Templar Sun King

Chapter 450 Saving the Sky Garden (2)

Chapter 450 Saving the Sky Garden (2)

Originally, Adam's idea was to open a gate of heaven in the sky garden and evacuate the floating city.

As for the sky garden, the floating city itself can only be reluctantly abandoned due to conditional constraints.

Fortunately, the two mage lords have some knowledge about the design and construction of the floating city in their memories, and together with the design drawings handed down from the past, they can rebuild it in the future if they have the conditions.

However, after learning that Hanging Garden has the ability to fly, Adam immediately changed his mind.

He wants to accept the mage in the Hanging Garden to strengthen his strength, and he also accepts the rich collection of books, precious magic notes, letters and other magic props.

Of course, the most not to be missed is the Hanging Garden, a floating city suspended 3000 meters above the ground, which can be attacked and defended for a long time.

With the floating city and the Danube city, the magic capital of the Griffin Kingdom was born!
Just thinking about Adam felt a sense of satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

So on the third day of the establishment of the Griffin Principality of Merica, Adam returned to the outer plane with Andrew, Seven, and Grande.

"Your Majesty, are we really going to open the gate of heaven to the Hanging Garden now? What if other gods find out?"

"When the Shadow Knight sees me, it means Lord Yasha knows that I can go back and forth between continents. Now I bet whether Lord Yasha is willing to shelve his plan to expand his territory in Merika because of me."

Adam can get in touch with the two continents through the connection between arms, not to mention the connection between the Shadow Knight and Yasha Lord God.

"But who knows if the three goddesses of prophecy will intervene?"

"Sometimes I really don't understand the thoughts of the gods." Seven complained in a low voice, "The main material plane is different from Mirika. The supreme mage has been on the position of the main god for many years, and faith has long been dispensable for him. Why do you want to meddle in America?"

As he spoke, he looked at the two six-winged demigods in the kingdom of God, the angel of dawn Uther and the angel of punishment Uriel.

They are demigods, so they should understand the thoughts of the supreme mage, right?

Hearing Seven's words, Adam was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought about this question carefully.

The moment when the Lord of Dawn adjusted the law, the four knights attacked the Hanging Garden and Babel. After losing their legendary seat, the two magic organizations could not stop the Percy Empire from advancing, and the unification of Yasha became a foregone conclusion.

One main god, one empire, and monopoly on one continent, what an amazing achievement this is.

Even what the Titan pantheon and the Sither Empire failed to do back then, the God of Truth will soon achieve it.

But even so, he still wants to send the Shadow Knight to Merika. What is the purpose of the God of Truth?
Or is it just a pure desire to conquer, like the pleasure brought by the expansion of the territory?
Adam couldn't help but fell into thought, but found nothing.

Half a minute later, the naturally optimistic man suppressed his doubts and decided to focus on enjoying the joy of receiving the Hanging Garden first.

Since the birth of the universe, there have been two continents on the main material plane, Yasha in the east and Yuppler in the west.

Different from the situation in which many countries in Yuppler compete for power, in the history of Yasha, an empire has always dominated the continent.

It used to be the Aigent Empire, and later it was the Percy Empire.

The Hanging Garden, one of the two major obstacles to the Percy Empire's unification of Yasha, is located deep in the desert in the northwest of the mainland.

As one of the world's two major magic organizations, the strength of the Hanging Garden is as famous and praised as its history.

But that was all in the past. Since the day when the Lord of Dawn changed the law of order and the legend of the main material plane was expelled to the outer void, the Hanging Garden has faced the most serious crisis before its establishment.

The double attack of the Percy Empire and the Truth Religion!

The Persian Empire is a religious country with the unity of the Orthodox Church and believes in the God of Truth. The supreme ruler is Peabody XI.

But this does not mean that the combat power of the Percy Empire is concentrated in the church. In fact, the strength of the Percy Empire itself is also quite strong.

For example, right now, there are five golden sword masters with high noses and deep eyes and mustaches, under the command of five high priests of the Truth Religion, taking turns to destroy the magic circle nodes set up by the Hanging Garden in the desert with grudge energy.

A curved scimitar was wrapped in golden fighting energy, and under the control of the master, it slashed in a void, splashing a cloud of flames.

As soon as the flames splashed, the high priest at the side distorted the direction of the attack with the magic of chaos, and at the same time the second scimitar took the opportunity to chop it down.

With a bang, the nodes of the magic circle were destroyed, and another magic circle was roughly destroyed.

"In the four directions of southeast and northwest, five high priests led five golden sword masters to destroy the nodes of the magic circle. At present, the damage to the east is the most serious. It is estimated that in half an hour, the defensive magic circles laid down by the mage lords of the past will be cleaned up. empty."

In the meeting hall of the sky garden, eighteen golden mages stood together, and there was a hazy mist in the middle, which showed the scene where the golden sword master destroyed the nodes of the magic circle just now.

