Templar Sun King

Chapter 481 Disagreement

Chapter 481 Disagreement
The headline on January 1 was undoubtedly the Hanging Gardens. The entire Griffin Kingdom, whether it was the Celtic mainland or the five northern cities of France, everyone was discussing the arrival of the Hanging Gardens overnight.

I didn't know that the sky garden was normal before. After all, the mage organization is still a little far away from ordinary people.

But if you still don't know anything about the Hanging Garden, it's not surprising that people are regarded as ignorant.

One of the three mage organizations!

Floating City!
High-altitude magic strike!

Eighteen Golden Archmages!

Nearly [-] mages!

Words like this are being used everywhere, as if not talking about hanging gardens would be disconnected from society as a whole.

In fact, there are not a few people who have been looking forward to it since the day Celtic Times first reported that the Hanging Gardens joined the kingdom.

In the words of one of the storm mages: "This is the sky garden, the famous sky garden, the holy land of elemental mages, and it is very likely to be the last of the three mage organizations!"

The Silver Tower had already collapsed under the attack of the werewolves before, and Babel was crumbling under the joint attack of the Percy Empire, the Kingdom of Keqi, the Kingdom of the Orcs, and the giant dragon.

Only the Hanging Gardens survived with the help of the Griffin Kingdom, and this alone is enough to make many people feel sincere pride and joy.

They looked at the floating city docked near the eastern port of Griffon City, as if they were looking at a puppy that had been rescued by themselves.

"They look at us strangely, like..." looking at pets.

In the meeting room of the Hanging Garden, a female archmage said so, trying to liven up the atmosphere, but the effect was not great.

The eighteen golden mages were clearly divided into two rows and sat facing each other, with seven on the left and eleven on the right. The female mage who just tried to liven up the atmosphere sat on the left.

"Okay, Stephanie. Let's switch back."

Boggart, who is the most powerful among the [-] golden mages, sits at the first place on the right, looking at Joanna, who is also sitting at the first place, with a bit of aggression: "I admit that in terms of numbers, the gold professionals are indeed more powerful than the Griffin Kingdom. a bit more."

The four priests and four knights who came to Celtic from Asa with them, as well as the eleven gold professionals they saw at the port yesterday, even they have to admit that this is a good sight. power.

"But the entire Griffin City is within the range of the magic crystal cannon. With the addition of elemental natural disasters, we can definitely gain a higher status and more power."

Boggart's words were quickly echoed.

"That's right, looking at the various orders brought by the so-called Minister of Magic yesterday, it's unbelievable. They even want to copy all the magic books and occult handbooks in our Hanging Garden!"

"It's not that we have no other choice but to join their Griffin Kingdom! We are the Hanging Garden, a Hanging Garden with six mage lords. Even if we join the Percy Empire, the treatment we get will not be worse than this, right?"

"Extremely correct, and according to Arman, we can't even keep the most precious floating city, the Hanging Garden, and need to hand it over to the Griffon Kingdom. I firmly disagree!"

The eleven archmages on the right rushed to speak, counting the reasons for not joining the Griffin Kingdom.

Joanna, who was the first on the left, reached out her hand to stop the increasingly chaotic speech, and asked, "So that's why you plan to attack Griffin City with magic crystal cannons and elemental disasters?"

"It's not an attack, Joanna, it's a negotiation." Boggart stood up and glanced at the other seventeen archmages in the conference room, "The reason for not joining the Griffin Kingdom has been made very clear just now. Gardens, everlasting hanging gardens."

"In Yasha, we can fight with Babel and the Percy Empire for many years. There is no reason to bow down after coming to Celtic. Even if our dignity allows it, the Hanging Garden itself will not allow it!"

"Anyway, the Griffin Kingdom helped us get rid of the attack and pursuit of the Percy Empire. If we are safe, we can turn our face and deal with the Griffin Kingdom. I can't do it." An old woman sitting on the left said, "This is against the law. My principles of doing things."

"I want to emphasize again that this is not the story of the farmer and the snake, but the Griffon Kingdom, which helped us out of danger. The lion opened its mouth. Everyone, in terms of strength, we are not much weaker than the Griffin Kingdom. Why should we put ourselves in the weak position? position? We have the power and the ability to get better treatment, and that is what we deserve.”

"Boggart, the land lords have agreed that the Hanging Gardens will join the Griffin Kingdom, what are you going to do?"

Boggart glanced at the other party, who was an old natural mage, and said nonchalantly, "The two don't conflict at all, so you can just assume that our group of poor mages are fighting for our own right to live."

Joanna glanced at the magic clock hanging on the wall. At three o'clock in the afternoon, she clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention: "The palace dinner starts at seven o'clock in the evening, and we must arrive at the palace at 06:30. So, we still have three half an hour to make a final decision."

"There is no need to procrastinate, as before, we vote with a show of hands." Boggart announced the method domineeringly.

