Templar Sun King

Chapter 167 Conspiracy (1)

Chapter 167 Conspiracy (1)

God shines!

Adam recognized the spell the moment the golden radiance lit up on Gordon. Luke, the bishop of the Dawn Church who had joined hands with Naga to kill him, had used this gold-level divine spell, and was finally backlashed by the spell.

After blocking the Judgment Spear with Matt's death to buy himself time, Gordon immediately cast a spell and used this one of the few offensive spells. A large amount of light energy was drawn and gathered together to show a golden light to form a one-meter What a tall sphere.

If it hadn't been for the magic backlash at the moment when the strength dropped to the silver level and the spell started, a complete Shenyao spell should emit a highly compressed light energy sphere more than two meters high.It will explode instantly after encountering a target, and first a strong energy shock wave will destroy everything it encounters, whether it is a dark creature or not.Immediately afterwards, the energy storm from the center of the sphere swept away again with the high temperature that could liquefy the long sword.

It's a pity that with Gordon's current state, a sphere more than one meter high is already the limit.

The flame storm collided with Shenyao, Adam's first reaction was to retreat, and added a holy light armor to himself in the process of retreating.There were only two colors left in his field of vision, the red flames and the golden brilliance were constantly colliding, intertwining, and annihilated, and then there was a loud roar in his ears, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The powerful shock wave made Adam take several steps back and sat down on the ground.Alice, who was originally hanging on Isabella's shoulders, rushed straight into the sky, but fortunately was caught by Adam, who was still in shock and tightly nestled in Adam's arms.I don't know if it was an illusion, but Adam felt that Alice's body was floating for a second or two when he was in the air.

Adam lay on the ground, and all kinds of trees, stones, flames, wind blades and rays of light rushed past him, leaving potholes on the ground.When the third light armor was used, the shock wave was finally less, and he stood up.

Simon stood beside him, blessing a holy shield in front of him.Andrew was not far away, and his whole body was shrouded in milky white brilliance.Isabella is still flying in the air, but her hair is a little messy.

"Run away!" Isabella cursed in a low voice, but Adam didn't hear clearly.

On the other side, Gordon looked gloomy, almost dripping water, and sacrificed a Matt to buy himself time to release Shenyao, but the result was the same. Adam is probably still alive and kicking now.

Where did it go wrong?
Gordon couldn't figure it out, is the Lord of Dawn really going to abandon his most devout believer?
After this idea appeared in Gordon's mind, it was like a wildly growing weed that instantly occupied all of his thoughts. The shame of fleeing in embarrassment at the hands of the dark elves, the pity eyes of his former colleagues, the disappointing sigh of the pope, and Adam's sympathy for him. The silly smile he grinned deeply hurt Gordon's heart.

In particular, he was the first fallen cardinal in the Church of Dawn. Thinking that his situation would be known to all the priests of the Church of Dawn in the future, Gordon seemed to hear the disappointed sighs of those priests.How proud and proud he was once as a cardinal archbishop, but now he is ashamed and ashamed.

"No..." Gordon saw the aura of faith in himself shaking violently, like a candle flickering in the wind.He desperately stretched out his hands and scratched at his side, trying to firmly grasp the fading aura of faith in his hands.But the tangible and intangible aura of faith continued to fluctuate, and at the same time he felt his strength decline again.

"It's a pity, one ran away." Although he was not the opponent of Gordon or Matt, Adam still felt very sorry. Matt, who died under the spear of Simon's trial, brought him 10% of the progress.

"It's an honor that the Church of Dawn and the Silver Tower, two of the most powerful forces in the field of light, are attacking you at the same time." Isabella took over Alice who had just been accidentally blown into the sky by the shock wave from Adam, "If you go up Second, if you are serious, you might as well start with the Silver Tower first."

What she said was Adam's bold words last time, she would not accept the blessing of the Harvest Church, and wanted to kill the Lord of Dawn with her own hands.

How can he lack courage in front of the woman he loves, even though he is still a step behind Isabella.Adam cleaned his robes, full of pride: "It's worth considering."

"I once heard from the teacher that there are four golden mages in the silver tower, and there may be a tower master whose strength is higher than that of gold. After I formally advance to gold, I can help you deal with one, and the rest It's up to you." Isabella had to warn her little boyfriend about the great strength of the Silver Tower.

"Andrew, help me remember, remind me to go to the trouble of finding the silver tower after I am promoted to the silver rank." After Adam was promoted to the silver rank, Andrew and Simon were naturally already paladins and holy knights with a professional level of 16. The power of layoffs is comparable to that of the gold ranks in this world. "Since I was framed for stealing an important magic book from the Silver Tower, then I should really steal one."

