Templar Sun King

Chapter 245 Medora

Chapter 245 Medora

On the tenth day after leaving Stone Pillar Forest, Adam and his party finally arrived near Iris Flower City.

"Before the Dark Elf's sacrifice ceremony begins, perhaps we should inquire about something," Adam said.

"Of course, you and Andrew stay here first, I'll go out and have a look."

"No, Isabella, come with me. If I remember correctly, there is a Hydra I know near the Shadow Swamp." Adam quickly told Isabella what he did in Iris City last time. Again, "Medora should know a lot."

"I'm looking forward to it." The hydra, like the phoenix, is an epic creature. According to Adam, the hydra Medora after obtaining the dark rough stone is very likely to have advanced to the golden rank.

clap clap clap!
When Adam, Andrew, and Isabella came to the Shadow Swamp, what they heard was the sound of body crashing from the depths of the swamp.

"Two golden-rank creatures are fighting!" Isabella and Andrew came to this conclusion after sensing it.

Flying forward for a while, the appearances of both sides in the battle appeared in front of Adam.One of them is Medora, the hydra that Adam knew before. Compared with the last time, the hydra is now even bigger. The body of the snake is thicker, and the black scales are shiny and full of texture. It is obviously advanced. To her coveted golden rank.The one fighting Medora was a hydra—one of the dark races, it looked like a large lizard as a whole, and an adult hydra had five heads—it was also a golden rank.

At this time, the two dark creatures are fighting each other with their physical strength in the shadow swamp. The scene is quite spectacular. A total of fourteen heads are intertwined and biting each other, and the two thick tails are lashing each other, splashing large pieces. The mud and miasma, the entire Shadow Swamp is a mess.Adam didn't quite understand why the hydra would give up the power of magic to engage in physical combat, which was very detrimental to him.Looking at the situation on the field, you can see that the hydra with only five heads is being gnawed by the nine heads of the Hydra Medora at this time, bloody, Adam is really afraid of being bitten by three Hydra heads The bitten head would fall off his neck at any moment.

"Hehehe, Xiyi, there can only be one master in the Shadow Swamp, and that is the great Miss Medora!" One of the heads of the Hydra yelled vaguely while biting one of the hydra's heads.

"Roar..." The hydra felt the pain and quickly fought back. The long necks of the two dark creatures collided with each other, making a loud crackling sound that echoed in the swamp.

"Ah...it hurts...you're going to die, ugly, despicable hydra!" The hydra's nine heads were at full strength, biting the hydra repeatedly.The two dark creatures rolled and wrestled entangled in the swamp, not even noticing the approach of the three of Adam.

"Miss Medora." Adam cleared his throat, "I wonder if you need help?"

"Who is it?" Adam's voice alerted Hydra and Hydra. They were seriously injured, and they had already engaged in a round of spell bombardment before engaging in physical combat.It would be too bad if an enemy suddenly appeared who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe them all out.

"Ah, look, it's the human from last time."

"Shut up, I've seen it, watch out for Xie's attack, bitch."

"Hehehe, that's great, Xiy, your wish is finally coming true, and soon you will be able to sleep forever in the Shadow Swamp, and you can be regarded as a different kind of master."

"Humans, come and help me."

The nine heads of Hydra let out a cry of surprise when they saw Adam.


Andrew pulled out his long sword and came to the side of the hydra suppressed by the hydra—after seeing Adam appearing, the hydra behaved even more fiercely, even if Andrew didn't make a move, the hydra was already crushed and beaten by her— —Aim at one of the Hydra's heads and chop off.

"Medora, you dare to cooperate with humans in the Light Realm, you will be... ah..." The hydra was cut off by a sharp sword before he could finish speaking.The huge head of the Hydra fell from one of his necks onto the Shadow Swamp, and the gushing blood dyed the yellow and black swamp water an eerie red.Facing the attack of Andrew, whose strength had reached the high gold level, the Hydra immediately retreated, symbolically yelling at Hydra and Andrew a few times before leaving.

"You can't run away, hahaha!" Medora laughed wildly, and with the hissing sound that made Adam's hair stand on end, the entire huge body pressed towards the hydra, turning into a mutual interaction again. The look of being entangled.

"Cooperate with the humans in the field of light to kill the same kind, and you will be killed by the Gusen Alliance..." The hydra, who continued to threaten the hydra with another head, was cut off by Andrew again before he could finish his sentence.The severe pain caused the Hydra to writhe and roll in the swamp, screaming mournfully.

