Templar Sun King

Chapter 489 Bright Gem

Chapter 489 Bright Gem
Adam did not know in advance that there is such a magical place as the Chaos Sea in the multiverse, where the law gems of the ten laws are bred.

Therefore, in the face of the sudden opening of the Ocean of Light, he did not have enough time to open the gate of heaven and bring back the heroes, holy spirits, and cross sword masters who were far away in the continent of Merica.

Fortunately, the angels and angels have been staying in the sanctuary just in case. Cooperating with the projection of the kingdom of heaven is also a great help, and it can even produce miraculous effects.

Facts have proved that the shock brought by 24 angels being promoted to the legend together is indeed indescribable. Facing the 24 great sealing techniques, only a few of the twelve legends of the Church of Dawn recovered their senses and escaped the first round of attacks. Before reacting, it had been sealed into the body of Yao Ling summoned by Adam.

After the two rounds of great sealing, the surroundings returned to calm, with white clouds and haze, harmonious and beautiful.

The Twelve Legends of the Church of Dawn have all disappeared, replaced by a group of chubby bright magical creatures.

Seven stretched out his right hand and carefully grabbed a Yaoling, his eyes still filled with disbelief.

Just now, he witnessed with his own eyes a Yaoling complete split regeneration from 1 to 98 under Adam's spell.

Now, there are a total of 1176 Yaolings in the clouds, each of which possesses high-level black iron strength.

Seven thought of the silver-backed wolves in Griffin City and the half-griffin, half-griffon royal griffin, and thought: They were also transformed by legendary professionals from other forces, right?

"Your Majesty, what kind of spell just now?"


To be honest, regarding the Church of Dawn or Kingdom of Dawn God, Adam did not have any overly provocative thoughts during this time. He did not want to be the next Lich King who was besieged and killed by the three true gods.

But since the Church of Dawn took the initiative to provoke and make trouble, he would not swallow his anger, and simply deal with it all.

"Creation technique!" Seven sighed infinitely, looking at Adam with admiration and admiration in his eyes.

It is obviously not the first time this kind of look has appeared in his eyes, but it has never been as sincere and true as this time.

Creation, this is really a creation, creating a group of magical creatures.

"Okay, let's go on."

Adam took the group of shining spirits into the sanctuary, and prepared to go to the intersection of law and energy to find the bright gem.

But I heard the disciplinary angel say: "My lord, leave the matter of the bright gem to me."

"Eh?" Adam was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

As a demigod, the Angel of Punishment can easily see the entire ocean of light with the ability of God's eyes. With the speed of light ability of Seraphim, finding the gem of light cannot be easier.

"Good!" This is much easier than finding a needle in a haystack.

At that moment, the punishment angel used the power of God's eyes to scan the ocean of light, and the three of Adam stood in the sea of ​​clouds waiting for the news.

Seven looked at Adam, and then at the disciplinary angels. He always felt that what they were entering was not the Chaos Sea, which could be as famous as the Force Ocean, and what they were looking for was not the Law Gem that moved even the gods, but picking flowers during picnics and games. Simple and casual as mushrooms are.

"I found it, in that golden sun."

In the sight of the disciplinary angel, a brilliant gem the size of a fist, pointed at both ends, and a twelve-diamond column in the middle is in the center of the sun, entangled by a group of golden silk threads.

"It turned out to be in the sun manifested by the law of light."

Adam raised his eyes and looked at the golden sun, and the mighty water column was flying down from the sun.

"I seem to feel energy fluctuations in that direction, someone is fighting." Seven said, pointing in the direction of the golden sun.

"It's the God of Truth and the dark creatures from the Underdark."


Seven was not sure if the figure of the punishment angel flickered for a moment, until the next second the punishment angel spread out his right hand.

He saw a gemstone that was crystal clear and radiant to the extreme in the world lying quietly in his palm.

"My lord, I have already retrieved the Bright Gem."

Seven silently swallowed all the worrying words later, his expression was in a trance.

The matter was really the same as the absurd idea that flashed by him just now, there was no danger, no fierce battle (the battle with the Church of Dawn just now was obviously still a long way from the fierce battle), and he easily got the light gem.

Adam seemed much calmer about this, God's eyes + light speed, it was expected.

Perhaps the saddest thing is that the God of Truth and the dark creatures, after a life-and-death struggle, they found that the light gem was missing.

Seven put away his pity and sympathy for them, and carefully observed this legendary bright gem that is the embodiment of the law of light.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special."

In Seven's perception, this gem is not much different from ordinary magic crystals except that it exudes a warm radiance all the time.

"It probably needs a real owner."

