Templar Sun King

Chapter 158 Follow-up

Chapter 158 Follow-up
"Beautiful lady, please come with me." The waiter at Bocuse Restaurant politely ushered in a group of people who seemed very anxious.

Among this group of people, walking in the forefront is a beautiful lady with long red hair, gray-blue pupils, a complicated and gorgeous magic robe, and a cute kitten in her arms.Her whole body was so perfect, it was as if she had been cast with a magic lamp and bathed in a beautiful halo.

The waiter swears that this is definitely the most beautiful lady he has seen in his service career of more than ten years, not one of them.

Bocuse Restaurant is a restaurant that ranks in the forefront of the Buffett Chamber of Commerce in terms of history and reputation. The people who come and go here every day are the upper class people of the Buffett Chamber of Commerce. There are high-level merchants who hold power, and some are professionals who hold powerful power.Every time they went to a restaurant or attended a banquet, they brought well-dressed female companions, but no one could compare with this beautiful lady in front of them.

Behind this beautiful lady are seven powerful professionals, several of whom are priests of the temple, which can be seen from their clothes.

As a senior waiter who has served in Bocuse restaurant for more than ten years, this is a necessary vision - at the first sight of a customer, he can probably tell his social level, strength level, and of course his spending power.Those who have no eyesight or are not smart often can't stay in Bocuse for a month, and they will be thrown out for various reasons before that.

Anyone is better than the captain of the security team, the waiter thought.The Security Team is an armed force responsible for the security of Bocuse Restaurant and is employed by Bocuse Restaurant.At this moment, two members of the security team walked past them with camouflaged weapons in their hands, their chests puffed out like proud big roosters.Most of them are professionals with good strength, and the captain is a silver-ranked fighter. It is said that he even single-handedly killed a werewolf.

"Mr. Adam is dining on the third floor. He seems to have a very good appetite." When the beautiful lady asked about Adam's situation, the waiter answered cautiously.Intuition told him that this lady's strength was as dazzling as her appearance, and there must be no mistakes.

"Is he alone?" The waiter could clearly feel that the beautiful lady was relieved, and then asked in a tone that didn't seem to care but was actually worried.

"Yes, ma'am, Mr. Adam alone."

The waiter walked at the forefront, leading a group of people through the long corridor and stairs to the third floor.

This is the most magnificently decorated hall in the entire Bocuse restaurant. It is spacious and tidy. Exquisite oil paintings and artworks from all over the continent are hung on the four walls. Usually only the richest businessmen and the most powerful professionals can enter.Every decoration on this floor is out of reach for a waiter like him, as if every piece says: Stay away from me, we are not in the same world.As for the gold coins they consume for a dinner, it is enough for ordinary civilians to work tirelessly for ten lifetimes.

When Isabella rushed to the Bocuse restaurant to find Adam according to the news Andrew received through the guards, what she saw was Adam alone on the third floor with a mouth full of oil.On the table in front of him was a well-grilled veal steak, a fried scallop with foie gras sauce, a classic Siser vegetable salad and a glass of wine.As the waiter who brought them here said: Appetite is quite good.

"So this man named Allos didn't mean to hurt you, but just wanted you to help him heal his injuries when he caught you?" Isabella asked.

At this time, the group had already sat down beside Adam, asking about what happened after Adam was captured by Arlos for nearly a day.

Andrew received Adam's location from the guards two hours after confirming safety, and they were still looking for Adam at that time.Safety is one thing, temporary safety is another.As the heroes of the sanctuary, it is their responsibility to protect the safety of the owner of the sanctuary.Simon used a method that the five members of the Harvest Church and Isabella could not understand to roughly confirm Adam's location. Compared with the information Andrew received, there was no difference in the direction.

Fortunately, the second time Adam sent the news through the guards that he was very safe, so they don't have to worry.Even so, Andrew, Simon and Isabella flew all the way to the Bocuse restaurant at the fastest speed to find Adam.

"That's right." Adam replied as he put a small piece of steak into his mouth, but he was not very articulate.

Because just half a minute ago he received a warm hug from Isabella, not only that, the other party also kissed him hard on the face.This passionate and unrestrained style has benefited Adam so much that until now he is still immersed in the wonderful feeling and has not come out.

