Templar Sun King

Chapter 310 2 Tails (2)

Chapter 310 Two Tails (2)

Ellie's words really surprised Adam. He was no stranger to the Goddess of Love and Pleasure, and like the Goddess of Plenty, he was a member of the Titan pantheon established by the giants.And now Ellie said that the Goddess of Love and Pleasure has another title, the God of Mist and Foam, and she is a member of the Poseidon lineage!

How can this be?

The goddess of love and joy, belonging to the Titan pantheon, in charge of the two priesthoods of love and joy.

The God of Mist and Foam belongs to the ocean gods and holds the two priesthoods of Mist and Foam.

These two gods, who have nothing to do with each other in terms of domains or priesthoods, are actually the same one, Hiriana, who has mastered the four major priesthoods—the gods Adam has come into contact with so far, the Goddess of Plenty and Sea God, have not reached four priesthoods—— And it also straddles the two major gods!

You must know that the relationship between the Titan gods and the sea gods is not very good. The fall of the Titan gods once had a relationship with the current sea god Ito. The attitude is evident.

etc!Adam found some clues in his chaotic brain. He vaguely remembered that after the two goddesses mentioned Hailiana, the goddess of abundance accused the sea god of fulfilling the responsibility of a god-lord. Could it be that the goddess of abundance was referring to love and joy? The thing about the goddess straddling the two major gods?
"Ellie, are you sure that the God of Mist and Foam in the Sea Goddess is the Goddess of Love and Pleasure in the Titan Goddess?" Adam couldn't think of an answer, so he asked Ellie for confirmation.

"Of course, the God of Mist and Foam in the Oceanic Goddess, and the Goddess of Love and Pleasure in the Titanic Goddess, are the same god, Her Highness Hailiana." Seeing Adam's unbelievable expression, Ellie comforted, "Actually When I heard the news for the first time last night, my expression was similar to yours now, it just straddles two god lines, and it has nothing to do with us."

No, it matters, Adam thought.

Originally, he thought that there were not many gods in this world. Although they belonged to different gods, races, and domains, they were not that complicated. The situation of Hailiana made Adam alert, and the domain of gods was more mysterious than he imagined.

A god is actually named in two gods who are not closely related or even have a bit of hatred at the same time-how did Hailiana not be expelled from the two gods jointly, Adam is very curious about this-it caused Adam a huge It was so shocking that Ellie was in a trance when she continued to tell him about the grievances and grievances between the Naga and the mermaids.

"The mermaid family was very stable in the first days of becoming believers of the God of Mist and Foam. Later, as time went by, they became interested in the power of the empire, which can be described as Le Zhong."

"I think that when the mermaid empire falls, the mermaid family should be completely controlled, instead of giving them too much power and power."

Adam shook his head and forced himself to take his attention away from Hiriana. He didn't quite understand why the Naga Empire made such an unwise decision. Perhaps there was something deeper behind the mermaid's belief in the God of Mist and Foam. layered reasons.

"That was a long time ago, I don't know." Ellie shook her head, "But since the mermaid's mind became active, the dispute between the two tails has occurred in the Naga Empire, and it hasn't stopped at all."

The most severe dispute was when a lord of the mermaid clan tried to get involved in the military power of the empire. In the end, all the clan related to her (except the clergy with priesthood) were all executed by the queen of that generation!

"And did things get better?"

"No, the mermaids just stabilized for a while. Later, the mermaid royal family was ordered to live permanently in the imperial capital and not allowed to go out. All other mermaids except the priests were exiled to the sea of ​​dark clouds."

The Dark Cloud Sea is a trench in the deep sea, shrouded in darkness all the year round. It is the place where the Naga Empire exiled members of the royal family who made mistakes.

"That's why when you see the multicolored scales, you suspect that a mermaid may be playing tricks on it."

"Well, since being exiled to the sea of ​​dark clouds, the mermaid family has gradually settled down, but I don't think they will let it go, there must be some conspiracy brewing. And the one who is in charge of investigating the disappearance of the crocodile family is the pearl priest. I don't believe them at all. "

For those mermaid Ellie who likes to decorate herself with pearls and shells, she has a feeling of disgust since she was a child, especially their soft waists, weak bodies, and delicate voices made her nauseous.I don't know if it's an illusion, but she always feels that these mermaids' hearts and beautiful appearance are two extremes.

Then she suddenly realized that Adam might not be familiar with the church of their Naga Empire, and she was a little embarrassed: "Pearl Priest is the head of the church of the God of Mist and Foam, and has always been held by the mermaid clan."

