Templar Sun King

Chapter 295 Magic Launcher (2)

Chapter 295 Magic Launcher (2)

The God of Truth has no intention of hiding from her about that huge plan.In fact, during this 4000-year cooperative relationship, her position with the God of Truth has already undergone earth-shaking changes, which is one of the reasons why the other party showed her ambitions in general.

"Magic launcher?" Mrs. Grace looked at the [-]-meter-high steeple exuding an astonishing aura in surprise.

"The ability to prophesy is amazing. Madam just called out its name exactly the first time she saw it." The black-haired, black-eyed young man was covered with a layer of chaotic brilliance between silver and gray, which belonged to The main god's radiance smiled gently, but the sharp eyes made Mrs. Grace's scalp tingle.

Since igniting the divine fire and ascending to the throne of God, the genius mage who was once obedient disappeared, replaced by a God of truth who is kind on the surface but cold on the inside.Just like now, Mingming has a gentle and friendly smile on his face, but his sharp eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts, weird contradictions, and creepy.

"It has nothing to do with the prophecy," Mrs. Grace retorted.

In fact, it has something to do with the prophecy, even if it doesn't become a god, Mrs. Grace can always get sporadic information from the messy and complicated laws of fate when she sees people and things that involve major issues in the development of the universe. information.

Just when she saw the magic launcher for the first time, a strange picture appeared in her mind: it was a huge chaotic sphere, and there were thirteen smaller spheres revolving around it at high speed. Movement, one invisible magic wave after another escapes from this combination, radiating to the entire universe.

"Mother Earth's magic launcher, I've heard of some."

"I see." The young man's inquisitive gaze weakened slightly, "What do you think of the priesthood of magic?"

Magic priesthood?Mrs. Grace is shocked by the ambition of the God of Truth.The young man standing in front of her is already one of the four main gods of the universe, in charge of the wonderful and powerful priesthood of chaos - the priesthood of chaos can distort reality to a certain extent according to the wishes of the master - and now he actually wants to get involved in magic clergy.

There is no doubt that the priesthood of magic is a priesthood with extraordinary potential and power, enough to support a god to ascend to the main god.

"I need your help."

"Of course, of course." The young man said as he shot a beam of chaotic light from his fingertips onto Mrs. Grace.With the support of the God of Truth, Lord God, Mrs. Grace used her magic to spy on fate, and the combination of thirteen chaotic spheres appeared in her mind again.

This time she saw more clearly, there was a golden hourglass floating in the center of the chaotic light sphere, which was undoubtedly the symbol of the God of Truth.The thirteen spheres moving at high speed around the chaotic light sphere represent the thirteen magic schools, earth, nature, waves, frost, storm, thunder, flame, space, death, destruction, undead, darkness, prophecy!

At the same time, Mrs. Grace learned the name of this chaotic sphere in advance from fate, Chaos Star Ring.Regardless of whether this Chaos Star Ring belonging to the God of Truth has been manufactured, or it will not be called this name after it is manufactured, but one day in the future it will have only one final name, and that is the Chaos Star Ring.

The chaotic star ring emits dense magic waves trying to cover the entire universe, but besides the magic waves emitted by the chaotic star ring, there is also a weak magic wave.At that time, Mrs. Grace thought that it was the backlash from fate that caused her to have an illusion, but in retrospect, it was not an illusion at all, but the key point.

Truth, truth, I'm afraid you don't know that there actually exists a mage who masters a magic launcher and is also trying to get his hands on the priesthood of magic on Celtic land!

Mrs. Grace sneered at first, and then the weather was cloudy. She remembered the condition that the God of Truth promised to deal with the Lord of the Sky not long ago. Born here.

"What about the Hanging Garden?" Mrs. Grace put down the crystal ball and asked Lilith.

"The Lord of Ashes, Hawkingen, did not agree." Hawkingen is the mage of the Hanging Garden who holds the third scepter. The Lord of Ashes is his title, which represents his identity as the Lord of the Fire Elemental Lineage of the Hanging Garden.

"You must get the scepter at all costs." The matter is a god, and Mrs. Grace is extremely determined, "If Hockingen still refuses to agree, help me contact the Grand Duke of Babel, I think he will be very happy to make peace with the natural disaster." The church teamed up to kill a legendary mage in the Hanging Garden."

