Templar Sun King

Chapter 380 The Lord of War and the Supreme Crown (1)

Chapter 380 The Lord of War and the Supreme Crown (1)

But in the end, Adam still failed to make a real Wuding Gate.

The day before the coronation ceremony of the supreme mage, Seven finally made a magic circle capable of recording three space coordinates, and Adam activated it himself.

However, when Adam dreamed of combining the magic circle with the semi-finished Wudingmen, Jinsha didn't respond, which directly declared Adam's plan to fail.As a result of the failure of the plan, Seven was also very depressed in front of Adam for a long time in the following time.

Teresa really couldn't stand it anymore: "Severn, if you continue to sway like this, I'm afraid you will have to stay here later and don't have to attend the coronation ceremony of the supreme mage with us."

After getting Adam's promise to meet the producer of the magic item after answering the question, Seven, who still couldn't meet the other party after the plan failed, glanced at him and closed his eyes. Adam, who didn't know what he was thinking, was a little frustrated: "I'm just curious when I can meet the producer of Wudingmen."

Regarding the different names of Teresa and Garen for Adam, Seven had many guesses, but he still couldn't find a reasonable explanation.Later, he simply stopped entangled in the relationship between the three of them. Anyway, he had ten years to slowly understand whether it was right or not.

Adam, who had just recovered his consciousness from the sanctuary space, was a little surprised—he had just finished a phone call with Isabella, and by the way checked the progress of the crystallization of the sanctuary space’s absorption law, 90%—he didn’t expect Seven Been struggling with this thing.

Adam didn't intend to whet Seven's appetite. It was because of excitement at first, but later because of disappointment, he forgot about agreeing to Seven.

"It's actually me." Adam took out the Wuding door and threw it at Seven.The palm-sized door turned into a crown of thorns when it was thrown halfway, and finally turned into the Box of Winter, which fell into the hands of the dumbfounded Seven.

"Gem of Kabbalah!" Seven exclaimed as he caught the Winter Box.If it is said that the Wuding Gate that Adam gave him for identification was transformed from Kabbalah gems, then everything makes sense.

He looked at the Winter Box in his hand, and then at Adam, not knowing whether to be disappointed or shocked.

"Wait!" Adam was also surprised, "What did you just call him?"

"The gem of Kabbalah, a magical gem that can transform into any object in the world." Recalling the famous name of the gem of Kabbalah, Seven was suddenly taken aback, and asked with some uncertainty, "Don't you know, sir, that it is actually made of Changed from Kabbalah gems?"

Adam made a move to the Winter Box in Seven's hands, and the latter flew out with two yellow sand belts, spinning and intertwined, falling back into Adam's hands, turning into a pile of golden sand.

Rubbing his temples, Adam sorted out two pieces of information from his chaotic brain: first, Kabbalah gems also exist in the Merika continent; second, the treasure in his hand, the golden sand of the Church of the Patriarchs, is Kabbalah gems.

Kabbalah gems are the embodiment of the law of creation among the ten laws, creating fragments of gems.The creation gem has the magical power to create all things.

For a long time, Adam only knew that the Kabbalah gem played a very important role in the process of transforming the crocodile into Sharkguard and the three orcs, and the sand in his hand could be transformed into various wands, weapons and buildings.

One is in the field of life transformation, and the other is a treasure that has been handed down for many years from the Church of the Ancestor God. The two have nothing to do with each other at all.But now, Seven said that Jinsha is actually a gem of Kabbalah!

"The gem of Kabbalah has the ability to change everything?" Teresa, who knew the inside story, asked.

"Of course, that is the most magical gemstone in the world. The supreme mage had a Kabbalah gemstone back then, and he finally refined it into a huge gemstone that seals a large number of four elements." Seven explained while trying to understand from Adam's expression Analyze something.

No wonder sands can transform everything, from weapons, magic items to buildings, it turns out that it is the fragments that create gems!

"Ancestor God." Teresa reminded Adam softly.The ancestor god who once formed the order pantheon with the goddess of silence symbolizes creation and the birth of the world, and holds the priesthood of creation.It is not surprising that his church possesses an artifact crafted from a fragment of the Gem of Creation.

Seven looked at the large handful of gold sands flowing in Adam's hands and was envious to death. Even a Kabbalah gem the size of a fingernail in Mirika would cause competition among legendary mages—although it only appeared three times in total— But now the young mage is guarding the Kabbalah gem without knowing it, which really makes him don't know what to say.

"Sir, I suggest that you do not make any moves to change Jinsha outside, if someone sees..."

That would definitely be a disaster, and the legendary mages would pursue it like a shark smelling blood, and would not let it go.Although they have two masters at the peak of the legend, they can't stand the fatal temptation of Kabbalah gems.

