Templar Sun King

Chapter 279 Follow-up Effects

Chapter 279 Follow-up Effects
Even ten years later, what happened on May 4900, 5 A.D. will be remembered by most Celts: God's Descent and Legendary War, Grand Duke Griffin was promoted to Gold Rank, Andrew and Simon were promoted to Legend, The Griffin Principality defeated the Church of Dawn, the Yeoman Civil War, the noble council surrendered unconditionally, and Newlandon, which was turned into a desert and wiped off the map!
Although Major himself led the rebellion against the Church of Dawn and fought with the bishop priests, he cleaned the temple of the Church of Dawn in Yeoman, which was empty of power, in one day—things went so smoothly thanks to the two golden deterrents of Gavin and Gwenda Those soft bastards who immediately joined the Church of Dawn didn't need Major to expend too much energy. When they learned that there were eight gold professionals in the Principality of Griffin, they immediately weighed the pros and cons and made the most correct choice. Turned his sword and wand against the Bishops and Priests of the Church of the Dawn, and acted more heroically than anyone else.

Until now, Major was still in a trance state, so the Church of Dawn was defeated by the Principality of Griffin?
He tried more than once to remove the power of the Church of Dawn from the noble council, but he never succeeded.In fact, the power of the Church of Dawn of the Noble Council is not so strong that it is hopeless. The key is that the headquarters of the Church of Dawn in Frans is too powerful.The cardinal archbishop and vice-head of the Knights of the golden rank did not come to Celtic for 90 years, but I have to admit that the reputation of a cardinal group alone made several speakers of the noble council afraid to come to Celtic. act rashly.For Celtic, whose overall level of strength is not high, a gold professional is the top combat power and deterrence. Gavin and Gwenda's effortless takeover of the noble council is a good proof of this.

Originally, according to his plan, after purging the power of the Yeoman Dawn Church, he would immediately cut off all supplies to the fortress of Newlanden, completely isolate it, create a good fighting situation for the Principality of Griffin, and at the same time fight for a good future for himself.However, things developed too fast. When he regained control of Yeoman and was about to do a big fight, Cesare sent a piece of news that made him stunned on the spot-the entire army of gold professionals from the Church of Dawn and the Silver Tower Annihilated!

"I still remember the appearance of those people. The scene was really interesting." Royer said with a smile.Those people were referring to the MP who had just betrayed the Church of Dawn.After seeing Major's stunned expression, they thought that there was another change on the front line, and their faces immediately turned ashen, full of despair and regret, and then they were ecstatic after learning the news of the Griffin Principality's complete victory.

"It's embarrassing to say it. My reaction is no better than theirs." Ze Xi said, with great sadness and joy, the ups and downs almost made him, the silver warrior, almost unable to bear the heart.Although he was ready to fail when he decided to fight against the Church of Dawn with Major, who really wanted to fail?The news of Griffin Principality's complete victory was not enough to make him lose his composure. What made him unbelievable was that Gavin was ruthlessly killed after performing God's Arrival!

The Cardinal Archbishop of the golden rank uses the God's Descent technique to obtain the blessing of the will of the gods. For silver professionals like them, there is no other word to describe except despair.The last time the same combat power appeared on Celtic was the Lord of the Bones during the undead disaster. At the time, all the gold professionals joined forces to kill him. Faults appear on the Walter.

Although this time is also the pinnacle of legend, Gavin achieved the prestige of others, a mysterious legendary master named Arlos!At a critical moment, he rescued Adam, the Griffin Duke, and started a fierce fight with Gavin. As a result, Gavin was killed, and Newlandon, the fortress city of the noble council, has now become a desert.

These are not the most shocking. The real reason for the noble council to immediately make an unconditional surrender to the Griffin Principality is that Andrew, the guardian knight of the Griffin Grand Duke Adam, was promoted to legend in this battle, and he was promoted together with him Patriarch Simon of the Church of the Sun God.

Two legends!

Celtic has never had its own legendary masters, and now there are two of them, the ones who are loyal to Adam the Griffon!

Everyone on Celtic who heard the news was attracted by the word legend. As for how long it took them to be promoted to the gold rank, why they were promoted to legend together, etc., they were ignored.They only know one fact, Celtic is ushering in the strongest era in history!
There is no doubt that even the professionals and adventurers of the noble council have to admit this.Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the noble council, which does not even have a gold rank, directly surrendered to the Griffin Principality unconditionally after hearing the news.No matter how conservative and stubborn the southern aristocrats were, they would never say no to the two legends.