"Don't worry, teacher." With the enmity between Babelard and Hanging Garden, the Grand Duke of Magic will definitely agree.

When arranging for Lilith to obtain the third scepter, Mrs. Grace recalled the prophecy she made to the three scepters mentioned by Lilith with the help of the Lord God of Truth. The result of the prophecy showed that the three scepters became gods with her Conditions, the god bones of the New World, have nothing to do with it.

If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have stopped her plan to find and crack the scepter so simply, and put her energy into other unknowns.

Damn it, the truth has tampered with the predicted results!It must be that the opponent's chaotic priesthood has the terrifying ability to distort reality!But why did he distort the prediction result?Mrs. Grace clenched her fists so that even the wrinkles on her face were crowded together like a bark.

There is only one answer. Obviously, the God of Truth already knew that the three scepters were related to the bones of the New World before she made the prophecy, at least related to the New World!The question is how could God of Truth know about the New World?Where did he get the news from?

When she met the God of Truth for the first time, the other party was just a little boy under eight years old with extraordinary talent, whose family was broken up and wandering in Yasha.If she hadn't been adopted by her, today's God of Truth, the Percy Empire and the Church of Truth that almost ruled the entire Yasha would not have appeared.

Even if she watched the God of Truth grow from a young mage to the main god of the Megatron universe, Mrs. Grace would not feel that she knew each other well enough. In the dark curtain.

Celtic, outside the Danube.

"Success!" The magic launcher, which took Isabella, Vesper and other silver mages for more than a month, was successfully activated under Isabella's spell, and transmitted magic waves in all directions, successfully covering the surrounding [-] people. An area of ​​about square kilometers is covered.

At the same time, Pepin, who had been waiting in Danube City, once again felt the long-lost breath of the magic net, and couldn't wait to raise his magic wand to release the agreed arcane spell to the sky, magic fireworks, and colorful lights bloomed in the sky.

Ever since he was promoted to a three-ring arcanist with the help of the magic net, Pepin has never felt so good, but the feeling of being disconnected from the net is not very good. The word disconnected comes from King Adam I of the Griffin Kingdom.That kind of feeling is like letting a person live a luxurious and lustful aristocratic life first, and then throwing him into a chaotic slum, the gap is huge.

"It's great to be able to cast spells normally." Seeing the magic fireworks blooming in the distant sky, the mages surrounding the magic launcher cheered together.

If nothing else happened, as long as a dozen more magic launchers were built, the magic net could cover the entire Celtic.In Adam's words, the magic net's service scope will fully cover the entire Celtic.

Isabella hugged Alice and showed joy. In the first five years before she was promoted to the golden rank, she devoted all her energy to how to create a magic ring according to the knowledge of the mother of the earth, and successfully engraved the spell of the black iron rank on it. .After being promoted to the gold level, engrave the spells of the bronze level again, and leave four disaster spells of the gold level on it as the final hole card - the first magic ring is just a test product, and the real magic ring needs space and space Gem combination, which is now the magic net.

The weaving of the first to fourth floors of the magic net is basically completed, and the scope of the service area can be solved slowly. The next thing Isabella needs to do is to promote the magic net spellcasting method within the scope of the Celtic sacred Griffin Kingdom. Wang has improved his strength, and a bright magical road is unfolding in front of him.

"Teacher, once the plan is successful, I can be promoted to a high-ranking gold class." The early stage of the magic net was in the entrepreneurial stage, and Isabella could handle all the pressure alone.With the increase in the number of magic net mages, the magic net will soon enter the profit-making stage. The more people who use the magic net to cast spells, the better for Isabella's strength.

If the magic net can cover the entire Celtic, and more than five hundred mages are willing to cast spells with the help of the magic net, Isabella can use this to smoothly advance to the gold high rank.

"One month," Vesper said.Vesper has learned a lot from exploring the magic launcher, a magical achievement researched by a main god. She is confident that it only takes one month to digest the gains from researching and manufacturing the magic launcher during this period, and advance to a high-level gold.

"That's really great." The Queen of the Griffin Kingdom was in a good mood, the magic launcher experiment was successful, and Adam and the others in the Rises Sea Region also ushered in the victory of the first battle.

(End of this chapter)

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