Templar Sun King

Chapter 355 Demigods

Chapter 355 Demigods
Demi god!

Adam's face turned pale, the shock brought by the word demigod was too strong.It's not that he hasn't met gods before. In fact, the real gods he has seen with his own eyes include the goddess of fertility, the god of the sea, the goddess of spider and death, and the knight of ashes, and they are all true gods of a higher rank.

The difference is that they descended through will, and the main body is still in the void outside the territory, so the strength that can be displayed is limited, the highest is the peak of legend, and it is not invincible.But the power of the golden skull in front of him has surpassed the legend in one fell swoop, reaching a field and height beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In other words, what stands in front of them is not the incarnation of the will of the gods, but the body!

How is this not shocking.

"Shouldn't demigods be repelled by the law to the void outside the territory?" Stronger than the main god, the Lord of the Sky, was repelled by the laws of the universe the moment he came out of the moon well, let alone the little demigod.Or is it that the stronger the strength, the stronger the rejection, and the demigod is less repelled?

Originally, Adam wanted to summon the Bird of Paradise, Aylas, out of the sanctuary space and rush forward, but now that he thinks about it, it would be more appropriate for him and Teresa to find a time to hide in the sanctuary space.Only the gods can deal with the gods, this is not a lie.

Teresa shook her head and said softly: "The demigod who has suffered heavy injuries, his current state is very unstable, just beyond the legendary line to reach the realm of demigod. Now I only hope that he will not maintain the demigod for too long."

Adam looked in the direction Teresa pointed, and saw a very weak golden flame in the cranial cavity of the golden skull in the golden domain.God fire!It was the divine fire of the golden skull, but it was extremely weak, even smaller than the fingertip of Adam's little finger, and occasionally sparks would jump from the singularity.

Having said that, a demigod is a demigod after all, and when the golden skull opens up the domain and the divine fire appears, it is by no means that the two legends can match.In fact, even if Adam's three heroes join forces, they can't shake each other in the slightest.

A legend and a demigod are like 99 and 100, the difference between a rank is a world of difference.

Unknowingly, Adam, Teresa, and Lilith, who just wanted to tell the difference between life and death, had already stood together, planning to jointly protect themselves.Adam quickly calculated the possibility of hiding in the sanctuary space with Teresa while Lilith shot.

But he immediately realized a problem. The reason why he was ambushed by Lilith and came to this dilapidated palace was because the position of the Wuding Gate was fixed when it opened, and Lilith seized this opportunity skillfully.If he entered the sanctuary space here, he would come out in the same place.

And here is the old lair of the golden skull, and it is very likely that he will encounter a crazy attack from a demigod the moment he comes out.

"Let's start with the darkness first." The golden skull's domain was finally fully opened, and a god-specific coercion suppressed every inch of land in the palace.Adam in Teresa's domain felt as if a huge stone had been placed on his shoulders, making his legs weak.


A golden divine light flew out from the sun-like field, and shot towards Lilith.There is nothing special about this golden light, but under the golden light, Lilith's domain was divided into two. When the golden light irradiated, half of the blood flooding the domain was forcibly evaporated, and all the twisted vines withered into pieces. ash.

With just one click, Lilith's domain was destroyed, and she had no power to resist.

The golden light spun around and swiped down on the exposed Lilith again.If she was hit, Lilith would definitely die.

At the critical moment, Teresa made a move.This is not to say that Teresa showed great kindness, it was really helpless.Lilith is subdued, and it's their turn next, and it's better to have a legend as an ally for a while than nothing, although it doesn't make much difference when facing demigods.

The legendary spell of the temple, the Holy Light of the Kingdom of Heaven, descends infinite holy light and blocks it in front of Lilith, like a waterfall.

The golden light brushed against the holy light, and the holy light disappeared in the blink of an eye like ice and snow melting.Lilith seized this hard-won opportunity to back away, her already pale face looked even more like a ghost.

The law shock and backlash caused by the breakthrough of the golden divine light in the domain caused her to be severely injured, and she was extremely weak. She could not return to her full strength within a year or two.Of course, the premise is that she can escape from the golden skull in front of her.

Damn it, why hasn't he been repelled by the laws of the universe to the outer space!A seriously injured demigod is also a demigod, and its essence will not change.

