Templar Sun King

Chapter 131 Countermeasures (1)

Chapter 131 Countermeasures (1)

Bella sat and chatted with Adam, but almost at the same time he and Andrew discovered the arrival of the Harvest Church, which gave Adam a new understanding of Bella's spiritual power and perception.Even when chatting, Bella is likely to maintain a state of mental power scanning the surroundings, which requires a very high mental power of the mage.

Usually only the archmages of the golden rank will turn on the state of mental scanning at any time, so any plan to sneak attack close to them will be seen through before they act.

As for himself, if it is not necessary, he will generally not activate this state, especially for a bronze mage, this can be called a burden.So it wasn't until the two reminded that Adam found a small team approaching in the distance.

Two minutes later, the team walked into the forest and appeared in front of Adam. It was the Harvest Church Bella was talking about.Some of them are priests, some are warriors, and the weakest are all in the bronze rank.Compared with the clergy of the Church of Dawn, Adam found that they looked more approachable, with more sincere smiles on their faces, unlike the indifference and alienation of the Church of Dawn, who were always aloof.

Facing the terrain and forest damaged by the ice storm and fire spells, several priests groaned a few times, imagining in their minds how fierce the battle that happened here just now was.

The leader was an old man with gray hair. Adam reckoned that he was probably at the middle level of silver.He looked hurried, with joy on his face, but quickly restrained his smile.Because he scanned around in place but didn't find any trace of Zoe, this trip was in vain again.

"Run away again?"

"Yeah, you guys are late. She just left from my icicle cage using the moonwell. Seriously, I think Zoe's escape skills are getting better and better. There were four silver professionals here just now, but it's still This ending cannot be avoided." Facing Zoe's rogue behavior, Bella was very helpless.

"Damn, she better hope she doesn't get caught by me."

Maybe the chance is not great, Adam said silently in his heart, with your silver middle-level strength, you are no match for Zoe at all.

"Who are these two?" The old man glanced at Andrew and Adam, a high-ranking silver knight whose strength was higher than his. He didn't know where Bella found his helper.

"Adam, Andrew, my friends, help me find Zoe." Bella introduced.

The old man found that Bella first introduced Adam, the bronze mage he hadn't paid much attention to just now. This situation only shows that Bella really values ​​or cares about this unremarkable bronze mage.

So he took a closer look at Adam and Andrew, and found that Andrew was standing behind Adam in a guardian posture, and his body was in a state of defense against attacks from all directions at any time to protect Adam.

This is a silver high-level guardian knight!

After careful observation, the old man found that it was abnormal, so it was so.

As for this young man, he is already at the high level of Bronze. Considering the opponent's age, he is a very potential white mage.

"You are welcome to join." The old man didn't care about the two strangers that Bella invited in.Before that, Bella had already signed a magic contract with the Harvest Church, and there were instructions and regulations in the contract for similar situations, so he didn't mind two more people joining the team looking for Zoe and Moonwell.

On the contrary, he is happy to see such a situation, because in the end, the right to use the Moonwell must belong to the Harvest Church, right?

But wait, where did this mage seem to be seen?

The old man turned his head and took a closer look at Adam again. Now he knew where he had seen the young mage.

"So you are that Adam. I saw you on the blacklist circulated by the Church of Dawn, ranking 666th." The old man smiled. The enemy of the Church of Dawn is likely to be a friend of the Church of Harvest.

"Actually, this is the first time I've heard of this." Adam only knew that there was a wanted man from the Church of Dawn in the black market, but he didn't know that he was already on the blacklist.You know he's just a little bronze mage.

"You're very interesting, Adam." He likes Adam's attitude of not taking the Church of Dawn seriously, which is particularly interesting when compared with the importance the Church of Dawn attaches to it.

Bella suddenly realized, no wonder Adam asked what to do if he offended the church just now, it turned out that he was blacklisted by the Church of Dawn.

This blacklist is not accessible to ordinary people. Once entered, it means that there is an endless situation with the church.

Bella whispered in Adam's ear, "What did you do to the Church of Dawn, causing them to blacklist you."

"Maybe I asked a question to a bishop of the Dawn Church." Adam whispered the original question to Bella again.At the same time, he carefully watched the people of Harvest Church, trying not to let their voices be heard by them.If there are similar teachings in the Harvest Church, it will be difficult to handle.Having just offended a Church of Dawn, Adam didn't want to have another huge enemy.

"Believe me, you are already the enemy of the Church of Dawn." Bella was shocked by Adam's question, and couldn't find the answer to the question.In Yuppler, where faith is prevalent, this kind of blasphemy can be described as treason.What's more, for the Church of Dawn, which directly advertises that the "Lord of Dawn is omnipotent", if possible, 1 of them would be willing to send Adam to the stake and burn him alive.

"If you want to seek protection, Harvest Church is a good choice, the goddess has always been very kind." Bella joked.

