Templar Sun King

Chapter 188 Seven Cities Conference (7)

Chapter 188 Seven Cities Conference (2)

When the black spots got closer, Robin and the people in the open-air hall finally saw the situation of the Griffin City personnel clearly.

Flying in the front is a beautiful bird magic creature, which looks similar to the phoenix in the magic book. Its two wings are waving with a little holy light, and three long tail feathers are stretched behind it, almost four meters On the long body rides a young magician.That is Adam, the rumored new lord of Griffin City.

In just a few days, Adam, the lord of Griffon City, also spread the name of Andrew, the newly promoted golden swordsman, throughout the Seven Cities Federation.After all, Andrew is just his guardian knight. No matter how he looks at it, he is very enviable. He has a golden sword master under his command.A young and mysterious magician will arouse people's interest and curiosity no matter where he is, let alone the lord of Griffin City.

Behind this silver-ranked magical creature, followed by three half-griffin and half-vulture monsters. What made him unbelievable was that these three monsters, which he had never heard of, actually possessed the same strength as him, middle-level silver.Not counting the original strength of Griffon City, only the four mounts are similar to the original Goldberg's strength--Goldenburg also had a silver mid-level vice-castle lord before the city lord Levitt broke through to the gold rank, plus Two silver mages of the Mage Union.

And now these three middle-level silver monsters are still acting as mounts!
This knowledge made Robin full of expectations for the arrival of Griffin City. Since the fact that there are two golden sword masters is an unchangeable fact, he would rather Griffin City be stronger so that Goldberg can be ruthless. suppressed.

Suddenly Robin remembered a rumor that Griffin City was changed from Falcon City to Griffin City because a powerful monster would often appear in Griffin City in the future.Now it seems that that kind of monster must be the strange half-griffon and half-vulture monster in front of him, the Griffin!

Robin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, even being injured under Levitt's pressure couldn't stop him from being in a good mood.All eyes in the hall were on the Griffin City personnel in the air, and so was Levitt.The griffin on Adam's left is carrying a knight in silver armor. He has short brown hair, a mature and handsome face with a slight stubble, and a vague smile that makes people feel good.

The most difficult thing to ignore is the unique aura of a gold professional in him. There is no doubt that this is the second gold swordsman in the entire Seven Cities Federation, Andrew!
Levitt must be taught a good lesson!Robin silently cheered for Andrew, even though the two golden juggernauts don't have any tendency to fight now, he believes that this will be an inevitable battle.And in his opinion, Andrew has a great advantage.Levitt had almost gray hair when he became the Golden Juggernaut, and Andrew was still so young, no more than 40 years old at most!
The griffin on Adam's left was riding a high-level silver mage, and Robin guessed that it should be Arman, the president of the Griffin City Mage Union.There are only a few silver mages in each city of the Seven Cities Federation, and they are either the president or the vice president of the mage union, which is easy to guess.As for the last griffin, there are two people riding on it, one is the former city lord Bit, who is high-ranking in silver, and the other is a warrior whose strength is only black iron.

Behind the three griffins were two silvers, a mid-level silver warrior and a low-level silver mage, both of whom were from Danube.

After counting, Robin was surprised to find that apart from the Black Iron Warrior who stood out among a group of silvers, the overall strength of Griffin City was already at the forefront of the Federation of Seven Cities!Not all cities are able to have two silver seniors.Coupled with the shocking appearance of a group of people from Griffin City, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Accompanied by the exclamation of the crowd one after another, the well-trained griffins landed in front of the open-air hall, and the personnel of Griffin City and Danube City, the last two cities of the Seven Cities Federation, finally arrived.

Leavitt was not in a good mood. To be precise, he hadn't been in a good mood since the news that Lance had brought back the second Golden Juggernaut from Griffin City.It was Levitt's childhood dream to become the Golden Juggernaut and unify the Federation of Seven Cities. For this reason, he did not know how much he had to pay before finally successfully stepping into that dreamed realm at the age of 75.Seeing that the dream of unifying the Federation of Seven Cities is about to come true, and maybe he can go south to conquer the noble council and make the whole Celtic prostrate at his feet, Griffon City unexpectedly killed a golden sword master.

At that time, he knew that only one of him and Andrew could leave the Seven Cities Conference alive.The Federation of Seven Cities can only have one ruler, and that person must be him!
The crowd didn't know when it quieted down, there was no sound other than breathing.

Levitt and Andrew set their sights on each other almost simultaneously.

"Elementary gold, flame fighting spirit, unknown alienation ability." Andrew said to Adam who was standing beside him.At this time, other people were surprised to find that Andrew, the golden swordsman, was always one step behind Adam, and he was more dedicated and loyal than any guardian knight.It can be seen that the rumors are true. The family background of Adam, the lord of Griffin City, is very mysterious. Otherwise, it is impossible for a golden sword master to lower his posture so low.

