Templar Sun King

Chapter 128 News from the Moonwell (2)

Chapter 128 News from the Moonwell (2)

Icicle cage.

This is a silver magic that Bella used just now in the Frost faction, using the icicles that fell from the sky to trap the enemy in the middle.

"I've got you!" Bella raised her chin slightly, showing indescribable pride and confidence.

The kitten Alice on the shoulder let out a cheerful meow to celebrate the owner.

"Congratulations, Bella." Prince came up from behind to congratulate Bella, and the most important thing was to be the first person to celebrate to her before Adam.

Although just now when the two ice storms collided with the spell, Prince had to retreat to an extremely distant place to avoid being hurt by the spell.This inevitably left a weak impression in Bella's heart, but after seeing Bella freeze Zoe with an icicle cage, he rushed back quickly and sent his congratulations immediately.

This is only something that the eldest prince of the Sauk Kingdom can do. If it were any other prince, once he got the news of the Moon Well, let alone Bella, a beautiful female mage, even a priest of the Harvest Church would say Maybe they will take action to snatch it - if they really have the strength - instead of sending sincere blessings here.

After all, this is the Moonwell, one of the three treasures of the Xiser Empire.The Sauk Kingdom has been participating in the Holy Crown War for so many years, not for the ten-year use right of the Star Crown.

What's more, a complete secret about the Moonwell is right in front of you, how can you miss it!

"Your Highness." Bella nodded, uttering a distant address from her mouth.Prince would rather hear Bella call him by his name than His Highness, but unfortunately he didn't.

The bird of paradise flew in front of Bella and made a clear and beautiful cry.

"Hey, what is this?" Bella saw the bird of paradise, reached out and touched the other's feathers, very soft and warm, "I have never seen such a beautiful magical creature."

Warcraft and magical creatures are two completely different concepts, the difference between them is as big as the professional difference between warrior and mage.

The former refers to beasts that have acquired extraordinary power, and the silverback wolf in the sanctuary space is the best example.Possessing supernatural powers but unable to cast spells, this is a monster.

The latter refers to beasts with the ability to cast spells, such as this bird of paradise that has been transformed from the sanctuary space.

Bella, who is a high-level silver proficient in five schools of magic, recognized this beautiful bird in front of her as a magical creature with the ability to cast spells at first glance, and it faintly exuded Adam's breath.This shows that the magical creature in front of him is Adam's familiar.

Like Ben, the phoenix, a powerful and graceful epic creature, is what popped into her mind after seeing Aylas.

Like, it's so similar!

Bella has seen that kind of elegant and powerful epic creature more than once, and she can say with certainty that apart from the holy halo emanating from Aylas - which means that the magical creature in front of her has the attribute of light - other appearance characteristics It is exactly the same as Phoenix.

"Bird of Paradise, Ellas, my Demon Pet." Adam said, and the smile on Prince's face was almost unbearable.

"Bird of Paradise? A dreamy name." Bella was very sure that this was the first time she had heard this name, and decided to look up the information after going back to see if she could get a little bit of information.

"Meow~" Alice tilted her head and looked at Aylas curiously. The cat and the bird looked at each other and made noises, communicating in their language.

"Okay, Alice." Bella patted Alice on the head, and the kitten jumped off Bella's shoulders and landed lightly on the ground.

At this time, other people also came up from behind, watching Zoe who was frozen in the icicle by Bella, no matter who was very interested in Zoe who had the news of the Moon Well.

Of course, they had no other thoughts in front of Bella, and even if they had, they were deeply buried in their hearts, such as Martin.

"How do you plan to get news about the Moonwell from her?" Adam asked.Zooey's strength is very strong, and ordinary methods don't work on her.The other party didn't directly bring Moonwell with him, this is the most critical point.

"The people of the Harvest Church will have a solution." Bella pointed her wand at the sky, ejecting three streams of air, intertwined and rushed to the sky, and exploded, mixing storms, lightning, snowflakes, water droplets and flames.

At the same time, the signals involving the changes of the five magic factions may not be able to find the second one in Upler, and the people of the Harvest Church can recognize it at a glance.

"I have notified them, and I am here to wait for the bishop's arrival, how about you?"

Adam was a little surprised: "Cooperate with people from Harvest Church?"

It may be difficult to gain the initiative in it.His worries were not unreasonable. The Church of Dawn and the Church of Harvest, the forces established by these gods on the mainland have been extremely powerful after hundreds or even thousands of years of development, and their beliefs have penetrated into the hearts of the people.

They searched for children with outstanding qualifications across the country to be trained in the temple. As priests and warriors, they had a strong foundation, and there were all kinds of masters hidden in the dark.The Church of Dawn has ten cardinals of the golden rank, and the Church of Harvest will definitely not be inferior to the Church of Dawn.

And when the target is a treasure of the level of the Moon Well, a high-level silver is really nothing.

Bella was a little pleased by Adam's reaction, and she took a lot of effort not to look too obvious: "So I signed a magical contract with them, and unless the gods directly intervene, I will have ten years of use of the moon well." right."

