Chapter 372

Crushing, the entire battle has shown a one-sided trend since the Holy Spirit took the lead and killed a manticore.The characteristic of the speed of light makes the holy spirit become the lingering shadow of the legend of the desert principality from the beginning of the battle, directly affecting the trend of the next battle.

Teresa and the Holy Spirit used Heal and Purify respectively to deal with two legendary mummies who turned into yellow sand, while the Bird of Paradise and the Elemental Monster condescendingly attacked the two Manticores with holy light.Under Garen's sweeping formation, Adam also successfully sealed the human sword master on a Yaoling with a great sealing technique.

In fact, the original intention of this battle was not to eliminate the legends of the Desert Principality, but a test.Test the power of the Holy Spirit, and seal enough Legendary Trial Creation Techniques.Otherwise, there was no need for Adam to fight up there himself, and he could just release the bright holy flame to attack and let Garen attack with all his strength.

Adam patted the chubby body of a legendary Yaoling who had been sealed away, took back the space of the sanctuary, and then together with Garen, targeted the two manticores.

The Great Sealing Technique can seal the target in Yaoling, Silverback Wolf, and Royal Griffin. Now one has been sealed, and two legends are needed.

Garen swung his warhammer, rushed out like lightning, and rushed towards one of the manticores with great momentum.

The Manticore was more than enough to deal with the attack of the holy light from the Bird of Paradise, and occasionally could gain the upper hand temporarily, but facing the sudden war hammer, the Manticore let out a terrified cry.

As creatures created after years of experiments by the God of the Desert, they have extraordinary intelligence and amazing animal intuition, and can easily tell who is the person who can threaten their lives.

The elusive Holy Spirit was one, Garen was holding a warhammer, and so was the smiling old woman.

"Roar!" The Manticore is huge in size, and its speed cannot be compared with Garen's. It simply abandoned its opponent, the Bird of Paradise, and its back was washed by large swaths of holy light from the sky. Its tail curled upside down, turning into thousands of ghosts, facing Garen stabbed.

Similar to his close relative Lamasu, Manticore can also release a strong toxin from his scorpion tail.

Facing a poisonous shadow, the war hammer in Garen's hand suddenly rushed out of milky white grudge, forming a war hammer as tall as two people, and his aura rose again. He simply included the entire poisonous shadow in the attack range, which was simple and rude.

Manticore didn't know that a legendary sword master of the same level as him was crushed to death by this terrifying human just a few days ago.But the bristling hair on his body and his keen intuition told him how dangerous it was now.

The manticore let out a mournful howl, and the first scorpion tail that came into contact with the holy hammer was instantly broken, and then the holy hammer fell on its body.

Compared with the huge body of the manticore, Garen's holy hammer was not very big, but it was this not-so-big war hammer that sent the manticore flying and fell in Adam's direction.

Flying in the air, the manticore struggled again and again, before it could fully grasp the flight path with its strong strength, it was hit by Garon's hammer again, and fell heavily to the ground.With two hammers in a row, half of the Manticore's body collapsed, its bones and muscles were all shattered under the attack of Zhuo Jue's grudge and the hammer.

Great Sealing Technique!

A swirling holy light landed on the Manticore accurately, immediately forcibly turning the manticore's huge body into a ball of light and falling on the Silverback Wolf that Adam had just summoned.

On the other side, under the joint purification of the Holy Spirit and Teresa, the consciousness of the two mummy legends was finally forced out of the yellow sand.

Being directly irradiated by the infinite holy light on the soul consciousness, the two legendary mummies howled in pain, and the yellow sand dispersed immediately, turning into two mummies again and falling to the ground.Compared with the pain of being purified at the consciousness level, the mummy's body being illuminated by the holy light is nothing at all, not to mention the guardianship of the legendary field.

The two mummies looked at each other, and the horror on each other's faces could not be concealed.

White magic is not prevalent throughout Merica, far inferior to its deadly rival, black magic.

On the other two continents that they didn't know, there was only one Mage Kingdom and the Scourge Church where the real black magic prevailed, and all other creatures in the dark realm were driven to the underground world together.

But Merika is different. Among the nine-pillar gods, the God of Plague, the God of Desert, and the God of Slaughter are all gods in the dark realm, and there is only one god in the light realm, the Feathered Serpent God.Such a pattern directly led to the fact that black magic was far stronger and more prosperous than white magic in the continent of Merica, and white magic had been in a weak position for many years.

Therefore, when the Holy Spirit and Teresa showed such a powerful light purification ability together, they directly overturned the inherent impression of the two mummies for many years.

call out!The Holy Spirit disappeared from the spot again, pointing at the rabbi's field.Like pouring a spoonful of water on boiling oil, the rabbi's domain instantly became a place where light and dark energies reacted, tearing apart one after another cracks.

The rabbi was very fortunate to open the domain in time, otherwise he would not be able to persevere with full confidence in the face of the Holy Spirit's extreme speed and terrifying purification ability.