When the other people in the restaurant saw Isabella walking in, they cast their eyes on her in unison, unable to leave even a single point.It's a pity that the fantasy in my mind was shattered by the cruel reality before it was fully formed: How could such a perfect woman be interested in a little mage whose strength is only bronze?
Although after the comparison, it was found that this little mage was indeed more handsome than any of them, but it didn't make them feel any better. An emotion called jealousy spread uncontrollably in their hearts.Considering that this is the Bocuse restaurant, the people who appear on the third floor are all people with status, wealth and strength, and several professionals have recognized that this person is proficient in five magic factions when Isabella came in. The silver high-level mage can only choose to remain silent regrettably.

"Where is that Burns? Where is he now?" Gilderoy raised a sincere smile to congratulate Adam on his safe return, but he was more concerned about Burns who was also captured by Alros.The scene of the yellow wind grabbing Burns with a big hand still keeps replaying in his mind.

"You must not guess what he experienced before he died?"

Several members of the Harvest Church looked at each other, seeing the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The death of the black mage from Babel is definitely something worthy of applause for Harvest Church, which has always been known for its kindness and gentleness, but Burns of the golden rank died like this?Their heads were in a mess, and they were shocked by the news.

The highest strength of the people present here is the Silver High Rank, and no one can pat their chests and say that they will definitely be able to advance to the Gold Rank in the future.From silver to gold, there is only a gap in rank, but this gap is an insurmountable gap.

Like the Church of Dawn, priests of the golden rank can also obtain the title of cardinal in the church, and they are the group of people below the pope who are closest to the goddess of abundance.

In the entire Harvest Church, there are only eight people who can obtain the title of cardinal archbishop, which shows how difficult it is to become a gold-rank professional.

Now, Burns, the golden mage of Babel, died like this, and from Adam's tone, he experienced terrible things before he died.

"Let me guess, it must turn into a pile of sand in the end, right?" Seeing that Adam was not hurt, Isabella was very happy, and she was the one who cooperated with Adam the most in the group.

"This way..." Adam opened his right hand imitating Arlos's appearance, "Then Burns turned into a gray-haired old man."

"Drain Life." Sybil covered her mouth and said, "I always thought that this evil spell had long been lost."

Seeing that everyone else was looking at her, Sybil put away her surprise and explained: "This is an evil black magic that originated from the Goddess of Silence in the Egent Empire period. It can transfer the vitality of the target to yourself. In a At first it was a divine spell, and later it was created by a black mage who established the correct spell model according to the divine spell. The black mages of Asha often use this spell to absorb the vitality of others to heal themselves."

"Later, with the demise of the Aigent Empire and the establishment of the Kingdom of Babel Radi, the church power in the Aigent Empire was completely wiped out. This once very famous black magic was also lost in this period of history. I did not expect that the sarcophagus That person actually knows this spell."

"By the way!" Dai Luogu remembered one thing, "When the auctioneer at Auction No. [-] introduced the origin of the sarcophagus that day, he mentioned that this sarcophagus came from the depths of the desert in Yasha. This may explain why he died. Draw on this terrible magic."

Gildero sighed. As a golden-ranked archmage and a black mage, he died under an evil black magic. I have to say that this is really ironic.

"It sounds like his injury is very serious. After absorbing the abundant vitality of an archmage, he still needs to be treated by the white mage." Isabella said.

Isabella didn't care about Burns' death at all. Anyway, the matter was over and Adam returned safely.Of course, there is another idea circling in her mind now: whether to urge Adam to advance to the silver rank as soon as possible.Isn't it true that the silver-ranked Mage Bai will have stronger self-protection ability when facing the enemy, so she won't admit that she has a little dislike for the bronze rank in her heart.

"Yeah, it's really serious." Adam remembered Arlos's heart being nailed by six nails. Any other gold-ranked professional would have already died and couldn't die anymore.Now the six nails are lying in a room in the Templar Space Castle, as his reward for helping Arlos pull out the nails from the heart.

Adam was very pleased with this.Later, he found that in the adventure log of the sanctuary space, the progress had been increased by a full 15% because of this incident.Together with the contributions of three of the Hateful Seven, Adam's progress has now reached 45%.

15% of the progress plus the half treasure of six nails, Adam has no reason to be unhappy.And what's more important is the condition Arlos put forward later, as long as you help him complete it, you can get another treasure of the ancestor god: Jinsha.

Now half of the gold dust is quietly in Adam's pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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