Templar Sun King

Chapter 436 Publicity and Reporting

Chapter 436 Publicity and Reporting

Assange was in a very good mood, just 10 minutes ago they ended a confrontation with the devil, Lyon won a big victory.

The army of about [-] demons headed by the three great demons was wiped out, while there were only sporadic casualties on Lyon's side.

This is unimaginable to Assange. You must know that their opponents are not cowardly and incompetent goblins, but an army of demons who are known for their aggressiveness and offensiveness.

Coupled with the background of the three major natural disasters, such a victory is even more important.

He looked at Yaoling, who was flying over the battlefield and constantly releasing holy light. The wounded soldiers recovered little by little under this spell, scabs formed, fell off, and healed, leaving no scars.

The scene of holy light flashing everywhere in the air during the battle just now flashed through his mind. This kind of holy light magic of the temple is unique among all the magic that Assange has seen, and has other magic in terms of healing and defense , The miraculous effect of white magic is hard to come by, the Church of Dawn is not wronged.

In the distance, a soldier stood up with the support of two companions. He was hit by the aftermath of a gold-level spell in the battle just now, and lost a leg.

If nothing else, he will receive a pension and spend the rest of his life peacefully in Lyon.

No complaints are false. After all, not everyone can calmly accept the fact that they have lost a leg and can only walk with crutches.

But as soon as the thought that he had just survived a battle with a demon started to dissipate any complaints, at least he was still alive.

"Soldier, please stay where you are!"

A priest walked over quickly and shouted to the soldier who was about to enter the tent to rest with the help of his companions.

Behind the priest, the combination of the Patriarch and the Rider of the Sun was walking towards him.

"My lords!" The three of them were just the most ordinary soldiers of the black iron class. It was the first time that they came into such close contact with such big figures as the patriarch and the scorching sun knight, and hurriedly saluted.

Just now, they witnessed two people kill a big demon with their own hands.

"A medal and proof of bravery in fighting a demon." The Patriarch glanced at the soldier who had lost a leg.

"Uh..." The soldier hesitated, thinking quickly in his chaotic mind what should be the appropriate answer.

Should he accept the Patriarch's statement or describe his heroic deeds of killing demons again, so as to get some more pensions.

Another soldier looked at the stunned soldier, and quietly reached out and patted the soldier on the back, motioning him to answer quickly.

Regardless of what he really thought at the moment, it would be rude to ignore the questioning of two golden relatives.

"But if you don't want the medal, that's totally fine."

Noticing the two golds coming, the nearby soldiers pricked up their ears while cleaning the battlefield.

Now, they are in a state of sluggishness like the three soldiers.

What does it mean not to want this medal?

But soon, they knew what the Patriarch meant.

I saw the priest from the Celtic church raised the sun cross scepter in his hand, pointed at the soldier who lost a leg, and a colorful halo appeared on the soldier's head, and then cast a beam of milky white light .

After being hit by the holy light, the soldier couldn't help moaning, the place where he lost his leg was tingling, he hurriedly lowered his head to know what happened.

The wound that had been healed under Yao Ling's spell was torn apart again by a powerful force rushing out of his body. Before he could release his voice from the depths of his throat to the air, he saw pink muscle tissue, blood vessels, White bones grow out quickly.

"Ah..." When the scream that could not be restrained due to the stinging pain finally came out, he was able to stand on the ground without the support of his two companions. Grow again!

The soldier trembled and took a step cautiously, steadily, no different from before, perhaps even more useful.

The soldier raised his head, his eyes were red, his lips were trembling, and he looked at the patriarch who was standing less than one meter away from him. He opened his mouth, and there was only a whimper, but nothing came out.

"May God be with you." The Patriarch patted the soldier on the shoulder, turned and left.

The rebirth of a broken limb turned out to be the rebirth of a broken limb!

This kid is really lucky, he was personally treated by the patriarch, Assange thought so amidst the exclamations one after another.

As the lord of Lyon, Assange knew that the Silver Tower once had a powerful spell that could also regenerate a severed limb, but it was said that it required a legendary mage to cast it.

Moreover, after the patriarch himself performed the divine art that can regenerate limbs, the soldiers will undoubtedly be more heroic and desperate in the battle against demons in the future.

It only takes a few days, no, not even a day, and this news can spread throughout Lyon. Which soldier has the heart to reject a church that has the magic of regeneration of severed limbs?
Sure enough, that night, Assange, who was waiting for the celebration banquet, saw a report on the rebirth of a soldier on the evening edition of the Celtic Times.

