Templar Sun King

Chapter 232 Purification (3)

Chapter 232 Purification (3)

After igniting the powerful sacred flame of magic origin sealed in the six nails, Adam's brain felt empty for a while, and he was a little dizzy.Lilith's howling in the abyss is definitely uncomfortable. If it weren't for the shield combined with Holy Light and Sands to help Adam resist most of the power, his end might be the same as the blood elder who was accidentally injured, his head exploded, and This was the result of Lilith attacking Andrew, Simon, and Isabella with all her might.

But how could the opportunity to besiege and kill the mummy lord be missed, Adam cheered up and directed the gilded flame of origin to spread in the air.The sacred flames of the six priests took the lead in becoming the fuel of the originating flame, and grew rapidly.Using Adam's ability to send out a flame of origin is already the limit, what is needed next is to use other powerful flames as fuel to grow stronger and then attack the enemy.

Damn it, it's that fire again!The scene of the bone dragon being burned alive by the gilt flames resurfaced in No. 18's brain again.He was attacked by Adam's powerful fire, again.A sea of ​​fire formed by the platinum sacred flame was immediately covered by gilt gold, the flames danced, and the air was faintly distorted.

"Get out of the way!" In fact, there was no need to remind him on the 18th, the mummy lord's intuition had already told him how powerful the flame in front of him was.The platinum-golden flame just now had already made him, the mummy lord of the golden rank, feel a little troublesome. Considering the relationship between attributes and restraints, it was a powerful flame.

Now that platinum flame directly becomes the fuel for the latter!

Looking at the rapidly growing flame of origin, Adam felt a burst of pleasure, even the tingling in his brain was ignored, and his goal was about to be achieved.

Inspired by him, the Holy Flame of Origin did not directly attack the mummy lord as No. 18 was worried about, but rushed towards the sky against the fireballs falling from the meteor fire rain.

Lilith, who guessed Adam's purpose, saw it and deliberately blocked it, but was intercepted by Andrew, Simon and Isabella, especially since Simon's cross trial had landed.

"Blood resonance!" Lilith's scepter pointed at Isabella. The blood in the latter's body paused for a moment, and then violently vibrated in the blood vessels uncontrollably. All internal organs are injured under this resonance.But the spell of the Meteor Shower is done, descending to meet the Flame of Origination.

The red fireball was instantly ignited and transformed into a small group of gilded flames.What started out as individual fireballs were ignited as part of the Flame of Origination.As the number of ignited fireballs increased, an extremely spectacular scene appeared in the sky.The color of the gilt was almost replaced by fiery red in the blink of an eye, and all the fireballs brought by the Meteor Fire Rain spell turned into throbbing gilt flames.

From the very beginning, Isabella's meteor fire shower was not to directly attack Lilith, but to provide enough fuel for the flame of origin.The meteor fire shower of the origin flame version formed, and it fell down densely in the blink of an eye.

Adam was in pain and joy. With the help of Isabella's meteor fire shower, he is now operating a powerful magic that can be said to be more powerful than the golden spell. This sense of accomplishment is incomparable when using other spells.The problem that followed was that the remaining mental power was consumed almost like running water, the brain felt dizzy and tingling, and the blood vessels on the forehead were all exposed hideously.

Three holy lights fell on Isabella, alleviating the strange spell effect on the latter.

It's a pity for Lilith. This spell is a powerful spell she invented when she was in the legendary rank. It is based on the blood race's keen perception and control of blood, and it is made by mixing dark spells.It's a pity that the strength hasn't really recovered to the legendary level, otherwise, just a swipe of the blood all over Isabella's body will instantly vibrate her body into a pile of meat sauce.

But that was enough. Isabella temporarily lost her combat power, and only two gold professionals, Andrew and Simon, blocked her. Although she couldn't kill any of them, it was more than enough to leave here.

Just thinking of the humiliation she received today, she was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth.And damn number 18 and the mummy lord, just incompetent trash, next time she sees them, she swears she will know what pain they know, if they can survive this gilded flame.Thinking of this, Lilith cast a bitter glance at Adam, who was sweating profusely while manipulating the gilded flames, and turned into a scarlet light and turned away continuously.

Albert looked desperately at the gilded flames that descended. It was over, he was over, and the Johnson family was also over. It was all the fault of Lilith and No. 18. Otherwise, how could their Johnson family have caused such a disaster.

At this critical moment, Albert took less than a second to straighten out the cause and effect of the incident. Number 18 was the culprit. It all started when the Scourge Church released Lilith.He knew that it was impossible for him to survive such a spell attack. To be precise, only Lilith and the mummy lord had a chance to survive under this level of spell attack.

