Templar Sun King

Chapter 458 God War (2)

Chapter 458 God War (2)

"His Royal Highness Farisa, thank you for your help, please come in and talk."

Adam walked out of the Kingdom of God and invited the Goddess of Plenty to enter the Temporary Kingdom of God as a guest.

The Goddess of Plenty nodded, splitting into an incarnation of will, entering the temporary Kingdom of God with Adam, and returning to the Kingdom of Abundance with her real body.

Uther is a demigod, so there is nothing wrong with entering the Godly Kingdom of Abundance with his real body. However, the Goddess of Abundance is one rank higher than Uther and Uriel. If she enters directly, it will violate the taboo among the gods. suspect.

"It turns out that the real target of the Lord of Dawn is the Lich King of the Undead pantheon, and he is also mixed with the Arctic pantheon." Adam sighed, and temporarily recorded the vengeance of the Lord of Dawn, "His Royal Highness Farisa, you How likely do you think the Lord of Dawn is to succeed?"

There is basically no suspense for the three true gods to besiege a demigod, but the Lich King is not without help, such as the undead banshee who is also the undead pantheon, and the gods of the dark pantheon.

"Nine times out of ten." The goddess of abundance and Adam walked together in the temporary kingdom of God, and soon came to the temple.

The disciplinary angel holding the spear of judgment was standing at the gate of the temple to welcome the two of them.

"His Royal Highness Farisa."

Seven followed the earth lord to salute, and was startled by Adam's social network, a goddess who was on the same level as the god of plague, the god of blacksmiths, and the god of slaughter.

Adam, the goddess of fertility, the two seraphs, and Andrew entered the main hall, while Seven and Grand went to the side hall to rest.

"I heard that the Goddess of Harvest is a great goddess who governs the earth and the harvest?"

"Yes, and Her Royal Highness Farisa is already at the peak of the true god, and can attack the main god at any time."

The five sat down in the main hall, and they could still hear the conversation between Seven and Grande as they walked farther and farther away.

The voices of the two were very low, but there was not much difference in the ears of the gods.

"I made you laugh." Adam looked at the goddess of fertility with a little apology. Discussing the gods behind the scenes, especially being heard, is not a commendable thing.

"It's okay, in fact, I'm a little closer to the main god. That person is from the New World?"

"You mean Seven, yes, a legendary mage of the space faction. It is different from the main material plane—er, I call Uppler, Yasha and the three-layer underground world the main material plane—space Faction and black magic are the two most prosperous magic schools in the New World."

"A good term." The goddess of abundance was thoughtful. If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand the space teleportation array connecting Celtic and Leon in the Griffin Kingdom.

She continued the topic just now: "Gods of the same level need at least two people to attack the Kingdom of God. But if there is a difference of one level, one person is enough."

The rest is only a matter of time, and it will be the three true gods who will attack the Lich King's Kingdom of God!

While the two were talking, a beam of chaotic light flew out, blocking the attack of the dark goddess.

The wind of the Storm Lord, the snow of the Ice Goddess, in the blink of an eye a terrible blizzard descended on the kingdom of the Lich King.

Adam, who has the ability of punishing angels to grant divine eyes, can even clearly see that the magic spells that were normally operating in the kingdom of the Lich King and that constituted the defense system of the kingdom of God were instantly destroyed by the terrible blizzard.

"The Necron Banshee has come to aid the Lich King."

Following the direction pointed by the finger of the Goddess of Plenty, I saw a miserable green star full of resentment and death in the distance of the Lich King's Kingdom, and a goddess who was wrapped in pearl-colored mist and holding a white bone bow was flying from it. out.

The Lord of the Undead Pantheon, the Banshee of the Undead, the rank of the True God!

The Necromancer Banshee stood far away, her bone bow stretched into a full moon, she aimed at the Ice and Snow Goddess with her divine radiance as an arrow, and shot out with a shrill howling sound that echoed in the outer plane.

"The Necromancer Banshee was a dead soul that evolved from a wraith before she ignited the divine fire, and she is quite good at attacking souls. The bone bow in her hand is a carefully crafted divine weapon that specifically attacks souls."

The dim sword light fell from a distance, cutting off the arrow of the Necromancer Banshee.

The Lord of Dawn, who was in charge of attracting the attention of the gods just now, finally arrived, pointing his sword at the undead banshee.

"The three of them really got mixed up. The Lord of Dawn probably reached an agreement with the North Pole God Department with the help of Yasha Lord God to deal with the Lich King together. I guess the biggest possibility is to wait for the end of the natural disaster and work together with the North Pole God Line Attack Romano."

The gods mainly have three forces in the western world of Uppler, one is the seemingly incompatible Titan pantheon, the other is the Arctic pantheon that was established not long ago, and the other is the Lord of Dawn.

The three forces are acting independently, and now the Arctic gods and the Lord of Dawn have joined forces, and the Arctic gods have coveted the Romano Empire for many years.

If it weren't for the sudden natural disaster, the arctic gods and the kingdom of ice and snow would probably still be fighting endlessly with the god of the sky in the Romano Empire.

"No accidents, today is the day of the Lich King's death." The goddess of abundance asserted.

"The spider and the goddess of death of the dark pantheon..." Adam knew that the goddess was currently in a state of schizophrenia, and he couldn't make a move easily. "I'm afraid there is still a faceless person to deal with."

As soon as Adam finished speaking, a dark and gloomy cloak floated in the distance.

There was nothing under the cloak, except for two green eyes, and nothing else.

