Templar Sun King

Chapter 197 The Council of Nobles

Chapter 197 The Council of Nobles
December [-]th, the House of Lords.

Different from the loose management model of the seven cities in the north of the Celts, the aristocratic council that has ruled the south of the Celts since the Scourge of the Undead is more tightly organized and conservative.When Levitt, the lord of Gordon Castle, advanced to the Golden Juggernaut, the entire noble council fell into great panic. Only other gold professionals who could deal with the golden sword master—at least from now on—the noble council did not There are no Gold Professionals of their own.

Just when they held an emergency meeting to discuss how to face a golden sword master, a golden sword master was also born in the original Falcon City and the current Griffin City. The embarrassing situation in which a congressman opened his mouth three times in a row but made no sound after hearing the news.

The appearance of the two golden sword masters seemed to be like two mountains pressing down on the noble council, making them breathless.Fortunately, just as they imagined, the Golden Juggernauts hope that the Seven Cities Federation can be unified before dealing with the noble council.On the day of the Seven Cities Conference, all the councilors sat restlessly waiting for the news of the Seven Cities Conference.

It is best to lose both sides, besieged by a group of silver and die.There has never been a moment when the thoughts of these councilors were so close and the same, and they cursed the death of the two golden sword masters almost at the same time.It's a pity that they are not black mages who are proficient in curses, and except for those councilors who are attracted by the Church of Dawn, they don't pray to the gods.The final news was as they expected, the golden swordsman Levitt failed in the battle and was killed!

The auditorium was surrounded by joy and cheers in an instant, and these aristocratic councilors who were usually arrogant, conservative, and extremely concerned about their manners vented the depression in their hearts for many days without any image.Only the congressman who was in charge of delivering the news stood there with a cold face and was out of tune with the others.

There is also a gold professional in Griffin City!
The cheering crowd was like ducks being choked, and the auditorium was eerily quiet, followed by unbelievable voices of doubt and despair as if the end of the world was approaching.

"How is it possible? Can you be responsible for the accuracy of the news? Senator Logan, this is related to the life and death of the noble council." The speaker sat at the top and watched an old man with white beard and white hair rushing towards the person delivering the news. A young councilor growled.

It is now the third day that Griffon City has two gold professionals. He tried to hold an emergency meeting two days ago. However, under the shock of this shocking and even desperate news, the meeting obviously couldn't be held normally.No matter who needs some time to digest this unacceptable fact, it seems that some people have not been able to accept it until now.

"I swear on my honor, there is a golden archbishop named Simon in Griffin City besides Andrew, the golden sword master!"

"Absurd, you said in the information that Simon believes in a god called the Sun God." Another middle-aged councilor shook the parchment in his hand, "This god doesn't exist at all. Councilor Logan , I have to remind you of the seriousness of this matter."

Logan looked at the two congressmen who were trying their best to find loopholes and tried to prove that Simon didn't exist, and looked at them with sympathetic eyes. Up to now, he still couldn't accept the fact that the enemy had two gold professionals. What's the point?

"Member Logan, pay attention to your attitude!" Perhaps Logan's sympathetic gaze deeply hurt the two of them, and they roared with red eyes.

"Accept it, look around you, is there anyone doubting whether there are really two gold professionals in Griffin City?" Logan decided not to waste any more time, "Mr. Speaker, please allow me to remind us that we should officially enter Meeting."

"Impossible, Mr. Speaker, Logan is really alarmist. He is a spy of the Seven Cities Federation, and he is destroying the noble council!" The old man looked at the speaker excitedly, his eyes full of hope, hoping to get Mr. Speaker's approval.

"Soldier, take the two gentlemen down to have a good rest." The speaker knocked on the table.The soldiers who had been guarding outside the auditorium came in and dragged out the two congressmen who were roaring and struggling.

This scene caused the other MPs in the auditorium to clearly divide into three camps and react differently.

The first camp is shame and embarrassment, as if the behavior of the two MPs just now brought them great humiliation.They are the traditional aristocrats in the aristocratic council. They are mediocre, pampered, and the most conservative. They have always advocated the restoration of traditional aristocratic privileges.The two congressmen who had been struggling just now were members of the traditional nobles. They had little strength and collapsed when faced with the majesty of the gold professionals.

The second camp obviously booed and mocked when this kind of farce happened, and the disdain on their faces almost became substantive and slammed hard on the traditional nobles.They are the new aristocratic forces that have risen rapidly during the 90-year confrontation between the Noble Council and the Seven Cities Federation. They have personal strength and drive. What they hope most is to remove those incompetent and conservative traditional nobles from the parliament and advocate relying on strength to speak .

The third camp had the least number of people. When the meeting resumed, they made a neat movement, which was the gesture of the believers of the Lord of Dawn when they prayed.That's right, they are the missionary achievements of the Church of Dawn in the noble council over the years.If it weren't for the clause "not allowed to have faith" in the conditions for abolishing a member of Parliament in the Act of Parliament, the speaker would have wanted to remove them all from the noble council.

