Templar Sun King

Chapter 220 Probing Battle (1)

Chapter 220 Probing Battle (1)

It was an unfortunate time for Adam to come to York, the private domain. On the second day of his arrival, there was movement in the noble council.

"The army of the noble council has already set off from Yeoman, with a number of about [-], led by Gwenda of the Church of Dawn. It is expected to arrive near the Ash Forest to attack Griffin City in half a month." This is Adam from The information obtained from the personnel arranged in the noble council.

The golden swordsman Gwenda personally led the army to attack the Griffin Principality, and the battle between the noble council and the Griffin Principality is about to begin.

The strange thing is that Adam's first reaction after hearing the news was not nervous and scared, but excited, unifying Celtic's excitement.Perhaps subconsciously, he hopes to unify Celtic as soon as possible and become the real Celtic master and king, not the current Grand Duke of Griffin.It can only be said that with the improvement of strength and the growth of influence, a flame called ambition burns and grows continuously.

The Principality of Griffin is not unprepared for this, and the advance troops have already been stationed in York.Just because of York's limited capacity, the number of troops stationed here is only 2000.

There are a total of 2000 people, and they are still energetic young fighters. They consume a lot of supplies every day.Based on York's own material supply alone, it can only be said that it is a bit reluctant.What's more, there will be more troops coming over in the future. Adam thinks that Griffon City will take over the logistical supply.

The materials that have been stored in the sanctuary space for a long time finally have the opportunity to come in handy.As the first building built by Adam in the sanctuary space, the farm can provide supplies of 2*militia units each month at the beginning. After Adam's occupation level is raised to level 11, this number becomes 5*militia units unit.

After deducting the daily consumption of the arms, the remaining materials still piled up several storage rooms to the brim.If the principality is under logistical supply pressure, supplies from the sanctuary space can effectively relieve the pressure, and there is no transportation problem.

"Fox, help me notify Arras, the Ministry of War and the Senate, and let them arrange the troops to come as soon as possible."

The Ministry of War, the newly established highest institution in charge of the deployment of the entire Principality's army after the establishment of the Principality of Griffin, is theoretically aligned with the administrative system of the first ruling leader and the Senate, and directly accepts the leadership of Adam.

The name of the Ministry of War was thought up by Arras. According to him, "the only purpose of the army is to war, conquer, conquer, conquer"!So after a simple discussion, the name of the Ministry of War was determined in this way. It was simple and rude, which excited a group of passionate soldiers for a long time.

The current Minister of War is Andrew, the Golden Sword Master of the Principality of Griffin, and the Paladin of the Templar Space.The position of Minister of War itself requires a leader with strong strength, sufficient prestige, and great cohesion, and Andrew is the best candidate.Moreover, the Principality of Griffin is about to enter a period of war, and the appeal of a golden sword master is amazing.

Like Adam's transformation and adjustment of Griffon City, the other six cities are undergoing transformation and adjustment in the same way after becoming part of the Griffin Principality.The original six city lords entered the central power center of the Senate, and the deputy city lord accepted Adam's appointment as the new city lord, who also served as the consul, and the overall power was smaller than the original one.If there is no accident, in the future, the positions of city lords of all cities will be appointed by Adam himself, or appointed by the Senate, and will no longer accept the challenge system.

In terms of the local army, all the original establishments were cancelled, and the army responsible for stationing the city was directly disbanded and reorganized as a magistrate and city defense army, responsible for daily security management and maintaining urban stability.The other legions were broken up and reorganized, and each established a legion, the second to seventh legions of the Griffon Principality, each with a population of about 1.The head of the legion is temporarily held by the original personnel, but obviously it is more appropriate for this position to be held by a real silver-ranked soldier, no matter in terms of appeal or strength.

When February came to an end, the army of the Noble Council had its first confrontation with the Second Legion and mercenaries of the Griffin Principality.

Mercenaries are a Celtic or Uppler tradition. During wartime, a group of adventurers are hired to share the pressure of the army on the battlefield.The Ministry of War recruited mercenaries across the country the day after it received the news of the dispatch of troops from the Noble Council.

Wesker is one of the adventurers who successfully passed this recruitment test. Unlike the previous practice of joining the mercenary army as long as they signed up and identified their strength, the recruitment of the Principality of Griffin is obviously more strict this time.Fortunately, he passed.This middle-aged adventurer from Mangle has the strength of the high-level black iron. He admires Adam the Griffin very much, although the latter is only half his age.

The middle-aged adventurer had participated in countless adventures, big and small, before. He thought that the battle with the noble council was not substantially different from the previous battles until the moment he stepped on the battlefield.

The mercenaries and the army of the noble council fought in a valley on the edge of the Ash Forest. After seeing each other, the troops of both sides shouted almost at the same time, brandishing their weapons and killing each other.