"No, what I mean is that you might be willing to listen to me read some news." Joanna said as she took out a few newspapers from the space ring, which she collected in Griffon City all morning.

"What?" Boggart frowned and looked at the newspaper with the faintly titled "Celtic Times", not understanding what Joanna wanted to do.

"The Griffon Kingdom doesn't shy away from the kingdom's strength. Many information that we consider confidential is reported in this newspaper, for example..." Joanna took out a newspaper and read aloud, "...this time The operation is jointly in charge of the six legends, Holy Inquisitor Simon, Garon Knight, Lemuel Sword Master, Space Master Seven, Holy Spirit, and Bird of Paradise."

At first, the other archmages in the conference room were baffled by Joanna's sudden behavior, but soon they were attracted by the information revealed.

"Six legends?" Someone questioned.

"In fact, there are more than six." Joanna raised the newspaper in her hand and added, "Adam I, the king of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, is a legendary rank. Adam's guardian knight Andrew is a legendary rank. He is good at healing and defensive magic. Teresa, the Confessor of the Holy Church, a legendary rank."

"Nine legends, impossible!"

Some people can't accept that an island country known for its remoteness and backwardness actually has more legendary professionals than the number of sky gardens.

Although they learned that the Griffon Kingdom seized the territory of France when they passed through France, in their view, it was just that the Griffin Kingdom took advantage of the fire and robbed it, and it did not reflect the true strength of Celtic.

This can't be blamed for the ignorance of the Hanging Gardens. In fact, they are far away in Yasha, and they know little about the Griffin Kingdom, the westernmost island country of Upler.

If the gate of heaven hadn't suddenly opened in the Hanging Garden that day, this group of mages who focused on magic research might not have paid attention to the opportunity to learn about the Griffin Kingdom.

"Legends are all in the void outside the territory, and they cannot interfere with the earth in a short time." After a long time, Boggart finally grasped the point from the chaotic brain.

"If you're talking about gold professionals, there are more. According to incomplete statistics, the current number of gold professionals in the Griffin Kingdom exceeds 25."

Several mages sitting on the right were deep in thought, and began to reconsider the feasibility of the Boggart plan.

Joanna distributed the newspaper in her hand to the people in the conference room: "I have marked out the points worth noting. After reading these, if you still insist on using the magic crystal cannon to negotiate with the Griffin Kingdom during the dinner, I have nothing to say."

The eleven mages sitting on the right took the newspaper hesitantly, and wanted to browse it perfunctorily, but they couldn't move away from the first sight of the newspaper.

"Themis School of Magic Enrollment Criteria: Children who are 11 years old in the Holy Griffin Kingdom and have certain magical talents. The magic school is free of charge, teaching materials and dormitory fees are free. For students from poor families, the school will provide bursaries to ensure the smooth completion of studies.”

The four words of free teaching made the eyes of the mages who saw the news widen. Their precious and precious magic knowledge is taught publicly without charging any fees. Is the Griffin Kingdom crazy?
"Queen Isabella successfully obtained half of the silver moon, and the other half was absorbed by the rebel Pansy, a hybrid descendant of the vampire and werewolf."

The legendary mages of Silver Moon know more or less, and now half of it falls into the hands of Queen Isabella of the Griffin King.

However, what really shocked the mage was that according to the above statement, Isabella possessed the talents of the four major elements of magic, and she was another person with the talents of the four major elements of magic after Master Colin!
"The spiritual knight appeared in Lyon and invited the Sun King Temple to discuss matters."

As the Archmage of the Hanging Garden who has been fighting against the Percy Empire for many years, they know this Knight of the Heart, one of the Four Horsemen, very well. It is ridiculous that they would invite a king of a secular kingdom!

Another archmage couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"The Lord of Dawn's sudden attack on the Kingdom of God was extremely bad. Although it was later proved that this was just a trick by the Lord of Dawn to deal with the Lich King of the Undead God with the two gods of the Arctic God, but we have every reason to understand it. To provoke the Sun God..."

The middle-aged mage who was reading the information stopped and rubbed his temples. He couldn't imagine that such content could be published in a newspaper with a wide distribution.

The indifference to the gods is a rare commonality between the Hanging Garden and Babel. Even so, they know that no matter how disdainful they are, they should maintain a certain respect for the gods.

At least, the strength of the gods is several times that of the legends, isn't it?

As time passed, one archmage after another was upset by the contents of the newspaper.

Five minutes later, the mages who had finished reading the content in their hands exchanged information with their partners unwillingly.

Two minutes later, they were hit even harder, and their faces were even a little bit more bewildered.

"Obviously, the number of legendary and gold professionals in the Griffin Kingdom is higher than that of the Hanging Garden." Joanna pointed out the key point relentlessly, "The Hanging Garden may be very important to the Griffin Kingdom, but it is absolutely It’s not as important as we thought.”

(End of this chapter)

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