"I know." Jinsha wriggled and turned into a magic wand again in Adam's hand.

"Master, it's time for us to go." Garen reminded at the right time that the once-in-a-century coronation ceremony of the supreme mage was about to begin.

Although the God of War will be there to attend the ceremony in person, in the end Adam decided to go and see first.

"It's really interesting." Adam passed through a transparent space barrier and entered the viewing area of ​​the legendary master.Behind him, a sword master of the golden rank is trying hard to break through the transparent barrier in front of him, but he has been unable to succeed.

"This is the space barrier that the Lord God of Space personally set up back then. There are three barriers in total. The first barrier requires the strength of a golden rank to pass through, and the second requires a legendary rank." Seven walked through the barrier easily behind Adam, introducing explain.

The golden sword master watched a group of four pass through the past, and later he could watch the coronation ceremony up close, and couldn't help being even more envious.

Even though it was the viewing area for the legend class, when Adam and the others took their seats, there were already nearly ten legends from all over the world in America.Based on the number of legendary masters here, Adam roughly infers the approximate number of Uppler and Yasha legends, which will not be less than Merika in any case.

"What about the third way?"

"It's right there." Seven pointed to a high platform suspended in mid-air ahead, "The third space barrier is completely transparent and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Only those legendary mages who have been immersed in the space faction for many years and have rich knowledge can wear it." Pass."

Adam tried to use his spiritual power to investigate, but he came across a thick and insurmountable wall.

"Before the coronation ceremony of the supreme mage officially started, no one knew how many legendary mages were qualified to be crowned this time. According to tradition, the legend who can pass through the third space barrier and climb to the high platform has the qualification to hold the supreme crown .”

If the space supreme crown can make the crown emit gray light like the supreme mage when it is put on the top of the head, then the third supreme mage will be born, and master the two treasures of the supreme crown and the dimension cube!
"Even if it's not a legendary mage in Dimensional Tallinn?"

"Dimensional Tallinn is the source of the magic of the entire Merika space faction. Yes, theoretically, all legendary space mages can."

"What about you?" Garen asked.

"I tried it during the last coronation ceremony." Seven blushed, "I didn't even get the qualification." There are a total of twelve legendary mages, eleven of them climbed to the high platform, and he was the one who failed to get on the high platform. people.

While speaking, there was a sudden sound from the viewing area at the golden stage behind him.

Turning around to look, I saw a burly legendary sword master passing through the second space barrier and appearing in the viewing area of ​​the legendary stage, but he did not stop there, but continued to walk towards the third space barrier go.

"He is a legendary sword master!" Adam became a little interested. Could it be that he also wants to be qualified to hold the supreme crown.

"Pace, a legendary Juggernaut whose grudge attribute is space. Since he was promoted to the legendary rank 200 years ago, every time the coronation ceremony starts, he will try to pass through the third space barrier and rush to the high platform."

Seven covered his old face. Pace was a loser who couldn't reach the high stage with him, but he was just a legendary sword master, so it was understandable.From then on, just seeing Pace, Seven would involuntarily think of the embarrassing past in full view.

A space blade was sent out from the Pez sword and hit the space barrier, but it had no other effect except for the circles of space ripples.

"Don't waste your efforts, the space supreme crown is the wealth left by the master god of space to the mage, not the sword master." A young legendary mage appeared with a sneer, raised his head and chest, passed through the space barrier, and climbed onto the high platform.

"It doesn't look too difficult." It took no more than five seconds from the appearance of this legendary mage to the time when he climbed onto the high platform.

Seven looked at the young face of the other party, then at himself, and was speechless immediately.

In the next 10 minutes, four more legendary mages successfully ascended to the high platform.A total of five legendary mages of the space faction stood on the high platform, waiting for the final ceremony.

This made Adam lament that the space faction is indeed the most prosperous magic faction in Merika, and there are as many as five legends who can successfully obtain the coronation qualification.

"The seven legendary elders of Dimensional Tallinn have appeared."

Looking in the direction that Seven pointed, Adam saw seven legendary mages all in gray magic robes appearing on the space above his head.

Because of the space folding, the seven legendary elders first went up from Adam's perspective, and then turned down after passing a critical point, gradually approaching where they were. This feeling is very weird.

The seven legendary elders ignored the other legends in the viewing area and stood scattered around the high platform.

"The legendary elders are about to open the Dimensional Rubik's Cube and take out the Space Supreme Crown."

The seven legends and the seven magic wands each released a magic ray in order to fall on the nine-square Rubik's Cube in the middle of the entire Dimensional Tallinn.

(End of this chapter)

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