Templar Sun King

Chapter 288 Kingdom (1)

Chapter 288 Kingdom (1)

Clement recalled the recent major events, and there was no doubt that the resurrection of the confessor, Mrs. Teresa, was a miracle that shocked people beyond measure.Witnessing with his own eyes that Mrs. Teresa was resurrected from the Holy Light and returned to the world, his soul was greatly tested and impacted.Compared with other priests who were present at the time, he was not immersed in the shock and couldn't extricate himself from it. Instead, he used this to reshape his devout belief in the sun god and was promoted to level 6 in one fell swoop, obtaining the status of a priest.

This made him temporarily the leader of the group of 97 priests and won the praise of the Holy Inquisitor.It was also the same day that he learned the true identities of Simon and Teresa in the church, the Holy Inquisitor and the Confessor, the special duties of the legendary rank of the temple, the Holy Inquisitor represents the wrath of God, and the confessor represents God's salvation.

The priest corresponds to black iron, the priest corresponds to bronze, the priest corresponds to silver, the patriarch corresponds to gold, the inquisitor and the confessor correspond to legends!
The second is the identity of the Son of Adam.Whether it is a believer in the Sun God or a priest in the church, it is an extremely honorable thing to be able to preside over the resurrection ceremony of a confessor in the church, and it requires sufficient status and status to be eligible.

Coupled with the respectful attitude of Simon and Teresa towards him, after the resurrection ceremony, someone privately named Adam the Son of God—because they really couldn’t think of any other name that could be put on Adam— —It is used to describe Adam's special status in the church. Although his strength is not as strong as that of Simon and Teresa, it is far superior in terms of status.

What surprised them was that the name of the Holy Son was recognized by the Holy Inquisitor Simon and the Confessor Teresa, and they warned them very seriously: You need to treat the Holy Son with more respect than you treat us, as if God is an agent in the world.

In other churches, there is only one agent of God on earth, and that is the Pope!
They agreed in a trance, and then belatedly moved the position of the Griffin Lord Adam in their hearts again, and affixed the sacred name of the Son of God.Anyway, the more noble the dual identities of the Adam Griffin Duke and the Holy Son, the greater the benefit to the Holy Church.

In the church, Clement had already prepared a draft to express his idea of ​​establishing churches in other cities after meeting Simon, trying to explain the Holy Inquisitor and gain his support, but a word from Simon made him I was stunned and couldn't say a word on the spot.

"What is the effect of the magic fist given by my lord?"

If it hadn't been for the years of experience that made Clement calm enough, it would not be as simple as being speechless now.He had just been bestowed by the Sun God, and the Holy Inquisitor in the church got the news in the blink of an eye, how could he not be shocked.Fortunately, he himself is not a short-sighted person who wants to fight for power in the church just because he received the grace of God—it is one thing to be devout to God, but it is another thing to fight for power among priests—he just keeps Simon’s faith in his heart. His status continued to rise, and he envied the Sun God's love for him.

In fact, Adam just asked Simon to create a sense of mystery in front of these priests and enhance their beliefs, without any other deep-seated intentions.

"This is God's reward for your promotion to priesthood, and it is your glory." Clement heard Simon say to him calmly, with a solemn expression, "Don't let any filth defile him at any time."

"Follow your instruction, Your Excellency the Holy Inquisitor."

"Well, what is the purpose of your coming to see me today?"

It is not easy to find Simon's face-to-face advice. Church affairs are usually handled by priests, and they are all silver professionals who are a whole level higher than him. The fact of the surgery made Simon take a look at him before deciding to give him a chance to be alone in the church.So he quickly told Simon his thoughts.

"You have a heart." Clement's plan was very detailed. He selected twelve important cities in the entire Celtic land, six in the north and six in the south, to build the first batch of churches.It is also suggested to start work immediately before the influence of Mrs. Teresa's resurrection has completely disappeared, to win more beliefs and believers, and to expand the influence of the sun god in the secular world.

"But I'm afraid it won't work recently..."

Clement was somewhat puzzled by Simon's affirmation and rejection.

"The Griffin Square has been completed." But Simon didn't explain why, but just said something inexplicably.

Griffon Square is a huge square that Griffin City started to build before the Legendary War. Clement saw it when he passed by a few days ago. I have to say that the square built under the supervision of the First Consul is very spacious and pretty.But what substantive conflict does this have with not building churches in several other cities?

Unless... a guess was born in Clement's mind.

"What did you think of?"

Clement carefully stated his guess: "His Royal Highness is about to be crowned?"

