Templar Sun King

Chapter 150 Desertification (1)

Chapter 150 Desertification (1)

It was a sarcophagus with a wide top and a narrow bottom. Judging from the erosion marks on it, it already had a long history.

"Oh, it's this thing." The bald head patted his head, "This is an item purchased from an oriental businessman at Auction No. It's at least 4000 years old."

"It's weird," Isabella said to Adam. "Look at that sarcophagus."

Adam looked quickly, only to see that the sarcophagus placed behind the bald head was trembling slightly, and he couldn't see it unless he looked carefully.

The bald man didn't have any abnormalities in the sarcophagus behind him, and he was still eloquently introducing the origin and mystery of the sarcophagus.

"Our staff spent a lot of effort and failed to open this sarcophagus. Yes, including a golden archmage we invited, they were unsuccessful. It can be said that neither Yuppler nor Yasha can open the sarcophagus. Knowing what is in this sarcophagus. Doesn't it give our sarcophagus a layer of mystery?"

Little by little yellow-brown light escaped from the cracks in the sarcophagus, and it was not very obvious under the illumination of the magic lamp, but there were many professionals with good strength present, and now they began to find that even the Golden Archmage in the bald mouth An anomaly that occurs on a sarcophagus that cannot be opened.

"Originally, this sarcophagus from the far east will be presented as the last second auction item. Due to the staff's mistake, the auction is now ahead of schedule. I can say responsibly that there is a secret hidden in this sarcophagus. After all, a gold medalist Not even the Archmage could open it."

The movement of the sarcophagus became more obvious, and even the staff in the audience and the auction house noticed the abnormality. They slowly opened their mouths, and their eyes showed surprise.

Their reaction fell into bald eyes thinking they were being aroused, again, by his eloquence.He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, as long as he can arouse the interest of the rich and powerful present, he can get himself out of this auction mistake.

So he cleared his throat, and shouted out the last words of his life in a more enthusiastic voice: "The starting price is 5000 gold coins, and the final bid can be sold at 90% of the quoted price. Let's start now."

The expected cheers did not come, and the bald man looked at the audience in doubt: Could it be that his introduction was not moving enough?
Ka Ka Ka!
Before he could figure it out, he heard a strange sound coming from the sarcophagus behind him.

The bald body stiffened in an instant, and a cold sweat broke out.

He really did not brag or falsify what he said just now. The golden archmage they invited did exhaust all methods and failed to open this mysterious sarcophagus. In order to maximize their profits, they specially used this as a publicity points, to raise the price of the sarcophagus.But now, he clearly heard the voice behind him, and it definitely came from inside the sarcophagus.

At this time, the bald head finally understood why the people in the audience showed that expression just now: the expression in their eyes was clearly fear, not any surprise or interest.

Just as he opened his mouth wide to shout something, his body suddenly felt cold, and then he found that his body was like a statue that had been eroded by the wind for an unknown number of years, his clothes and his skin were turning into grains of rough sand fall.

"Help..." Baldhead raised his right hand and yelled in fear. In less than half a second, his right hand turned into yellow sand and fell from his body.

The bald head kept his back to the sarcophagus until his body began to disintegrate, but he couldn't understand what happened, but Adam and others in the audience saw it clearly.

Just as the sarcophagus rattled, the yellow-brown light turned into misty yellow sand on the ground, and then fell on the bald man closest to the sarcophagus.After being met by Huangsha, the bald body immediately undergoes terrible changes. Both the clothes and the flesh and blood begin to melt, turning into sand bit by bit and falling on the ground to become a part of Huangsha.

"Ah..." Screams came from all directions in the auction house.

Just like this, a person turned into a pile of yellow sand, and the rich and powerful who did not have much force shrouded in great fear. Some men's terrified cries were sharper than their female companions.

"Run!" The lady beside Adam screamed sharply, and her body exploded at an unprecedented speed.

Kakaka, the sarcophagus finally made a huge sound that could be heard in the entire auction house, and the whole sarcophagus was shaking violently.

"Master, let's get out of here quickly." Andrew and Simon came to Adam's place immediately after the sarcophagus in the auction house went abnormal.

"very dangerous?"

"It's very dangerous. Simon and I suspect that the monster hidden in the sarcophagus will not be inferior to any golden archmage!" Andrew looked serious, "But don't worry too much."

Andrew is very confident about this. The purpose of his and Simon's existence is to protect Adam's safety, and they don't care about the others at all.As for Isabella, whom Adam cared about very much, Andrew didn't think she didn't have the strength to protect herself.

While speaking, gusts of yellow wind blew up with the sarcophagus as the center. It was a gust of wind mixed with yellow sand, and it swam back and forth throughout the auction house.

All the people who were swept by the yellow wind immediately froze in place, and then watched in horror that their bodies melted into a pile of sand in just a few seconds.During the entire desertification process, not a single drop of blood flowed from their bodies, which was very strange.

