Templar Sun King

Chapter 314 Experiment

Chapter 314 Experiment
Adam trusted Teresa's super keen perception of the dark atmosphere.So the group moved forward carefully with [-] points of energy. Andrew walked in the front with a sword, and Teresa cut off the back.

The target mermaid has not been found yet, only a body bitten to death by an unknown powerful monster was found, and the breath of dark energy is still felt. The development of the matter is somewhat unexpected.

"There is a bright light ahead." This continued for about 10 minutes, passing through several forks in the middle. This time Teresa's judgment based on her perception of the dark aura was surprisingly consistent with the decisions of the two Naga.

"It's an underground palace." After coming out of a pool about two meters wide, what appeared in front of Adam was a very gloomy underground palace. The cold wind was blowing and the light was dim-now even Adam and Andrew, the paladins, could easily Feel the dark atmosphere deep in the underground palace.

A row of magic lamps hung on the aisles and stone walls on both sides, some of them were still operating normally, exuding strange and dim lights, and some were knocked down to the ground, causing chaos.

In addition, there were some navy blue scales on the ground—the scales of the crocodile shark—blood stains and various broken weapons and props.In addition to the various traces left on the ground and stone walls, it proves that a fierce battle took place here.

"These are the scales of the crocodile shark." Allie and Nikita looked serious.

As the first shallow sea sea tribe to join the Naga Empire, Crocodile disappeared mysteriously less than a year after joining the Naga Empire, which surprised many insiders.It is not easy to make a species disappear without alarming others.

"The priest of the temple sent by Priest Pearl was responsible for investigating the disappearance of the crocodile and found nothing, but the scales of the crocodile and the mermaid appeared here at the same time. There must be a secret in between." Ellie clenched her fists.

From Ellie's first mention of the disappearance of the crocodile shark, Adam vaguely felt that something was wrong but couldn't remember it. Now that Ellie mentioned it again, he finally knew what the problem was.

"I remember you and I mentioned that the mermaid family was exiled to the sea of ​​dark clouds, and they are not in the power center of the Naga Empire."

"That's right." Ellie still didn't find the problem.

"But why the disappearance of the crocodile shark is so important will be handed over to the Pearl Priest of the Misty Church, not the Coral Priest or the Empire."

"That's right." Adam's words awakened the dreamer, and Ellie, the pure-hearted Naga princess, finally found something unusual.

Why the disappearance of the crocodile was entrusted to the mermaid, who has never been favored by the royal family, is so unusual.Although the Misty Church also preached in the Naga Empire, the mainstream of belief is the Sea God Ito, the Sea God Church led by the Coral Priest.

Crocodile sharks, mermaid scales, and the dark atmosphere deep in the underground palace, things seem to be more and more beyond the scope of simple disappearances.

Ellie bit her lips: "It was the order from my mother, I remember it very clearly."

"Your Highness, don't think too much..." Nikita quickly comforted Princess Naga.

Adam and Andrew glanced at each other, and it turned out that the order was personally issued by the Queen Naga, which is worth pondering, maybe there is something hidden in it.

"That's right here. There are some crocodile corpses in the depths of the underground palace, if those are really alligator sharks." After entering the underground palace, Teresa used her huge mental power to scan the entire underground palace inch by inch. Near the stone room where the darkest atmosphere is strongest."

Among them, the stone room with the strongest dark atmosphere was equipped with more than one magic circle, blocking her mental power outside.It is not difficult to directly break through the magic circle with mental power, but Teresa thought that maybe her Holy Son would be more willing to check it in person.

Five minutes later, a group of people came near the stone room where Teresa said and Adam perceived the darkest atmosphere.

At the entrance of the stone room, there were more than a dozen corpses of crocodilians lying here and there.Crocodile Adam, seen in Midland, is a humanoid creature without a tail like a naga or a mermaid, but with scales and ears that are very different from humans.

It's just that the bodies of these crocodilians are somewhat different from those in the impression: their bodies are stronger, their scales are more dense, their muscles are well-developed, and their heads have become ferocious heads similar to those of sharks.

"How did the crocodile become like this?" When Adam was still doubting whether the corpses on the ground were crocodile, Ellie and Nikita had confirmed their identities.

"It looks like it was transformed into this by an evil human magic experiment." Ellie's face turned pale.White mages are good at healing and defense, black mages are good at curse attacks, and of course there are various rituals such as evil sacrifices, including human magic experiments.