When another magic circle was destroyed, the four-color light curtain that shrouded the floating city in the Hanging Garden dimmed a bit.

This is a four-element magic shield personally laid by seven mage lords belonging to the seven major magic factions. It has seven layers in total, and its defense ability ranks first among all sky garden spells and magic circles!

But now, there are only three layers of the magic shield that should have been seven layers.

"Can you contact the lords?" A mage asked.

The female mage in charge of contacting the mage lord shook her head: "There is still no response, all six lords."

On the Yasha Continent, the three major forces, the Percy Empire, Babelades, and Hanging Gardens have been fighting each other for many years, and they have known the root cause for a long time.

This time the situation completely exceeded the expectations of many mages in the Hanging Garden.

Three days ago, the pillars of the Hanging Garden, six mage lords suddenly disappeared together, and then they encountered a stormy attack from the Percy Empire and the God of Truth.

There is no doubt that this was a premeditated attack.

They had blocked two rounds of attacks before today, and now it is the third round.

In the first round, because the attack came too suddenly, the two golden mages were attacked and killed by the golden swordsman of the Percy Empire during the battle.

In the second round, the sandstorm jointly activated by the twenty golden high priests of the God of Truth dyed the entire sky in a hazy yellow, and its power was not inferior to any legendary spell.

The ordinary yellow sand was comparable to a boulder under the influence of chaos magic, and it hit the four-element magic shield like a torrential rain, forcibly grinding away three layers of the seven-layer magic shield.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the legendary mage presiding over the magic circle, the four-element magic shield wouldn't be so easy to be hit by a magic spell."

You must know that in history, the God of Truth sent out five legendary priests to attack the four-element magic shield with chaos magic, but they failed in the end.

"There is no way, let's activate the magic crystal cannon and the elemental natural disaster." The most powerful young mage among the eighteen golden mages present said, "We have a chance to defeat each of them."

The magic crystal cannon and the elemental disasters are the two most successful research results of the Hanging Garden, and they are equally famous as Babel Rath's human magic transformation experiment.

The former sounds like a magic cannon powered by a magic crystal, but it's not.

It is a three-meter-high pyramid with a purple crystal that is always entangled by lightning floating on the top of the tower. It is located on the magic tower on the mountain in the center of the sky garden.

After the magic crystal cannon is activated, it can strike any object within a radius of [-] kilometers with devastating magic energy, and its power is multiplied with the characteristic of floating in the sky garden.

It can be said that the Hanging Garden can survive the years of struggle between the Percy Empire and Babel, and more than half of it is due to the magic crystal cannon.

But such a weapon of mass destruction has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the energy and magic power consumed each time it is activated is a dizzying astronomical figure.

If the six mage lords are still in the Hanging Garden, it is estimated that the magic crystal cannon can be activated six times, once for each person.

"Joanna." The young mage ordered eleven golden mages, "You are responsible for activating the magic crystal cannon. The rest will activate the elemental disaster with me."

If the magic crystal cannon is the pinnacle of point-to-point attacks in the sky garden, the elemental disaster is the pinnacle of large-scale group attacks.

It is a magic circle that requires the joint activation of seven archmages belonging to different schools of magic.

When the elemental disaster is activated, all areas within ten kilometers from the sky garden will usher in an elemental riot.

Rocks, vines, waves, ice edges, wind blades, lightning, and flames will fill this area. The four elements tear and react with each other, and eventually evolve into elemental annihilation.

"Okay!" The golden masters responded in unison.

"Not good, not good!"

The door of the meeting hall was suddenly pushed open, and a white silver mage rushed in with a panicked face: "Suddenly a portal appeared above the magic garden, a portal of space!"


The [-] golden mages were terrified, they didn't bother to ask the silver mage for more details, and flew towards the magic garden as fast as they could.

Space portal!

Although the Chaos Divine Art of Truth Religion is mysterious, it has rarely been related to space, let alone creating a space portal.

Besides the God of Truth, are there other forces taking advantage of the fire?

who is it?

When the eighteen golden mages came to the magic garden, there was already a group of silver mages waiting in full force. Without exception, they all pointed their wands at the platinum portal that suddenly appeared, with serious expressions on their faces.

call out!The light curtain on the portal suddenly opened, and this change made the eighteen golden masters raise their hearts to their throats.

There are attacks from the Percy Empire and the Truth Religion outside, and there are space portals of unknown origin inside, dangerous!
An atmosphere of depression and despair spread here instantly.

Just as the tips of the magic wands of the eighteen golden and silver mages began to flicker with magical light, and strong elemental fluctuations descended on the magic garden, a familiar voice came from the opposite side of the portal.

"Boggart, Joanna, it's me, Grande."

"Master Grande!"

"Master Earth Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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