Wesker mingled in the crowd and yelled loudly, and immediately raised the long sword in his hand and stabbed at the opponent when he saw the opponent's soldier.The other party was fighting another adventurer, and did not notice his sneak attack. In fact, even if he found it, he would not have another pair of hands to defend against his attack.Warm blood spilled from his chest along with the drawn long sword, and the opponent's body fell limply to the ground.

"Nice job, man," the adventurer said to Wesker, and charged at the other soldier.The soldier who was attacked by him dropped the sword in his hand and tightly covered the wound on his chest, but the chaotic crowd quickly trampled him under their feet.

Wesker felt a pain in his back, and what he did to others a minute earlier was quickly happening to himself.

He quickly turned around to block the opponent's second sword.The other party was a young soldier with red eyes, roaring and attacking him.The wound on his back made the middle-aged adventurer feel powerless, and every time he swung the long sword, the wound would be involved, which made him feel painful.Fortunately, his many years of adventurer career made him grit his teeth, so that he could concentrate on the battle in front of him until he chopped the opponent to death with a single sword.

He had no free time to deal with his wounds, and soon new enemies rushed up.People kept falling, including mercenaries and noble councils.He also saw a young soldier who clamored before the battle that he could go to the tavern to have a good drink after receiving the employment payment, fell down, and he couldn't personally receive his part of the payment.

This is war!
The middle-aged adventurer finally found that any adventure battle he had participated in before could not be compared with the current scene, tragic and cruel, and this was just a battle with less than a thousand people, what would a real war with tens of thousands of people look like.In less than 2 minutes, Wesker had more wounds of various sizes, and the number of people who died under his sword gradually climbed to five.

His physical strength was gradually draining, the muscles in his hands were trembling, and every wound sent a tingling message in his brain, clamoring for rest and escape.The middle-aged adventurer let out a loud roar, and with tenacious willpower raised his long sword high to meet the next enemy's attack.

"They're about to fail!" he heard the Overseer shout, as he pulled his sword from the body of a nobleman's council soldier, splashing red liquid that stained his face.The words of the warlord made Wesker full of strength, shouted and kicked the enemy's stomach, and pierced him with a sword the moment he fell to the ground.

call out!An almost transparent wind blade flew from nowhere, and the warlord's head flew high, spraying out a column of blood.

Magician!There are magicians in the opponent's army!

Wesker felt a chill on his neck, as if a wind blade flew out from an unknown direction the next moment and cut off his head.As long as they are not approached, magicians always have an advantage in the same rank.Especially like now, he doesn't even know where the opponent's storm mage is hiding and using magic to sneak attack.

"Where is the archer?" Wesker couldn't help shouting, the magician must be removed immediately.

call out!call out!Two more wind blades flew from the same direction, cutting off the heads of the two adventurers who had no time to react.

"Damn it, don't we have a mage here!" An archer complained in a low voice as he came to Wesker, "We don't know the location of the mage on our side, and of course we can't do anything even if we know."

"Is the thing on your back in your hand a toy?" Wesker yelled at him.

"Be careful!" The other party yelled at him, Wesker quickly lay down on the ground, and a wind blade flew over his head.

"There!" The moment the middle-aged adventurer lay on the ground, he saw a figure in the corner of the valley, with a magic wand and leather armor. He was definitely a magician.

"You want to kill that mage?" the archer asked in surprise, blocking the enemy's attack with the dagger in his hand.

"Nonsense, do you want to line up and wait for your head to be chopped off?" Wesker didn't know where the strength came from, and joined the archers to kill the attacking soldiers and ran towards the direction of the magician.It was not easy, and other soldiers stopped him on the road.

"Mage, kill that storm mage!" The middle-aged adventurer yelled, trying to make the mage's location known to more people.The battle became even more chaotic. Fortunately, after being reminded, the adventurers were not directly beheaded again, but it is unavoidable that there will be more wounds on the body.The mage's long-range attack is really abominable!
"Damn it, hurry up and shoot!" If it wasn't for the conditions, Wesker would have directly grabbed the arrows from the dawdling archers and shot them himself.

"No, he's been running and I can't take aim."

"Then rush up with me, idiot." The middle-aged adventurer tried his best to block the attack from the noble council and create opportunities for the archers.The large and small wounds made him weaker and weaker, and he didn't know what kind of thoughts supported him to continue fighting.

call out!A wind blade cut a bone-deep gash in his left arm, but it also gave the archer a chance.

"Shot!" The opponent roared, and Wesker felt the strength in his whole body drain rapidly, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Hey bro, wake up, you're right, I really did it! I killed a mage!"

It's so noisy, Wesker thought, knowing that this is a battlefield, but what he wants to do most is to close his eyes, ignore everything, and have a good sleep.Before closing his eyes, he saw streaks of milky white holy light falling from the sky.

 Thanks for the support of the monthly pass with the wind and ice (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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