That's pretty pope, Adam thought.As the defeated party, not only was he not exterminated or demoted to slavery, which caused a dispute between the two tails in the Naga Empire, but he also served as the highest leader of the priests of the Misty Church. If Adam was killed without inside information, he would not believe it.

"The scales on the tail of the mermaid family's professionals will transform into multicolored scales when they are promoted to the golden rank, which is a very precious magic material. Even mermaids themselves will carefully collect the scales that fall off. "

"Now we see the mermaid's scales on the sea, which means that there used to be a mermaid with a golden rank here fighting with the enemy, and the opponent's strength is not bad, even if the scales fall off, there is no time to collect them."

"That's right, judging from the freshness of the scales, the battle time is just around the corner."

"However, based on this alone, we cannot be sure that the mermaid is related to the disappearance of the crocodile." At best, it can only prove that there have been mermaids here recently.

"Uh..." Ellie deflated instantly like a ball that had been poked. She scratched her hair embarrassingly, her cheeks flushed, "Let's rescue Nikita first."

After intending to use the mermaid to stir up conflicts between Adam and the Naga Empire, Marlock, Earl and the two surviving golds searched for the whereabouts of the mermaid near the Dawn Islands.

"Judging from the freshness of the scales, it won't take more than a day to leave the owner's body." Earl put a multicolored scale in front of his eyes and observed it carefully, calculating the time. On the way to the Dawn Islands, "It should be nearby."

An hour later, Earl met Mallock at the agreed place, but he found nothing. The continuous failure made him fall into a restless mood.It would be great if Affleck was still there. The magic-type legendary master is much more convenient than their two strength-type fighters in using mental power and domain to perceive the enemy.

But having said that, if Affleck was still there, they rushed directly to Celtic to fight Adam, why bother to blindly look for the whereabouts of the mermaid here.

Maybe they really need the help of another legend, Bart of Aurora Holy Prison.

"Absolutely not!" Malloch denied Earl's idea without hesitation, jokingly, although the two of them held high positions in the Church of Dawn, they were not qualified to release a fanatic who tried to assassinate the Pope instead.

There is only one person in the entire Church of Dawn who can make this decision, and that is Pope Clement II.Not as a last resort, Malloc really doesn't want to see Bart come out of the Aurora Holy Prison, it will definitely be a disaster.

"Believe me, Marlock, I know better than you the disaster that Bart may bring when he walks out of the Aurora Holy Prison. We have lost Affleck, and maybe we should really think about the feasibility of this decision." Earl tried his best to perceive his surroundings While looking for the traces of the mermaid, he said to Marlock.

I hope their operation goes well this time, otherwise the two of them are really not opponents of the Holy Church.

Now the two of them can find the mermaid arrangement plan here thanks to the unstable factor of Percival of the Silver Tower, otherwise, according to Adam's personality, he would have taken the three legends to attack the Dawn Islands for siege.

It was so sad that Earl felt his face was hot and almost gritted his teeth because of the enemy's relationship to get a hard-won respite.

Lord of the Dawn, where did this temple that believes in the Sun God come from?
Almost before everyone reacted, Adam had already unified Celtic and established the Holy Griffin Kingdom, and the Holy Church quickly took root in Celtic. Before that, they didn't even know that there was another person in the world called God of the Sun God!
And Adam's growth rate, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as terrifying, now he is the king of the Griffin Kingdom and the holy son of the temple!

Considering the powerful strength of the three Celtic legends, although Adam himself only has the strength of the golden rank, in Earl's view, he can almost be compared with the magic prince of Babel and the mage lord of the Hanging Garden——Ba Grand Duke Belady is ranked second on the blacklist of the Church of Dawn!

"God is watching us, Earl." Malloc said solemnly to Earl, "Believe in yourself, the dawn will eventually illuminate the darkness, and victory belongs to us."

"That's right, victory belongs to us." This is one of the holy words of the Lord of Dawn, intended to remind the world to have hope, and to fight to the end even in desperate situations.

"What's that?" Malok suddenly yelled.

"A mermaid scale with blood on it, she is nearby!" The corner of Earl's mouth couldn't help but twitch, the Lord of Dawn blesses him.

"No..." However, Locke's voice was a little dry, "far away."

Earl looked again, and saw that there was an extra stretch of mountains in the sky at some point, rushing towards the Dawn Islands with bursts of roar!

(End of this chapter)

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