"You're finished!" Medora opened her mouth excitedly, revealing her sharp fangs, aiming at the remaining three heads of the Hydra and biting them off together.The only three remaining heads of the hydra had to meet three times the troops, and within a few seconds, under the attack of the Hydra, the tail was weakly flicked, and soon even the tail was entangled by the tail of the Hydra and could not move. .

Before the Hydra was completely bitten to death by the Hydra, Andrew killed the Hydra with a single sword.

"I said a long time ago that the owner of the Shadow Swamp can only be Medora." Medora didn't have any objection to this. After winning the victory, her middle head stood tall and looked at the corpse of the hydra and let out a smug laugh. .

"Human, I remember that you have returned to the surface world."

"There must be new things coming to us, so hurry up and think about the conditions."

"How about another dark rough stone?"

The nine heads of the Hydra immediately quarreled again.

"She...does she really have nine personalities?" Isabella was silent for a long time before whispering to Adam.

"I was so skeptical last time." Adam said to Isabella in a low voice, then turned to Medora and said, "Hey, Miss Medora, just now we helped you invade the Hydra that invaded the Shadow Swamp. Kill. I just have one question, fair enough, isn't it?"

"He made a good point. We couldn't kill Sie without him."

"It's just nonsense, even without him, the great Miss Medora can easily kill the despicable invaders!"

"Shut up, I have the final say." The head in the middle pressed down the other eight heads who were arguing endlessly, and slowly crawled towards Adam, "What is your problem? Although you have helped Medora a lot, I only answer One of your questions as a reward. Damn, you are also a gold professional!" When he got closer, the injured Hydra finally noticed the golden rank aura flashing past Isabella.

"Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous."

"Two questions, two questions don't matter."

"What the hell, why is there another gold?"

"Answer him, as long as he leaves immediately, no matter what the question is!"

Aware of the existence of the two golden ranks of Andrew and Isabella, Hydra became nervous, and finally the nine heads showed a flattering look together: "What is your problem, human beings, as long as I know it. but……"

Adam held his forehead, and felt that the Hydra Medora could perform a drama with one snake, and the drama added to him by nine heads was too much.

"Don't worry, Miss Medora, it's just one question, well, maybe a few questions."

"It's a pleasure to serve you, I remember your name is Adam... ah..."

The head in the middle looked at the head hit by the other three heads together, and let out a dry laugh: "Then Adam, what is your problem?"

"Do you know about the sacrificial ceremony and the Moon Well that will be held in Iris City three days later?" Adam was very satisfied with his ability to generalize.

"Of course I know, this is a major event in the Underdark region recently! Black dragon, a black dragon was caught by the spider queen priest of the spider and the goddess of death, and is about to be sacrificed as a sacrifice." Thinking of the power of the spider queen priest, Hydra instinctively revealed With a look of fear, "There are at least seven gold professionals in Iris City."

Seven, Adam remembered that there were only two gold professionals in Iris City, Aguilera and Dylan, but now the number has increased to seven, and this is not counting the powerful legendary master of the Spider Queen Priest.

"And what about the Moonwell?"

"Ah, I see." One of the heads giggled, "You are also here to snatch the Moonwell."

"It sounds like you know other forces that came to the Underdark to snatch the Moonwell? Tell me." I came to the Shadow Swamp to look for Medora in order to get this part of the news.

"Let me think about it, the people from the Church of Dawn who came to the Shadow Swamp last time appeared in the Underdark again. The smell almost made me vomit. Of course, Mr. Knight, you don't have that smell on you." Andrew Returning a smile, one of Hydra's heads let out a smirk.

Adam and Isabella looked at each other, unexpectedly, the Church of Dawn was also attracted to Iris City by the news of Moonwell.

"anything else?"

"The other three seem to be from some mage kingdom?"

"The Kingdom of the Babelite Mage?"

"That's right, that's Babel."

"Two dark mages, one undead mage."

Very good, in addition to the Hanging Garden, the Bafisun Business Alliance, the Sky Church, the Storm Church, and the Green Dragon, two new forces, the Church of Dawn and Babelades, have been added.A moon well is like fat thrown into the sea, exuding a strong bloody smell, attracting all the sharks in the nearby waters.

"Any other news?"

"There just so happens to be one more."

"Let me tell you this news..." A head rushed in front of Adam, "It was a golden-ranked forest elf, and it fought with a dark elf in Iris City not long ago."

 Thank you for the support of the monthly pass of Bright Tomorrow Sword, Darkwarrior, and Fruit Scream (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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