Templar Sun King

Chapter 181 Werewolf

Chapter 181 Werewolf
It took Adam a full fifteen days to come out of the ice sheet, but just as they were about to search for a Celtic ship on the northern coast of Romano, a werewolf spotted Adam, to be precise, Chris.

At that time, Simon went to the pier to ask if any crew members were willing to go to Celtic. After all, Celtic is a remote and backward place for the people in Upler, and there are not many people who usually go there.Andrew went to inquire about some things, the latest developments about the Silver Tower and the reaction of the Church of Dawn.The timing of the werewolf's appearance was very coincidental. The two golds were not by Adam's side. Kane, the werewolf with high-level silver strength, stared at Jason and began to threaten Adam.

"Listen, this brat is what our Degusen Alliance is looking for. I advise you to hand him over obediently, or get ready to be hunted down by members of the Degusen Alliance!" Kane strode out of the shadows When he came out, the loud voice made passers-by immediately notice that this burly man was a werewolf. The sharp nails and the black hair that gradually grew from his arms made the workers on the dock with little combat power tremble with fear.

With the werewolf as the center and a radius of 200 meters, the people within this range immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving only the three of Adam.

Chris hid behind Adam in fear, and poked his head out to look at Kane. He didn't understand why he became the person the Degusen Alliance was looking for.

Adam reached out and touched the other person's head, and asked softly, "What is the Degusen Alliance?"

Chris quickly glanced at the werewolf with black hair all over his body and explained: "I heard grandpa mention it about an alliance of the dark race."

This is an alliance formed by dark races, such as vampires, werewolves, dark elves, cave dwellers, etc., to deal with the light forces and speak out for the dark races.

It seemed that even if the village was not attacked by the Cage family that day, it would soon be attacked by other dark races.Is the magic item of the Frost Necklace really that important?

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you." Adam hasn't fought since his professional level was raised to 12, and sending a high-level silver werewolf here is a good opportunity to practice.

"Get ready to die!" The werewolf's fluffy head stretched forward and roared loudly.The two muscular legs kicked on the ground, two footprints appeared on the spot, and the body quickly rushed towards Adam in the air.

Similar to silverback wolves, both like to pounce on their enemies, and bite their throats open with their sharp teeth after pinning them to the ground, Adam thought.

He stood there without evading, and raised the Sun Cross magic wand that had been transformed from golden sand again, and large swaths of platinum-gold flames spewed out from the wand, intercepting the werewolf in an instant.

Holy flame, this time this silvery flame was not emitted by a spell sealed in the magic wand, but released by Adam himself.After becoming a 12th-level cleric he gains the ability to use the holy fire spell.

Without a keen intuition, before getting close to the platinum flame, Kane's dark-attribute grudge has gradually heated up, reminding him of the horror of this flame.

A powerful flame of light attribute, which has a great restraint effect on dark creatures!

After realizing this fact, Kane forcibly paused in the air, straightened up, turned over from above the flames and continued to pounce on Adam.

What greeted Kane was the attack of three strange monsters. He didn't know how they appeared here so quickly without being known by him who possessed the high-level power of silver.A series of sieges such as sharp claws and sharp beaks forced Kane to land from the air to the ground.

He put on an offensive posture and carefully watched the three strange monsters that suddenly appeared here.

In Kane's memory, he has never seen this kind of creature: they are half-griffin and half-vulture, with the body and tail of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, and four feet that are a bit like a lion but with three sharp claws.The body length is more than three meters, and the standing head is about the same height as him.The most difficult thing for him to ignore is the powerful light energy hidden in their bodies.

This is a monster of light attribute, it may even be a magical creature of light attribute, with the ability to cast spells!

Kane immediately came to such a judgment, he didn't dare to be careless, a little bit of black vindictiveness emerged from his body to protect his whole body.

"Griffin, get on!"

Adam gave an order, and three strange creatures half-griffin and half-vulture waved their wings and surrounded the werewolf Kane in the middle.

These three half-griffon and half-griffon creatures are a brand new unit, the Griffin, that Adam summoned from the Griffin Tower after Simon killed the werewolf Lucian and raised his professional level.

Griffon: An elite soldier, with a strong physique and strength, it is not only the guardian of the temple, but also a killing machine to destroy the invaders.

Skill, Killing Machine: Griffins in battle will enter a special state, becoming the most perfect killing machine, not affected by mental spells.

Just like now, the three griffins trap the werewolf in the middle with their powerful physical strength, and both their claws and mouths are their best weapons.Especially when the Griffin flies up and then swoops down, the powerful force is enough to tear apart any enemies that stand in front of him.What makes Adam regret is that the Griffin, an elite unit, is between regular monsters and magical creatures. Only after upgrading can they gain the ability to cast a powerful spell.Right now, all they can rely on in battle is their strong physique and strength.

