Templar Sun King

Chapter 341 Yellow Wind and Black Dust

Chapter 341 Yellow Wind and Black Dust
In Galen's vision, the building that was originally used as a trial was covered in yellow, black and blue at the same time at this moment.

The yellow ones are the yellow wind and the yellow sand, and any objects that are swept away will melt into the sand in less than a second, and become part of the yellow sand.

The black is black dust, similar to the yellow wind, all objects that encounter black smoke and dust will be instantly extracted into bundles of black smoke and dust, turning into dust and blending into it.

Various bright lights can be vaguely seen in the yellow and black, which means that the legends inside are using the domain and battle energy to protect themselves, so as not to become a part of the yellow wind and black dust.Even so, when the two legendary peak masters used their weird abilities at the same time, the other legends planned to come out of the building and look for the battlefield again.

The blue color is the absolute zero degree cast by the legendary Mia of the Ice and Snow Church using the divine power from the Ice and Snow Goddess in the Winter Box. It is the most powerful legendary spell in the Frost faction.

The blue ice fog mixed with the yellow wind and black dust spread quickly, palm-sized snowflakes gradually floated on the Dawn Islands, and the temperature dropped accordingly.Soon, even Galen and Basel, the two peak silver professionals, felt their bodies trembling, and they had no choice but to dispel the cold with fighting spirit and magic power.

The cold winter is coming on the island, and the impact of absolute zero in the building is even more astonishing.

The grudges used by Sharkguard and Six-Armed Naga, who were fighting Mia head-on, were gradually frozen, turning into pieces of ice slag falling from their bodies during the battle.

Four Frost Guards with blue misty tails waved their battle axes and roared joyfully and excitedly. An environment like absolute zero is the perfect environment for them to exert their strongest strength.

The yellow wind and black dust collided, and the whole building finally couldn't bear the impact of energy released by many legendary battles and collapsed.The battlefield of the Wolf Man, Lion Man, Nicholas, Ash Lord, and Lightning Lord moved to the air to continue.

The lion man stopped the Lightning Lord who wanted to rescue the Ash Lord. He held a broad sword in two arms that were more than three times stronger than ordinary people, and turned into ten figures to continuously attack the Lightning Lord's field.

Every sword produced ripples in the domain, forcing the Lightning Lord to devote most of his attention to the domain, leaving no extra time to care about the Ash Lord.

Under the siege of the legendary Juggernaut Gnoll and the legendary mage Nicholas, the Lord of Ashes has exhausted all his strength and is still in danger. The deadliest threat comes from Nicholas' strange spells.

Four minutes ago, the Lord of Ashes collided with Nicholas' domain, and it was that collision that put him in an extremely dangerous situation.

Who would have thought that after Nicholas's domain collided with the flame domain, countless bloody tentacles would entwine around his flame domain.Not only that, these tentacles differentiated into more tentacles and began to invade his domain, even if it was burned by flames, it would not help.

Looking from a distance, the domain of the Ash Lord is being covered by dense red tentacles. When the flame domain is completely covered by the tentacles, it is basically the time when the Ash Lord dies.He still doesn't understand why he fell into the siege after leaving the Hanging Garden to serve as a jury member in the Dawn Islands.

"The Kingdom of the Orcs has no enmity with the Hanging Gardens!" The Lightning Lord was extremely anxious. Recently, Babelardi seemed to have a tendency to start a war with the Hanging Gardens.The loss of a legend at such a critical moment has a huge impact on the battle situation.

"It's true that there is no enmity, but someone offered such a great benefit that I couldn't refuse." The lion continued to bombard the Lord of Lightning while saying in a loud voice.

Great benefit?
The Absolute Domain blocked all the yellow wind, black dust and ice fog from all directions, but under the erosion of the yellow wind and black dust, the outer periphery of the Absolute Domain was being pulled out by two strands of force, one yellow, slowly turning into yellow sand Melting into the yellow wind, a streak of black turns into fine dust dancing.

Therefore, even if there were scuffles everywhere, Adam still had the energy to check what was going on in other places.

Pompey on the trial stand has reached a very critical moment. The dark elf Quinn tried to attack Pompey several times, but he was always stared at by the two cobras coiled beside him.

When the yellow wind and the black dust confronted each other, Quinn had no chance, and used all his battle energy to protect himself from becoming a part of it.

A golden flame rose behind Pompey's head, where Adam could vaguely see a palm-sized golden flame taking shape.If all goes well, in a few minutes it will transform into a real fire.

Arlos was also the one who saw the abnormality, and he finally opened his domain.

In an instant, the blue ice mist and black smoke were all expelled, and Adam Sanctuary, Dawn Church, Naga Empire, Frost Guard and others all left, leaving the abandoned buildings to Alros as the battlefield.

If they continued to stay here, I'm afraid even they would become part of Huang Feng and Hei Chen.


The yellow wind formed seven huge tornadoes that hovered upwards and stood erect between the heaven and the earth.As far as the field is concerned, the solid ice brought by absolute zero is covered with a layer of yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a pile of sand one after another.