"No, I choose another method." Adam made a throat-slitting motion.

There was another way Bella knew exactly what it was, having mentioned it herself just a few minutes before.She wasn't sure if Adam really had that kind of thought, but at least when she heard this sentence from Adam, Bella felt that Adam's indescribable confidence infected her, and she felt a long-lost feeling of boiling blood.

"Okay, sir, ma'am, let's discuss how to deal with Zoe's use of the moonwell to escape." The old man didn't hear the conversation between Adam and Bella clearly. Of course, if he wanted to, he could use his energy. force to eavesdrop.

However, considering Bella's strength and the fact that it might be a little secret between men and women, he chose to ignore it.

"How is the overall situation now?" Bella asked very seriously.

"The situation is not good. More and more people know about Zoe's news, which makes me wonder if someone is deliberately spreading the news behind her back, otherwise it would be impossible for it to spread so fast."

"It's normal, the Moonwell is attractive enough. Which ones are put into action?" These are all they may encounter in the process of searching for Zoe.

"Let me see, the Church of Dawn, the Silver Tower, the Church of the Sky, and of course the Church of the Earth."

Adam found that the old man made a very disdainful voice when he mentioned the Church of the Earth, and he did not hide his dislike for the Church of the Earth in front of Adam, an outsider.

"The relationship between the Harvest Church and the Earth Church is not harmonious." Bella said softly.

Adam nodded, understanding.Bella was putting it mildly. What she really meant was that the Goddess of Plenty and the God of Earth were not on good terms.If the gods are not in harmony, the church naturally cannot get close.Only when the relationship between the gods is good can the relationship between the two churches be harmonious, otherwise it will be a temporary cooperative relationship at best.

However, the gods behind Sok and Sipes, who are both successors of the West Sither Empire, are not in harmony, but they stand on the same front to fight against the Lord of Dawn. The relationship between the gods is really wonderful.

"What's interesting is that this time there are two factions in the Romano Empire looking for Zoe."

"The Church of the Sky and the Royal Family," Bella said.

The Church of the Sky believes in the God of the Sky, which is the mainstream belief in the Romano Empire.

The old man looked at Bella approvingly: "That's right, the position of the church and the royal family is very delicate."

This kind of situation can only show that when facing the Moonwell, the church and the royal family are unwilling to give in to each other and want to occupy it, which is likely to lead to a breakdown in the relationship between the church and the royal family.

"As far as I know, the Church of the Sky has been the most powerful faith in the territory since the establishment of the Romano Empire, and it is also the patron of the empire. Now they have made their conflict public because of a moon well?"

"Things are more complicated than you imagined." The old man said, "There is also a third force involved, the Church of Storms."

The Church of the Storm, the Church of the God of Storms.

"The belief in the God of Storms has always been located in the northern ice field. I have been following Zoe for the past few months, and I have not paid attention to the affairs of the Romano Empire. I did not expect the conflict of beliefs between the two churches to reach this level."

"Judging from the news we have now, Emperor Romano is very happy to see this situation, and let the God of Storms restrain the God of Sky."

"I see," Bella said.

"I don't understand," Adam said to Bella.

"It's like this..."

The Church of the Sky has a great influence in the Romano Empire, and it cooperates with the royal family like the Church of the Harvest. This is originally a win-win situation.

The problem is that the Church of Dawn has grown rapidly after taking full control of Frans, which makes other churches, especially the Sky Church, jealous.You must know that the area of ​​the Romano Empire is almost as large as three Franz, and the Lord of Dawn became a god far behind the God of Sky.

But the current situation is that the power of the Lord of Dawn in the secular world is no weaker than that of the Church of the Sky. They attribute this problem to the Church of Dawn's absolute control over the secular world.

So how to control and master the entire Romano Empire has become the number one issue for the Church of the Sky.

The crux of the matter is that the royal family of the Romano Empire was not willing to become a symbol, or a symbol.The independence and power of the imperial power is the foundation of the royal family's existence. Facing the erosion of the Sky Church, they need to fight back.

So the royal family chose the God of Storms as their ally against the God of Sky.

The belief in the God of Storms has always existed in the northern ice fields of the Romano Empire. With the emperor's acquiescence, the forces of the Church of the Storms went all the way south, aggressively invading the interior of the empire.

The only one who can deal with the gods is the gods. Using the Church of the Storm to contain the Church of the Sky is the way of Emperor Romano.

"The dispute between Upler's theocratic power and imperial power." Adam understood Emperor Romano's thoughts. The two churches restrained each other. At least in a short period of time, the Sky Church's plan to control the empire fell through.

It's a pity that if the two gods can't tell the difference, the empire is likely to face another situation: just like the Sither Empire many years ago, because of the disunity of beliefs, it split into two empires, the East and the West.

(End of this chapter)

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