Templar Sun King

Chapter 428 8 years

Chapter 428 Eight Years
The god of the desert, one of the nine pillar gods, and a demigod.

A legend actually vowed to slaughter a demigod.

In a trance, the legendary elder thought that there was something wrong with his own ears that caused auditory hallucinations, and then he saw Adam nodding very seriously, and repeated: "God of the Desert!"

If someone else said this to him, he would definitely be ridiculed mercilessly. There is no more arrogant and ignorant speech than this in the world, but if the speaker is replaced by Adam...

The legendary elder looked at the six-winged demigod standing next to Adam, who flapped his wings slightly, and finally confirmed that he had heard correctly just now, and Adam was not joking. God slaughtered!

The first reaction was unbelievable and retreated first, the second reaction was shock, and the legendary elder stammered and asked, "When?"

After accepting this fact, he did not doubt the possibility of Adam's success at all.

"If there is no accident, I will go to the desert principality after asking you a few questions."

"Uh, what do you want to know?" The legendary elder couldn't help following Adam in his thinking.

"You know that Merica is about to merge with another continent, right?"

"Yes, yes, I know a little bit." Elder Legend did not deny it, and explained, "Actually, there are two prophecies left by the supreme mage back then, one is to kill the old woman with white skin..."

Thinking of that old woman, the Legendary Elder felt a little palpitated. She was a ferocious figure who could lead two gods to directly kill the Thunderbird God among the Nine Pillars Gods.


Elder Legend glanced at Adam. The young man in front of him was not Yi Yi's generation, and he had already regarded the God of the Desert as a hunting target.

"There is another prophecy about the fusion of Merica and the foreign continent, which will take place in the third era."

Adam corrected the legendary elder's mistake with a smile: "Not the third era, but within ten years."

Dimensional Tallinn knows about the fusion of the continents, and it is not surprising that the God of Nine Pillars knows about it. No wonder he will stop all disputes.

"What?" The impact of this message was too great, and the legendary elder's head went into a shutdown state, again.

"Merica and the foreign continent will complete the fusion within ten years."


If the time is really reduced to ten years, all the plans of Dimensional Tallinn will need to be revised again, otherwise it will not be able to cope with the various reactions caused by the integration of the continent.

The Legendary Elder struggled a little, and finally made up his mind and said: "Some time ago, the Lord God of Space invited our Dimension Tallinn to merge into the Principality of Space."

This is also the most heated debate in their meeting just now, whether to merge into the space principality, or simply rely on the main god of space.

"Oh?" Adam was a little surprised. As the former master god of space, he still had a look at Dimensional Tallinn.

But he immediately understood the reason. The main god of space had just been reborn and returned. He only had the strength of a demigod. He probably didn't even have a legendary first-level priest under his command. The strength of the space principality was undoubtedly the weakest among the nine countries in America.

Therefore, he urgently needs legendary masters to act as a facade and strengthen his power, and the Dimensional Tallinn established with his support back then is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

"What's your decision?"

"It hasn't been decided yet."

In fact, a decision was almost made just now, but after learning that the integration of the continents would be completed within ten years, that decision was quickly killed.

The crux of the problem is whether the main god of space can gather the priesthood of space within ten years and return to the true god.

In the eyes of the legendary elders, a demigod obviously cannot provide enough protection for Dimensional Tallinn in the troubled times and disasters caused by the fusion of continents. Only a true god can do it.

After meeting Ya today, they felt that it should not be difficult for a former main god to return to the true god in a hundred years.

But if it's ten years...

The legendary elder has no confidence, nor dares to hastily bet the fate of the entire dimensional Tallinn on the Lord God of Space.

Just when he was flustered and at a loss, he suddenly realized that there was a second choice?
And the choice stood before him.

They originally had the idea of ​​showing favor to Adam, so they made two-handed preparations, and Adam's return added a lot of powerful chips to his mystery and strength.

The mysterious Adam and the six-winged demigods behind him must be able to provide them with protection.

So he simply thought for a second, and then told Adam about the Lord of Space.

"I understand." Adam suppressed his excitement because of Dimensional Tallinn's overtures, and continued to ask, "So the Nine Pillars Gods are currently preparing for the upcoming integration of the mainland."

"Yes. But we have another guess."

