Templar Sun King

Chapter 160 The News Exposed

Chapter 160 The News Exposed

Isabella stood up and walked around the room: "Try adding a spell you have mastered to it."

"no problem."

After a burst of light, a brand new ring appeared in the air.

Adam stretched out his hand to hold it, the ring was still the same as the one on the parchment, the difference was that this time a temple spell was sealed in the ring: healing!
"Successful! I sealed a healing technique inside." Adam raised the ring, "Give me your hand."

Adam put this sand-changed ring on Isabella's middle finger: "Try it."

"Okay." Isabella naturally raised her right hand to activate the healing technique sealed in the ring.

A holy light came out from the ring and fell into the room.Isabella has a certain understanding of Adam's spells, they all exist in the form of holy light.There was no doubt that this was a unique system of white magic, unlike any white magic she knew.The dispelling technique released by Adam just now is holy light, and this healing technique is also holy light.They are all manifested in the form of holy light, but the spell effects are not the same at all.

"Success!" Isabella was even happier than Adam, "Now try the magic of fireball."

"No problem, I have a hunch that I will soon know how to use the sands."

Adam took the ring, imagining a ring that sealed a fireball.

After a burst of light, another brand new ring appeared in the air.

Adam quickly picked it up and took a look: "Fireball!"

After several trials, Adam and Isabella finally figured out how to use Sands.

Simply put, this half of the sand can be transformed into any item including magic items, but if you want to obtain the spells sealed in it while changing into magic items, you must meet two conditions.

First, the owner of Jinsha must have a certain understanding of this spell, at least he must have seen the release of this spell with his own eyes.For example, fire arrow technique, black iron level [-], Adam himself has used it many times through the magic wand.For example, fireball, bronze level, Adam has also seen it.And the natural faction spell poison vine, which is also at the bronze level, cannot succeed, because this spell was mentioned by Isabella, and he has never seen it before.

The second is that the level of the spell cannot exceed the gold level, that is to say, with the current strength of the high-level Adam Bronze, it can only seal the spell of the silver level at most.In the experiment just now, Adam had successfully sealed the chain lightning of the holy flame of the temple spell and the chain lightning of the Thunder in the ring.As for whether this restriction can be broken with the improvement of Adam's strength, or when he has a complete sand, that is a matter for the future.

"I think you should seal an offensive spell, to be honest, the strength of high-level bronze..." Isabella shook her head.

"It makes sense."

The golden sand suspended in front of Adam changed, and finally turned into a wand somewhat similar in style to the wand in Simon's hand.

This is a silver-grade magic wand, one meter long, thick as a thumb, with a sun cross symbol on the top, and a cross-shaped white magic crystal inlaid in the cross, which looks quite sacred.

In this magic wand transformed from golden sand, Adam also sealed a templar spell, holy flame, once a day.

Adam held the wand of the Sun Cross in his hand, and a warm current flowed from the wand along his arm and around his body.Even the light energy floating in the air is actively pouring into the cross crystal, providing enough magic power for the once-daily sacred flame.

It's a great feeling!
It can be said that this wand was specially created by Adam for himself, and every detail serves the spell of the temple.

"I don't understand." Isabella sat down in front of Adam. "You are not a believer in the sun god. I know very well that you don't believe in gods like me, and you are not a believer in any god. But why..."

Isabella pointed to the sun cross symbol on the wand in Adam's hand. She had seen it on the wand of Simon, the priest of the sun god.

Adam changed this wand simply because it was the most famous symbol of the church, and it had no other meaning.But since Isabella asked, he could only bite the bullet and look for an explanation.

"Oh, it may be because the Weaving family has a very close relationship with this symbol."

Isabella thought about it, nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door at this time, so that Adam would not be entangled any longer.

"Master, it's me." It was Andrew's voice.

There is no particularly important matter, and Andrew generally does not look for him when he is resting.

Adam opened the door, and Andrew and Simon stood outside the door together.

"What happened?" Isabella also came out and asked.

"It's about Zoe."

