Templar Sun King

Chapter 209 New Year's Celebration (2)

Chapter 209 New Year's Celebration (2)

"Happy New Year, Federation of Seven Cities, maybe we can call his new name, Principality of Griffin!" Justin and Bruno's proposal for the Principality of Griffin was almost unanimously approved after repelling the attacks of the four golds.

From today on, the Griffin Principality is officially established on the land of the Celtic Northern Seven Cities Federation, and Adam's legal ruling status in the Griffin Principality is established.His title has changed from Griffin City Lord, ruler of the Seven Cities Federation to Griffin Grand Duke, and this title will be passed on to Adam's descendants, descendants of the Weaving family from generation to generation.

The establishment of the Principality of Griffon was known to all the people attending the meeting, but this was the first time that the people in the square had received such news. They burst into loud cheers and celebrated excitedly.When Adam said the four words Griffon Principality, the six griffins on the high platform chirped neatly, loud and high-pitched, pushing the cheers to a whole new level.

Celtic's north-south split and the seven cities side by side have lasted for too long. Now, under the leadership of the young Griffin City Lord, the Seven Northern Cities Federation has finally officially unified and established a brand new country, the Griffin Principality , This is the dream and hope of many people from the Seven Cities Federation.

In fact, at the meeting, some people pointed out the irrationality of the principality, and believed that a kingdom should be established directly, the same kingdom as Frans, Sauk, and Sipes.However, considering the territory of the Seven-Cities Federation and its relatively weak strength base—the Griffin Principality has the largest area among the principalities, whether it is Upler or Yasha, but it is not as good as the Kingdom—Adam agreed to establish the principality first, and wait until In the future, the aristocratic council will send troops to unify the entire Celtic kingdom and then upgrade it to a kingdom.

"We have experienced too many things in the past month. Compared with Sock, Sipes and even Romano in Upler, the Principality of Griffin is still weak, but we must persevere and be proud of it... "

"We used to come from different cities, Lille, Manle, Fast, Bonn, Goldberg, Griffin, Donau..."

Every time Adam pronounced the name of a city, the crowd burst into applause and cheers, and the cheers reached their climax when he pronounced the word Griffin.

"When the Griffin flag is flying over each city, this reunited country was born! I believe in unity, the incomparably precious union between the seven cities, no matter your status, strength or strength, no matter where you come from, everyone present Everyone, the people of Griffin City, the union between everyone on the land of the Griffin Principality!"

"We have a common enemy..." Adam pointed to the south, which was the direction of the noble council, which had divided Celtic with the Seven Cities Federation for 90 years, and now there is still the influence of the Church of Dawn intervening there.

"There is also a common goal. I hope that the good news can reach everyone's ears from any city in the Griffin Principality. For our children and future generations, let's build a rich and powerful country together!"

"This is a real world, some people are born ordinary, some people are high, thank those who bring love and happiness to our lives, let us know that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, and make greater efforts for it. I know someone Running around all day to make ends meet, some people are trying their best not to slack off, and some people's life is very difficult at times. But as Celts, as people of the Principality of Griffin, we will face the challenge head-on, and a more dynamic, hopeful, and transformative nation is on the way. Built on this land, born between your hands and mine!"

"The light illuminates the darkness, but the darkness cannot shield the light. The Griffin Principality is hope!"

"Griffin! Griffin! Gryphon!"

Because the applause and cheers were too strong, Adam had to stretch out his hands and press down to signal them to stop.Even so, the sky-shattering cheers lasted for a full 2 ​​minutes. No one had ever made them burst out with such great enthusiasm and sincere shouts.

"I feel the joy in their hearts." Foster said softly to Karloff, looking at the bright eyes in the square.Karloff nodded. To be honest, Adam's words even made him, a cardinal, a little excited.Then he shook his head again, it was too difficult for Adam to try his best to make the Principality of Griffin into a relatively equal country.

"It's not absolute equality. How can something that doesn't exist in the world appear in the Principality of Griffin?" Facing Ellie's question, Nikita thought for a while and explained, "I think what he really meant was to establish a A society of relative equality where everyone can achieve their goals if they just work hard. Privilege still exists, but it is only explained in a reasonable way, rather than relying solely on influence and force."

"Now, Grand Duke Adam Weaving of the Griffin Kingdom stands in front of you, and is honored to introduce to you the members of the Senate of the Griffin Kingdom..."

The Senate is an authority of the Griffin Principality proposed by Adam at the Seven Cities Conference. Compared with other authorities, the Senate's main role is in voting and legislation. It is similar to the Parliament of the Noble Council, but with fewer people. , and only has the right to vote and suggest, but not to execute.