Church lackeys!In his heart, the speaker spurned this group of councilors who were seeking the interests of the Church of Dawn.

If he could travel through time and space and come to the day when the priests of the Church of Dawn landed in Celtic, he would say to the members of the council who were in charge of meeting the representatives of the priests: Reject, reject all their proposals, the Church of Dawn will drag the entire noble council into internal strife More than a quagmire!
"Mr. Speaker?"

After being reminded by the assistant next to him, the speaker finally came to his senses.He looked at the dark crowd below. There were nearly a hundred councilors sitting in the auditorium. It was this group of people who ruled the noble council, half Celtic.But when facing the two gold professionals in Griffin City, they had no ability to resist except cursing.

How sad, thought the Chancellor, that if we had even one of our Gold Professionals it wouldn't be so bad today.

The Speaker cleared his throat and was about to say a few words of encouragement first. What they need most now is confidence, right?
"Everyone, I know that many people have some prejudices against our lord, but our benevolent lord will not turn a blind eye to the ambitions of the Seven Cities Federation." The leader of the believers camp suddenly stood up and successfully attracted the attention of the entire auditorium. are attracted.

"Two, two gold professionals, this is a crisis that has never been encountered in the history of the aristocratic council. We need assistance, strong assistance!" He ignored the obvious protests and disgust of other members, "Except Dawn Can I teach you to find out a second way to fight gold professionals?"

The last sentence made everyone fall into silence.

"This is exactly what we need to discuss today." Someone said dryly, the voice was so soft that even he could not hear him clearly.

No, don't let him talk any more, you bloody lackey of the Church of the Dawn.If the noble council can get through this difficulty smoothly, he will forcefully add a stipulation that "members are not allowed to believe in the Lord of Dawn" in the parliament law.

An even bigger accident happened.

The door of the auditorium where the meeting was held was opened from the outside without the speaker's order, and a middle-aged man in a gorgeous priestly robe and a knight in armor walked in from the outside.

The speaker yelled and cursed, but the huge sense of oppression coming from the two of them made it very difficult for him, a high-ranking silver fighter, to speak.

Gold, definitely a gold rank!

"Archbishop Gavin, Knight Gwenda, welcome to the noble council." All the members of the believer camp looked surprised, as if seeing a savior.

Yeah, the savior, the fucking |fucking|savior.The Church of Dawn finally brazenly dispatched the Archbishop and Juggernaut of the Celtic ranks to the Celts.Just when the speaker was dismissed from his seat by the staff of the church, he finally thought of a possibility: it wasn't that the Church of Dawn was finally unscrupulous, but the birth of Levitt, the golden swordsman, made the Church of Dawn no longer have any scruples!
The position of the speaker is at the highest point of the entire auditorium. As a gold professional and a devout follower of the Lord of Dawn in this world, the golden archbishop Gavin naturally stood where the original speaker was.

The auditorium was terrifyingly quiet, and under the full aura of the two gold professionals, even if they wanted to resist, they were powerless to resist.

Except for the camp of believers, people from the other two camps saw the two gold professionals of the Church of Dawn controlling the auditorium, they were first rushed to the top of their heads by a burst of anger, and then woke up by a bucket of cold water.This is absolute strength. Before they were attacked by their old opponent, the Seven Cities Federation, they had already been taken down by the Church of Dawn.

"Look, this is the power of a gold professional." Gavin stood at the top, letting the aura of the golden mage envelope everyone in the auditorium, so that they could personally experience the strength and difficulty of gold power. "If the situation is like this after the two professionals from the Seven Cities Federation attack, the noble council won't last for a few days."

"The Church of Dawn has never been the enemy of the noble council. On the contrary, we have been working together happily for nearly 90 years. Of course, except for those regrettable prejudices. Gentlemen, I know that many people are unwilling to accept the truth, but The current situation is like this, our enemy Seven Cities Federation has two gold professionals sitting in the town, it is time to join forces to fight against the enemy. Believe me, the Church of Dawn and the noble council cooperate, and the entire Celtic will prostrate at our feet."

"I announce that the noble council will enter a state of war from today, and all military and personnel deployment will be taken over by the Church of Dawn. The Gwenda Knight will be responsible for all military operations of the noble council." He and Gwenda rushed to Celtic overnight for It is to take over the noble council in a short period of time. Levitt advanced to the Golden Juggernaut so that the Church of Dawn no longer has any scruples, and can send gold-level professionals to Celtic to preach.This is one of the purposes, and the other purpose is to completely destroy the power of Satan Ye Adam, and kill him!

"The meeting is adjourned, Mr. Speaker, we need to talk."

 Thank you for your reward (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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