Templar Sun King

Chapter 393 Mrs. Grace (2)

Chapter 393 Mrs. Grace (2)

"Adam?" Ditney and Feite knew that the young man they could not make any predictions before had established a unified kingdom in Celtic, the Griffin Kingdom.

This rare situation that cannot be predicted has only appeared in one person before, and that is the God of Truth who now holds the Priesthood of Chaos.It is impossible to make a prediction to the God of Truth because the fate of the other party is nothingness, but Adam is obviously not a person with nothingness in fate, and there is a force in the dark that prevents the smooth progress of the prophecy.

"Lilith is still in Adam's hands, I have to get it back first."

"That's right, since the Dark Lady has stopped the truth to buy us a chance, we should also ensure the fulfillment of the traitor's prophecy."

On the day when the Chaos Star Ring was born, there were two battles in the Outer Void!

The first battle revolves around the sphere of influence of the artifact, the Chaos Star Ring.

The God of Truth fights against the Goddess of Darkness, Goddess of Life, and God of Destruction with one man's strength. In the end, the area of ​​influence of the Chaos Star Ring is limited to the Yasha Continent, which is the desert where the Percy Empire, Babel and the Hanging Garden are located.

The second battle is the five-color dragon queen vs. the truth knight!While confronting the three main gods, the God of Truth sent a spiritual knight to lead six legends to invite Grace to the Kingdom of Truth as a guest.

Just like the gods they believe in, the God of Truth also does not make a move, and once it makes a move, it will be a thunderbolt.The six legends teamed up to kill a legendary dragon of the Scourge Church in less than ten seconds, and then rounded up Mrs. Grace together with the soul knight.

The unscrupulous approach of the God of Truth to directly attack the headquarters of the Scourge Church directly angered the five-color dragon, and then appeared five-color five-headed dragon real body to join the battle.

Then, a day ago, the third battle took place in the void outside the territory. The two sides of the battle were the God of Truth and the Goddess of Darkness.

When the three of Grace used the wishing stone to open up a temporary passage to the New World in Feite's Kingdom of God, Truth seemed to have a sense of it, and led the four knights to attack Feite's Kingdom of God.

In desperation, Feite had to seek help from the Goddess of Darkness, one of the four main gods.In return, they must ensure the fulfillment of the traitor's prophecy, and Lilith happens to be a part of the traitor's prophecy.

"It's all the truth, that brat, who made our relationship completely exposed in front of the gods." Ditney complained.

The identities of the three have been well hidden. In fact, when Dieter became a god, the gods still wondered why Feite, who is also in the field of prophecy, didn't take the opportunity to kill Dieter.

Now, the gods know why, they are sisters.Then new doubts followed, even if they were sisters, it was impossible for them to be close enough to share priesthood and laws.

You must know that priesthood and laws can not be shared and divided like secular wealth. A bad situation may turn into a situation of endless death and life and death.

The God of the Sky did not hesitate to kill his father, the Lord of the Sky, for the position of the original God of the Qi element.The Goddess of Plenty and the God of the Earth, who were once husband and wife, were also deeply touched by this point.

"It doesn't matter, when I ignite the divine fire, unless the main god personally takes action, who can be our opponent?" Grace didn't care at all about this, "If the truth insists on killing us, we will reveal all his secrets."

"Found Adam."

"where is it?"

"A place called Dimensional Tallinn."

When the three sisters of Grace came to the Dimensional Tallinn together, the seven legendary elders were leading Seven and the Golden Archmages to refold the entire Dimensional Tallinn into a six-sided space body.

At that time, the front, back, left, and right space planes had been successfully erected. As long as the last space plane was covered on top, and then the six planes were connected together with various space spells that Adam could not understand, the matter would be done, at least in Adam's eyes. Here it is.

Seven, who had been hated by Dimension Tallinn for a long time before, was able to participate in this reconstruction activity entirely because of a deal between Adam and Dimension Tallinn.

The content of the transaction is very simple. They are responsible for ensuring the safety of Dimension Tallinn in the past few days.As for how Dimension Tallinn accepted the deal, that's another matter.

As a result, because of the sudden arrival of the three of Grace, the legendary elders and golden mages of Tallinn watched helplessly that the space hexahedron that had been folded in half collapsed again under the interference of the divine power of the two gods of prophecy. The efforts of these days were all in vain!
boom!The space plane fell on the ground, shaking the ground for a while.

"Adam, hand over Lilith!"