So he stretched out his index finger without hesitation, aiming at No. 18 who was about to send the mummy lord back to the bone area, and shot a scarlet light, burning blood curse.

Yes, No. 18 intends to leave here, no longer caring about the battle in front of him, preserving strength is the most important thing, the mummy lord can't be burned to death here, the sense of loss of strength is really terrible.

However, when he was halfway through the incantation, a scarlet light fell on him, and the blood in his body immediately heated up, and then boiled. *****There was a blood clan sneaking up on him!This knowledge made him more determined to leave here immediately, of course, the premise is to survive the Burning Blood Curse.

He should be glad that what he just chanted was just a simple spell to send the summoned undead creatures back to the Bone Region, so even if he was interrupted, the backlash he received was within his tolerance.What really threatened his life was the mutation of the blood in his whole body. The inside of his body was scalded by the instantaneously boiling blood, and the water and blood in his whole body began to evaporate rapidly. pain.

Before losing consciousness, No. 18 saw the gilded flame finally fall, and one of them bloomed on his body.

Feeling the reminder from the sanctuary space, even though the discomfort in his brain almost made Adam faint, he still couldn't help laughing out loud.None of the vampires and vampires of the Johnson family survived the massive blow from the flame of origin, including the former patriarch Albert and other vampire elders.

And the mummy lord was even more concentratedly hit by the holy flame of origin. Like the bone dragon, the mummy lord also failed to resist the powerful flame of the bright attribute of the holy flame of origin.

The yellow whirlwind that was originally used for defense by the mummy lord directly turned into a flame vortex when it was hit by the flame of origin, trapping the mummy lord in it.The white bandages were the first to turn into ashes, and the withered body of the mummy lord plus the dead breath of the undead was simply the best fuel in the world.When the mummy lord was burned, yellow-brown liquid and smoke continued to emerge from his body, and even ugly scarabs ran out, making a series of noises when they were swept by the flame of origin, just like the firecrackers in the past .

The gilded flame continued to burn in this forest for about 5 minutes. After 1 minute, Adam completely let the flame of origin burn by itself. Anyway, the enemy ran and died, and the dark energy in the ashes forest was very abundant. Although it can't be sent to the origin flame like the flame of the sacred flame and meteor fire shower, it is enough to burn for a few minutes.

Adam thought that if it wasn't for the fact that the dark energy in the Ash Forest didn't form a unified field, maybe a source flame could purify the entire Ash Forest, including the skeletons and other undead creatures that had been hidden in the Ash Forest for an unknown number of years.

"The forces of the Scourge Church and the Blood Race have been successfully eliminated, and we can deal with the noble council with peace of mind in the next time." Andrew was receiving treatment from a priest. His left arm was invaded by Lilith's vines, bloody, and even the blood showed a A strange cyan-purple color.

"It's a pity I couldn't keep Lilith together." Isabella was also receiving treatment, and the blood resonance spell caused her serious injuries.Even though the tiny wounds on her body were healing while bathed in the holy light, the wounds in her head made her very uncomfortable, and this discomfort was estimated to accompany her for a period of time to come.

Simon nodded, also regretful. If Lilith, a powerful enemy, can be killed in one fell swoop, it will definitely bring great pressure to the noble council.He closed his eyes and carefully sensed the heresy mark left on Lilith's body, and found that she was moving fast and came out of Celtic.

"Lilith has left Celtic."

"Very well, now there are only two gold professionals left, Gavin and Moore."

"How do you plan to deal with them? Attack or?" The holy light covering Isabella's body dissipated, and the blood resonance injury was basically recovered.

"I actually already had an idea about Moore."

"Huh?" Suddenly Simon felt a weak life reaction in the dilapidated castle of the Johnson family.At first he thought it was a vampire who had survived hiding in the castle, but after removing the gravel, he discovered that the ex-patriarch Bilbo in the underground secret room was exposed, a vampire whose strength had reached the gold rank, Still comatose.

"Golden rank!" Andrew and Simon laughed at the same time.

After thinking about it carefully, Adam made sure that there was no news to be obtained from this vampire, and gestured to Simon—the appearance of this golden vampire made Adam more excited than killing the mummy lord.

Bone Dragon, 25%,

Gwenda, 50%,

Mummy Lord, 75%!

When the Judgment Spear in Simon's hand pierced the Blood Race's head, Adam's occupation level finally reached the 14th level.

 Thank you for giving me a big reward, and the support of the monthly pass with the wind and ice (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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