"Ha, I still can't believe that the news that Zoe owns the moon well has spread throughout the Bafison Business Alliance! I don't know which bastard did it." Gildero, who has always been well-mannered, was furious, "Can you imagine How did Dailogu and I feel when we saw the image of Zoe in the black market? We acted cautiously, kept the news for several days, and tried to get the Moonwell from her before other forces found Zoe. We only found out the news when we opened the door Everyone knows it, hell!"

When Adam came to Gilderoy's room with Andrew, Simon and Isabella, what he saw was such a furious Gilderoy.

It started when I met the people of the Sky Church in the Bocuse restaurant at night.

The Sky Church and the Harvest Church often put aside their prejudices and cooperate with each other when facing the Church of Dawn. In fact, they are not as close in private as others think.So after seeing them, Gildero seemed to have been whipped and felt a sense of urgency. After confirming the resting place, he immediately took the two knights, Delogu and Lande, out to inquire about news.

In the Bafison Business Alliance, basically all problems can be solved with money, including information and intelligence.Paradise for the rich, hell for the poor, this is the most appropriate sentence to describe the Bafison Chamber of Commerce.When they came to a black market selling information, what they saw was a huge image of Zoe, occupying an entire page.It neatly reads:

Name: Zoe, the owner of the Moon Well, the three treasures of the Sither Empire (the word Moon Well is also bolded in an unusually bright red, for fear that others will not see it)

Strength: Silver high-level, proficient in two types of magic, storm and thunder
Explanation: Two days ago, it appeared in the No. [-] auction house of the Bafisun Business League, and it is suspected that it is going to the land of chaos
Gildero's eyes went dark, and he almost fainted to the ground.

They carefully guard important news that is not known to outsiders, so they hang it out in a grandiose way?You don't even have to charge a single coin, it's free!

All the people who came to the black market to collect other information were stunned, attracted by the portrait of Zoe and the text description below.

The Moon Well, one of the three treasures of the Xiser Empire, is it really okay to post such important news for free so that everyone who comes and goes can see it?
They were surprised at first, and then ecstatic. If a treasure of the Moonwell level could be snatched from Zoe, what awaited them would be countless gold coins and beauties from all over the world.

Good thing, this is a good thing!

They no longer worry about why the black market owner suddenly changed his sex and posted such important news for free, nor do they consider whether there is an ulterior conspiracy behind this matter, the only thing circling in their minds is how to get ahead of others Find Zoe!
"Is it really the Moon Well?" Gildero asked a staff member in the black market with trembling fingers.His excited look made several passersby couldn't help but roll their eyes: What a country bumpkin who has never seen the world!It was as if the people who were instantly excited when they saw the news just now were not themselves.

The staff thought it was another person who came to confirm the authenticity of the news. In fact, after the news was posted, he couldn't remember how many people had confirmed it with him, which was more than the people he had received in three months combined. , His throat was smoking.He gulped down all the glass of water in his hand, and nodded to Gildero that it was true.

"Sir, this is a message posted by our person in charge. It is absolutely unmistakable. It has spread throughout the Bafison Business Alliance! With our reputation..."

Gildero didn't even listen to the staff's explanation. He only confirmed one thing now: someone was playing tricks behind him.

The others in the room were not at all calm, although they weren't excited enough to growl like Gilderoy.Especially Isabella, even the three elements surrounding her were twice as thick as usual.Knowing that Isabella was on the verge of breaking out after hearing the news, Adam reached out and grabbed her hand to comfort her silently.

"Don't worry, there will be a solution." Adam comforted Isabella in a low voice.

Isabella gave Adam a big smile, and then participated in the discussion: "Since Zoe's news has been leaked irretrievably, the most important thing is to find a suitable solution. But before that, there are two points We have to figure out: first, who leaked Zoe's news. Second, what is his purpose."

Indeed, rather than complaining about the current difficult situation, it is better to find a way to regain the initiative.

Others set their sights on Gildero, Dellogu and Lande.

"Hatings, the black market we went to is Hastings." Dellogue said.

"Isabella, it is inconvenient for our Harvest Church to come forward directly, so I will leave it to you." Sybil said solemnly to Isabella.

"No problem, I just happen to be very interested in the source of this news." Isabella got up, took Adam's hand, and walked outside without looking back.

 Thanks again, one day is one day one day is one day (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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