"Go away!" A gust of yellow wind blew from the auction house, and the trembling female companion hid her whole body behind a chubby businessman.The businessman yelled in fear and anger, dragged his female companion out from behind and pushed her towards the yellow wind blowing, and then ran towards the exit without even looking at her.

Behind him, the beautiful and moving female companion was screaming and watching his beautiful body melt into sand bit by bit.

Seven silver mages belonging to the auction house ran in from the background of the auction house. They looked flustered and stood around the auction table with wands in their hands.


A gust of yellow wind blew past a silver mage, turning a staff member who had no time to dodge into a pile of sand.

The seven silver mages chanted a spell, and pieces of transparent magic shields protruded from their wands, fused together bit by bit.If all goes well, their magic shields will come together in a few minutes, sealing the sarcophagus on the auction block.

The yellow wind blew on the transparent magic shield, and little by little sand fell from the magic shield.Under the erosion of the yellow wind, even the magic shields issued by the mages were gradually deserted.

The seven silver mages blushed, and put all the magic power and spiritual power in their bodies into the spell of magic shield.

"Where is Zoe?" Isabella floated in the air, looking for Zoe everywhere, but found nothing.

"There!" Simon pointed to a corner of the auction house.There, Zooey ignored the constant yellow wind from the sarcophagus on the auction stage, and sneaked towards the backstage of the auction house.


A yellow wind blew against Adam.

Simon raised the huge wand in his hand, pointed at the blowing yellow wind, and a beam of holy light shot out from his wand, forming a holy shield in front of Huang Feng.

The holy shield issued by the high-ranking Silver Inquisitor Simon is larger and thicker than ordinary shields. Even so, the holy shield did not persist for more than ten seconds in the face of this weird yellow wind before it turned into sand and fell. on the ground.

"How could such a thing happen?" Gildero couldn't understand such a weird thing. This kind of desertification ability is very similar to the element transformation of the element commander, but it is much more powerful than the element transformation.

"Get out of here quickly, or we will be deserted too." Sybil's already serious expression now looked more serious and solemn.But in the face of the weird yellow wind from the sarcophagus on the auction site, she was not fully sure that she could persevere under the yellow wind.The magic shields issued by the seven mages who are constantly chanting spells around the auction house are the best proof.

"Help me..." A gorgeously dressed nobleman was squeezed to the ground among the scattered crowd, and a yellow wind was blowing behind him.He has witnessed many people being turned into a pile of sand and falling to the ground under the yellow wind, including one of his deadly enemies.When he saw his rival screaming in terror and turning into a pile of sand after being hit by the yellow wind, he felt fear in his heart, but he knew that he was actually more gloating.

Before he had time to take back the secret joy in his heart, it was his turn to be the next one.The poor nobleman shouted desperately, hoping that the guards could help him.

But the guards he hired at a high price disappeared into the crowd without even looking at him, faster than ever.

No amount of money is of any use in the face of death.

How could this be?
He felt the yellow wind blowing on his body, and his body turned into yellow sand bit by bit.He knew that soon he would become that inconspicuous pile on the ground, no different from the yellow sand that the lowly commoners he usually looked down upon turned into.

"Follow Zoe!" Isabella flew towards the backstage of auction house No. [-], holding Alice, who was a little frightened by the constantly raging yellow wind.

Waves of yellow wind blew by Isabella's side, and she blocked them with defensive magic one by one.After she flew over, the defensive magic that was still in place turned into a pile of sand and fell to the ground under the erosion of the yellow wind.

At this time, the entire auction house has fallen into chaos, and those who can escape have almost escaped. Those who have not escaped are either incapable of escape, or professionals with special purposes, such as Adam and Isabella. , such as Zoe.

Andrew and Simon glanced at each other, and immediately followed behind Adam. Simon continued to issue holy shields one by one from his wand, blocking the yellow wind blowing from all directions.

The magic shields issued by the seven mages next to the auction table have almost all gathered together at this time, only a small hole remains in the topmost place.Dense yellow wind gushes out from this small hole, even the wind force is unknown how many times stronger than it was at the beginning.

Simon raised his wand, and emitted a beam of holy light that fell on the small hole at the top of the magic shield. The holy light collided violently with the yellow wind, splashing out a little bit of light and yellow sand.

"Thank you!"

The silver mage who looked like the leader thanked Simon, and took this opportunity to continuously output magic power with the other six mages, and finally blocked the last hole.

The yellow wind hummed inside the transparent magic shield, and the sound it made could be compared to the tornado Adam had seen before.Huang Feng, who was constantly wandering around in the auction field, seemed to have noticed something abnormal on the auction stage, and rushed towards the auction stage at the same time!
"Be careful!" Isabella suddenly yelled, and the body that was about to enter the backstage passage suddenly retreated, and at the same time placed three consecutive atmospheric shields in front of her.

clap clap clap!
A huge ax fell on the Atmospheric Aegis, and the wind that turned the three Atmospheric Aegis in a row all turned blue and dissipated in the air.

Under the yellow and breeze, a tall figure was revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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