As Adam said, he stretched out his hand to pick up this brilliant gem, and a large picture flashed in front of his eyes in an instant.

The screen was pitch black at first, and gradually two origins appeared.

The origin expands and explodes, turning into two vast oceans.

The difference is that one ocean grows big trees, ten of which are particularly huge, and the other ocean differentiates into six colors of black, white, brown, blue, blue, and red.

Immediately afterwards, the two oceans emitted ten silk threads and six rays of light respectively.

When they collided in the middle, a third ocean was born.

"Ocean of Force, uh, Chaos Sea."

Comparing the known information, Adam guessed that the ocean covered with big trees should be the ocean of force, representing the force of the universe and the place where the law was born.

He doesn't know what the name of the other ocean is, but it can be deduced that it represents elements and energy, pure elements and energy.

Adam even suspected that the six major planes of the inner plane were connected to this place.

As for the product of the encounter and collision between the two, the third ocean is undoubtedly the Chaos Sea, and the following picture confirms Adam's guess.

The silk thread collided with the light, and differentiated into twelve areas.

The middle part of the ocean is two concentric rings, and the rest is evenly divided into ten sectors.

Light and darkness, space and time, fate and soul, creation and destruction, life and death, the ten laws face each other in pairs, occupying ten fans.

There are two concentric ring areas in the middle, and the outer ring is shrouded in water, gas and fire, forming a kingdom of elements.

A towering giant tree can be vaguely seen in the inner ring, but the symbolic meaning is unknown.

In a trance, the picture changed again, but this time it was Adam's own perspective:
Among the ten fans, three fans are particularly bright, and the other seven are slightly dim.

Adam observed carefully, and found that the ocean of light representing the law of light belongs to the dim part.

"Could it be the reason for removing the Bright Gem from the sun?"

While thinking, another bright fan dimmed.

When Adam saw it, it was the Eternal Nether Realm that was opposite to the unrestrained wilderness.

When the incarnation of will that had just descended to the Ocean of Light through Percival was stabbed to death by the spear of the punishing angel, the face of the Lord of Dawn and Order far away in the Kingdom of God was livid.

If it wasn't for the fact that Frans' demonic natural disasters had intensified and he was stared at by the five gods of the demonic pantheon, he would have launched a divine war to strangle Adam long ago.

About ten seconds later, the Lord of Dawn sensed that twelve bright threads of faith were disconnected from him, which happened to correspond to the twelve legends that entered the Ocean of Light.

The Lord of Dawn frowned, splitting his will to leave the Kingdom of Dawn.

Soon, a huge star surrounded by thirteen spheres of different colors and a beautiful star ring appeared in front of the consciousness of the Lord of Dawn.

Chaos Star Ring, Realm of Truth!
Obviously, this is not the first time that the Lord of Dawn has come to the Realm of Truth, and his will skillfully bypasses the outermost body doing high-speed rotation, and enters the star ring layer.

This is the artifact used by His Majesty the Truth to condense the magical priesthood. Unfortunately, it was suppressed by the three main gods and failed in Yasha.

Passing through the star ring, the Lord of Dawn split a little consciousness into the God Kingdom defense system of the Kingdom of Truth, and applied to enter the Kingdom of God.

As a piece of golden light appeared in front of him, the Lord of Dawn couldn't help but frowned again, it wasn't the soul knight who greeted him.

Among the four knights of truth, the soul knight is in charge of the affairs of the Kingdom of God, and the knight is responsible for receiving visitors.

As for the other three knights, the Ash Knights serve the God of Truth. Generally, wherever the God of Truth is, the Ash Knights will follow.

The remaining two knights, the Shadow Knight is responsible for exploration and combat, and the Death Knight is the most mysterious, staying in the Realm of Truth all year round, and will not go out easily.

"His Royal Highness Losey."

A jeweled and golden goddess emerged from the kingdom of truth.

Goddess of wealth and commerce, Vol'jin, fifth knight of truth.

"I'm here to visit Your Majesty the Truth."

"What a coincidence, His Majesty just went out."

"Going out?" The Lord of Dawn frowned for the third time.

If it was an avatar trip, Vol'jin didn't have to use this reason to keep him out.

A demigod has the ability to guarantee the action and thinking ability of the real body and the incarnation at the same time, let alone the god of truth at the level of the main god.

The only explanation is that the real body of His Majesty the Truth has left the Realm of Truth!

What is Your Majesty the Truth doing when you leave the Kingdom of God?
Before the Lord of Dawn had time to think about the question, he heard the newly born Goddess of Wealth and Commerce ask, "Your Highness Luoxi, do you have something to ask His Majesty? Why don't I convey it to you?"

"No need." The Lord of Dawn refused firmly.

