Templar Sun King

Chapter 177 Silver Tower (2)

Chapter 177 Silver Tower (2)

The fall of every gold professional is a big event, especially when there are only four gold archmages in the Silver Tower, losing Lang means that a quarter of the high-end combat power is missing. weaker when competing.Of course, this is a minor consequence compared to the other problem.The real question is who or which force has enmity with the Silver Tower. This is the concern of all the mages present today.

Since Lang, who was alone, could be killed two days ago, it is possible to attack another golden mage after a period of time.If this is the case, the Silver Tower will usher in an unprecedented difficult period.Such a thing has never happened before in the history of the Silver Tower, but every time they think back to that difficult period of history, nothing but nervousness is reverence, and they never thought that such a thing would really appear in front of them one day.

When Jason came in, the entire conference room was quiet for a second or two. All the mages, including the four mages who had just followed Jason into the room, all had serious expressions, waiting for the three golden mages to ask questions.

Jason saw the only female archmage sitting on the right pick up a piece of parchment on the table.Time has left traces on the archmage's face, but the power of the golden rank makes her look a little younger than those women who are over fifty years old.The golden archmage, Moore, Jason can accurately call her name, an archmage who has been active in the Silver Tower for nearly 50 years.

"Since you are already standing here, I think you should know the purpose of asking you to come here?" Moore put down the parchment, showing a just right smile that made people feel very comfortable but not disrespectful to the dead Lang .

"Yes, ma'am." Jason's nervous heart suddenly calmed down.

"Very well, I will ask you a few questions next, and I hope you can answer them truthfully." Moore said in an approving tone, "How many people killed Lang, and what are their strengths?"

Jason thought they would exchange some pleasantries, but Moore asked directly.On the way here, he has simulated the content of the question several times in his mind. The moment he heard Moore's question, he blurted out the answer: "Three people, um, and a very beautiful big bird. As for strength, two Gold rank, the remaining one and that bird are all silver ranks."

Jason's answer threw a stone in the quiet conference room, and it became noisy in an instant.

The mages murmured to vent their surprise: two gold ranks, no wonder Lang didn't survive the battle.

After solving this question that troubled them, another question followed, which side did these two golden ranks belong to, and why did they fight against the Silver Tower.

"Are you sure it's two golds and two silvers?"

"Yes, ma'am, I'm sure."


It was a difficult question, but Jason had to search for the situation from the mess of memory.

"One of the two gold professionals is a gold swordsman. His occupation is probably a knight. He wears silver armor and his weapon is a big sword. By the way, his grudge is milky white, because he has never seen this color before. The battle qi is so impressive." The world is not without the battle qi of light energy, but more often they appear in the form of gold or silver, rather than milky white.

"There is another gold that is a priest..."

Interrupting Jason's answer was another archmage with beards. He sat on the left, his eyes were wide open, and with his messy beard, he looked like an angry lion. Archmage Stephen .

"Priest? Not a mage?" The difference between a priest and a mage is too great. At this time, they would rather kill a mage than a priest.

The reason is simple, a priest of the golden rank represents that there is a god and more powerful priests behind him.Stephen couldn't figure out when their silver tower offended the power of the church, Harvest Church or Sky Church?

"I'm afraid so, sir. A priest." Distinguishing between a priest and a mage might be difficult for a fighter of strength, but for a mage it's easy enough to make a mistake.In the unique vision of a mage, you can easily see the aura of faith on the priests, which is as dazzling as the moon in the starry sky.

"The aura of faith on his body is very strong, the whole person is almost shrouded in a milky white mist, and there is a big halo behind his head..." Jason gradually calmed down, and when he answered, he made a gesture to indicate where the halo was. How big is it.

Contrary to his calm heart, the hearts of all the mages present gradually became heavy. Priests, even the priests participated in the murder of Master Lang.Which church's archbishop did it?

Stephen asked the doubts in their hearts.

"I don't know, I don't know, sir." Under Stephen's solid gaze, Jason blushed and stammered, trying to recall the details at the time, "By the way, there is a pattern on the priest's clothes. Great pattern."

After thinking of this, the young man finally stopped bumping: "It's a strange cross."

