Templar Sun King

Chapter 22 Strength Appraisal

Chapter 22 Strength Appraisal
After leaving Martin's manor, Adam went to the registration office for this operation under the leadership of Arras.As Adam expected, the registration office was overcrowded and there was already a long queue.It is also understandable, after all, the position of a lord is too tempting.

Seeing such a long line, Aras wasn't worried at all, and even looked a little proud.

"Sir, come with me, I have already asked a friend of mine to help line up here."

Arras's friend was a young girl with a ponytail who would have been pretty if she hadn't had freckles on her face.

"Hello, respected mage, it's an honor to meet you. My name is Janet. I heard Aras mention that you are a great white mage." Janet seemed very generous, which made people feel good.

"Hi Janet, thank you for your help."

Adam stood in Janet's place, and there were two other people in front of him, and soon it was Adam's turn.



"Occupation and level?"

"White Mage, black iron intermediate."

When they heard that Adam was a white mage, the staff in charge of registration finally looked up at Adam, "The size and strength of the adventure group?"

"24 low-level black iron warriors."

"Okay, here is your registration form. You take this form to the next door for registration and identification, so that you can assign tasks when the operation starts." The staff pointed to the next door.

Generally speaking, the level division among adventurers is very rough, usually four ranks, black iron, bronze, silver and gold.

So far, the strongest Adam has ever seen is the vampire that appeared in the camp and the middle-aged warrior in the castle, both of which are bronze ranks.The rest of the adventurers encountered are all black iron ranks.Although each rank is divided into elementary, intermediate, and advanced in detail, it is not so popular among adventurers, especially Celtic.

One is because there is no uniform classification standard, and the other is that the appraisal does not have much practical significance, unless it encounters a situation like today.

Arras and Janet didn't sign up, so they couldn't accompany Adam to do the strength appraisal. Adam walked into the door next door with the form alone.

After entering the gate, Adam found that there was a wide training ground, with fighters on the left and mages on the right.There was a long queue on the side of the fighters, most of whom were muscular fighters.But there were only three people on the mage's side, and one of them was Adam himself.

Standing in front of Adam was a young man wearing a white magic robe. Adam felt a kind breath from him. There was no doubt that this was also a white mage.Adam couldn't help muttering in his heart, it was rumored that there was another White Mage who had the least number of mage departments in Falcon City.

According to the differences in the use of energy attributes or element attributes by mages, mages are divided into three categories, white mages, elemental mages, and black mages.

Master Bai is best at using light energy for healing and defense, and has always been the most popular.The black mage is just the opposite of the white mage, who uses dark energy to curse or attack, and is basically associated with nouns such as evil and cruelty.

In Adam's view, such a connection seems a bit biased, but it has little to do with him, because he is a kind and just white mage—kindness and justice are also adjectives often associated with white mage.

Among the three types of mages, element mages are the most numerous type, using the free magic elements in the universe to achieve various magical effects, such as flames, frost, storms, thunder, rocks, vines, etc.

Pepin who followed Martin was a flame mage of the black iron rank, and the fire arrow spell sealed in Adam's wand was a basic spell of flame magic.

Three mages, two elderly mages and a middle-aged female mage, were conducting the mage strength appraisal, wearing uniform magic robes. Adam guessed that they probably belonged to the same mage group.According to Adam's induction, the strength of these three mages is higher than his, and they should all have reached the bronze rank.

Especially the old mage sitting in the middle, in Adam's view, he seemed to be surrounded by whirlwinds at any time, obviously stronger.

Soon the strength appraisal of the first mage was completed, and it was the turn of the young man in front of Adam.

The female mage glanced at his information, "Please release a spell with the highest level you currently have and a spell you are best at, so that we can identify your mage rank."

"No problem, the highest-level spell I currently have is called Holy Strike, a black iron high-level spell."

The young man took out a magic wand about one meter long, with intricate patterns and incantations engraved on it, and quickly chanted the incantation in his mouth.

