Templar Sun King

Chapter 378 The First Soul

Chapter 378 The First Soul

"Prophet, will I really go to the kingdom of God after I die?"

A valley in the northern ice field of the Merika continent is now named Zion by Summers, which means the place where hope rises.

An old man was lying on the bed, and asked Summers who had come to see him off for the last time.He is already 90 years old this year, which is too old for ordinary people without strength.

The fear of breaking the city and the fatigue of many days brought him to the end of his life. Fortunately, a few days before his death, he finally enjoyed the last peaceful time in the peaceful valley of Zion.

Most importantly, the prophet Summers who can communicate with God told him that as long as he has faith in his heart, he can go to the kingdom of God and be reborn in it when his life comes to an end.

"There is no doubt about it, John." Summers was wearing a priest's robe embroidered with a sun cross pattern, solemn and solemn, "Whoever believes in God will eventually meet again in God's kingdom, be with God, share God glory and joy."

"That's really great." After Old John finished, he left forever with a smile on his face.

His son was sobbing at the side, and other people also looked sad. Only Summers and the little priest Ashur had calm eyes.

Where no one else could see, they saw with their own eyes an almost transparent figure rising from the body of the dead old John, with arms outstretched, smiling, and disappearing in a round of milky holy light.

On the way back, Assyria asked in a low voice, "Prophet, is John going to the kingdom of our Lord like this?"

"Yes, Assyria, because he has faith in his heart, he will be led to God's kingdom to be reborn after ending his life in the world."

Sanctuary space.

Adam was leaning his upper body on a silverback wolf, soft and very familiar, taking stock of some of the treasures and precious items he had acquired so far.

First of all, the crown of thorns transformed from the ancestral crown of the Ancestral God Church, the treasure rank, seals the three legendary spells of the Holy Flame of Light, the Great Seal, and the Creation, each three times a day. Treasures used.

As for the first item, it was also Jinsha from the Ancestor God Church.

Adam has been using it as a prop for the wand of change ever since he got it from Arlos.Now, as a 21st-level priest, the magic wand has reached the legendary level, and the spell of Bright Holy Flame is sealed on it.

Because Jinsha has never been able to show a strong attack power like the six nails, even if it is complete, it is very unknown in Adam's hands, with a weak sense of existence, far from the word "treasure".

If it weren't for the boring time waiting for the coronation ceremony of the Supreme Mage near the Dimensional Tower, Adam would not even have the opportunity to seriously think about it when he put his mind into the sanctuary space to sort things out:
Could it be that the only function of Jinsha, the treasure of the Ancestral God Church, is to become a magic wand?Or is it that Jinsha actually has a bigger role, but he hasn't discovered it until now.

Adam carefully recalled what Allos said when he introduced Jinsha to him, and vaguely remembered that the other party said that the great priest once used the sand to build a miraculous building in the desert.

"Miracle building?" Adam murmured, building a building didn't seem to be of much use to him.

Suddenly, Adam saw the crown of thorns lying aside, and he had an absurd thought: Can the complete gold sand become the treasure of the crown of thorns?

As soon as the thought came up, the magic wand in his hand turned into a pile of gold sand again, wriggling and turning into a laurel crown wrapped with thorns, exactly the same shape as the crown of thorns.

Adam picked it up and saw that it was indeed feasible, even the three legendary spells sealed on it were not bad!
Adam slapped his head, he was so stupid, really!

He should have thought of it earlier, as a treasure named after the Church of the Ancestor God and the Crown of the Ancestor God, how could the Sands be used only to change buildings, weapons and magic props? treasure!

Adam held two crowns of thorns in his hand—one was genuine, the other was made of gold dust, so it could be faked—and set his sights on the third treasure, the Box of Winter.

The Box of Winter is Adam's spoils on Judgment Day, from the Ice Church.

Although both are treasures, Adam has to say that the security measures of the Winter Box are very good, and it cannot be used without belief in the Snow Goddess.This directly caused the Winter Box to be placed in a space ring by Adam during this period of time, and then thrown into the corner of the sanctuary space together with the space ring.

Can Sands transform into the Box of Winter?What are the restrictions when becoming a treasure?
Adam sat up straight at once, and the silver-backed wolf behind him also curiously put his head beside Adam and watched him experiment.