On the left are seven yellow wind tornadoes whining, and on the right are five hideous and terrifying black dust cobras, catching and killing each other.

After Arlos opened the field, only the Ash Knight, whose will forcibly descended, was no match after all.

"Who the hell is he, and how can he possess such powerful power!" In the kingdom of truth, the four knights of truth looked at the indifferent man who could compete with the will of the ashes knight and even gain the upper hand.

"Turning everything into yellow sand and exterminating vitality is undoubtedly a death spell."

This point does not need to be reminded by the soul knight, the Ash knight can recognize it himself.He just wondered when there would be another legend in the world with such a high attainment in the field of death spells.

"Now everything depends on Pompey himself." Because of the obstruction of the four true gods, the four knights of truth could not directly rescue Pompey, and the only Ash Knight who came to the will encountered Arlos, and the hope was also not great.

It's a pity that the trial site is set at the Dawn Islands. If it's Mount Burgundy, the two legendary bishops of the God of Truth who have been hiding in the Kingdom of Keqi all year round can go to support them as quickly as possible. It's a pity...

While speaking, the seven yellow wind tornadoes strangled the five black dust cobras, and the black dust in the sky disappeared completely. The Ash Knight quickly took back a bit of will contained in it, so as not to be annihilated by Alros.

Palm-sized golden flames floated above Pompey's head, and the cosmic source power belonging to the [Justice] [Judgment] domain continued to come and blend into it.

In Adam's view, the aura of divinity on Pompey's body was already very weak, and it was replaced by a more powerful force, which belonged to the aura of gods, although he hadn't really transformed into a demigod until now.

The seven yellow wind tornadoes merged into one and were brought back into the domain by Allos. The domain filled with yellow wind and sand covered the whole ruins little by little, leaving only the center where Pompey, who was about to ascend to the throne of God, stood!
"What is this doing?"

Adam, Isabella, and Ellie are probably the three least dangerous and freest people in the entire Dawn Islands.Adam and Isabella are guarded by Andrew's absolute domain, and Ellie is protected by a water curtain opened by the coral priest.

When Arlos surrounded Pompey with the domain but did not kill him, Adam finally couldn't help asking.

In his opinion, now is the best time to kill Pompey, but Allos' actions confuse him.

Among the twelve legends of the jury, the target of the two orcs, the two wizards of the Hanging Garden, and Nicholas of the Cage family is obviously not Pompey.The role of the Legend of the Harvest Church is to contain the legend of the Church of the Earth. Mia of the Church of Ice and Snow holds the Winter Box and is powerful, but she is firmly contained by the Naga Empire.

The two elves from the Emerald Forest have been watching from the sidelines until now, with no intention of making a move.

Quinn stopped Faye, another legendary member of the Legendary Arbitration Institute, and Pompey, who was forced to ignite the divine fire, was exposed defenselessly to the attack of the last member, Allos.

Today, if someone said that the arbitrator Pompeo would be assassinated during the trial, it must be a joke that is enough to make people laugh out loud.After all, a master who has been famous for many years and can ignite the fire at any time can assassinate anyone.

One-on-one, none of the three heroes of the Holy Church is Pompey's opponent. Even Teresa and Andrew, who are good at defense, can't stop Pompey's attack.

"Maybe I want to strike when Pompeii ignites the divine fire and ascends to the throne of God." It was not Isabella who answered Adam, but stood outside the absolute realm and wanted to bombard Adam with the eternal blazing sun and crown flame just now. Kill Bart.

"It's arrogant, isn't it? People who are proficient in death faction spells are unfathomable and unpredictable. Maybe he will chase you and turn you into a pile of yellow sand when you are most relaxed."

Bart looked at Adam, his voice was very calm, as if he was chatting with a friend who had known him for many years, not an endless enemy.

Through the milky white brilliance of the Absolute Domain, Adam took a closer look at this rumored fanatic for the first time. In him, Adam couldn't find a trace of fanaticism and madness related to fanatics, and he was angry and pale because he couldn't attack for a long time. The livid Malloc and Earl are in stark contrast.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Bart. But I suppose it's my business."

"In this case, Malloch, Earl, let's go back to France." Andrew's absolute domain plus Teresa's defensive spells, the three legends of the Church of Dawn did not even touch a single hair of Adam from beginning to end, Bart decisively Leave, "Adam, we will meet again."

The backs of the three members of the Church of Dawn quickly disappeared into the air, leaving only Bart's voice behind.

Adam rubbed his chin, and felt that Bart was not a simple person. Just talking to his sworn enemy so calmly and pleasantly was not something ordinary people could do.But he quickly threw Bart behind him, three against three, neither side could gain an advantage.

But here, there is one place that can quickly take advantage.

"Simon, Teresa!" Adam pointed at the legend of the Ice and Snow Church, his arrogant and bullying appearance choked Sabo, who crawled out of the ruins just now.

(End of this chapter)

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