Jason waved his hands and gestured, but basically no one could understand.

The three archmages above exchanged a look: "A brand new logo?"

"Yes, I haven't seen it before." Every air in the conference room was filled with depression, which made Jason nervous again.

"Moore, don't waste time, use that spell." Stephen crumpled the parchment in his hand and remained on the ground, interrupting Moore who was about to question again.

"This is the best choice." The last golden mage, an old man said.Jason knew him, the golden mid-level archmage Goffman.

"Since you insist..." Moore took out her wand and pointed it at Jason.This action made Jason stiffen, showing a terrified expression.

"Don't be afraid, young man. Moore just cast a spell on you, which can show what you saw that day here. Well, from now on, you just have to remember the battle that day." In Goffman's voice Zhong Jason felt as if he was soaking in a warm bathtub, recalling the scene over and over again in his mind.

"I never thought that the spell I invented would be used on him one day." Moore complained in a low voice, a beam of silver-gray light shot out from Moore's wand, and they twisted and twisted in the air and landed on Jason's head.

These silver-gray lights drilled from Jason's ears, nose and eyes, looking very scary.Soon Jason's entire head was almost wrapped in this silver-gray light, and he stood there quietly, motionless.

About half a minute later, the silver-gray light dragged something back neatly.Finally, a strand of silver light was dragged out of Jason's head.

"Successful." Moore waved his wand, and the silver-gray light intertwined in the air to form a light curtain.The part of the silver light dragged from Jason's brain was thrown into the light curtain by Moore.During this period, Jason stood there with his eyes open, his eyes glazed over, as if he had lost his soul.

The silver light splashed in circles of ripples in the light curtain, and the light curtain was beating, and some pictures appeared in the light curtain scatteredly.

What appeared in the light curtain were three people and a beautiful big bird, just as Jason said just now.A young mage, a golden juggernaut and a golden archbishop.

Almost at the moment when the appearance of the young mage appeared in the light curtain, the mages present already recognized who he was, Adam, Adam Weaving, a mysterious white mage from Celtic.

Just two months ago they were discussing how to treat Adam here, whether to press him for white magic that never appeared on Uppler or to have a friendly exchange.There was a lot of quarrel at that meeting, and the four archmages had serious disagreements. They argued with the other mages sitting here for a whole day in terms of ideas, the development of white magic, and the position of the Silver Tower.

That's right, Master Lang strongly advocated asking spells and magic from Adam.The eyes of some mages flickered, obviously they knew that Lang had hired the seven villains to hunt down Adam.In this way, things made sense. There must be a problem with the Seven Evil Ones, leaking the employer's information.

This is Adam's revenge!
Suddenly they thought of a detail. If they remember correctly, Jason replied just now that it was two golds and two silvers.When did Adam advance to the silver rank?How old is he?According to the information they collected, Adam was just a young man who was only 18 years old and had just come of age.

The picture on the light curtain jittered for a moment, then jumped to the next scene, this time it was a battle.

The Golden Juggernaut stood beside Adam, and Lang fought with the mysterious priest not far from them.Now they finally saw the pattern on the priest's body, which was a sun cross.Careful people found that the top of the wand in Adam's hand also had the same logo, and there was no doubt that they were in the same group.However, they were puzzled by a greater doubt: how could a mage share a symbol with a priest, and it was still in the case that the symbol was very likely to be a symbol of an unknown god!

The strength of this mysterious golden archbishop is very strong, the platinum flames cover the sky, and the lightning-wrapped spear is amazing, even if there is no sound from the light curtain, they can feel the intensity of the battle at that time.

Then the picture jumped again. This time, what appeared on the light curtain was a huge cross, a cross composed entirely of light energy.Although I don't know how tall the cross is, Lang, who also appeared in the light curtain, is so small in front of the cross.

Golden magic!

The bright energy oscillating on the cross released dazzling light, and the next moment the entire light curtain was filled with this light.

For the next 15 seconds, the entire light curtain was covered with this milky white light, and when the light dissipated, there was no longer Lang in the sky, only three people and one bird left quickly.

All this reminded the mages of a fact: in the divine attack just now, Lang, a golden junior archmage, fell.

(End of this chapter)

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