Templar Sun King

Chapter 249 Sacrifice Ceremony (2)

Chapter 249 Sacrifice Ceremony (2)

Adam had just seen the green dragon's figure appear in the sky, and a thick green beam of light had spewed out from the green dragon's mouth, rushing towards the dark elf's altar.Dragon breath, highly poisonous fog.At the same time as the green dragon, Lizard Girl was lying on his back. The silver-level storm blade was used by the golden mage to catch up with gold.Countless sharp wind blades rushed out in large swaths, spinning at high speed towards the dark elves as hoods.

"The Church of the Scourge is indeed the Church of the Scourge, even if the opponent is the legendary spider queen priest, I am not afraid at all." In the other direction of the altar, there were three men in black robes.One of them sighed when he saw the green dragon, lizard man and lizard woman who took the lead, "Any personal combat power is futile in front of the legend, let's fight together."

"no problem."

Three spells echoed, representing three spells.Kakaka, a crack appeared in the space behind the three of them, and a skeleton descended into the dark area through the crack.The bones of this skeleton are silver and white, holding a bone sword. Not only does it not have the dead air of an undead creature, but it is full of vitality. The two clusters of soul flames in its eyes are dazzling green, and they are constantly beating.

Skeleton Juggernaut, Gold rank!
"Kill them!" The necromancer pointed at the dark elves who were performing a sacrificial ceremony in the distance, and the skeleton sword master roared silently, jumped and disappeared on the spot.

Over the altar, a dark cloud quickly formed, exuding a chaotic, evil and oppressive atmosphere, an evil cloud.

A black energy ball with a radius of more than one meter appeared in front of the third archmage's wand, drawing a black light to aim at the altar, the Diablo ball.

The sacrificial ceremony had just begun, and the Scourge Church and Babel launched their first attack.

"No..." The black dragon groaned in despair, the hope that had just been born was ruthlessly shattered by four powerful spells, the reality told him that neither the green dragon that appeared nor the other gold professionals hidden nearby came to save him Yes, their purpose is only one, the moon well!God knows it used to be his collection!Fuck him, since he wasn't here to save him, why not be caught by that old woman, the spider queen priest, and the black dragon cursed viciously.

There was a strange black light on the altar, and the magic circle used for sacrifice was activated under the urging of the high priest Dylan. The black dragon struggled and twisted feebly, trying to break free from the chain of the black spider, but it was in vain.

The spider queen priest kneeling on the ground let out a sneer, and these bastards finally couldn't help it.She pointed the scepter in her hand at the evil dark clouds in the sky, and issued an order: "Protect Dylan and kill them all."

Ellenna drew out the slender and long elven sword hanging from her waist, and met the skeleton sword master who was rushing towards the altar. Aguilera opened the bow and arrow, and eight black streamers went straight to the green dragon's weaker abdomen. , the high priest's wand of Tulip City rushed out the same miserable green beam of light, meeting the green dragon's breath.

The evil dark cloud composed entirely of dark energy is about to drop black raindrops, and under its large-scale and powerful blows, all the ordinary dark elves participating in the sacrificial ceremony were wiped out without any suspense.But when his master, the Dark Mage, smiled triumphantly, the whole huge evil cloud slowly spread out of his control, as if there was a giant standing on a high place holding a wooden stick and ruthlessly hitting the evil cloud. After stirring it, the evil cloud was forcibly dispersed.

"Damn it, this is the legendary rank!" The dark mage was shocked and angry, but this was obviously just the beginning.

After forcibly dispersing the black magic of the first level of gold, the evil dark cloud, the spider queen priest pointed at the Diablo ball rushing towards him again. This energy sphere with a radius of more than one meter paused in the air, and suddenly moved along The trajectory when he came rushed back to where his master was!This is more shocking than forcibly interrupting a golden spell.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking. No one knows how powerful this Diablo ball is. No one knows better than its master. Three archmages from Babelades flew up from their hiding place in embarrassment to avoid the energy of the Diablo ball. Shock, if they die from the spells they issued, their way of death will definitely be recorded in Babelade's magic book and be ruthlessly ridiculed by countless black mages, even if they are gold-ranked archmages, it will not help, it is simply There is no more stupid way to die than this.

Behind him was an explosion impact similar to a mushroom cloud. The strong wind caused by the energy impact made the black robes of the three archmages rattling. In the distance, the miserable green beam of light from the high priest of Tulip City met the dragon's breath, bursting out a dazzling green light , the nodes of the two spells are continuously pressed down as time goes by.Obviously, the high priest is not the opponent of this green dragon.

With a stabbing sound, the second pillar of miserable green light shot out from the wand of another dark elf high priest—the last high priest from the Spider Temple was cleaning up the storm blade issued by the Lizard Girl—and merged into the first beam of light .The miserable green beam of light was supported, its power greatly increased, and the loud sound almost instantly forced the green dragon's breath to retreat steadily.

