Templar Sun King

Chapter 351 Qualifications (2)

Chapter 351 Qualifications (2)

"Goddess, what happened?" Arwen walked back and forth anxiously. The disappearance of the Mother Tree of Life was much more serious than the extinction of the aura of life.

The Elf Queen, the High Priest of Life, and the Great Elder of the Sun Elf clan, the three most powerful legends in the Emerald Forest, are all in it, plus the confessor invited back from the Griffin Kingdom, why such a change occurred.

There was another burst of shaking, and the intensive sound of clicking and clicking was accompanied by an emerald green light that went straight into the sky.

The moment the seed of the Mother of Life Tree was planted by the Elf Queen, it took root and sprouted, and it rose from the ground, and in a blink of an eye it became a towering giant tree!The thick branches are extending in the clouds, the green leaves are rustling, and the warm and fresh aura of life has come to Kunya again after a long absence for three months!

"This is……"

"Mother Tree of Life!"

The elves looked at this newly born mother tree of life, which was only one-tenth of the original size, shocked and unable to speak a complete sentence.According to the knowledge and inherent cognition handed down by the elves from generation to generation, the Mother Tree of Life has always grown in the Moon Garden, which can be said to be an inseparable part of the entire Emerald Forest and the elves.

Now a brand new mother tree of life is re-born in Moon Garden!
Soon, the legends realized that yes, this mother tree of life was planted by the great elder of the sun elves at the end of the first era, and it has been almost 1 years since now!

They should have thought earlier that the mother tree of life is not sick, but has come to the end of life.Fortunately, fortunately, the Mother Tree of Life was reborn with the help of four legends!Reminiscent of the changes just now, the legends inferred the facts in sevens and eighties.

Although the Mother Tree of Life will come to the end of its life, how can it be so easy to die completely as the Twin Sacred Tree that once gave birth to the Goddess of Life.Just like what the Elder Sun Elf did at the end of the first era, it must have been the Elf Queen, the High Priest of Life, or the Elder Sun Elf who replanted the Mother Tree of Life in the Moon Garden just now.

Although the process was a bit thrilling, in any case, the mother tree of life of the elves was revived.

The void of Outland, the realm of Avalon.

The Kingdom of Avalon is the United Kingdom of the Elven Gods. Among the Elven Gods, the Goddess of Life, the God of the Moon and Hunting, and the Punisher of Nature are all located here—except for the God of Beauty and Art.To be more precise, the kingdoms of the three gods merged into one to form the famous kingdom of Avalon in the extraterrestrial void.

This kind of situation is extremely rare among the gods. In fact, only the gods of the elven gods in the entire universe can integrate the kingdom of God that is related to life and death (except for the gods).This makes the kingdom of Avalon extremely huge, and it is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

Now, in the kingdom of Avalon, the goddess of life, the goddess of the elven pantheon, the god of the moon and hunting, and the natural punisher are sitting together, watching the scene where the elf queen of the emerald forest replants the mother tree of life.

There was a look of approval in the eyes of the goddess of life: "If there is no other opinion, Gadriel is the next elf demigod!"

"As it should be."

"no comment."

The Moon, the Goddess of Hunting, and the Punisher of Nature all nodded seriously in agreement with the opinion of the Goddess of Life.This is something they discussed and decided a long time ago, and now they are just formalizing the result.

Whoever replants the Mother Tree of Life at the end of the second era will be the next elf and demigod!
The process of planting the Mother Tree of Life is painful and difficult, but it is also an opportunity.

The mother tree of life, which gave birth to the goddess of life, played more than just the role of increasing the fertility rate and the number of ethnic groups of the high elves with the aura of life in the growth time of an era.In fact, this is just a negligible incidental ability of hers. The real function is that after a long time in an era, the mother tree of life can give birth to an opportunity to become a god!

Whoever plants her again will get this opportunity.

This secret is only known to the three gods of the elf gods.

"My power of faith will be transferred to Gadriel from now on." The goddess of life thought for a while and said.As one of the four main gods of the universe, the Goddess of Life has comprehended the law of life many years ago and condensed a life godhead. With this, she has mastered the law of life, and the power of faith has little effect on her.

There is only one source of demigod's power, and that is faith.There are two sources of true god's power, one is belief, and the other is priesthood crystal.When it comes to the main god, the source of power becomes three, faith, priesthood crystal, and godhead (law).And in this process, the position occupied by faith is getting weaker and weaker.