His Royal Highness the Son is the respectful title given to Adam by their priests (Griffin Grand Duke is his secular title), and coronation refers to the crown of the king of the Griffin Kingdom.Adam did not hold a coronation ceremony when he established the Principality of Griffin, but with the unification of the Celtic north and south, the Principality obviously could not meet the vision of every Celtic, and they couldn't wait to witness the first kingdom in history. Celtic is born.

"Yes, so the establishment of the church and missionary matters will be carried out after the coronation of His Highness the Son. By then, you will be the main force of missionary work. Don't let me down, and don't let God down." Status, since the birth of the Holy Son, Simon and Teresa changed the title of Adam from the young master to His Highness the Son when they were in the church.

"I understand, Your Excellency the Holy Inquisitor, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

"The crown has been made." Janet carefully placed a twelve-sided crown in front of Arras, which was jointly built by 67 skilled craftsmen invited from Upler day and night with countless painstaking efforts.

"Oh my God, she's so beautiful!" The other six elders who were discussing the coronation ceremony with Arras cast their eyes over and couldn't look away.

"Of course it's beautiful!" Martin, the newly appointed Minister of Commerce and Trade, triumphantly said, "This crown is inlaid with 1 bright rough stone, 4 bright magic crystals, 8 rubies, 12 emeralds, 16 sapphires, and 227 diamonds. Pearls and more than 2800 large and small diamonds. And the two legendary masters of the temple jointly sealed the two golden spells of holy protection and holy thorns. Once the owner of the crown is attacked by external forces, it will be automatically activated. I bet the entire The only thing in the world that can surpass this crown is the Star Crown of the Seather Empire."

The six elders knew that the two legendary masters in Martin's mouth were the Holy Inquisitor Simon and the Confessor Teresa, and the star crown was one of the three treasures of the Sither Empire.However, what he said was not unreasonable. The crowns of ordinary kingdoms were all about luxury and luxury, but in terms of magic effects, the crown in front of them was really better.

The original stone of light is said to be a kind of magic treasure that contains the law of light. Magic crystals with light attributes are also quite rare. The joint casting of two legendary masters is not something that an ordinary kingdom can order.Even if someone said that what was placed in front of them was not a crown, but a very high-level magic item, no one could refute it.

"What's the name of the crown?" Ryan asked, and the others also showed very curious looks.

"The Crown of the Gryphon," Arras said.

"It is in line with the name of the Holy Griffin Kingdom." Justin was the first to come back to his senses and said in the silence.He originally thought that the crown with two golden spells sealed would have a very famous name, but who knew it was a little bit different from what he imagined.Being mediocre was his first reaction when he heard the name, but how could the elder of the Griffin Principality comment on the future king's crown like this, so he hurriedly looked for a way to praise it.

As for the Kingdom of the Holy Griffin, it was the name of the country after the Griffin Principality was promoted to a kingdom after the Celtic unification. Anyone who sees the powerful monster that is half a griffin and half a vulture hovering over the Griffon City will feel that this name is worthy of the name, and it is perfect. .

"Cough cough." Aras reminded everyone with a cough, "Everyone, if I remember correctly, the purpose of our meeting here today is to check the progress of the coronation ceremony, not to discuss the name of the crown." He also glanced at Janet, who couldn't bear to take her eyes off the crown of the griffin, this beautiful and powerful item is always full of unique attractions for women.

But his gaze was still noticed by the stronger Janet, who snorted softly.She was in charge of all the crowns, scepters, swords, and dresses needed for the coronation ceremony. She was very busy these days, but when she thought about the coronation ceremony that was about to start seven days later, she couldn't sleep because of the excitement.Two years ago, she and Arras were the most ordinary adventurers in Falcon City, and two years later they were in charge of the king's coronation ceremony, all of which seemed like a dream.

"The layout of the venue is complete..."

"Soldiers and guards are all in place..."

"The process is confirmed to be correct..."

"The personnel have confirmed..."

They checked the progress to make sure nothing went wrong.The only thing that makes them regret is that in terms of personnel, Adam has no idea of ​​inviting other kingdoms and forces to watch the ceremony.However, it is not difficult to understand that the Celtics have just unified and may usher in the attack of the Church of Dawn and France at any time. The greater purpose of the coronation ceremony is to motivate the Celtics to prepare for the upcoming war.Announcing the world and inviting people from other kingdom forces to come to watch the ceremony is the next best thing.

After several confirmations, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.If there is a problem with such an important matter as the coronation ceremony, it will be too embarrassing for the group of people in charge.

 Tomorrow at three o'clock, the third volume will end, so happy to decide O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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