Templar Sun King

Chapter 40 Martin's Plan

Chapter 40 Martin's Plan

Falcon City, Martin's estate.

Falcon City at this time is no longer the peace and tranquility it was when Adam first came here, and it can be described as tense.

But Martin nestled in his manor as if nothing happened, waiting for news while drinking wine.

Pepin rushed back from the outside, bringing a new message to Martin.

"The army that went out to exterminate the goblins found something unusual. According to the news just now, someone in the army has fired a signal flare. All troops that see this signal flare will return to Falcon City as soon as possible."

"What direction was it launched?"


"The southeast is the direction of the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]rd Legion. If I remember correctly, they should face the attack of the Church of Dawn. They still have time to fire the signal bomb under the ambush of the Church of Dawn!" Martin was very surprised.

Martin was very clear about the ambush of the Church of Dawn. In fact, the agreement between the Church of Dawn and the deputy city lord who wanted to seize the power of Falcon City was reached through him as a businessman.

He knew that the leaders of the Church of Dawn this time should be two priests whose strength had reached the Bronze rank, and there would even be a silver bishop dispatched.

In the case of intentional ambush and internal response, it is absolutely terrifying for a group of priests to cast spells together. It is not difficult to eliminate the third group with a large number of people.

Once the third brigade is eliminated, the deputy city lord will completely join the camp of the Church of Dawn to gain the support of the Church of Dawn.

Although the Church of Dawn wants to preach in Falcon City and spread the influence of the Lord of Dawn, they don't want to simply support the deputy city lord to seize power. They need the deputy city lord to completely stand by the Church of Dawn and serve the church.

So the third brigade became the victim of the deputy city lord, expressing the determination of the deputy city lord to cooperate, and the Church of Dawn was also willing to see a weakened Falcon City so that it would be convenient for them to control it.

But now it seems that things have changed.

"Are the priests of the Church of Dawn on Celtic all fake? How can such a simple thing be messed up?" Martin was very angry.

He has enough reasons to be angry.

As a big businessman, he wants to incorporate the entire Seven Cities Federation and the local trade where the noble council is located into his own business territory, but he is not a native of Celtic, even in the name of the Bafison Business Alliance. Really do what is needed in this market.

So he needed support and acted as a messenger between the Church of Dawn and Falcon City.He bet on the deputy city lord and provided the necessary funds. Once the deputy city lord seized power, he could get the support of a city lord.

Even because Falcon City joined the camp of the Church of Dawn, which triggered a major change in the entire Celtic political power, the benefits he can get in it are very exciting.

Of course, all of these are based on the success of the Church of Dawn and the deputy city lord.But now it seems that half of the failure has been lost.The other half of the unclear situation depends on whether the vice-lord can kill the master in this operation.

"Is there any news from the City Lord's Mansion?"

"No, it's still the same as yesterday. It seems that even the city lord was seriously injured."

On the fourth day of the Goblin Extermination operation, after confirming that the troops belonging to the city lord's line were far enough away from Falcon City, the deputy city lord immediately started to act.

I don't know what method she used. First, she invited Stuart, the previous city lord who was traveling abroad, back, and he came to challenge the city lord.

Then, relying on the control of Falcon City for many years, he immediately took all important departments into his own hands.Especially the entire city defense army, from the general to the head of the army, has become her.

Disobedient soldiers were imprisoned or killed long before the operation began.

Among the three major legions of Falcon City, the generals of the first legion were loyal to the city lord, but half of the soldiers were sent out under the plan of the deputy city lord to destroy the goblins and gain the position of lord, and their strength was greatly reduced. Army) control.

Six years ago, Stewart, who took office as the city lord, was defeated by the challenge of the city lord. He lost his position as the city lord and had to travel.

However, the result of this door-to-door challenge was still the same, a failure.The only difference is that last time the city lord spared his life, this time he directly killed him in battle.

But if it is said that the city lord was not injured while defeating a silver-ranked warrior, no one would believe it, and the deputy city lord also thought so.So she shot at the moment the city lord killed Stuart.

No one would have thought that the little woman, the deputy city lord, was also a silver-ranked professional, a frost mage.

She has always given the image of a very gentle female mage.The battle between the city lord and the deputy city lord lasted for nearly half an hour. In the end, neither side was fully sure of defeating the other, and Falcon City fell into a strange situation for the time being.

Although the deputy city lord has almost controlled the entire Falcon City, the city lord still lives in the city lord's mansion.

If the city lord is not dead, the deputy city lord will never be able to truly become the ruler of Falcon City.

The city lord wanted to abolish the deputy city lord, but the city lord, who had focused on improving his own strength for six years without paying attention to the affairs of the city, couldn't find anyone he could trust, so he could only hide in the city lord's mansion to recover his strength.

So now Martin is facing such a situation.

However, he knew that once the deputy city lord recovered from his injuries, he would bring the other armed forces in the city to completely drive the city lord out of Falcon City or even kill him.

"Burnes went to the Mage Union in the morning, presumably with the condition of the deputy city lord to invite the president of the association to join forces against the city lord."

This is also impossible.

Originally according to their plan, the Silver Bishop Church came to Falcon City to join hands with the deputy city lord to deal with the silver warrior, the city lord, after confirming the destruction of the third brigade.

The president of the Mage Association is an earth mage whose strength has reached the silver rank, and the deputy city lord, the frost mage, is in a bad situation for the weak city lord.

In the final analysis, whoever has the highest strength can occupy the dominant position. This is an eternal truth.

All he has to do now is wait.If the deputy city lord fails, all his previous efforts will be in vain, and he might have to leave Falcon City to avoid becoming the unlucky one for the city lord to vent his anger.

"But it's not impossible." Martin thought of the young mage Bai, who was his other choice.

The deputy city lord is not the only choice in his plan, so is Adam.

In fact, he had the idea of ​​betting on Adam after seeing Adam's magic attainments for the first time.

Although he is not a mage, his vision is extremely broad, and he knows the mystery and potential of Adam after just a few contacts.

Whether it's the holy light spell, the summoned light spirit, or the militiamen who are loyal to Adam, all of them explain Adam's extraordinaryness.

Especially after Adam expressed his interest in the position of lord, Martin immediately made the decision to bet on him.

So he told Adam all the things he knew, investing while Adam was still weak, the future harvest would be higher, this is his intuition of many years of business life.

If the deputy city lord succeeds, the ending will be perfect. He has the support of a city lord, and the caravan will develop rapidly.

If the deputy city lord fails and the city lord does not find him, Adam's success is also a good result.

Supporting a small lord of Falcon City will bring a lot of rewards in the future.Martin has no doubts that Adam can take the position of lord.

No matter how things played out, Martin seemed to be winning.

But the truth is not that simple, and Pepin's next news makes Martin feel very sad.

"Adam seems to be with someone from the Third Battalion of the Third Legion."

"What? Why is he there!"

"It seems that Burns made a mistake when assigning tasks and assigned Carlos' tasks to Adam."

"Damn it, stupid Burns."

Martin had it all figured out now.Why the Third Battalion was able to fire the signal flares under the ambush of the Church of Dawn, Adam must have played an important role in it.

When he thought about it, he felt mixed feelings about Adam for a moment.

Because of Adam's existence, half of his plan failed, and more importantly, the preparations made on Adam seemed to be in vain.

However, all of this just proves the fact that his vision is very vicious, Adam is indeed worth investing in and is a white mage with great potential!

(End of this chapter)

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