Templar Sun King

Chapter 468 Advanced Divine Creature

Chapter 468 Advanced Divine Creature

After sending Allos away, Adam fell into deep thought: the second Sunday in July this year, that is, July 7, is the best opportunity to ignite the fire.

The last time he was in Mirika, the Lord God of Space reminded him that it is best to ignite the divine fire before the arrival of the New World.

Combining the two information, there is no conflict.

Adam knew that it was best not to believe all the prophecies about the three goddesses, but he had to believe them.

So after thinking for a while, Adam entered the church, clicked on the interface, and began to extract divinity.

The territory of today's Holy Griffon Kingdom includes the Celtic mainland, the three cities in the north of France (Lyon, Nice, Brewster), and the Griffin Principality in the New World of Merica.

Although the power of faith could not be gathered in the sanctuary due to the barrier of the crystal wall, the main material plane still provided Adam with a power of faith as high as 2436428.

This is the belief that has been precipitated and erupted after a series of events such as the counterattack against Frans, the regeneration of divine power, the invitation of the spiritual knight, the New Year celebration, and the upcoming opening of the three major schools during this period of time.

Although the Celtics did not have such an exaggerated belief atmosphere for the whole people, but through the efforts of churches and priests built in major cities, belief in the sun god has become more and more common.

According to the ratio of extracting a bit of divinity for every 240 power of faith, 24 million power of faith can provide him with [-] units of divinity.

"Extract divinity!"

The number representing the power of faith on the interface decreased by [-], and a trace of divinity with a light attribute fell in front of Adam.

"Discover the divinity of light*1, the agent hopes..."

"Fusion of divinity!"

"Extract divinity!"

"Discover the divinity of light*1, the agent hopes..."

"Fusion of divinity!"


After repeating this twelve times, when Adam fused No.12 traces of divinity into his body, he finally felt a little different.

The holy light coming from all directions surrounded him, and consciousness emanated from the brain, merged into these holy lights, and expanded infinitely, as if these holy lights were part of his spiritual carrier, regardless of each other.

Adam's consciousness looked at his current situation with the eyes of a third party in the holy light: the blond young man closed his eyes, his body was completely sanctified, and he was bathed in the holy light.

The milky white holy light rotates clockwise and turns into pale gold like the Holy Spirit; it rotates counterclockwise and differentiates into brilliant colorful halos, and finally turns into milky white again.

The holy light changed seven times between the golden light of the holy spirit and the colorful halo, and finally rushed into the body together with Adam's consciousness.

At the same time, the reminder from the Holy Church automatically jumped out and unfolded in front of him.

"Integrating divinity, the agent strengthens the source of life and becomes a high-level divine creature!"

"The representative is promoted to a high-level divine creature, and has obtained an extraordinary divine power, let's work together!"

"The representative is promoted to a high-level divine creature, and obtains an extraordinary divine power, a sacred covenant!"

"The representative is promoted to a high-level divine creature, and the holy magic system of the temple can be integrated!"

Advanced divine creature!
Finally promoted to a high-level divine creature, a life form closest to the gods in essence!
As before, when he was promoted to a high-level divine creature, Adam once again obtained two extraordinary divine powers, the unity of strength and the sacred covenant.

In addition to the bloodline transformation and virtual domain of primary divine creatures, the pure spells and holy spirit physique of intermediate divine creatures, there are six extraordinary divine powers in total.

Among them, the supernatural power of bloodline transformation, Adam has added five temple spells to it, namely, healing and sun beam for primary divine creatures, and holy shield and dispel for intermediate divine creatures. , Wing technique.

Now Adam can add five temple spells to it again, and soon he will select the spells, two basic spells, two elementary spells, and one intermediate spell:
Light Art, Magic Arrow, Armor of Holy Light, Sun Flame Burst, Spear of Judgment.

This meant that once his and Isabella's child was born, he would be able to innately master ten templar spells through bloodline abilities without any learning.

And this is only the divine blood. When he ignites the divine fire and becomes a demigod, the divine blood will continue to sublimate and transform into divine blood. No matter the number of spells that can be written or the power of spells, he will get a leap.

If Isabella becomes a divine creature in the future, and even ignites the divine fire, this child will have two different abilities inherited from her parents at the same time!

Work together: When this extraordinary divine power is activated, the morale of all the troops of the temple, the priests belonging to the temple and the soldiers of the Holy Griffin Kingdom will increase.

Adam rubbed his chin. This supernatural power did not seem to be as powerful as the four supernatural powers he had obtained before. No matter in terms of practicality or description, it was far from the ability he expected.