Even so, the faith assigned to the god master by the entire elf pantheon is still very large. Even if the elf queen does not have a trace of divinity in her body, it will not take a hundred years to extract enough divinity and ignite the divine fire.

The other two gods have no other opinions on the generous approach of the goddess of life. The natural punishers here have also enjoyed the same treatment from the goddess many years ago.That was after he planted the mother tree of life at the end of the first era.

Yes, the Natural Punisher is the Great Elder of the Sun Elf Clan who planted the Mother Tree of Life with his own hands.

If I have to say something, I'm afraid it's a pity.

"It would be great if the Ancient War Tree was still there, otherwise, there will be three more demigods in our elven god system!" The Moon and the Goddess of Hunting looked regretful.At the end of the first era, one was planted together with the Mother Tree of Life, and now there are two.

Like the Mother of Life Tree, the Ancient War Tree, which is also one of the Two Sacred Trees, has the same ability.

"If that's the case, there will be more than just three demigods." The Goddess of Life took up the conversation.

The goddess of the moon and hunting dressed as an archer was a little annoyed. Just now she missed a god, the god born from the ancient tree of war, the god of nature!

Both being the life born from the two sacred trees, the goddess of life and the god of nature were born half gods.This is certainly enviable, but it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the mother body that gave birth to them cannot be damaged before being promoted to the true god.

As a result, before the God of Nature became a true God, the Star Elf King was bewitched by the Greedy Demon God and poured soul venom into the Ancient War Tree, which caused the Ancient War Tree to be polluted and died, and the God of Nature suffered heavy losses and fell as a result.

This is the real reason why the Star Elf King implicated the entire Star Elf clan.

What few people know is that the God of Nature is the husband of the Goddess of Life.

Therefore, after realizing the gaffe, Moon and the Goddess of Hunting quickly changed the subject and apologized inwardly.

"God Lord, we don't have other ways to replant the Mother Tree of Life. We just need to pass on the method. Why go to the Griffin Kingdom to invite the confessor of the church, and pay the price for a treasure?"

The Ancestral God Crown is not very useful to gods like them, but it can still play a big role in the hands of Legend.What's more, it is also a good thing for the priest of the Goddess of Life to dabble in the spells of the field of creation while being proficient in the magic of life.

The three fields of life, creation, and light have many things in common.

Also doubtful about this is the Natural Punisher. In his long-standing memory, he successfully planted the Mother of Life Tree with the assistance of four legendary priests and mages.

Now there are more than four priests in the legendary rank of the Emerald Forest, so why does the god master personally issue the oracle.

"Could it be because the Goddess of Plenty and the God of the Sea are more optimistic about him." The Natural Punisher speculated.Before the Judgment Day, the goddess of fertility from the Titan pantheon visited the kingdom of Avalon and had a secret conversation with the divine lord.It was also after that secret talk that the Goddess of Life issued the oracle.

"The lord of the dawn may wish to personally send down divine punishment and bombard him to death." Said the goddess of the moon and the hunt.

"Until we find the mysterious sun god who is hiding in a corner of the space, I'm afraid Luoxi's character will not make a move easily." As gods, the goddess of the moon and the hunt is a typical representative of being outspoken and unable to hide things, and Li Ming The lord Luoxi is another extreme. He is kind and approachable on the surface, but in fact he hides his thoughts deeply.

"This is one of the reasons, but it's not the main one." The Goddess of Life cast her eyes on the Emerald Forest, and the elves were overjoyed when they saw the newborn Mother Tree of Life, and the Sun King of the Griffin Kingdom was also happy.

"I will have to rely on the sun god behind him for one thing in the future, if it is true as the goddess of abundance said."

Whether the elves treat the Sun King he respectfully calls, or the Ancestral God Crown, they are all Goddess of Life's investment in Adam.Besides, his identity as a holy son is really intriguing, and it is by no means comparable to those ordinary holy sons and saintesses.

"Oh." The Moon and the Goddess of Hunting were thoughtful, and just about to ask what was going on, the expressions of the three gods changed at the same time.

In their divine eyes, a chaotic and violent energy turbulence swept across most of the outer space.Some legendary powerhouses who explored and searched for treasures in the outer void were completely annihilated by the turbulence before they could react.The energy turbulence of large groups quickly rushed out of the kingdom of Avalon, and collided with the defense system of the kingdom of God to form "flowers" formed by energy ripples!
"That is the direction of the kingdom of truth, what is truth doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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