A large green poisonous mist formed in the air, and the beams of light from the two dark elf high priests shot straight at the green dragon.

The Spider Queen's Breath, one of the magic systems of the spider and the Goddess of Death, the target will turn into thick water within a few seconds after being hit. They had to wave their wings in the air to dodge this magic attack even if they joined forces.

"Hiss..." The lizard man swept across with his scimitar, cutting off Aguilera's eight beams of light, and jumped off the green dragon's feet, his figure quickly disappeared in the darkness.

The tide-like mental power swept past them when the green dragon dodged. Not only the three members of the Scourge Church, but almost simultaneously the gold professionals from other forces also discovered the mighty spiritual power that swept past them.The lizard man who had just activated his alienation ability to hide himself in the dark was swept out by the spider queen priest's huge mental power.

"No, I've been discovered!" Exclamations came one after another, and it seemed futile to hide in front of the legendary Spider Queen Priest.

"Are the three members of the Scourge Church robbing the Moonwell or are they here to disrupt the situation? Damn it!" If it wasn't for the attacks of the Scourge Church and the three great mages suspected of being Babelades who were hiding in the dark to enrage the Spider Queen Priest, they wouldn't be exposed now come out.

At the altar, Dylan completely ignored anything outside, and was completely immersed in the sacrificial ceremony.The black dragon looked at the increasingly bright black light around him and made his final powerless struggle. The black light spread towards him from around the altar like flowing water. Soon, the black dragon's huge body was completely covered by this black light.

When the whole body of the black dragon was covered by black light, the whole altar made a loud noise, and the light bulged, forming a huge eight-legged spider.The eight-legged spider formed entirely by black light is lifelike, especially the grimace pattern on the back is even more chilling.From a distance, the black dragon with its huge body looks like a struggling fly sealed in amber.

A black beam of light rose from the back of the eight-legged spider, rushing towards the low sky of the Underdark.

"Damn it, we're still not sure if the Moonwell is on Aguilera or the Spider Queen Priest!" The three members of the Scourge Church completely ignited the flames of war, involving other gold professionals who hadn't made a move yet.Especially when the spider queen priest's huge spiritual power swept across his body like a tide, Adam even had the illusion that he didn't need the spider queen priest's extra attack, and that just a vibration of his mental power could kill ordinary silver professionals.

"It's too late!" Isabella exclaimed, and saw the spider queen priest still standing on the ground in the distance, hunched over, like an old dark elf without any strength.The scepter in her hand thrust into the ground, splashing circles of gray ripples, spreading in all directions with her as the center, death ripples!
Ripple of Death is originally a golden spell of the undead family. As one of the two most powerful priests in the Church of the Spider and the Goddess of Death who has the priesthood of Death, the Priest of the Spider Queen is even more handy in using it, and its power is doubled.Not only that, the ripples that could only be sent in one direction now formed a circle, bringing all nearby enemies hidden in the darkness into the attack range.

The gray ripples spread out with a strong death energy, and the first to bear the brunt was the Skeleton Juggernaut who charged forward and was fighting with Elena.He moved his mouth up and down, roaring silently, being entangled tightly by Elena for a while, he couldn't escape.As a result of being entangled by Ellena, gray ripples swept across his body, continuing to radiate.The body of the skeleton sword master who was hit by the death ripple shook twice, and the miserable green soul flames in the eye sockets shook violently and went out with a pop.Ellenna chuckled, and stabbed the skeleton swordsman with her long sword. The soul of the skeleton swordsman was scattered by the death ripples and scattered on the ground, turning into a pile of bones.

Skeleton Juggernaut, die!
The skeleton sword master of the golden rank is just knocked out of his soul. Although the soul flames of the skeleton are in the eye sockets of the skeleton family, unlike the living and the body's protection and defense, it is enough to show that the death ripple of the spider queen priest is so powerful. place.Witnessing the death of the Skeleton Sword Master, the lizardman let out a shriek, and quickly flew back into the sky to avoid the magic attack.When the gray ripples swept across his body, the lizardman felt his body tremble, his head became dizzy, and he almost fell to the ground.

"We've been discovered..."

"Join together, otherwise it is impossible to be a legendary opponent..."

"Siege immediately..."

One after another mental powers are rapidly communicating in this area. No matter what plans they had before, after the Scourge Church and Babelades attacked the dark elves and were counterattacked by the spider queen priest Death Ripple, these people tried to hide nearby. The gold professionals who robbed the moon well were exposed one after another.Soon these people reached an agreement to join forces to deal with the spider queen priest and the dark elves first, and then compete for the Moonwell.

 Thanks to jk90jk, Baiheshan, Naz Ignier, Meteor*Yuhua for their monthly ticket support (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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