The legendary elders glared at the strange combination of old woman, noble lady, and young girl, and just wanted to yell, but soon they couldn't make a sound, only the funny ho ho sound in their throats.In their perception, there was only an old woman at the peak of legend standing in front of them, and the other two couldn't perceive it at all.

There is only one explanation for seeing but not feeling: God stands before them!

God!It turned out to be two gods who had never seen before and could move freely in the continent of Merika without being bound by laws!

As the elders in charge of the holy land of space mages, they immediately realized that the three of them might come from another continent like Adam.What exactly happened, why did the gods from different continents descend one after another?

Even if they are not gods, they are keenly aware that these gods from other continents who are not bound by laws are more threatening and terrifying than the nine-pillar gods who stay in their respective countries obediently!
Stared at by the two gods who were the image of a lady and a young girl respectively, the hairs all over Adam's body exploded, and the domain opened unconsciously, revealing Lilith who was hiding in a tree and sleeping.

Because the angel of dawn descended from the top of the seven-story holy mountain some time ago, Lilith suffered great physical and mental injuries, and her mind is still a mess.Sensing Adam's opening of the field, Lilith opened her eyes, muttered a few words, and continued to close her eyes to sleep.

It must be because the shock caused by the loss of strength and the appearance of the six-winged demigod was too great, and he actually saw the teacher who was far away in Upler.

"Lilith." The old woman snorted coldly as she looked at the student who had lost all his strength and turned into a bat.

"Teacher!" It's really a teacher, not an illusion!Lilith was overjoyed, and immediately flew out of Adam's domain, and was put away by Grace.

sky!Her teacher has come to Mirika, and is about to ignite the divine fire and ascend to the throne of God!
"Sir, who are they?" First came the six-winged demigod, and then the two gods with unknown intentions. Seven was almost numb.He carefully hid behind Adam who was immediately protected by Teresa and Garen and asked softly.

In fact, Adam didn't know the identities of the three at the beginning. It wasn't until Lilith called the old and defiant old woman his teacher that he finally realized who the old woman was.

Mrs. Grace, the leader of the Scourge Church, Lilith's teacher, a pinnacle legend who is proficient in the spells of the prophecy faction!
He resisted the urge to summon the Angel of Dawn, pretended to calmly turn around and said to the seven legendary elders: "The old woman that the Supreme Mage predicted that you should kill has appeared."

The prophecy of the Supreme Mage?

The seven elders stared carefully at Mrs. Grace together with Seven, and it was exactly as the prophecy said: white skin, old lady!
"Supreme mage? Prophecy?" Mrs. Grace, who learned about that period of history from the long river of fate, sneered, and her eyes swept over the elders of Dimension Tallinn one by one.

Seven legends, if the Goddess of Darkness hadn't made a move, she would have to enter the New World alone.Regardless of whether she can kill the gods, the seven legends here are enough for her to restrain most of her energy.

Then, like her two younger sisters, Mrs. Grace raised her chin slightly and looked at Adam with a haughty expression: "Who are you?"

Adam vaguely guessed what Mrs. Grace meant, and while he was ready to summon the Angel of Dawn at any time, he replied: "Adam Weaving, the Celtic Adam..."

"King Adam I of the Griffin Kingdom, the holy son of the Church of the Sun God, isn't he?" The girl-like god chuckled and helped Adam complete the following information.

"Completely correct."

Seven and the seven elders looked at Adam, who was not at all stage frightened in front of the two gods, and cast their eyes on the ground in admiration.They don't know the identity of the Holy Son and the conditions for establishing a kingdom in another continent, but in Merica, only the true God can establish a kingdom!

Adam, whose origin was already mysterious enough, became even more unfathomable in their hearts, and even the resentment and unwillingness that Adam took the opportunity to exchange a labor force for the latest space transmission array layout technology disappeared.

"It's the same as the truth." Looking at Adam, Mrs. Grace couldn't help but think of the God of Truth who had completely lost control many years ago, and couldn't help killing her.

The other party has a mysterious origin and is blessed by the sun god, and now he even reveals the magical means of summoning the six-winged demigod.If you don’t get rid of it now, it may be true again in a few years.The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this was possible. Grace made a move with her right hand, and a crystal ball emerged from the void. The dry right hand tapped a few times on it, and several runes fell into the crystal ball.

Adam could see clearly that the runes floating in the crystal ball were his name.

 Yesterday's title forgot to put a (1)

  It may take 2:[-] in the evening to update Chapter [-], sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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