Suddenly, a yellow divine light descended on the battlefield, from which emerged a golden throne and the God of the Desert sitting on it.So far, this legendary six-on-six but one-sided battle has finally come to an end.

For the soldiers of the Feathered Serpent Principality who were lucky enough to witness this battle, it was definitely the fastest and shortest battle they had ever seen, and it lasted less than a minute.

In less than a minute, the Desert Principality lost three legends. A manticore was completely purified by the holy spirit, a manticore was sealed by Garen and Adam, and a human swordsman also was sealed.

Half of the six legends are gone!
Moreover, this was the result of the God of the Desert coming to the battlefield and forcibly ending the battle. Without the intervention of the gods, it is still unknown how many legends the Desert Principality would have left.

The person in charge is very sorry. If the trend just now continues, the Legend of the Desert Principality will end in eight out of ten. It is a pity that the entire army will be wiped out.At this moment, there is still a trace of doubt and dissatisfaction with the three of Adam in his heart, and he wished to have a good chat with the three of them. It would be even better if he could persuade them to join the Principality of Feathered Serpent.

Even though they knew that the God of the Desert could not attack places where his divine power had not touched, Adam and the others immediately withdrew from the battlefield after the opponent's arrival and stood in a relatively safe position.

Teresa made a move against the elemental monster that hadn't disappeared before the time was up, and sealed the opponent into a royal griffin with a big sealing technique.Anyway, after 10 minutes, the elemental monster will disappear, so it's better to make full use of it to test the creation technique, which was discussed by everyone before the battle started.

Seeing the God of the Desert descending, the rabbi heaved a sigh of relief, but then a chill poured from his forehead to the soles of his feet.

The God of the Desert is not a god who spreads faith by kindness, believers fear him far more than they admire him.

Rabi, as the most powerful person in this battle, must be responsible for the huge loss of the three legends.Coupled with the loss of Herman a few days ago, the Desert Principality did not take advantage of it, but hurt its vitality.

He felt that if it weren't for his legendary high-level strength and the shortage of legendary masters in the Desert Principality after this battle, he would definitely be thrown into the laboratory by the angry desert god and become a material for manticores.

The god of the desert sat on the golden throne, staring at Adam with a pair of narrow eyes.In less than a minute, he lost three legendary combat powers, and the opponent was an unknown human being.

Pulling out a cold expression, the desert god asked, "Young man, what's your name?"

"Kinus." Adam calmly announced a false name.

"You leave here immediately at last, otherwise I can guarantee that all the cities and friends related to you will disappear from this world."

"What if I want to stay here for another seven days?"

"Then... how dare you lie to me?" The God of the Desert suddenly shouted, furious.

When he asked Adam's name, it was not just as simple as wanting to know the name of the other party. After getting the name, he immediately used Adam's name to start cursing—using name curse is an extremely important part of the black magic of Merika—but it turned out that It's just a fake name!
The God of the Desert stood up, and the yellow divine light spread out behind him, revealing a phantom of a khaki pyramid.The phantom of the pyramid pressed down on the God of the Desert and stood above the golden throne.

The God of the Desert grinned, took a step forward, and officially descended on the battlefield!Pointing at Adam and his party with his right hand, the majestic divine power held down a yellow divine light.

The moment Adam saw the yellow divine light rushing out, he was still immersed in the shock that the opponent could break away from the shackles of the law and attack the target who had not stepped into the kingdom of God. This was completely different from the information in the memory of the Feathered Serpent God and the Sun God!

The divine light emitted by the sun god with incomplete divine fire, scrapped divine body, and insufficient divine power is completely incomparable with the divine light of the desert god, and he is not even qualified to compare.

A divine light spread a hundred meters long and ten meters wide, covering Adam and his party, trying to wipe them all out.


Holy Hammer!

Holy Light of Heaven!

Holy Light of Heaven!

The yellow divine light paused for a moment, then continued to press down.

A light golden divine light descended from the sky, blocked Adam's face, and turned into gorgeous clouds and rainbows.

The yellow divine light continued to pause, and seemed to break down into countless particles of light, which fell rustlingly and hit the clouds and rainbows with a rustling sound.


The Feathered Serpent walked out of the void with a serious expression on his face, "Your Highness Lyons trusts you very much, Ster." The Feathered Serpent looked at the phantom of the pyramid pressing on the golden seat of the desert god Stur in a daze.

"You also found a good helper." The God of the Desert took a deep look at Adam, re-entered the border of the Desert Principality, and then disappeared, "You better pray that you don't fall into my hands, otherwise..."

"I didn't know that Ster already had this kind of thing." Feathered Serpent God separated an avatar of will and landed near Adam and his party, saying in a very apologetic tone.

"What is that, I mean a pyramid."

"A tool that temporarily breaks through the shackles of the law."

(End of this chapter)

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