Templar Sun King

Chapter 235 Provocation (2)

Chapter 235 Provocation (2)

"Where did you go?" When Moore returned to the camp with a confused mind, he happened to meet Gavin who was waiting for her to come back. The latter wanted to ask about contacting Stephen, but failed to find Moore in the camp.

"We are in a very dangerous situation. It is best not to go out casually, so as not to be attacked by the three golds from Adam." Once Moore died, Gavin was really weak and powerless to resist.

"Go and see what happened to the Johnson family. There is not a single surviving vampire or vampire." Moore was relieved by the tense expression on Gavin's face. After all, the other party still cared about her, and it was not as embarrassing as Adam said .

"Where is Stephen, how is the connection?"

Moore's smile froze: "That's why you're waiting for me here?" It wasn't that she was worried that she would be hurt by Adam's gold professionals.

Gavin is simply baffled, Moore is just his ally, is there any other purpose?He thought Moore looked weird, but he still explained patiently: "Yes...you don't have to worry too much, the situation will improve when the church and Stephen come to Celtic—how is the contact with Stephen?"

In fact, Gavin has not reported the current situation of Celtic to the church headquarters after some thought, and he puts his hope on Stephen of the Silver Tower.If Stephen can come to Celtic, he might not have a chance to comeback.He will report to the Pope when the Celtic matter is resolved. Everything is within the tolerance of the church, and at the same time it will not appear that he is too incompetent.

So he stared at Moore with eager eyes. If he hadn't been in charge of the affairs of the Silver Tower, he would have wanted to contact Stephen directly without placing his hopes on Moore.However, his appearance made Moore's mood that had not been relaxed for a long time become bad again, and the flowers that Adam had just said to her resurfaced again.

"Test, ma'am just need to test Gavin to know." '

"Actually, I haven't contacted Stephen yet." This is true, because Isabella's message arrived just when she was planning to contact Stephen who was far away in the Silver Tower.

Then again, it's not easy to get in touch with Stephen.One of them is in the Celtic Noble Council, and the other is in the Silver Tower of the Principality of Upradit. They are separated by an unknown number of kilometers, and they can only be contacted with the help of a special magic tool.

It is a small thing called a two-way mirror. Both sides can communicate with each other, but it needs a huge magical support to transmit information to the other mirror.It’s not that the silver mage can’t afford the magic consumption of the two-way mirror. Someone once joked that the bronze mage should never use it to send messages for help when they are in danger, because it will turn you into a useless person before the message is sent out. .

While speaking, Moore deliberately made his breath look unstable, which was a performance similar to injury deliberately made under Adam's suggestion, in order to test Gavin.

"Gavin will never care whether you are injured or not, what he really cares about is whether he can pull more combat power from the Silver Tower into the water. '

Not yet!
This news almost caused Gavin to scold him, so he didn't pay attention to Moore's abnormality, because he had to work hard to suppress his anger to look calm and persuade others: "Listen, Moore, I don't know what you're thinking, But this is very important. It's right there..." He pointed north, where the Griffin Principality was located.

"There are three gold professionals, and there are only two of us here. As a golden mage, you should understand the meaning, which means that they can attack at any time and take our lives!"

"What about the church? When will the church's support arrive?"

'Gavin will not contact the church at all, because his purpose is to drag down the entire silver tower, so as to consume the power of the silver tower.Successfully shot two birds with one arrow, madam, do you think Gavin and the Church of Dawn are really cooperating with you? '

Gavin was stunned by Moore's question, of course he hasn't contacted the church yet.As for the reason, he certainly couldn't easily tell Moore.

"I'll be there soon, I've sent a reinforcement request to the headquarters."

"Are you sure?" Moore noticed the dodge in Gavin's eyes, which is rare, and if Adam hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have paid attention to such details.

"Yes, in my name, the power of the church will soon reach Celtic, what are you worried about, Moore? The problem now is that you have not contacted Stephen. Lord of Dawn, now, immediately, immediately , contact Stephen!" Moore's question hit Gavin's sore spot, and he could no longer suppress his anger and ordered Moore.

It wasn't until Gavin came to his senses after yelling, he tried to remedy it: "Sorry, I'm just too excited, you know, Gwenda's death and the three gold professionals brought a lot of pressure."

"I understand." Moore walked quickly to his tent, "I will contact Stephen immediately."

After seeing Moore entering the tent, Gavin called a general loyal to the Church of Dawn with a gloomy face: "Order a few people to pay close attention to the tent of Archmage Moore, and report to me at any time."