There are currently six members in the Senate, namely, Justin, the lord of Lille, Bruno, the lord of Mangler, Dylan, the lord of Bonn, Robin, the lord of Fast, and Kevin (Isabel, the lord of Donau). La is not here, the position of the elder is temporarily held by the deputy city lord), the city lord Ryan of Goldberg.

Under the oppression of the four golds five days ago, the city lords of Lille and Mansley had to make another decision to surrender due to the powerful forces of the other side, although Adam later made it clear that the other cities' silvers would leave, so when the two of them were When I was told that I had obtained the status of a veteran, I felt that my original decision was a mistake and I felt extremely ashamed.Compared with other city lords who accept the status of elders with peace of mind, they are even a little anxious, so they have to devote themselves to more work to fight for the principality and try to remove themselves from the pillar of shame in this way.

After entering the Senate of the Principality of Griffin, the positions of the city lords of these city lords must be removed.The seven major cities of the Federation of Seven Cities are originally relatively independent political entities. The city lord has the greatest power and can do whatever he wants. However, Adam is not allowed to reappear after the principality is established. Therefore, their resignation is necessary, and the original deputy city lord will be appointed. There is one lord of the city, and the power is limited, and this is the matter of the consul and the censor.

"The first ruler of the Griffin Principality, Arras." This former ordinary black iron adventurer in Falcon City just became the consul of Griffin City not long ago, and is now the first ruler of the entire Griffin Principality.Looking at the crowd applauding and cheering in the square, he was very excited. He never thought that one day he would be able to stand at such a height and accept the welcome of everyone.The work of the first ruling is not easy. Compared with the position of the Griffin City Consul, the first ruling has a wider scope of governance. It is the entire Griffin Principality, and the national administrative system will be run under the leadership of him.

Then he glanced at the six elders on the side. It seemed that their actual power had been weakened a lot, but in terms of power, they were definitely the largest group of people in the Principality of Griffin, and they had the power to distrust the first ruler.Once more than four elders in the Senate cast a vote of no confidence in him, the Grand Duke Griffin may consider whether to cancel his first ruling, and the Grand Duke himself or the Grand Duke entrusts the Senate to nominate the next first ruling candidate .

Outside the Senate and the First Consulate is Adam’s newly established supervisory system, which is independent of the administrative system. His role is to lead the supervisors in various cities to monitor whether officials have violated the content of the Griffin Act, ensuring that the administrative system will not Produces too much of a black component to function properly as Adam intended.The position of the first supervisor is temporarily vacant, and Adam has not found a suitable candidate for a while.


When Adam finished speaking the last sentence, a group of 64 luminous spirits flew out behind him, dragging a long light belt and hovering around the square. At the same time, Simon on the high platform, a bird of paradise flying in the sky, scattered around the square The nine priests in front of them all sent out a series of holy lights.Some are healing techniques, some are blessing techniques, one after another holy light shoots out from different directions, dyeing the entire square with a layer of milky white and holy color.

The milky white holy light shone on almost everyone standing in the square, making them feel unprecedentedly warm and peaceful, and then one after another exclamations came from all over the square.

"My wound is healing quickly!" This is the adventurer who was surprised by the healing effect.At this time, Adam was thankful that there was no trace of the Church of Dawn in the original Seven Cities Federation. Although most adventurers had heard of healing magic, they had never personally experienced it.Now the effect of the healing technique made them realize for the first time what magic is.

"My cough is better."

"It's amazing! I feel that the battle energy in my body is activated, and I have inexhaustible strength." This is the warrior affected by the effect of the blessing.

"Look in the sky!"

Two rays of holy light streaked across the sky, and the huge light energy formed a huge cross. Unlike the previous cross that was exploded to attack, this time Simon just used the spell of cross judgment to gather enough light energy, and then fought with the nine priests , Birds of Paradise, and Yaolings let down a little bit of holy light together.With the addition of thousands of clusters of colorful flowers, the whole scene looks extraordinarily beautiful and sacred. Little by little milky white holy light scattered from the huge cross in the sky and fell onto the square and even the crowds around the square.

The celebration begins!
The crowd gradually dispersed from the square and flocked to every street in Griffin City.While enjoying the rare celebration in a joyous atmosphere, they discussed loudly the future and hope of the Principality of Griffin.The pastries and bread carefully prepared by the vendors on both sides of the street, and of course the wine is absolutely indispensable, and they were snapped up quickly, and they were so busy that they didn’t even have time to wipe off their sweat.Even people who don't like going out very much can't resist the joy outside, forget all their worries and troubles and join the carnival team.

 Chapter 1

  Thank you Guang Mingjian and Fan q for your rewards (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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