"I saw them in a magic book that introduced Babel, through cruel rituals and experiments to change the size, organs and structure of creatures to gain terrible power, used to serve as slaves and familiars of black mages. "

The holy land of white magic is the famous silver tower in Upler, and the holy land of black magic is beyond ordinary forces. A mighty black mage with the terrifying power of a legendary rank.

"The answer may be in this stone chamber." Adam pointed to the stone chamber in front of him and said.

There are three magic circles still in operation on the stone gate, representing imprisonment, dizziness and weakness curse respectively.I don't know if it was an illusion that Adam felt a very pure and special breath in the thick dark breath, which was very weak, so he confirmed it with Teresa.

"You are not mistaken. There is indeed a very faint trace of pure aura in the stone room, which is firmly suppressed by the dark energy."

Teresa waved a piece of holy light and landed on the stone gate. The two magic circles representing imprisonment and dizziness were instantly washed away. Only the magic circle representing the weak curse burst out a strong purple-black light, entangled with the holy light. one place.

Crash!As if the glass was broken, the purple-black light quickly shattered under the purification and washing of the holy light.

Ka Ka Ka... After the three magic circles were broken, the door of the stone room opened automatically, accompanied by the pungent smell of blood and disinfectant, revealing its true colors.

This stone room, which is at least as big as a small square, is full of icy appliances emitting a cold light, various experimental instruments and magic devices, colorful and sticky unknown magic potions, and the bodies of alligator sharks that have been cut off in large and small sizes. organ.

On the right is a row of containers with a height of about two meters, in which a corpse of a crocodile is soaked.Some were the normal crocodile corpses that Adam had seen, some were similar to the corpses at the entrance of the stone chamber, and there was another kind with a stubby tail.

The entire stone room was filled with a strong smell of blood and darkness. Obviously, this was a magic laboratory used by black mages to conduct human magic experiments.

At the very center of the stone chamber stands a small altar of white bones, burning with a black flame. In the flame, the souls densely packed and visible to the naked eye are floating up and down and screaming. The dark breath perceived by Adam and others is released from this flame. come out.

"How could this be?" Ellie covered her mouth and almost spit it out.Adam also frowned. This stone room that served as a magic laboratory made him feel very uncomfortable.

"The Kingdom of the Babelite Mage." Nikita found a magic sign on the stone wall.They were three concentric circles, the middle one was a black sheep's head with curved horns, the second circle was wrapped around a poisonous snake, and the third circle was empty.

"The sheep's head and the poisonous snake are the most famous symbols of Babel." Similar to the sun cross of the church, the six-pointed star and the five-headed dragon of the Scourge Church.

I don’t know much about Adam, Andrew, and Teresa of the mage kingdom, but considering the scarlet poisonous scorpion that should have appeared in Yasha, the strong dark energy atmosphere, and the human magic laboratory, Babelades has a good chance| Nine is the final answer.

"Your Highness, let me purify the soul in the flames first." Theresa said.

This black flame is the purgatory fire in black magic, a legendary level spell, whose power is unknown how many times that of the silver spell hellfire.

The most frightening thing about it is not that it can burn the body to ashes all at once, but that after the target loses his body, he will lock the opponent's soul firmly in the flames, and undergo painful roasting until the last bit of consciousness in the soul disappears.

Adam nodded, he could tell that most of the souls wailing in the black flames were crocodile souls.Under the torment of the purgatory fire, they have already lost their emotions and reason. If they hadn't come here today, the souls of these crocodilians would howl in pain day and night in the purgatory fire until their souls died.

The holy light fell from above the purgatory fire, covering the black flames, and the milky white and black brilliance collided and sputtered.

The souls were rescued from the fire of purgatory, their expressions gradually became serene in the holy light, and then dissipated in the stone chamber - if they had faith, their souls would go to their respective kingdoms of God through the faith channel after death, and if they did not have faith, their souls would go to their respective kingdoms of God. Turn it into an energy factor and return to the natural universe.

When the purgatory fire was extinguished and all the souls were purified, a dark golden coin fell to the ground with a crisp sound, exuding the extremely pure breath that Adam and Teresa felt just outside the stone room.

At the same time, there is an extra line of reminders in the adventure log in the sanctuary space: Purify the soul of the crocodile, dispel the fire of purgatory, gain a small amount of experience, and increase career progress by 10%!

(End of this chapter)

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