Even the big family that Uppler has inherited for many years would not extravagantly let a golden swordsman be a guardian knight. This is not just a matter of wasting human resources, but more of a disrespect to gold professionals.But in the current situation, everyone is puzzled, including Levitt who is standing at the entrance of the hall.It's not that he didn't hear what Andrew said, but there's no need to care about it. These are all news that everyone knows.

He squinted his eyes and slowly pressed his momentum towards Andrew.As he expected, Andrew stepped up in front of Adam, and also greeted him with the unique momentum of the golden rank.Affected by this, the surrounding air suddenly became dull and oppressive. The onlookers who had been close to Adam and his party backed away again and again, until they were about 30 meters away from Andrew before they felt that the air in front of them could be sucked in smoothly.

The invisible aura clashed in a form that was difficult for others to see, and the air was somewhat distorted by the two powerful auras.

here we go!The city lords of the four cities exchanged glances with each other. The current situation is obvious. Regardless of whether the Seven Cities Federation is united or not, there are two more golden sword masters on their heads. The only difference is which golden sword master is ruled by them.It's just that Levitt's domineering style is ahead, and Andrew, who seems gentle and generous, makes them feel reliable and good at once.Even they themselves didn't realize that they began to support Andrew unknowingly.

boom!There was a bang in the air, and a crack suddenly appeared on the ground between Andrew and Levitt, and then the cracks spread out in all directions like spider webs.This is not over yet, as the aura of the two golden sword masters gradually increased, the flat and flat ground paved with marble cracked first, and then slowly fell, the edge part dropped by a full three centimeters compared to before.

This should be considered a draw, right?Leo tightened his grip on his wand.

"Mr. Andrew, Lord Adam, welcome to Fort Gordon, the seven-city federation meeting will begin soon." Ryan, the deputy city lord of Fort Gordon, shouted at the right time.

Thank goodness someone still remembers that this was a meeting, not a fight.Kevin, the deputy city lord of Danube City, wiped the cold sweat off his face. He was really afraid that Levitt and Andrew would fight right here just now.Although the battle of the Golden Juggernaut is not like the golden wizard who can use the first-level gold spells comparable to natural disasters at any time, but once the body of the fighting machine is fully activated, the destructive power caused by it cannot be underestimated, at least these people who are watching Basically, it will be torn to pieces by the escaped grudge energy in the first 2 minutes of the battle.

He pretended to have no intention of sweeping over Ryan, the deputy city lord of Goldberg. This guy really completely ignored their Danube City.But Kevin just protested a little in the bottom of his heart, and didn't take it too seriously.He thought of Adam and Andrew who suddenly visited Danube City seven days ago. It might be a little funny to say it. He was really scared at the time. After all, it was a golden sword master. The emissary sent by the last golden sword master was in Danube. The city made a good show of its might.He didn't know how excited he was when he learned about the relationship between Adam and Isabella, the lord of the Danube City. There was an extra ally and patron for no reason. He almost laughed out loud in his dreams.

"Of course, since the representatives of the seven cities have arrived, what are we waiting for?" Adam straightened his robes that were blown by the wind and walked slowly towards the open-air hall, followed by Andrew and others.When entering the hall, Adam vaguely felt a dark breath from Levitt, but it was fleeting, like his illusion.

The seats in the open-air hall are divided into seven parts. The part that originally represented Goldberg in Ryan's plan will be a full level higher than the seats in other cities to distinguish them. After all, they have the Golden Juggernaut The city is different from them.It's just that this plan was canceled after the news that Griffin City also had the Golden Juggernaut.

Adam sat down in his seat, followed by Andrew and Arras, and then Bit and Alman.Among the six cities that came to participate in the meeting, Griffin City and Danube City were the closest to Goldberg, but the number of people was the smallest.Adam just brought out the two original silver masters in the city. As for the Griffin City, will it be invaded by outsiders because of the emptiness of power?There is no need to worry at all, the six elite priests are staying in the city lord's mansion, and they will work together to solve any changes.

"Why are so many people injured?" Adam seemed to have discovered this fact until now, and he took out his wand.

"Master Adam, this is..."

Before Ryan finished speaking, five holy lights shot out from the wand and rushed towards the four city representatives who were injured under the pressure of Levitt.Robin's whole body was shrouded in a warm and holy milky white light. The injury he suffered just now was recovering rapidly, and his fighting spirit, which was nearly exhausted, suddenly became full of vitality.After using four healing techniques in a row, Adam put the wand in his hand on the table.

"No other meaning, it's just white magic, don't worry."

"Oh, not a bad trick." Levitt sneered at the people who were gradually recovering from their injuries under the holy light, "Castile Adam... Let's call you Adam, the Seven Cities Conference has always been an internal meeting of our Seven Cities Federation. curious……"

"Are you really from the Seven Cities Federation?"

(End of this chapter)

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