Templar Sun King

Chapter 14 Light Spirit VS Ghost

Chapter 14 Light Spirit VS Ghost
As undead creatures, ghosts have a natural hatred for the living.

After seeing the living, they will do everything possible to kill the living.The opposition between life and death makes it impossible for ghosts, undead creatures, to live in peace with the living.What's more, the light spirits just purified a ghost.

So instead of any friendly conversation, a green flame erupted from a wand in the hands of a wraith.

Fortunately, Adam and the others added the holy shield, a holy defense spell, at the very beginning. The shield emitted a soft light, blocking the green flames.Even so, Adam still felt as if the cold winter had come suddenly, and couldn't help shivering.

Although Arras has a wide range of knowledge, he is not clear about the weird spell of ghosts.Not to mention Adam.

The seven light spirits had already scattered in all directions when the flames spewed out, and their chubby bodies were spinning in the air, emitting seven holy lights.

It's a pity that the ghosts seem to have seen the attack method of the light spirit just now, and the movement of dodging is very fast, turning into a path of miserable green light scattered in the air.

"Xia En, attack the ghost with all your strength." Adam stretched out his right hand, and a light cluster appeared in his palm, the light technique.

If there is no accident, this light group can last for six hours.Under Adam's order, the seven light spirits also turned into seven milky white rays of light chasing the miserable green light in the air.

The battle of light spirits and ghosts!

The milky white rays of light transformed by the seven light spirits and the miserable green rays of light transformed by the ghosts chased each other in the castle, and the light emitted flickered the entire castle.

What's even more astonishing is that both the light spirit and the ghost have transformed into illusory forms. The light of two colors shuttled up and down throughout the entire castle, without hitting anything except for a gust of wind and dust.

From time to time, the spirit of light emitted a holy light, and facing the attack of the spirit of light, the ghost could only howl instinctively and quickly fled in the castle.

There is no way, when ghosts deal with ordinary adventurers, they can forcibly consume the adventurers to death by virtue of the characteristics of not being afraid of physical attacks.

But now their enemy is the Light Spirit, a magical creation born from the energy of Light.What's more, compared to the ghost without magic, the light spirit has a full three spells that can be released.

Seven light spirits confront seven ghosts, and there are still one ghost and two wraiths floating in the air.

"Humans, give up your heavy body and join us. The master will make you a ghost and enjoy eternal death." A wraith suddenly appeared in front of Adam, and was blocked by the light emitted from the sacred shield .

"Kill them!" Another wraith screamed loudly in the air, waving the magic wand in its hand, with a faint green light emitting from it.If there is no accident, there will be another green flame.

"Your eternal death is really fragile." Adam showed a mocking smile, motioning Wraith to look aside.

There, a pale green light was overtaken by a milky white light, and the milky white light was entwined on the miserable green light. From a distance, it looked like two light bands, one white and one green, spiraled forward at extreme speed.

Compared with the gradually dimming miserable green, the milky white light became brighter and brighter, and the entire white light belt swirled a bit, smashing the miserable green light into pieces.

The invisible miserable green light was twisted to pieces like tangible glass!

The same thing happened in other parts of the castle almost at the same time, and soon the miserable green light gradually disappeared.

The wraith let out a distraught scream, and two green lights shot from their wands.

At the same time, seven holy lights shot from all directions, covering the remaining ghosts and resentful spirits.At this moment, the miserable green flames and milky white holy light illuminated the entire castle.Even from the outside, two colors of light can be seen faintly projecting from the entire castle.

When the flames and the holy light disappeared, there were only two resentful spirits whose bodies became very illusory and almost transparent. As for the remaining ghost, it had already been completely purified under the attack of the seven holy lights.

Suddenly a white arrow shot out from Adam's hand, nailing a wraith who had no time to react to the wall.

Originally, with the characteristics of wraiths, they are not afraid of physical attacks, so naturally they cannot be nailed to the wall.Even if the wraiths stand still, allowing an adventurer to thrust a long sword into their form will not cause them any harm.

But now this wraith is facing Adam's magical arrow, an arrow made entirely of light energy.

The rest of the wraith flashed and appeared in a very far away place, looking at the wraith nailed to the wall in fear.

On his chest, there was an arrow shining with holy light, which passed through his chest and nailed his body to the wall. No matter how the wraith changed his shape, he could not escape the shackles of the magical arrow.

The seven light spirits ignored the fear in Wraith Spirit's heart, and turned into seven milky white rays of light again, reaching Wraith Spirit's side almost instantly.Seven milky white lights and one miserable green light shuttled through the castle again.

Adam could feel the joy and excitement coming from the consciousness of the light spirit, and in the battle with the ghost, the strength of the light spirit also increased little by little.As a warrior, Arras has long been fascinated by it. It is the first time he has seen light fighting at such a big age.

A white ray of light was sucked by the miserable green ray, and the milky white ray fell to the floor like a tangible object, turning into a chubby light spirit.

The light spirit jumped twice on the spot, and once again turned into a milky white light entangled with the miserable green light in the sky.

For a moment, Arras felt the unyielding fighting spirit and burning anger in this light spirit.

Compared with the situation where the ghost was chased and beaten by the light spirit just now, the wraith obviously still has enough energy to fight back.From time to time, green flames would shoot out from the miserable green light, repelling the milky white light surrounding it.

Rays of holy light illuminated the dark castle, and the green flames made the castle even more ghostly.

The level of Wraith Spirit is higher than that of Light Spirit, but after all, it has just experienced the seven holy lights, and faced with the attack of the seven Light Spirits, it will soon be unable to hold on. The dim light is the best proof.

The miserable green light bands had to gradually shrink together, turning into a light cluster.And the morale of the seven milky white lights was unprecedentedly high, intertwined with each other, forming a light cluster that was twice the size of the green light cluster.

Under Arras' surprised eyes, the milky white light ball knocked the green light ball down from the air and landed on the floor.

The light cluster formed by the wraith unleashed a green flame on the ground for the final struggle.And the huge light group transformed by seven light spirits in the air is also making final preparations.

The milky white light ball did not release the holy light, but simply and roughly smashed it down from the sky towards the wraith.

There was a sound in everyone's ears, and the miserable green light ball was smashed to pieces by the light spirit.The resentful screams of the resentful spirits echoed in the air, and the scattered green light gradually faded, and finally disappeared in the air.

The light cluster spread out and became seven soft and round light spirits again.

It's just that their bodies look a bit bleak now. Adam knew that the battle just now had consumed too much energy for them, and they could recover as long as they took a rest.

Adam also did not expect that the ghosts in the castle were purified so smoothly.He hugged the light spirit floating beside him, rubbed his chubby body as a reward, and then sent the seven light spirits into the sanctuary space to rest.

According to Adam's original idea, he would also summon the other seven spirits in the sanctuary space to release the healing technique together.

Even Jerome, the blood clan of the bronze rank, was purified under the bath of holy light, not to mention the ten ghosts of the black iron rank.But since he saw that the light spirit and the ghost were having fun, and there was no danger for the time being, Adam let him go.

"Mission accomplished." Adam raised his right hand in satisfaction, and a faint holy light began to emerge from his palm.As long as one healing technique is used, the wraith that was nailed to the wall by the magic god's arrow will be purified.

But at this moment, Arras came back to his senses and hurriedly stopped, "Sir, wait, he can't be purified yet."

Facing Adam's puzzled eyes, Arras pointed to the wraith nailed to the wall, "He just mentioned a master, and there are obviously other people behind him."

(End of this chapter)

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