"Tell me."

The legendary elder didn't have any resistance to Adam's commanding words, but quickly said with a smile on his face: "Research on ways to escape from the bondage of the earth."

Adam thought of the God of War who used the space anchor to forcibly come down to his will, and the Lord God of Space who personally chased and killed him in the tomb of God. Perhaps with the joint efforts of these two gods, it is really possible to research a way to escape from the bondage of the earth. The words of abandoning feud and cooperation.

In the Kingdom of Destiny, the three goddesses who prophesied looked at Frans, who was full of disasters, very proud and satisfied.

In fact, before the natural disaster broke out, they did not expect that a simple natural disaster would turn into a situation where the three major gods joined forces with the giant dragon gods to counterattack the earth.

But in any case, this kind of chaos has nothing to do with them.The more chaotic the situation, the easier it is for them to fish in troubled waters.

"Not surprisingly, the first dark country in the surface world is about to be born."

Under the joint invasion of the three major gods, Frans, who was severely injured by the Griffon Kingdom, struggled to resist the traditional natural disasters, not to mention the addition of legends, the all major races of the underground world, and the joint outbreak of the three-in-one Version.

"It's really possible." Feite thought about the possibility.

Originally, the eastern world of Uppler (Buffyson Business Alliance, Land of Chaos, Kingdom of Keqi, Kingdom of Orcs) was the best place for natural disasters to break out. The forces of the two continents of Uppler and Yasha clashed here, and chaos was born. In dark and sinful areas like the Land of Gods, the church of gods is the weakest here.

The only downside is that once a natural disaster breaks out, it will soon usher in the joint extinguishment of the church forces from the East and West to Pule and Yasha.

Today's Frans is different. In terms of geographical location, it is located in the west of Upler Continent, facing the sea on one side, and nearby is the traditional sphere of influence of the Titan pantheon.

But ever since the Mother Earth was strangled by the demon gods and the Lord of the Sky died, the Titan pantheon has existed in name only.

With all the fighting and calculations, only the four gods, Lord of Dawn, Goddess of Fertility, God of Sky, and God of Earth, fought back. This is based on the premise that the Titan pantheon is willing to let go of their prejudice against Lord of Dawn.

As for the God of Truth and the Goddess of Life, the power of one is far away from Asa, beyond reach; the other has always been neutral, and with the relatively small population of the elves, it is unlikely that elves will be sent to help Frans resist natural disasters.

The more Feite thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, and he couldn't help but smile, and said to Grace in a brisk tone: "Then contact the dark lady quickly, and prepare for the rebel."

Grace and Ditney nodded, and both felt that it was time to use Pansy to change their fate.

Grace closed her eyes, ready to divide her will and incarnate to go to the kingdom of the dark night, the kingdom of the goddess of darkness, suddenly felt a change of fate.

Huge waves turned up on the already hazy and fast-flowing long river of fate, countless tributaries were instantly cut off, and a new tributary was suddenly born.

Tributaries regenerate tributaries, thick and dense, spreading toward the chaotic void, flowing into darkness until Grace can't see clearly.

The prophesied three goddesses looked at each other, joined forces to enter the void with their will, lined up bundles of colorful and dazzling rays of light, overlooked the long river of fate, and looked for the source that caused the change of fate.

Soon, the three goddesses caught a ray of light on the long river of fate, and a continent wrapped in a crystal wall suddenly accelerated and hit another crystal wall.

"Two years ahead of time!"

"Who built a passage to the New World?"

"I can't see, it's just nothingness! Either truth or Adam!"

In the Kingdom of Truth, the God of Truth seemed to sense something when the river of fate changed. Two chaotic lights shot out from his eyes to observe the universe, but he found nothing.

Countless spaces receded quickly in front of the God of Truth, turning into a stream of light, and finally a crystal wall shining with energy and law appeared in front of his eyes.

A large piece of chaotic brilliance burst out from the God of Truth, and the entire kingdom of truth was illuminated by this brilliance at this moment.

The four knights of truth looked at the radiance of the main god escaping from the throne deep in the temple, and looked at each other in amazement: What happened?

Ten seconds later, the radiance dissipated.

The Four Horsemen hovered anxiously at the gate of the temple.

"Notify me, Merika will come two years in advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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