This is a newspaper that has only become popular in Lyon in the past few days. Generally, people with power and financial resources are very willing to subscribe. They can learn the most important and latest information and trends of the entire Holy Griffin Kingdom from it.

At the beginning, Assange didn't quite understand why the Sun King Adam would be willing to let the news be released for everyone to know.

In his view, people from the lower classes have no qualifications, rights, or necessity to obtain such information, but the appearance of the Celtic Times broke this shackle.

Each newspaper only needs three copper coins to obtain big news that previously required favors and gold coins.

For example, today's headline reads, "The First Theological Seminary of the Holy Church is completed in the Holy Light Forest, and it will start recruiting students nationwide from now on."

"If you have the talent of a priest and have no bad records before, you can enroll in the school to learn the classics of the church's teachings and divine arts."

When seeing this condition, Assange's heart beat violently twice.

He vowed that if he had a son, he would seize this rare opportunity and send him to the First Seminary of the Holy Church.

Assange's transition from being the city lord of Lyon during the Church of the Dawn to the current city lord of Lyon, which belongs to the Holy Griffin Kingdom, is enough to prove his sense of time and quick thinking.

He sees the position of the priest in the Griffin Kingdom very clearly, which is comparable to any nobleman.

The more critical point is that, just like breaking the shackles of news, the Sun King once again broke the shackles of non-nobles and powerful people learning magic, and it came even more shockingly.

Priests (priests) are servants who serve the gods, represent the gods to a certain extent, and have a prominent status.

If you don't have an extraordinary life experience and enough strength, you can't enter the class of priests.

Before seeing this news, Assange can say with certainty that priesthood is a profession that is insulated from ordinary people, even though he is often ridiculed by mage groups.

The entire page of the second page was dedicated to the report about the rebirth of soldiers with severed limbs. You must know that even the news about Leon's victory over the demon army only occupied half of the page.

From the "Celtic Times", Assange finally learned the name of the magic spell, divine power regeneration, a high-level magic spell in the temple, only those patriarchs of the golden rank are able to learn and use it.

A total of fifteen soldiers who had been disabled from fighting the demons were treated by the Patriarch to regrow their limbs.

The "Celtic Times" briefly introduced the magic of divine power regeneration and the situation at that time, and interviewed the fifteen soldiers who received the magic treatment one by one.

"I was stunned at the time! Yes, I was the first soldier to receive treatment from the Patriarch. At that time, I was immersed in the grief of losing a leg, trying to convince myself that I could learn how to use a crutch."

"You mean the feeling? Actually I can't remember much because after a tingle all my attention was drawn to the new arm. All I can say is how lucky I am!"

"It's very miraculous. I never thought that I could regain my arm. This is beyond imagination. Thank you Sun God, thank you to the Holy Church, and thank you Patriarch who treated me!"

The interviews of fifteen soldiers and others who witnessed this were full of surprise, excitement and disbelief, and of course, gratitude to the Sun God, the Temple, and faith.

Before today, this kind of gold-level magic existed in two completely different worlds from them.Not to mention witnessing it with your own eyes, even thinking about it is sometimes a luxury.

At the end of the report, the author emphasized: "For any injuries and disabilities caused by natural disasters, the priest of the church will provide free treatment."

"The church..." Assange put the newspaper aside and murmured.

He didn't continue to read the contents of other pages in the newspaper, because he knew that from now on, the hearts of the whole Lyon would gather in one place.

Whether it is the people or the soldiers, what kind of thoughts they had on the Sanctuary and the Griffin Kingdom before, but after the rebirth of the severed limbs, they only have one belief: the sun god!
Take a look at the reports in the newspaper. The dignified Patriarch of the golden rank personally healed the disabled soldiers due to the war, and promised that the Holy Church would provide free magical treatment for any injuries caused by resisting natural disasters.

Divine art, this is divine art!

In the past, divine arts were exclusive to the nobles, and it would cost a lot of money to ask the priests of the church to release the divine arts.

During the Church of Dawn period, people might think that divine arts had nothing to do with ordinary people, but comparing the two, the huge gap was enough for everyone in Lyon to make a decision.

He dared to say that the soldiers who heard the news were overwhelmed with excitement at this time, and they were so grateful to the Templar and the Sun King.

Assange looked at the "Celtic Times" which was put aside, maybe this is the real intention of Sun King Adam.

"My lord, just got the news that the Sun King is about to arrive in Leon through the space teleportation array." His deputy walked in and quickly reported.

The Sun King is coming to Lyon!
Surprised and confused, Assange stood up quickly, and hurried to the place where the space teleportation array was located with his deputy to welcome the arrival of the master of the Griffin Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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