Templar Sun King

Chapter 144 Chapter 2 Hero (2)

Chapter 144 The Second Hero (2)

No one knows the usefulness of heroes better than Adam, since Andrew came to this world, he has brought great help to Adam.He is the most powerful one among the arms under Adam's command, and also the one with the most autonomy.

The highest strength of other arms is only at the same level as Adam. Only the hero Andrew is stronger than Adam, a whole level higher.

It can be said that Adam was able to compete with other silver ranks at the bronze rank, and stepped out of Celtic to travel and adventure in Upler, and Andrew was his greatest reliance.

With a career level as high as 15, he has enough confidence to do what he wants to do without trembling and relying on others.

Adam took a few deep breaths to calm down his agitated mood.

That's right, Andrew was summoned when his professional level was increased to 5, and now he has just increased to level 5 and has become level 10. It is indeed time to summon a second hero.

Adam clicked on the second bright icon on the character interface, and immediately jumped out of the big turntable where Andrew was summoned for the first time. There were various character portraits on it, representing heroes that could be recruited. Some of them were knights. , some are pastors.

Like the first summon, this time it is also random.

The only difference is that Adam found that there are no other heroes representing the profession of paladins on the turntable. Obviously, after Adam recruited Andrew, there will never be a hero of the same advanced profession in the future.

This is a good thing, there will be no heroes with the same strength attributes.

After Adam tapped on the turntable, the turntable turned quickly, and the images on it quickly passed before Adam's eyes.

The second hero who is about to come to this world depends on the image that appears after the turntable stops.

Gradually, the rotation speed of the turntable slowed down, and Adam could even see clear heads turning slowly in front of his eyes, a mighty young knight, a stern-looking priest...

Finally, the turntable stopped, and the pointer pointed to an old man wearing a dark robe, who was a priest.

Magic priest!

Finally a spell-type priest!
What Adam expected when he was first summoned was to recruit a spell-type priest as a hero, and now he finally got his wish.

The turntable pattern quickly dissipated, the image of the old man occupied the entire interface, and the complete information of the second hero appeared on it.

Name: Simon

Occupation: Holy Inquisitor (advanced from the spell-type professional priest, representing the wrath of God)

Level: 15 (Priest career branch completed)
Feats: Mark of Heresy (a magical mark that can be sensed by other troops), Retribution Mastery (the wrath of the gods makes them extremely good at offensive spells)
This is all the information about the second hero recruited by Adam, Holy Inquisitor Simon.

In the sanctuary space, spell-type professional priests face two career branches after their strength level reaches level 10, one is biased towards attack, and the other is biased toward support. The branch of the Holy Inquisitor is the embryonic form of the Holy Inquisitor.

As one of the five advanced professions in the sanctuary space, the Holy Inquisitor represents the wrathful side of the gods. They gave up the opportunity to learn all auxiliary and defensive spells after level 10, and focused on all offensive spells. The attainment of attack spells has reached a very terrifying level.

They are extremely devout and fanatical in their belief in gods, and they are very hostile to believers and unbelievers who believe in other gods. Everything that is not conducive to gods will be mercilessly destroyed by them with powerful temple spells!The purpose of their existence is to spread the glory of God to every corner of the world and remove all obstacles on the way.

Like Holy Knight Andrew, Holy Inquisitor Simon also has two hero specialties.

The first one is called the mark of heresy. As long as the Holy Inquisitor is willing, he can mark all heretics (people who are different from his beliefs, especially those who are hostile to the gods he believes in). Tracking processing is performed according to the strength of the imprint.

The other specialty, punishment proficiency, is similar to Andrew's defense proficiency, which means that holy inquisitors are particularly good at fighting. Compared with the gentle and compassionate priest, another advanced profession, they are more violent and bloody, and they are more unscrupulous. They think that force is the solution problem is an important and effective way.

Then Adam found that there was a spell list icon under the avatar of the Holy Inquisitor. After he clicked, the spell list expanded. This was all the temple spells that the Inquisitor had learned so far.

Spell list:

Levels 1-5: Light, Heal, Holy Shield, Dispel, Sunbeam

Levels 6-10: Blessing, Wings, Armor of Light, Sealing, Sunburst
Levels 11-15: Holy Flame, Spear of Judgment

It can be seen that the spell list of Holy Inquisitor Simon is exactly the same as that of Adam before level 10, whether it is offensive, auxiliary or defensive, they can all be learned.From level 11 onwards, Holy Inquisitors give up the opportunity to learn other spells except attack spells, and put all their energy on attack spells, for which they have extremely high abilities in combat.

