Templar Sun King

Chapter 140 Seven villains (7)

Chapter 140 The Hateful Seven (2)

"Adam?" Seeing that Adam's guardian knight, Andrew, was about to fall into the siege of the five silvers, instead of worrying, Adam seemed very confident, and Isabella felt a little puzzled.

Does this knight named Andrew have any abilities that she doesn't know about.That's right, a high-level silver knight may have developed his own alienation ability.But now it was five of the Hateful Seven who besieged Andrew, and two of them were also high-level silver fighters who had developed alienation abilities.

"Don't worry, Andrew will take care of it." As the first hero recruited by Adam to come to this world, Andrew is a paladin among the five advanced professions in the sanctuary space. attack.For a paladin, there's really not much difference between one enemy and three.

Amidst the grinning laughter, five of the Hateful Seven had surrounded Andrew in the middle.They attacked Andrew from different directions, some aimed at the head, some attacked the upper body, the female thief was the most vicious, holding a dagger in each hand to attack Andrew's lower body.

Unless the enemy's strength is a whole level lower than them, the Seven Hateful people will swarm up in battle and never give the enemy time to breathe, and this time is no exception.

From their point of view, within two rounds of fighting, the knight would be defeated by their attacks and fall in a pool of blood.Five against one, such a result is really normal.

But now the Hateful Seven had an accident.

A milky white sacred radiance emerged from Andrew's long sword. His strong body spun around with the long sword, catching attacks from up, down, front, back, left, and right. Not only was his movement not at all forced, but it was very chic, as if he was fighting him It is only five bronze rank warriors instead of five silver ranks.

The leader of the Hateful Seven was a little surprised. This knight is indeed quite capable. Generally, few people can escape their siege, because not everyone has super fast speed and keen perception. Protect yourself from the enemy's attack, not to mention all the attacks.

But that's all.Attacks from all sorts of tricky angles continued, flashing battle qi of different attributes, and the cold sword light and ferocious laughter instantly enveloped Andrew.

when!The bald-headed sword was blocked, and the powerful force from the opponent's sword nearly flew out of his hand.He quickly took two steps back, holding the big sword with both hands to avoid such a thing from happening, and looked at Andrew who was besieged by others in surprise.

The strength of this knight is so strong!
"Ah..." The female thief let out a cry of pain.The dagger in her hand was invaded by the fighting spirit from the opponent's sword when it clashed with Andrew's great sword, and she immediately felt something was wrong with the dark attribute fighting spirit.The two energies of light and darkness collided violently in her palm, causing her expression to twist in pain.

The sword chopped off by the third warrior was caught by Andrew and slid aside, hitting the deputy leader's sword, so that the swords of the two fell through the air, causing a cloud of dust on the ground.

The leader of the Hateful Seven held the big sword in both hands, and his face became solemn. Just a second ago, Andrew had firmly caught his attack, and the confident smile on the opponent's face made him feel very annoyed.

The first time Andrew caught all their attacks, he simply thought that the opponent had extraordinary combat power, which was within his acceptable range.But this time, not only did the opponent not receive any damage, but instead started to fight back, and even injured the female thief with dark attribute fighting spirit under the siege of five people.

Two of the five of them are high-level silver, and the other three are middle-level silver.Not to mention that the opponent only has a high-ranking silver knight in such a combination, even if it is a golden sword master, they dare to fight.

But the fact was right in front of his eyes, the other party didn't have any injuries at all, it was extremely weird!

What happened?
The archer and the little man didn't pay much attention to the battle between their companions and Andrew at the beginning. In their view, there was only one ending of this battle, that is, Andrew was killed. The only question was how long this battle would last. time.The two of them obeyed the leader's order to guard Adam and prevent Adam from escaping.As for Isabella, Archer didn't think she would be her opponent alone, so she planned to besiege Isabella together after finishing Andrew.

While staring at Adam who was flying in the air with a pair of strange wings of light, they watched the battle on the side with their peripheral vision and ears.The expected screams and cries of pain did not come, only a burst of intensive weapons crashing.

It seems that the strength of this knight is not bad, so far he has not been injured.

Immediately afterwards they heard the painful cry of the female thief.what happened?Shouldn't it be the knight Andrew who should be screaming at this time?
The short man couldn't help but turn his head to look at the battlefield aside, where the female thief held her left hand with a distorted face. It was covered with wounds and blood stains caused by the conflict between the two energies of light and darkness.But the knight who was supposed to be injured stood in the middle unharmed, with a gentlemanly smile on his face instead of the expected panic and solemnity.

Yes, it is self-confidence.The little man swore that he was absolutely right, and he felt his confidence in Andrew.

What the hell, where did he get the confidence that he could escape under the siege of the wicked seven and five silvers.

But the more or less surprised expression on the companion's face, the female thief's injured hand and the fact that Andrew was not injured at all reminded him that this was the source of the other party's confidence.