"Hehe, I said that neither darkness nor light can escape." The golden throne in the palace was pulled into the domain, and now the golden skull sat on it, condescendingly looking down at the three of Adam with eyeless and empty eye sockets.

That feeling is like looking at three ants alone, with disdain and condescension in their eyes.

The second golden light flew out from the field and swiped down on Lilith and Teresa respectively.Before the golden light arrived, Adam was overwhelmed by the oncoming divine power and stared at the golden stars, and almost passed out. This was the result of Teresa's domain sharing part of the pressure.

Adam's angelic guardianship and Teresa's heavenly light persisted in front of the golden light for less than a second before they all melted away, exposing the realm of a confessor.

The night suddenly descended on the palace, and it was pitch black everywhere. Even the holy light emitted by Teresa's Holy Light Pillar was shrouded in darkness, barely illuminating half a meter around it, and further away was a deep, inextricable darkness. .

Legendary Rank Black Magic, Eternal Night!

"Run!" In a critical moment, Lilith chose to join forces with Adam and Teresa.

A mission can become so dangerous, what happened to this world?She is a majestic blood prince, and in her era, the blood prince represented a chilling terror and deterrence that ran rampant across the continent.Now it has been reduced to the point where it has to join hands with mages in the field of light to seek self-protection.

Is it because she has been sealed for too long, or is the world changing too fast?
"Holy flames, I want as many flames as possible!" Adam's magic wand flickered with golden light, and quickly reorganized, and the spells sealed inside became holy flames.

Teresa took the wand, activated the magic, and provided a steady stream of magic power as a legendary mid-level confessor.At the same time, Adam took out six nails.The holy flame of origin, this is Adam's most powerful spell so far, none of them.

"Dying in the dark, do you mean this?" Facing Yongye and the palace shrouded in darkness, the golden skull thought about it, and took back the golden light that had already been emitted and began to melt the darkness.

"It's important to find darkness and light, and it's better not to destroy the content of the prophecy." As long as he is willing, a golden light will go down, and the ten eternal nights will be completely dispersed.If he cannot be reborn in the light because of dispelling all the black magic, then he will have to fall back into a long and endless sleep.

"I found you." Although the palace was large, in the mental scan of the golden skull, the three of them were as obvious as bright lights in the dark.

A platinum pillar of fire spewed out from the Sun Cross magic wand under Teresa's operation, and Lilith also issued a golden spell called Hellfire. Adam stripped off the entire virtual domain densely covered with sacred flames, and then used the origin The torch is lit!
At the same time, a large group of hazy golden light shot from afar, and the golden skull came over.

Under the control of Adam, the gold-plated flame of origin merged into a huge fireball, and hit the golden skull fiercely.puff!This legendary spell, which claims to be the most powerful attacking power in the field of light, was like a bubble in front of the golden skull. He poked it with a finger and reduced it to a palm-sized flame.

The golden spherical field shrinks and shrinks, and the holy flame of origin is completely included in it, becoming a part of the field flame.

Still, two golden lights flew out, swipe at Teresa and Lilith.

Click!Teresa's pillar of holy light was brushed by the golden light, like a glass pillar full of cracks, and a little bit of fine holy light shot out from the cracks.The golden light brushed down again, and the pillar of holy light exploded. Adam and Teresa were thrown out by a huge force and fell to the ground.

Like Lilith, Teresa's domain was broken under the attack of the golden skull, but because she was good at defense, she lasted one more round than Lilith.

Adam was in severe pain and struggled to get up from the ground. This was the first time he was in such a mess since he came into this world.This is the result of the Golden Skull's mercy in order not to damage the "light".


Adam gritted his teeth, converted all the remaining power of faith into divine power, and prepared to launch the angel projection. This was his last chance.

The moment Adam launched the angel projection, messages flowed through his mind.

"Angel projection, activate!"

On the other side, the golden skull withdrew into the domain, and its entire body turned into a golden light that fell on top of Lilith's head and slowly penetrated into her body.At first Lilith could still cry out in pain, but soon all the sounds disappeared, leaving only her eyes filled with fear and unable to roll white, and her trembling body.

"Dawn Angel Uther, the projection descends!"

The golden light split into tens of thousands of filaments, pierced into every pore of Lilith's body, and the skin became golden, reflecting this vampire body like the most holy golden statue in the world, with dense vines growing here. Every moment it turns golden.

"My lord, your pious servant Uther has come at your call!"

(End of this chapter)

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