"Griffin Grand Duke Adam, Grand Duchess Isabella, Vesper, Phoenix Phoenix, Hydra Medora, and the Grand Duke's favorite Bird of Paradise, two legends, six gold, Celtic finally want Unified!"

Adam is very likely to become the first person in history to unify the Celts, which is quite a remarkable achievement. You must know that even the Celts were not completely unified during the Sither Empire.Of course, this is not to say that the current Adam is not great. A golden archmage who is less than 20 years old is the most outstanding figure no matter what era he is placed in.

And God knows when a legend will appear next to Adam again—the addition of gold professionals is no longer enough to surprise them—who would have expected that before the battle, there would be a legend beside Adam who could perform the divine descent technique? The legendary pinnacle master of Gavin's first battle!

"Don't you wonder where they come from?"

"Are you referring to Andrew, Simon, Allos or the army that took over the noble council?"

The corner of Cesare's mouth twitched: "All."

They already know that Levitt's advanced gold is the reason why the Church of Dawn can send gold professionals to Celtic, so the mysterious Weaving family must not be on Celtic, otherwise the Church of Dawn would not have to wait for the long 90 year time.

The day after they surrendered to the Duchy of Griffins, an army from York marched all the way south to take over the House of Lords.This army consists of five arms, two black iron and three bronze.The black iron unit is a militia with a trident and the bright magical creature Yaoling, and the bronze unit is a majestic silverback wolf, a majestic guard, and a sharpshooter with a hundred shots.

They lined up neatly and orderly, forming a phalanx, and made no sound except for the sound of footsteps, which made everyone amazed.Leading this army are two epic creatures, phoenix the phoenix and aeras the bird of paradise, one beautiful and the other holy, flying in the sky in gigantic original forms.Behind them followed fifteen high-ranking silver royal griffins, one of the symbols of the Griffin Principality.

This is the powerful strength displayed by the Griffin Principality!Any remaining power of the Church of Dawn in the noble council along the way was wiped out by this army.

Major shook his head: "Maybe there will be a chance to find out later."

"Anyway, it's all up to you this time," Zexi said.If it weren't for Major, they would definitely stay in Yeoman obediently because they were concerned about the Church of Dawn, instead of directly using violence to cleanse Yeoman's Church of Dawn with him, and now they would have no chance to come to Griffin City, the central city of Celtic Accept the audience of the Grand Duke of Griffin.

That's right, the unwillingness and anger of Major being forcibly expelled from the power center of the noble council by Gavin and Gwenda were all vented in this Yeoman civil war. All the bishops of the Church of Dawn in Yeoman were killed, leaving none behind. One-third of the priests were killed during the battle, and the remaining two-thirds were completely pushed into the abyss of despair after hearing Major's announcement.

Perhaps his attitude greatly pleased the Grand Duke of Griffon. After they handed over the army that came to Yeoman, they were told to set off for Griffin City to meet Adam immediately.Years of political career told them that this is a good thing. Although they are losers, there is no shame in losing to Adam and the two legends.In the future, when others mention the Celtic unification, they may still mention them, the professionals who dared to compete with Adam the Griffon. As for the Church of Dawn, they are the group that was nailed to the pillar of shame.

"I don't know how Adam will arrange for us?" With the surrender of the noble council headed by Major, Adam's army went south, and Celtic unification was an inevitable trend.

"Should you get a good job?" Royer didn't want to admit that he felt guilty for no reason when he answered this question.After all, regardless of whether they surrendered or not, there is no doubt about breaking the noble council with the current strength of the Principality of Griffin.

"Judging from the existing system of the Griffin Principality, the southern parliamentary system will be banned immediately, and we should become the lords of some cities." Major said.

He has no extravagant hopes for the Senate and other central officials. As a surrendered party and a loser, being able to continue to serve as the city lord is already a very good treatment.A whole new era is coming, and it won't be hard to spend some time with his abilities to gain reuse.The reason why it took some time was because Adam had a lot of abilities around him, Andrew, Simon, plus the priest who came out of nowhere, etc., Major felt unconfident for the first time.

"Sounds good too." The other three thought about it, and it was completely within their expectations.

"Your Excellency, Miss Janet is visiting." Major's valet came in from outside and said to Major.

"Bring her in!" said Major, rising.

On the third day after arriving in Griffin City, they finally met important figures from Adam's side.

 Three more today, 2/3
(End of this chapter)

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