Moore's behavior was very strange, and she didn't intend to continue fighting with Adam at all. Could it be that she wanted to reach a settlement with Adam in private?It's not impossible, the Griffin Principality where Adam is located seems to have the upper hand in the battle, but once the power of the Church of Dawn comes, the situation will immediately reverse.So first use the unique white magic of the Weiwen family to clear the Silver Tower from the battle situation, and concentrate on dealing with the Church of Dawn.

By the way, there is also the Weiwen family and the Church of the Sun God, this is what Adam can rely on!Thinking of this, Gavin felt the veins on his forehead throbbing, and the collision of thoughts began again.

After returning to the tent, Moore sat on a chair and forced his confused brain to figure out what was wrong with Gavin.

First, the other party doesn't care whether she will be hurt by Adam. What he really cares about is whether Stephen can come to Celtic. In other words, she is insignificant in Gavin's eyes.This contemptuous attitude is definitely a provocation for a golden mage.

Second, as Adam said, Gavin had no intention of asking the Church of Dawn for help at all. His purpose was to get the Silver Tower involved more and get involved in the battle with the Griffin Principality.As for the beneficiary, it is naturally the Church of Dawn!
'And madam, don't forget that standing behind me is the Weiwen family and the Church of the Sun God. This is not a war between the world at all, but a confrontation between two gods, the Lord of Dawn and the Sun God. '

Adam's words sounded in Moore's mind again, yes, the Weaving family can be left alone, but how could the Church of the Sun God be ignored.Since Gavin can ask the church headquarters for help, what about Adam?Where is Simon?She would not think that a church supported by the gods has only one archbishop, Simon, and at least one more powerful pope!

Not to mention that there are only three golden archmages in the current Silver Tower, even if Lang has not been killed, it would be self-destruction for the Silver Tower to intervene in the confrontation between the two gods.Thinking of this, Moore couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. She felt that it was absolutely necessary to reconsider the attitude of the Silver Tower.

At this moment, she noticed that there were a little more people near the camp. She didn't pay attention at first, but then she noticed something unusual.

These people are here to spy on her!
After finally calming down, Moore's expression was distorted, and his reason was completely burned by anger.

"Jason, good news." Jason saw one of his latest members of the adventure group rushing in from outside, "I promise you will like it."

"If it's still a mercenary recruitment, I'm not interested."

In the Kingdom of Keqi where Master Bai grew up, the status of mercenaries was very low, and they were often used as cannon fodder on the battlefield. His father died tragically in a war with the orcs in this way. According to the memories of his father's friends, he was killed A Gnoll gnawed out of shape.So even though the members of the adventure group took the trouble to explain to him that the Celtic mercenaries were not as scary as he imagined, Jason was still very resistant to this.

To be honest, if the news of his father's death hadn't caused too much psychological shadow on the young him, in order to learn the magical white magic of the Grand Duke of Griffin, he would have signed up for the mercenary without hesitation and performed well in it.

"Don't worry, it's not about mercenaries, it has something to do with Master Bai." The group members patted their chests, confident that they could definitely arouse the interest of Master Bai.Just as he had imagined, Jason immediately put aside what was at hand and gave him a flattering smile.

The group members were very helpful, cleared their throats and said, "Griffin Grandmaster has recruited a group of white mages from all over the country to prepare to purify the ashes forest with the church. This is a great thing, Jason, your chance has come."

Yes, his chance has come!

Jason has heard about the battlefield and the Ash Forest countless times in the past few days, especially the killing of Gwenda, the arrival of the Grand Duchess Golden Archmage Isabella, the purification of the mummy lord, and the removal of the Johnson family. It conquered the entire Griffin Principality and was talked about.In fact, any one of these things alone would be enough for them to be excited and excited for a period of time, let alone it came from the front line together. This kind of pride and satisfaction is simply indescribable.

So even though the Grand Duke Griffin is still in York, his prestige has increased many times.Just like the news in the morning was announced by the first ruler, it spread rapidly through various means.

"I heard you say that the Ash Forest is a paradise for the dead and a graveyard for the living."

"Yes, although I don't know why the Grand Duke is willing to spend a lot of manpower to purify the Ash Forest, but this is a good thing, isn't it?"

Of course it's a good thing, he must seize the opportunity and make good use of it to get the attention and even the Grand Duke's personal attention.

"Tell me how to sign up, I can't wait." Jason rubbed his hands excitedly, getting closer to his purpose of coming to Celtic.

(End of this chapter)

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