The two rounds of attacks did not hurt the opponent even a little.The leader let out a breath slowly, letting out both the irritability and anger in his chest.

"Knight, you are very powerful, but there are five of us after all."

The leader made a gloomy voice, circles of yellow halos appeared from his body covered in khaki grudge, and soon his body was completely covered by yellow halos.When the yellow halo dissipated, his whole body was covered with a thick layer of rock armor.This is his alienation ability. When the rock armor appears, it can defend against most physical attacks and magic attacks, allowing him to devote all his energy to wave after wave of attacks.

"Attack with all your strength." The leader waved the big sword in his hand to attack, and at the same time, the other three continued to join forces to launch the third round of attack.

The only one who hasn't moved yet is the deputy leader of the Seven Hateful. Like the leader, he is also activating his own alienation ability.

A flame burst out from his sword, then the second, the third... In less than ten seconds, the sword in his hand was entwined by raging flames, emitting a blazing high temperature.

Amidst a series of clashes of great swords, the five-on-one battle continued, with flames, rock armor, holy light, and all kinds of fighting spirits shooting out.

Facing the alienation ability launched by the leader and deputy leader of the Hateful Seven, Andrew didn't take it too seriously.Because after being besieged by five people, his purpose was no longer to kill any of them, but to restrain, restrain the five silver combat forces including two high-level silver fighters.As for the remaining two, Isabella and Adam will naturally solve it.

Five minutes passed, and the five silvers continued to besiege Andrew. With their fierce attacks and cooperation, especially after the leader and deputy leader used the alienation ability, Andrew was finally unable to catch all their attacks.The female thief sneered, because while Andrew blocked the leader's attack, her dagger was finally about to plunge into Andrew's thigh.

One click, one click, her dagger can cut through the opponent's muscles and blood vessels, and then the venom that was smeared on the dagger early in the morning will flow along the blood in Andrew's body.She didn't know how many times she had used this trick, and every time the enemy would die in pain, the venom of the Shadow Viper was always very easy to use.

But this time is different.

The female thief watched in amazement when the dagger was stuck in Andrew's thigh, the fighting spirit on the other party burst into milky white light and wrapped her dagger tightly!

How can it be?How can a person's grudge have such a high defense.

The female thief turned around unwillingly, and stabbed the dagger at Andrew's chest. This time, Andrew's long sword intercepted her attack.At the same time, she saw the deputy leader standing behind Andrew raised his flaming long sword and slashed at him fiercely!
Seeing how you blocked it, the female thief used all her strength to clamp Andrew's long sword with two daggers, not giving the opponent a chance to defend.

Her smile quickly froze on her body. The burning sword in her sight was exactly the same as her dagger. It was also caught by the milky white radiance of the battle energy, as if all the battle energy on his body was an unformed shield. Same.

She is well aware that when the deputy leader's alienation ability is activated, the great sword can cause huge burning damage to the opponent with flames and high temperature. Sometimes the fighters fighting with him will lose their weapons due to the high temperature.But even such an attack was successfully blocked by the knight in front of him!

How could there be such a powerful knight in the world!
In a trance, the female thief felt a strong force coming from her hand, and the dagger in her left hand was directly blown away.

10 minutes passed, and the battle on the court was still stalemate.Compared with just now, the biggest difference is that Andrew looked a little embarrassed in the battle, but that's all.

There wasn't even a single wound on his body.Of course, the five silvers who besieged Andrew were not harmed by Andrew.

But this is obviously not something to be proud of. The seven villains dispatched five people, including the leader and the deputy leader, two silver seniors with alienation ability, and they haven't caused even a little harm to the other party so far!
They are the Hateful Seven, Uppler's famous Seven Hateful people, not some shabby adventure group who only have a bronze rank and earn fame everywhere, but the facts before them make them fall into self-doubt time and time again: the Hateful Seven are nothing more than that.

The short man and the archer on the side slowly opened their mouths wide. If they said that the battle in front of them was not fierce, it would be a lie. No matter where the battle of the six silvers was placed, it would be exciting.But in this fierce battle, their companions had nothing to do with the opponent's knight under the joint siege of five people.

This is so wicked!
The short man held the sword in his hand tightly. Could it be that this knight is about to advance to the golden sword master, otherwise he cannot explain what he saw.

"What are you still standing for? Help the leader kill this knight!" The archer felt a burst of fear.For many years, since she became a member of the seven evil people, she has not felt the feeling of fear for a long time.

Now, she felt it again.

The little man nodded, he had to join the fight in such a situation.

call out!
A beam of light fell in front of the little man, leaving a small black hole in the ground.His foot was about to step on it just now, if he hadn't moved fast, the light beam would have pierced a fist-sized wound on the back of his foot.

"Your opponent is me."

(End of this chapter)

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