He tapped his finger and turned to the third prompt.

Sacred Covenant: As a high-level divine creature, you have the ability to sign a sacred covenant with believers or other special groups. After the covenant is signed, you can grant believers divine-like magic by consuming the power of faith.

If other high-level divine creatures without the blessing of the temple obtain this extraordinary divine power, they will be very happy, because from now on it means that they can give believers the ability to cast spells in advance.

You must know that the orthodox bestowing magic is the exclusive patent of the gods, and ordinary legends cannot get involved at all.

But put Adam down, he can only sigh, hoping that these two supernatural powers will have the opportunity to continue to improve in the future.

For example, the virtual domain he obtained when he was promoted to a low-level divine creature was upgraded to the virtual kingdom of God after absorbing a divine fire, gaining many benefits, and later fused with the legendary domain and the holy hall.

At any rate, it is the extraordinary divine power obtained when promoted to a high-level divine creature, so ordinary is too disappointing.

Adam turned off these prompts, clicked on the divine magic system interface, and followed the prompts to integrate the holy magic system of the temple.

"Ask the agent to name the divine arts that are imported from the four magic schools of magic temple, evocation, prophecy, illusion, and incantation!"

Five light screens unfolded in front of Adam's eyes, and each light screen represented a school of magic.

The widest and largest light screen in the middle represents the holy light spell carried by the temple itself. It is the foundation and center of the holy magic system of the temple, and it belongs to the compulsory magic of every priest.

There are now a total of 26 spells on it, ranging from the most basic light spell to the highest level of doom and apocalypse.

The other four light screens represent the four magic schools of evocation, prophecy, illusion, and incantation imported from the magic temple, which belong to the elective magic of priests.

Each of these four spell schools has 15 spells, 5 each of basic spells, primary spells, and intermediate spells.

"Hmm." Adam pondered, and first tapped his finger on the light screen representing the conjuration faction, and began to name it.

Regardless of the original function of the spell faction in the HERO universe, at least now in the temple, its most representative role is to summon, summon temple creatures, summon invisible huts, etc., so Adam entered "Heavenly Soldier" on it .

Then there is the prophecy department, which is a magic school that collects information and communicates with strange creatures. Enter "True Knowledge and Prophecy", and the illusion school is "Heavenly Illusion".

Finally, Adam tapped his finger on the light screen representing the evocation faction, and slowly input "Element Domination".

In this way, the holy magic system of the temple is finally perfected, divided into five factions: holy light magic, heavenly soldiers, true knowledge prophecy, heaven illusion, and element domination!
At the Black Iron rank (level 1-5), each priest of the temple can learn the four divine art factions of Heavenly Soldier, True Knowledge Prophecy, Heavenly Illusion, and Elemental Domination while learning Holy Light.


After doing this, Adam reluctantly clicked on the character interface again to check his extraordinary divine power, and glanced over the description little by little.Suddenly, Adam's eyes lit up.

Holy covenant, special group!
Just now because he was too disappointed, he didn't pay attention to the word special group. Now that he thinks about it carefully, he might be able to make a fuss about special groups.

For example, Master Bai, such as Light Element, or even Merika's Feathered Serpent!
The three major magic organizations in the main material plane, Babel Ladies, Hanging Gardens, and Silver Tower.

Among them, the Silver Tower was destroyed by werewolves with the acquiescence of the Church of Dawn, part of the collection was secretly seized by the Church of Dawn, and some were brought to the Griffin Kingdom by Basel.

The Hanging Gardens were merged into the Griffin Kingdom, and are now on their way to Celtic.

But Babel is still fighting stubbornly with the Percy Empire.However, from a formal point of view, if there is no accident, Babelades can no longer stop the Persian Empire from unifying Yasha.

The Hanging Garden mage will be subdued by Isabella sooner or later, and Adam is looking for the white mage.

At present, the white mages in the Griffin Kingdom, especially the white mages trained by the Simon organization, are actually learning the spells of the temple.

They all have a common premise, that is, to recognize the sun god.

As long as they have any hostility towards the Sun God, Adam, and the Templar, they will not be able to learn Templar spells.

Even if they become hostile after they learn it, a situation similar to the degeneration of priests will happen to them, losing the ability to cast spells, at least the ability to release temple spells.

What if he signed a sacred covenant with the group of white mages?
 Now that Chapter 1 has been coded, let's put it up first.

  Uh, I don’t remember if other spells were added to the bloodline transformation. I searched the manuscript and couldn’t find it, so I set it like this for the time being.If there is an error, friends must remind me ha O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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