With the chanting of his spell, Adam could feel the light energy floating in the air being mobilized quickly, and finally turned into an extremely intense beam of light ejected from the young man's wand.

It was really a very strong beam of light, giving Adam the same feeling as the glare he felt when looking directly at the sun at noon, it was not at all different from the softness of the holy light, it appeared more violent.

"Well, it seems that you have successfully mastered the spell of Holy Strike. Then you can release another spell that you are best at."

The young mage continued to chant the spell, and a beam of white light erupted from his wand, with faint colorful lights shining on the white light, which made people feel very soothing and calm.

"Eliminate fear, this spell can better eliminate the fear in the hearts of soldiers on the battlefield."

This time it was the old mage sitting on the left who spoke, and he was obviously very satisfied with the young mage's spells.

After asking the young mage a few more questions, the three mages discussed in a low voice. About a minute later, the old mage sitting in the middle wrote the appraisal result on the young mage's form.

"After our appraisal, you are already a black iron high-level mage. Congratulations, as far as young people are concerned, you have made good achievements on the road of mage." The old mage sitting in the middle handed the form to the young mage .

Adam saw a very bright smile on the face of the young mage, and then left the training ground.

"Please release the highest-level spell you currently have and the spell you are best at. We will identify your mage rank based on the spell effect." The female mage took the form and said to Adam.

Adam was already prepared for this.

"Okay, ma'am. The highest-level spell I have now is Magic Arrow."

Adam took out the wand that Martin had given him, and pretended to cast a spell quickly. In fact, Adam didn't need to cast any spell when he cast a spell. As long as he wanted, he could cast any spell instantly.

In order to get a good score, Adam released a complete magical arrow after only three seconds.

A bright arrow composed of bright energy shot out from the tip of the wand and landed on the ground of the training ground in the distance.The training ground was covered with ordinary marble, and under the action of the magic magic arrow, a small hole the size of a thumb appeared in the marble.

The three mages didn't pay much attention to Adam's spells. They had never heard of a spell called magic arrow in the white spells. But who told them to be the person in charge of this mage's strength appraisal? Don't be a boring spell that doesn't work.

But when Adam successfully released a spell after only three seconds, they immediately retracted their previous thoughts.And after seeing the damage caused by the magical arrow, he was even more curious about this spell that he had never heard of.

Adam is very satisfied with the effect of the magic arrow.Although it was just a small hole the size of a thumb, it was marble. If the target of this spell was a human, it would basically be the result of an arrow piercing through the flesh.

"Very pure light energy, it's white magic. What's your best spell? Release it quickly and have a look." The old mage in the middle of the seat looked at the magic effect caused by the magical arrow, and felt very impressed with the young mage in front of him. satisfy.

Just a spell, the old mage felt that the young mage just now was a little immature compared with Adam.

Originally, the young mage just now seemed to them to be a very good white mage, but after seeing the spell released by Adam, they found that the white mage in front of them was actually even better and even better!

It has to be said that the young mage had a very high posture when releasing the first spell, Holy Strike, and specially emphasized that the spell to be released was a high-level black iron spell, like a proud peacock showing its beautiful feathers.

In fact, why do the three mages in charge of strength appraisal need a black iron rank mage to remind them of the spell level?

If there is no Adam, the old mage will feel that it is the self-confidence of the young man. Although it has almost reached the level of pride, it does not prevent the old mage from being satisfied with the young mage.

But after seeing Adam's demeanor and performance when he released the spell, after comparing the two, he found that the performance of the young mage was as clumsy as a low-level mage apprentice.

The old mage felt that maybe using the word clumsy was too harsh, but he took a look at the young man standing in front of him with a warm smile on his face, and felt that everything was taken for granted.

The old mage couldn't help but took the form from the female mage and quickly looked at it. It turned out that the young mage's name was Adam.

Not only the old sorcerer, but the other two sorcerers almost felt the same way, and they had some expectations for Adam's next performance.

(End of this chapter)

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