Even so, Kane, who was high-level silver, fell into a disadvantage for a while under the siege of the three griffins.

However, he was a high-ranking silver man, and it only took him a minute to regain the initiative in the battle from the siege of the griffins.Claws to claws, strength to strength, but the griffin's cold eyes made Kane a little terrified, as if what he was fighting with was not a creature, but a machine manipulated by a puppeteer.

"Sir, he's about to run out." Chris Lara Adam's clothes were a little frightened.

Adam took a quick look around. Thanks to the werewolf's fierce tone and demeanor just now, there wasn't even a single onlooker watching the battle nearby.He raised his wand, six holy lights appeared in front of him, and six priests came out of the sanctuary space.

Now, all of Adam's elite arms are here, six priests and three griffins.Among them, the level of the priest is 12, and the level of the griffin is the middle level of silver.

"Paul, Griffin, kill him."

Under Adam's order, the six priests quickly attacked.

The sacred flames of the priests of the attacking faction, the heavenly armor and the blessing of the priests of the auxiliary faction are issued from their wands, but the former directly attacks the werewolf, and the latter adds a powerful armor to the three griffins.After doing this, the six priests spread out, forming a circle around the werewolves.Immediately afterwards, streaks of holy light flew out from the magic wand, powerful light energy was forcibly drawn from all directions, and even the air shone with holy light.

Following the three loud and majestic calls, the three griffins were full of murderous aura, and every part of their bodies turned into weapons, abruptly repressing Kane who almost escaped from the siege.

The werewolf didn't know how to describe his current mood. Why did a low-level silver mage who could easily win it in less than a minute suddenly summon so many helpers?Kane didn't know the first time Adam summoned the Griffin, but he saw the appearance of the six priests clearly from beginning to end.

hell!How could he be so unlucky to encounter such a thing.

The three silver mid-level griffins had already made him feel flustered, and the appearance of the six priests made him feel a feeling of fear.

God knows that they werewolves have always brought fear and despair to humans, and when things turned around.What frightened him was that the six priests were all spellcasters who were good at the light attribute. Whether it was the platinum holy flame or the armor that made him weak in attack after appearing on the griffin, they all reminded him of this.

Platinum flames passed by the Griffin and landed on Kane, and the black grudge made a hissing sound under the attack of the sacred flame.He could feel that the vindictiveness he used to defend against white magic was constantly decreasing. If he had known that the enemy was so difficult, he shouldn't have run out alone after discovering Chris. Even with a big sword, he was better than now.

Six rays of holy light shot from different directions, falling on the black grudge, intensifying the power of the holy flame.A terrifying force shocked Kane through a layer of vindictiveness less than one centimeter thick.

Suddenly, a trace of fighting spirit was ignited by the priest's holy flame again.

Kane didn't have time to deal with the Griffin's attack - he was immediately scratched three or four times by the Griffin's sharp and powerful claws, even with a grudge defense, his body let out a whimper - all his attention was now burned The grudge attracts.

What exactly is this?
When will there be more such powerful flames in white magic that can ignite one's fighting spirit?

With a heat on his back, Kane desperately found that another place's vindictiveness had been ignited.

The dark vindictive energy that originally circulated in the body around the vindictive energy seeds instantly rushed out from the ignited place as if it had found a catharsis, and became fuel for the flames. Even after he tried his best to control the vindictive energy, he could not change this fact in the slightest.

Now he doesn't even need the attacks of the griffins and priests, if he can't find an effective way to extinguish the flames on his body, within 2 minutes the whole person will be burned to death by the platinum flame fueled by his fighting spirit!

Before he set off, he never thought that he would end up like this.

"Misunderstanding, it's just a misunderstanding!" Kane begged Adam loudly for mercy.If he could escape today, he vowed to find the most powerful helper to come back for revenge. The patriarch is a good choice. He didn't believe that this platinum flame could also ignite the fighting spirit of a golden sword master!
"What a misunderstanding." He heard a gentle voice not far away.

Kane's eyes widened, and the surging light-attribute grudge on the opponent's body was unknowingly how many times stronger than his.

A golden swordsman, a golden swordsman with a light attribute!

Even if he can escape from here by chance this time, he will have to find two golden sword masters to avenge Adam next time, if he still has the guts to avenge by then.

"Dirty werewolves."

Another voice came, with strong disdain.This time, the light energy entangled in the other party reminded the werewolf with a numb brain that he was a golden-ranked spellcaster!
To... need to find three gold powerhouses to get revenge!

 Thanks Yu Yiqing O(∩_∩)O for the rewardO(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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