A person who is maliciously framed and has to prove his innocence is a saint, he is absolutely not.Revenge is his principle, especially under the influence of self-confidence that gradually expands after he has power, this principle is carried out to the end.Not to mention the Silver Tower, even the Church of Dawn has begun to concoct plans for revenge.

"Be sure to teach them an unforgettable lesson!" Adam thought viciously.

"Let's go, Adam, look for Zoe." To be precise, look for the moon well.

"I don't know if Archbishop Karloff snatched Zoe back from the werewolf." The werewolf Lucien was the second golden swordsman Adam saw, and the first was the dark elf Aguilera.In the Iris City, Adam did not notice Aguilera's fighting ability because he was eager to snatch the key.Witnessing the fighting style of a gold-ranked werewolf just now gave him a new understanding of powerful fighters.

The fighting spirit is released, which can be used for both attack and defense, especially the highly compressed wave of fighting energy shot by the werewolf, which directly penetrates Karlov's shoulders. The speed is fast and ruthless. There are very few professionals below the gold rank. able to escape.

"Not all golden swords have this kind of ability. This is the secret vindictive attack method of the werewolf clan, which is also known as the blood burning curse of the blood clan." After learning that Adam thought that all golden sword masters would send out vindictive shock waves, Yi Sabella looked at Andrew with a strange expression: Is it true that you didn't even tell him this kind of common sense?At any rate, he is the future heir of the Weiwen family, right?

Andrew didn't speak, but just showed a more brilliant gentle smile to Isabella.

Isabella felt inexplicably at ease and shook her head: "A werewolf who has completed the second alienation is definitely not that easy to deal with. I hope Karlov can persist. And a little deeper is the Anse Mountains, the base camp of the werewolf Lycan tribe."

The two alienation abilities on Lucien's body are very obvious. The first one is body transformation, which is twice the original size. This is a very common giant transformation in the alienation ability, and it can be done without any fighting spirit attribute.The second change is the ability to tear apart tangible and intangible elemental energy, and this is the first time Isabella has seen it.

The abilities acquired by strength-type fighters in the process of alienation are related to the energy attribute of fighting spirit. Among the several common abilities, Isabella did not find anything similar to the werewolf ability, so she could only classify it as a rare ability category.

After flying for a period of time, a mountain range stretching for an unknown number of kilometers appeared in front of Adam, with overlapping peaks, which was very magnificent.

"This is the Anse Mountains occupied by the Lycan tribe."

"Yeah, the two dark creatures, werewolves and vampires, are not like other dark creatures hiding in the Underdark. Their influence is everywhere in the surface world. It is better in the human kingdom, at least with the power of the church. They may It does not represent kindness and justice as advertised, but it is sincere in dealing with dark creatures." Compared with Adam's lack of knowledge, Isabella is very familiar with the various secrets and common sense on Uppler and Yasha. learn.

Unlike the aristocrats who are divided by families, werewolves divide their spheres of influence by tribes and live together in groups.

"Out of the human kingdom, like the Buffyson Merchant Alliance without the protection of gods, the land of chaos is the most powerful part of werewolves and blood clans. This Anse Mountain Range is the lair of the Lycan tribe among werewolves. There are at least a thousand werewolves living in this mountain range. We must dare to intercept Lucien before he enters the depths of the mountain range, otherwise..."

Otherwise, Adam naturally knew what was going on. Looking at the situation of the werewolf just now, he didn't know that the moonwell among the three treasures was involved in Zoe, but he simply coveted Zoe's beauty.Zoe, who is beautiful enough, a werewolf who is lustful, and entering the base camp of the Lycon tribe, hehe, a lot of bad pictures appeared in Adam's mind, yellow and thunderous.

He only hoped that Karlov and the five members of the Harvest Church would not disappoint their strength and snatch Zoe back from the werewolf.

But things backfired.

It was Simon who first discovered the traces of the battle. Under his leadership, the group quickly found both sides of the battle in a valley not far away.The battle was intense, elements and energies such as lightning, flames, and wind blades shot across the valley, but the situation didn't seem very good.

The scene that Adam imagined that Archbishop Karloff and the five members of the Harvest Church would snatch Zoe back did not appear.Not only did they not show up, they even put themselves in danger.

Because in this valley, besides the enemy werewolf Lucien just now, there are also characters that should not appear here.

A black mage covered in black robes, a necromancer covered in bandages, a giantess, a male dwarf, and the giantess still held the head of a knight of Dairogu in her hand.

Calamity Church!

(End of this chapter)

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