Templar Sun King

Chapter 475 God's Punishment

Chapter 475 God's Punishment
"What is this doing?"

The bubble had just disappeared, and with the help of the punishment angel, Adam captured the special aura between legend and god in a dark attribute plane.

Obviously, this is someone who is lighting a fire to attack the realm of the gods.

All kinds of things happened one after another, making Adam a little overwhelmed.

Adam soon saw clearly who was lighting the fire, Pansy, a rebel with vampire and werewolf blood flowing through his body at the same time.

The spark of divinity born from the violent reaction of divinity flickered beside Pansy, rapidly sublimating together with her soul.

A black dragon, a big-headed freak, and five legendary troglodytes guard Pansy vigilantly to help him defend against possible unexpected attacks.

"Uther, can you still find traces of vampires and werewolves in the outer plane?" Adam asked.

"No, my lord."

"So, when Koko... the prophecy about the rebels finally came true today."

Stepping on the bones of the two races to be crowned, and it is a glorious and sacred demigod crown!
Of course, if there are no accidents.

"Divine Lord, it was the rebels who ignited the divine fire!"

The Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt sensed the moon-field aura faintly revealed from Pan Xi's body, and her complexion was rather ugly.

Pan Xi, who thought she only got half of the silver, was still a long time away from the gods. Less than half a month later, the other party began to ignite the divine fire.

Moreover, the plane Pansy chose to ignite the divine fire was dominated by dark energy, and the strength of the ten legendary elves she dispatched was limited.

"Normally, Nix used Pansy's hand to sacrifice the two dark races of vampires and werewolves, so as to complete the opportunity to become a god."

Although it seems to be counterproductive, even the weakest demigod can make the power of the dark gods grow again, leaving the elf gods behind.

"It's finally started."

In the Kingdom of Destiny, sitting in a circle, they were still discussing the prophecy of Hiriana's bubble priesthood consummation. The three goddesses stared at Pan Xi who was sparking the spark of divinity without blinking, and couldn't hide their excitement.

"This time, we must ensure that Pansy can ignite the divine fire smoothly, without any accidents."

"Don't worry, Grace, the Dark Lady wants to see Pansy ascend to the throne more than we do. Look, the dark gods have made a move."

A black cloak quickly flew out of a kingdom of gods and fell towards the plane where Pan Xi was.
The First Treaty of Losey guarantees that the gods will not be able to strike when Pansy ignites the divine fire, and no amount of legends will help against the Faceless.

Guarded by a true god, it is almost infallible.

But the Faceless One had just left the Kingdom of God, and a green streamer shot out from the Kingdom of Avalon, piercing the void, and arrived in an instant.

If it is said that who in the entire universe least expects Pan Xi to successfully ignite the fire, the moon and the goddess of hunting can definitely be ranked in the top three.

So when Adam saw the green and black divine light blasting in the void, and the Faceless Man was intercepted by the Moon and the Goddess of Hunting, he was not surprised at all.

"Ten legendary elves, it seems that Her Highness Diana's will to get rid of Pan Xi is very strong."

In Adam's sight, the ten legendary elves have entered the plane of the dark attribute, heading towards the place with the highest momentum.

"It's a pity that the Holy Spirit is not there, otherwise, just one purification can interrupt Pan Xi's process of igniting the divine fire!"

The difficulty in igniting the divine fire mainly comes from two aspects, one is whether one can control the huge energy generated after the divine fire is ignited and the control of the prototype of the divine fire, and the other is the attack of foreign enemies.

It can be said that the process of igniting the divine fire is the moment when the legend is closest to the realm of the gods, and it is also the weakest stage.

Adam rested his chin with his hand, secretly thinking whether to open the gate of heaven now and bring back the Holy Spirit one by one.

As far as the faction is concerned, Pan Xi becoming a god does him no good at all.

But in the next second, Adam no longer struggled with the question of whether to open the gate of heaven, because a similar breath rose from another distant plane.

"Is today a good and auspicious day?" Adam was stunned.

At the same time, there was actually a second person who ignited the divine fire and charged into the realm of the gods!

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

On the side, Grande, who was explaining to Seven what a rebel and the three prophecies are, asked quickly when he heard Adam talking to himself.

"There is actually a second person lighting the divine fire!"


Grande quickly recalled the legendary figures who ignited the divine fire in the past hundred years. As a result, there were only two successful ones, one was the legendary prophet Ditney from the former Romano Empire, and the other was Mrs. Grace of the Scourge Church.

Of course, now they are all three goddesses of prophecy.

Others, such as Pompey, the judge of arbitration, died when the fire was ignited, and the death of Pompey was not unrelated to Adam.

Today, two people started to ignite the divine fire at the same time.