With a thought, the crown of thorns dissipated and became the second box of winter in a faint golden light.

Holding Adam in his hand, his mental power penetrated, and the result was obtained quickly. It was impossible to summon the Frost Guard through it, and only the most basic freezing ability was retained.

Continuing to hold the Winter Box in his hand, Adam recalled the legendary spell Absolute Zero released by Mia at that time, and the Winter Box in his palm exuded a golden light.

A few seconds later, Adam checked again. Although the Winter Box still couldn't summon the Frost Guard this time, there was an extra legendary spell on it, absolute zero!

As time passed, Adam continued to experiment. When there was movement in the field, Adam had a beautiful sun cross necklace in his hand, which sealed the Holy Flame of Light, Absolute Zero, and Eternal Night!
Three legendary spells, this is the upper limit that the items transformed by Jinsha can carry.

Turning the necklace into a ring and wearing it on his hand, Adam's thoughts returned to his body from the sanctuary space, and just now he felt some unexpected changes in the field.

One second before consciousness returned, a treasure that the moon elf Alwen used on the Dawn Islands that day flashed through Adam's mind, the Wuding Gate!
Can Jinsha change into Wudingmen?
Open your eyes, open the field, the seven-story holy mountain and the paradise of the gods appeared in the room, and the bat transformed by Lilith in the garden looked at a golden light that suddenly appeared in the garden with surprise.

"Don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me." Lilith, who hadn't even recovered the strength of the black iron rank until now, noticed Adam's gaze, and shouted quickly, trying to get herself out of this accident.

Lilith was so ashamed and angry that she became a prisoner of a man she could kill at will.

Adam waved his hand: "I know."

Of course he knew that the appearance of the golden light had nothing to do with Lilith, it was a soul, a soul from the northern ice field valley!
Soul: Believers who believe in the Sun God, after death, their souls go to the kingdom of God through the channel of faith to wait for rebirth, and are currently in a dormant state.

This was the first time Adam saw the appearance of a human soul, turning into a golden light that merged with the wind, floating in the paradise, looking very fragile.

Just when Adam was at a loss, the prompt from the sanctuary space arrived in time—since the fusion of the legendary realm and the virtual kingdom of God, the realm became the second place where Adam could receive prompts from the sanctuary space.

"When discovering the believer's soul, the agent hopes: 1. Keep the soul in the domain and continue to sleep, waiting for reincarnation; 2. Turn on the reincarnation mode, import the soul into the sanctuary space, and wait for the reincarnation after recruiting angels or igniting the fire."

Reincarnation mode!

Adam immediately realized that this was probably the legendary believer's soul being reborn in the Kingdom of God, but he hadn't officially ignited the fire to become a god yet.

Therefore, although the reincarnation mode can be turned on in advance, the real reincarnation function must be performed after he becomes a god or recruits the ultimate arm demigod angel.It's a pity that whether it's igniting the divine fire or recruiting angels, they are still far away from Adam, who has a career level of 21.

"Continue to sleep." Adam quickly made a choice.

The domain operates spontaneously, and the warm holy light rises from the seven-story holy mountain and falls on the souls floating back and forth in the garden.Drawn by the holy light, the soul flew to the majestic and sacred seven-story holy mountain, stopped at the first floor, and turned into a very inconspicuous grass, smearing a little green on the holy mountain.

At the moment when there was more green, there was a roar from the top of the seven-story holy mountain.

Accompanied by the roar and the gentle wind blowing in the garden, Adam clearly felt that the domain was thicker and more alive, which made the whole domain involuntarily imbued with an indescribable majesty and vitality, intertwined with the original beautiful and dreamy first impression together.

The dead souls of believers in the Icefield Valley come to the realm, what about the Celtic ones?Adam raised a question, whether it was because of the barrier of the mainland that he could not come along the passage of faith for the time being or some other reason, Adam couldn't figure it out.

"Hey, Adam, when are you going to let me out..."

"It's definitely not now." Adam ignored Lilith and put away the domain.

The moment the domain was closed, Teresa's voice sounded outside the door: "His Royal Highness, Seven may have heard some great news, and I can't wait to share it with you."

(End of this chapter)

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