The Incarnation of Will and the Twelve Legends were killed, and the Bright Gem is very likely to fall into the hands of Adam. This embarrassing thing is no problem with the God of Truth, but the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce...

A mere demigod, with his status as the fifth knight, deserves to see his jokes?

"Since His Majesty is not here, I will visit you next time."

"Wait, Your Highness Rossi..."

The Goddess of Wealth and Commerce shouted quickly, but there was no will of the Lord of Dawn in front of her eyes.

"Luoxi is gone?" A female knight in white divine light suddenly appeared and asked.

"Yes, Your Highness Ruiwen."

"My lord said before leaving the Kingdom of God: If Luoxi tells the truth, you will let him wait for me in the Kingdom of God. If he turns around and leaves, the Bright Gem is destined to miss him."

Spiritual Knight Ruiwen looked at the beautiful Chaos Star Ring, and said in a very flat tone, "Since Luoxi has left, the next thing has nothing to do with us."

After finishing speaking, the two walked into the depths of the Kingdom of God together.

"Your Highness Ruiwen, I just became a god, so I don't know much about the Primal Chaos Sea. Do you think that the Sea of ​​Light and the Eternal Nether Realm were really opened by the prophecy of the three goddesses?"

"Of course, this is what my lord said personally, how could it be false."

"But..." The Goddess of Wealth and Commerce bit her lip.

According to His Majesty the Truth, there are two forces behind the opening of the Chaos Sea this time, one is the Three Goddesses of Prophecy, and the other is the Demon God of Destruction and Flame.

"It is said that the goal of the prophesied three goddesses is the position of the main god of fate. If so, why don't they open the area corresponding to the law of fate, but the Ocean of Light and the Eternal Nether Realm that have nothing to do with them?"

"Fate, you mean the realm of impermanence?"

"Yeah, wouldn't it be better to open the realm of impermanence and take out the Gem of Destiny?"

"Who knows? Those three crazy women can't be deduced with common sense."

The same question happened in the kingdom of Avalon, and the questioner was the goddess of the moon and the hunt.

As far as she knows, the gem of the law has indescribable benefits for cultivating the gods corresponding to the law.

Among the four main gods, the Chaos Law of the God of Truth has no corresponding area in the Chaos Sea, so there is no law gem.

The Goddess of Darkness acquired the Dark Gem and evolved it into an artifact, the Night Cloak. Once unfolded, it can block any prying eyes and has extraordinary defensive capabilities.

The long knife in the hands of the Destroyer Demon God is also forged from the Destruction Gem retrieved from the Abyss, so it is easy to destroy the void.

Both are first-class artifacts.

In such a comparison, the thankless behavior of prophesying the three goddesses to open the Ocean of Light and the Eternal Nether is undoubtedly even more puzzling.

"Don't forget their priesthood, Diana."

The priesthood of prophecy, this is a priesthood jointly held by the three goddesses of prophecy.

"What does the Lord God mean?"

"Just like the gem of life is not in the unrestrained wilderness, what if the gem of fate is not in the realm of impermanence."

"But, it's not good for them?"

The Goddess of Life looked at the Kingdom of Destiny, but it was a pity that the defense system of the Kingdom of God covered her eyes, but she knew that the three goddesses prophesied in the Kingdom of God must be plotting something.

"Yes, at least you can gain the favor and blessing of the Destruction and Flame Demon God."

The opening of the Ocean of Light and the Eternal Underworld was the first to attract the attention of the gods, diverting the flow of the elemental kingdom that was opened later.

"I see." Moon and Goddess of Hunting nodded, their doubts lessened.

It is prophesied that the three goddesses will first call out the identity of the God of Truth and offend the Lord God Yasha.

Then there is the fourth god of the yin and death dark gods, the God of Silver Moon, who completely fell out with the dark gods.

At that time, if it wasn't for the battle between the Destruction and Flame Demon God and the Dark Goddess in the Outer Plane, the Dark Goddess might have attacked the Kingdom of Destiny long ago.

And the way of prophesying the three goddesses is far from the kingdom of Avalon.

In this way, the only thing they can get blessing from offending the two main gods is the brutal and brutal Destruction Demon God.

The Natural Punisher who had been silent on the side suddenly said: "God Lord, I remember that opening the Chaos Sea requires a lot of burden?"

"That's right."

"Then the prophecy of the three goddesses?"

"No, the Knicks' revenge is coming."

On the outer plane, a jet-black radiance of the main god suddenly rose, and swept towards the Kingdom of Destiny with great momentum.

 Future updates should be at [-]:[-] p.m.Thank you very much for your understanding, comfort and support, really appreciate it.

(End of this chapter)

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