What makes Adam most happy is that the career level of Holy Inquisitor Simon is the same as Andrew's is 15, which means that on the day he raises his career level to 11, he can also harvest the career level of 16 Paladins and Holy Inquisitors.

In this world, level 16 occupations represent golden sword masters and golden archmages!

At that time, even if Aguilera, the mistress of the dark elves, rushes to the surface world to chase him down, Adam will have a way to deal with it.

Now is the time to summon a second hero!

Click on the Hero Recruitment logo, and a particularly strong holy light fell in front of Adam from the sky.

Adam could vaguely see a figure in the beam of light, that was the Holy Inquisitor Simon who was about to appear in this world.

When the holy light dissipated, an old man in a dark robe appeared in front of Adam. His hair and beard were all white, but he was hale and hearty, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.In his right hand was holding a huge magic wand, which was as tall as a person. Rather than saying it was a wand, it would be more appropriate to describe it as a crutch.At the top of the huge wand is a sun cross pattern, which gives people a solemn and sacred feeling.

"My lord, your most devout servant Simon reports to you!" Unlike Andrew who knelt on one knee, the etiquette of the Holy Inquisitor Simon was more grand.

He knelt down on both knees and slammed his head on the ground, his tone was agitated and extremely pious, as if the person standing in front of him was not an ordinary man like Adam, but the real God he believed in!

"Adam?" Isabella's voice came from Adam's ear, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just remembered something. There may be another expert in the family coming to help me." Adam said naturally after withdrawing his consciousness from the sanctuary space.

"A knight as powerful as Andrew?"

"No, this time it's the caster!"

"I am looking forward."

"Me too."

"How to deal with this person?"

"Check it first. If you are not lying, you will be killed with a sword. If you are lying, I will always do what I say." Adam walked to the icicle cage in the distance, and inside was Isabella's frozen deputy. leader.

Adam stood in front of the icicle cage, and could vaguely see the frozen figure inside.At this time, his body was still emitting red grudges, trying to melt the surrounding ice that sealed him, so that he could escape from the cage.

"Don't worry, he won't be able to escape." Isabella said with a magic wand on the icicle cage.

There was a crackling sound on the icicle cage, and then it began to crack from the middle.In the crisp sound of clattering, the ice cube fell to the ground, exposing a head of the deputy leader.

His expression still remained in the despair and anger that fell down after being hit by lightning, and then he found that he could move, although only one head could really move.

The joy bursting out from the depths of his heart lasted less than a second before being replaced by despair again, because he had already seen Adam and Isabella standing in front of him.What frightened him the most were the five corpses in the distance and the leader subdued by Andrew.Although he was frozen, his consciousness was clear.He knew very well that the time between when he was frozen and now was not more than 15 minutes.

But in these 15 minutes, only two silver seniors were left among the seven villains.

Now he knew that his life was in the hands of these two people in front of him.

"What do you want to know?" He cleverly cooperated.


"Silver Tower."

"It's different from what your leader said. It seems that you are lying to me?" Adam raised his wand.

"No, no, no, what I said is true, it is indeed the Silver Tower, they let us capture you alive."

"Who is the specific client? Do you always have someone to contact?"

"Lang, it's Lang from the Silver Tower!"


Adam didn't know what the name meant, but Isabella did.

"Golden Archmage, one of the leaders of the Silver Tower."

Adam was a little confused, when did he have a feud with the Silver Tower, and it was really inexplicable that a golden archmage issued a task to arrest him.

"You can't escape, Lang values ​​you very much." The deputy leader laughed hysterically, "He repeatedly asked us to capture you alive, you can't escape..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and a blood hole appeared in the deputy leader's head. It was a magical arrow shot by Adam just now.

The head was pierced, and even the high-ranking silver with alienation ability could not survive.

"I'm going to report to the god of death, but you still dare to curse me."

Adam made a gesture to Andrew, and Andrew raised his sword and dropped it, killing the last of the seven villains.

At this time, Adam's career progress reached 30%, and the notorious Seven Hateful men on Uppler were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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