the morning light on the earth.

At the same time, under the protection of two seraphs with six wings on their backs, the huge star slowly rose from the inner plane to the outer plane.

On the sixth floor of the sanctuary, the Temple of the Sun, Adam looked at the divine fire in his hand and the unfolded interface from the gods. Is this asking him to use the divine fire of the Feathered Serpent God to help the hero become a god?
Feeling the divine fire and priesthood, Adam couldn't help laughing: "Since we've already made such a big commotion, let's go crazy again."

Directly inheriting the sacred fire and priesthood from the temple was something Adam had never expected, but to be honest, the feeling of ascending to the sky in one step couldn't be better!
Thinking of this, Adam stretched out his hand, and the Holy Cross Sun Scepter, which was kept by the Angel of Dawn, appeared in his hand.

Adam raised his scepter and pointed it at the light curtain unfolding in front of him.

The projection representing Andrew was enlarged, and the paladin who was far away in the temporary kingdom of God was summoned by Adam with the holy cross sun scepter.

"My lord!" Andrew knelt down on one knee.

"Andrew, are you ready to ascend to the throne?"

The Holy Griffin Kingdom, Griffin City, accompanied by the sacred and ethereal heavenly bells, a huge pillar of holy light with a diameter of more than [-] meters descended from the sky, covering the entire Glorious Cathedral.

Although the beam of light was bright and bright, it was not dazzling at all.

On the contrary, it is so sacred and peaceful, solemn and broad, inclusive of everything, illuminating everything, exuding infinite love, forgiveness, compassion and kindness, shocking the soul.

Even superficial general believers and unbelievers couldn't help but chant God's name when they saw this scene.

At least for this moment, they become "religious."

Then, a vast and majestic voice resounded over Griffin City.

"Whoever believes in me will have eternal life!"

Adam's first sentence after conferring the gods was not to declare his god name to the multiverse, but a promise to believers—a covenant between God and believers, and all living beings!
"Blessed are those who love me, believe in me, and follow my ways, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!"

A soft glow rises from the statue of the Radiant Cathedral, Adam's will falls on it, lights it up, and the divine power unfolds to form a temporary divine domain, a bright sanctuary blessed by the Sun God.

As the first church to welcome the coming of Adam's will after ascension to the throne of God, the Radiant Cathedral has been the place where God descended from now on, the holy place of the entire church!

"Before me, everyone who believes in me is equal, there is no difference, and by my grace, they are justified by faith!"

The priests in the glorious cathedral, the believers on the street, and the people praying at home, not only heard it with their ears, but even their souls heard it clearly.

The mighty power of the gods directly maps the holy words to everyone's heart!
"I came into the world as a light, whoever believes in me will not abide in darkness..."

Throughout the multiverse, whether it is the main material plane or Merica, all the statues of the sun god and the sun cross logo of the temple are lit up, exuding sacred light.

"Those who are pious, who preach for me, and those who sacrificed on earth because of me, will surely ascend to the kingdom of heaven, share immortality, and share divine glory!"

In the warm golden morning light, the sky above Griffon City was surrounded by holy light, and an acre of clouds composed entirely of holy light slowly spread out, and the sacred and tall portal opened on it.

The solemn and solemn bells and the soul-cleansing chants echoed in the clouds, and a group of Yaolings flew out of the portal first spreading the holy light, dyeing the entire sky in a holy color.

A group of twelve angels with holy swords and wings on their backs came out from the gate of heaven and lined up on both sides.

Then six angels of power with scepters and four wings on their backs walked out of the gate of heaven.

"God descends, my lord is about to descend in person!"

"Sun King, no, the Sun God is coming to Griffin City!"

Seeing this exciting scene, countless pastors and believers were so excited that they almost fainted.

But before the sun god came to Griffin City, a thought-provoking and emotional dialogue came first.

"Andrew, are you willing to believe in me, follow my way, respect my will, and be with the Holy Light?"

The first voice was young and majestic, obviously the sun god Adam who had just lit the divine fire.

"I will, my lord! I will uphold your ways, follow your ways, and do your will forever!"

The second voice was gentle and thick, it was Paladin Andrew.

"This, this is..."

"Shut up, Your Highness, please don't make any noise."

The conversation continues.

"Your letter is true, I am very happy. Andrew, I want to reward you in front of all living beings. Everyone should know that you are my favor, hold my authority, and share my glory. Today, I bestow Your god seat, let you have a place in my country!"

Although I couldn't see the scene at the other end of the gate of heaven, just listening to the dialogue made the active mind stunned on the spot.

Is it what they want to bestow the seat of God?Is it really that god seat?
Soon, they knew the meaning of this conversation.

The moment Adam's voice fell, a bright light lit up from the other end of the gate of heaven.

"Paladin Andrew absorbs divine fire...Andrew is promoted to demigod..."

"Andrew is promoted to a demigod and automatically shares the authority of the Lord of the Temple..."

"Andrew acquired the knight domain..."

"Andre, the God of Knights, is born!"

About five seconds later, Andrew's gentle and deep voice echoed again in the sky above Griffin City: "I am Andrew, the God of Knights!"

"God, what did I just hear?"

"Andrew, God of Knights!"

"My lord Paladin is a god, the god of knights!"

"It is a reward from my lord, from God, from my lord!"

The same voice sounded in the outer plane, and the entire multiverse seemed to be quiet for a second.


Four figures dressed in milky white light came out from the gate of heaven one after another.

The one in the middle, holding the holy cross sun scepter and wearing a crown of thorns, is Adam who has just been promoted to the true god!

On the left are two seraphs with six wings on their backs, Uther, the angel of dawn, and Uther, the angel of punishment.

On the right is the guardian knight, Andrew, the god of knights, who has just absorbed the divine fire of the Feathered Serpent God and ascended to the throne of God!

The four gods came to Griffin City together.

The sun god Adam, true God!

Dawn Angel Uther, demigod!

Punishment Angel Uriel, demigod!

The god of knights, Andrew, is a demigod!

Waves of divine radiance spread out around the four gods, and the entire Griffon City was soaked in the divine radiance.

On the outer plane, the gazes staring at Griffin City became extremely complicated:
Is it me or something is wrong with the universe, when did it become so easy to ascend to the throne of God?
After Adam ignited the divine fire and was promoted to the true god, the guardian knight under his command was also successfully conferred the godhood, and it was a brand new god that had nothing to do with the law of elemental energy, the god of knights!

(End of this chapter)

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