And Seven, who was born in Merika, was even more surprised, because the pattern of the Nine Pillars of Merika had not changed for a whole thousand years. During this period, there were not no legends who tried to ignite the divine fire, but they all ended in failure. The failure rate of igniting the divine fire is extremely high.

I don't know if the two who ignited the fire today will succeed?
Seven looked enviously at Adam with a holy light hanging behind his head. It would be great if he could see the two of them igniting the divine fire with his own eyes.

Adam looked towards a transitional plane near the Earth Elemental Plane, and saw a woman sitting on the ground in the center of the plane, with golden sparks of divinity shining all over her body, and eight priests with golden hourglass symbols on their bodies in the distance with knights.

"Golden hourglass, God of Truth!"

Who is this woman deserves to be personally guarded by eight legends sent by the God of Truth.

"Wojin of Buffyson!" Ditney called out the woman's name, "I knew that the Buffyxon Business Alliance must have the support of the Percy Empire behind the Uppler Eastern World for many years."

"After Pompey, is Woking also a candidate for the Fifth Knight of Truth?"

"Truth really knows how to choose time. The moon and the goddess of hunting in the elf pantheon want to prevent Panxi from becoming a god. Who will stop Vol'jin?"

"Who knows? The birth of a god with wealth and business priesthood is beneficial to the universe."

"It's so lively now." Adam couldn't help sighing as he looked at Pansy, whose divine radiance began to emerge from the back of his head, and then at the woman whose divine sparks became more intense.

If Pan Xi becomes a god, the dark god system will usher in a fourth god, and if this woman successfully ignites the divine fire, it is very likely that there will be a fifth knight under the command of the God of Truth!
"I don't know how the other two main gods will react."

Will the goddess of life and the demon god of destruction watch the strength of the dark gods and the kingdom of truth continue to grow?

Among the four main god forces, although the two main gods, the God of Truth and the Demon God of Destruction, are all four true gods.

But the Four Horsemen of Truth are completely subordinate to the God of Truth, and the other four gods of the Demon God System are not the subordinate gods of the Destroying Demon God, and even the Greedy Demon God and the Fearful Demon God have considerable differences with the Destroying Demon God.

It is clear at a glance whether the real power is strong or weak.

"Prepare for God's punishment!" The Goddess of Life ordered, frowning.

Whether it is out of protection of the moon and the goddess of hunting, or fear of the power of the dark gods, the goddess of life has enough reasons to issue such an order.

"Yes, God Lord." The Moon and the Goddess of Hunting were still fighting the Faceless Man, and the Natural Punisher accepted the order to prepare for divine punishment.

The so-called divine punishment means that a god pours all his divine power towards a specific target. Even the main material plane cannot avoid the influence of divine punishment. It is the most effective and direct way for gods to interfere with the earth.

But as a price, this god will be in a state of emptiness for the next three days.

Therefore, the gods would not easily consider the method of divine punishment, and no one could guarantee that they could safely pass through the period of weakness after divine punishment.

But the Natural Punisher living in Avalon, the kingdom of the main god, is different. No matter how long the period of weakness is, he will be protected by the goddess of life. It is difficult for other gods to seize this opportunity to hurt him.

"Your Majesty, do you think they will successfully ignite the fire?" Grande and Seven finally couldn't bear to ask out of curiosity after waiting for a long time.

"It depends on the degree of interference of the gods." Adam looked at the top ten legends of elves who began to fight black dragons, freaks, and cave dwellers on the dark attribute plane.

"Didn't the gods sign the "First Losey Treaty" and can't take action against ordinary people?" Seven blurted out.

"Of course, but it doesn't include divine punishment." Adam pointed out the key point, "If a god is willing to use up all his divine power to launch divine punishment, neither Pansy nor this woman can bear it."

While speaking, a golden divine fire rudiment rose slowly from the back of Pan Xi's head, and on a farther plane, the woman's body began to emit divine light.

"Divine Lord?" The natural punisher looked at the battle in the dark attribute plane and asked the goddess of life for advice.

Although the Legend of the Elf has an advantage in numbers, the suppression from the plane prevents them from fully displaying their strength. Seeing that the rudiments of Pan Xi's body began to draw inward, they were still restrained.

"Wait a little longer." The Goddess of Life was looking for the most suitable opportunity to kill with one blow.

Suddenly, a deafening thunderstorm echoed in the outer plane.

Adam looked, and saw a burst of thunder mixed with flames suddenly erupted from a kingdom of God, and fell towards a plane near the earth elemental plane.

"God Punishment!"

 Thanks to Chen Xi568, Black Dead Fish, Confucian Xiaoyu, Ferragand for their rewards (*^__^*), thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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