Ordinary people would probably get sick from being frightened when they saw such a weird scene.

"The faceless man of the dark pantheon, this is his real body, a dark creature called a soul sucker."

call out!A sharp arrow draws a long tail in the outer plane with a powerful momentum, the target, the Faceless One!
"Diana's forest longbow, her arrow skills are among the best among the gods."

This green arrow is the same green as the arrow of the Undead Banshee just now, but one is light green and the other is miserable green. The priesthood, position, good and evil are quite clear at a glance.



A loud roar and a soft and sweet voice resounded from another direction, and two equally black rays of divine light shot out.

Adam knew that it was the Void Demon God and the Fallen Demon God of the Demon God System who made a move.

He is no stranger to these two demon gods. The body of the former is an abyss worm, and the body of the latter is a succubus.

"Only the truth is eternal!"

Black and white divine lights intertwine, and the Ash Knight and the Soul Knight among the Four Horsemen of Truth stand in the realm of truth and fight against the two demon gods.

At the same time, a hideous and terrifying specter appeared in the sky above the Kingdom of Destruction, and the two huge eyes of the Destruction Demon God looked at the battlefield.

"Now is the time." The Goddess of Life smiled and said to the Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, the Punisher of Nature.

A towering giant tree burst out of the Avalon Kingdom, lush and vibrant, covering the sky and covering the entire Avalon Kingdom.

The God of Truth, the Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Darkness, and the Demon God of Destruction looked at each other from a distance, but they didn't make any moves, leaving the battle to the True God.

The four main gods often restrain each other. Last time, the artifact created by the God of Truth, the Chaos Star Ring, was jointly suppressed in Yasha by the three main gods.

This time it is about the battle between the two camps of gods on the surface and underground. The God of Truth and the Goddess of Life respectively contain the Goddess of Darkness and Destroy the Demon God to achieve a balance.

Under the repeated attacks from the Lord of Storms and the Goddess of Ice and Snow, the defense system of the Lich King's Kingdom of God finally couldn't bear it and shattered.

At the moment when the defense system was shattered, countless believers only had time to team up to cast a spell that surpassed the legendary power, but they were frozen into dust by the snowflakes that fell from the sky, or were blown away by the storm and disappeared into the void.

In front of the true god, no matter how powerful the combined strength of the petitioners is, they are just the light of fireflies, unable to compete with the sun and the moon.

In the kingdom of giant dragons, the queen of five-color dragons sat on the throne, with divine light shining in her hands, planning to intervene.

But at the moment of the shot, she felt a gaze looking at her from afar, and when she looked up, she saw the Sea God standing on a wave, with her long hair fluttering.

"The Greedy Demon God and the Fearful Demon God of the demonic pantheon didn't respond at all." Adam searched for the two of them in the outer plane, but there was no sign of them.

It stands to reason that the other three gods of the demon gods have expressed more or less, and the remaining two members of the gods cannot stay out of the matter.

Moreover, if the Dawn Lord's move is successful, it will be a huge blow to the Bone Region, and the undead creatures will fall into chaos due to the fall of the gods.

At least the Lich King's church will fall apart in just a few days, and the vacant positions will be filled by other forces, and the benefits need to be redistributed.

The Bone region is in chaos and internal fighting is inevitable.

In this way, the power of the natural disaster of the undead weakened, and the pressure on Frans was eased again. The establishment of a dark kingdom on the land of Frans is definitely far away.

"It's a bit strange. It is indeed the devil's code of conduct to harm others, but this matter is related to whether they can successfully counterattack the surface world..."

The Lich King, a diminutive old man, struggled to fend off the attacks of the arctic pantheon with his wand.

Woohoo, the sound of storms and snowflakes echoed throughout the outer plane.

An extremely spectacular tornado mixed with ice crystals and snowflakes replaced the defense system of the Kingdom of God to wrap the Kingdom of God of the Lich King, and with the support of majestic divine power, it tore the Kingdom of God that had lost its defense ability to pieces.

In Adam's sight, a star was quickly covered by ice and snow, and the frozen stone turned into powder. The petitioner of the Kingdom of God turned into ice sculptures without any resistance, and then turned into ice chips.

The howling wind howls, every time it blows over the snow-covered kingdom of God, it can blow away a layer.

It took less than half a minute to break through the defense of the Kingdom of God, and a full third of the Kingdom of God of the Lich King was blown away.

The two true gods of the Arctic pantheon were intertwined with each other, and they used tricks repeatedly. The Lich King screamed again and again, but it was of no use, and gradually came to the end of his life.

His allies, the Necromancer Banshee, and the Faceless Man, who escaped the attacks of the Moon and the Goddess of the Hunt, worked together to kill the Lord of Dawn.

However, from Adam's point of view, although the Lord of Dawn was in a hurry, there was no panic on his face, but a very smug smile on his face.

He should smile, Adam thought, for the Lich King would soon fall.

boom!With a loud bang, the stars burst!

Even in the daytime, ordinary people on the main material plane can see an unprecedented spectacle:
A star that is more dazzling than the sun appeared in the sky without any warning, and then exploded, and the elliptical energy wave slowly spread outward, forming a brilliant and beautiful halo.

The brightness of the stars reached the extreme, and then went out little by little until they disappeared.

This spectacular scene lasted for a full minute, causing widespread discussion on the main material plane.

The Lich King, the undead pantheon, falls!

 Well, the move is complete, continue to update
  PS: I took leave yesterday and my subscriptions were added more than usual. . .I don't want to be a human anymore ==
(End of this chapter)

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