With her own strength, she won ten-year use rights and signed a magic contract in front of a behemoth like the Harvest Church. With this alone, Bella has left most of the silver high-level mages far behind.Not everyone is qualified to sign a magic contract with a church.

"It's still your consideration." Adam walked to Bella, "Why don't I stay here with you and wait for the bishop of the Harvest Church to arrive."

"I wish for it." Bella said with a smile, which dazzled Adam a little.


A light sound came from the icicle, although it was very slight, but there were four silver ranks present, and they were caught by them immediately.

Bella's complexion changed, and she looked warily at the icicle that sealed Zoe. A crack was appearing on it, a meter long, and there were more cracks appearing on the icicle, making dense noises.

Ben and Spencer were a little dumbfounded. In this case, Zoe still had a way to destroy the icicle from inside. She was stronger than they imagined!After all, this is not a simple spell to freeze people, but an icicle cage composed of seven five-meter-high and three-meter-thick icicles, a magic specially invented by the Frost faction to trap enemies.

If it were them, once they were frozen inside, not to mention breaking out of the ice like Zoe, it would be very difficult to maintain sanity in the ultra-low temperature attached to the icicle cage.

Bella didn't care about chatting with Adam, she took out her wand and chanted a spell to remedy it, but the speed of her chanting the spell was far slower than the speed of the other party breaking the icicle.

A cyan air flow and a purple lightning quickly circulated in the icicle, intertwined to form a spiral.Just a flash of blue and purple light covers the entire icicle, and transmits from the cracks in the icicle to form wind blades and electric arcs that crackle in the air.

A tornado spun from the icicle and shot up into the sky, completely dispersing the icicle, turning it into a dense icicle that spread out like arrows.The dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the purple lightning flickered in the dark clouds and tornadoes, forming a grid that made it impossible for others to get close.

Adam heard Bella curse in a low voice, but couldn't hear the specific words clearly, for which half of the spells she had prepared were dispelled.

"This is not Zoe's own power! But why is it storm and lightning, not the power of space."

"The moon well is not on me, whoever dares to pester me again, I will give him death!"

Zoe's voice came from the tornado. She was wearing a rose-red magic robe and standing in the wind column, entwined by the storm and lightning, and her aura was unprecedentedly powerful.

This level of strength Adam has only seen in Aguilera and Dylan, and it is infinitely close to the golden rank.

"I have never been unable to get what I want!" Bella sneered, simply and rudely using her powerful magic power to attract the fire elements around her.

A touch of red first appeared in the black clouds, and then spread rapidly, and soon an unprecedented spectacle appeared in the sky.

Half of it is red clouds that seem to be ignited, with occasional flames flashing, and the other half is dark clouds, with purple lightning swimming away.

Bella insisted on snatching the general control from Zoe with the powerful strength of the high-level silver!
Clouds collided with each other, flames and thunder clashed in the air, beams of flames fell from the sky, and all their targets were locked on Zoe in the wind column. This is another fire spell of the silver level, the rain of flames.

Adam really wanted to help Bella teach Zooey a lesson, but he couldn't intervene in a battle of this level.Even Andrew had to destroy the tornado that wrapped Zoe before he could hurt him.

Bang bang bang!
A series of flames hit the tornado, shaking the ground trembling.

Zoe stood in the tornado that was gradually being impacted by the flames, holding a magic wand in one hand, raising it high, with a focused expression, and weird syllables from her mouth.

A magic circle appeared at Zoe's feet. It was two concentric circles with various weird symbols and signs in the middle. Adam could barely recognize two of the symbols as lightning and storm.

"Don't try to run, Zoe, show your courage."

This is not the first time Bella has seen this magic circle. The last time Zoe relied on this weird magic circle to escape from the siege of her and Harvest Church.

The magic power was boiling, and the red clouds in the sky suddenly ignited, dyeing the entire sky red, and from a distance, it was a sea of ​​flames floating in the air.Then the sea of ​​flames fell with a horn that destroyed everything, reminding Adam of the spell Meteor Fire Rain used by the great demon in Midland. Although it still lacks the momentum and power of the golden spell, it is not far behind.Groups of fireballs crashed down with their long tails, and the entire forest was facing disaster.Especially the place where Zooey stood was the center of Bella's attack.

"Get out of the way!" Ben yelled, leading Prince away from the enveloping range of the flames.The scene in front of me has completely surpassed the magical level of the flames and rain, and its power is more than ten times stronger.

"Gods above." Spencer, an unbeliever, chanted the names of the gods, and the female mage, Silver Bella, was too powerful.

"Meow." Alice grabbed Adam's magic robe and climbed onto his shoulder. On the other shoulder was Ellas, the Bird of Paradise who only grabbed Adam with its claws.

Intensive explosions sounded in the forest, flames flew, heat waves billowed, and the ice and snow disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye into a sea of ​​flames.The snow and ice melted and rose under the high temperature, and the mist filled the air. The entire forest was shrouded in flames and steam at the same time, and in the end it even started to rain lightly.

Through the thick smoke and light rain, Adam saw that the place where Zoe was standing was empty, and Zoe just disappeared under the siege of a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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