Templar Sun King

Chapter 125 Channels and Messages

Chapter 125 Channels and Messages

Soon the group came to the center of the Shadow Swamp again.

Adam took out the scales of the hydra Medora, injected magic power, and summoned it again.

Feeling the breath of its own scales, the body of the Hydra Medora rolled out from the depths of the swamp.

"Human, where is the dark rough stone? Don't tell me you failed." Medora looked at Adam with all nine heads, and sniffed the air but found no dark breath, which made her unspeakably disappointed.

"I have it." Adam took out the dark rough stone hidden in the sanctuary space and held it in his hand, "It's here."

The eyes on Medora's nine heads were all shining, and she looked at the fist-sized dark stone in Adam's hand, emitting a faint black light.She could feel the strong dark energy breath and a mysterious wave coming from above, which most likely belonged to the dark law hidden deep in the rough stone.

As long as she has this dark rough stone, she is sure to advance to the golden rank and become a veritable epic creature!

Only when she becomes the golden rank can she be regarded as the well-deserved overlord of this swamp of shadows.

"Give it to me quickly." Hydra looked very excited, and the voices from the nine heads were no longer in order.

"Don't worry, Medora, tell me where is the passage to the surface world?" Adam shook the dark rough stone in his hand and put it back into the sanctuary space, "As long as you tell me, this dark rough stone is yours."

"Spatial item? Where did you hide it?" Without seeing or feeling the breath of the dark rough stone, Hydra looked very nervous.

"Oh, yes, I should tell you where the passage is." A head said with a flattering smile.

"Let me say it!" Another head slammed into the head that was speaking just now, and quickly stretched out in front of Adam, "It's actually in this swamp of shadows."

"where is it?"

One of Hydra's heads pointed downward: "The swamp, it's just under the swamp, if you can go down."

No wonder Medora said that the dark elves didn't know. She was the only one who knew where the passage was. It turned out to be under the Shadow Swamp.

With the strength of Andrew and the others in the silver ranks, rushing into the swamp with fighting spirit protection, as long as the time does not exceed half an hour, there is not much problem.It's just that Adam himself still has the strength of the bronze rank and cannot survive in the swamp.

He thought for a while and asked, "I think Ms. Medora would be willing to give us a ride, wouldn't she? Or help us reveal the passage."

Adam took the dark rough stone in his hand and tempted Medora: "As long as we enter the passage, this is yours. With him, you will definitely become a veritable epic creature in a short time!"

"Well, since you have said so, the generous Medora doesn't mind helping you with this little favor."

The Hydra immediately compromised. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about snatching the dark rough stone from Adam by force.However, considering that the opponent currently has three silvers, one of them is a high-ranking silver like her.More importantly, she was afraid that Adam would not fight her, and put the dark rough stone into the space item and left.

If something like that really happened, she wouldn't even have time to cry.The dark rough stone that she has been thinking about is in front of her eyes. For the dark rough stone, let alone revealing the passage to the surface world, she is willing to let her leave the shadow swamp.

In order to advance to the golden rank, Hydra Medora is willing to pay any price!
"It will be right away." The epic creature Hydra is good at the spells of the two factions of darkness and earth. In addition, she is the master of the shadow swamp and lives in the depths of the swamp all year round, so her control over the swamp has reached an astonishing level.Under her control, the swamp under the feet of Adam and others first released a lot of air bubbles and miasma, and then slowly separated to the surroundings, revealing a round pit.

The round pit was getting bigger and bigger, and in just a few minutes it turned into a dark passage leading to the depths of the swamp.

"Follow me." Medora entered the passage first.Adam and the others looked at each other and followed Hydra into the passage.

When all of them entered the passage, the light from above slowly disappeared, and the mud and black water in all directions flowed back to seal the passage.

Seeing the uneasiness of Adam and others, Hydra explained: "The space I can maintain with my ability is not too large, and you don't have to worry that I will use the swamp as my home field to deal with you, hehehe."

Hearing Medora say this, Martin, who saw her for the first time, was even more disturbed.Among the group, Martin didn't have the slightest strength, and he could swallow him with just one mouthful of Hydra.

"My lord, why don't you hide me in a safe place first." He looked at Adam pitifully and said softly.

"Don't even think about it." Adam patted Aylas's feathers and refused.

The bird of paradise flying beside Adam emits halos of light, illuminating a nearby space, so that Adam can clearly see that the soil in front of the hydra is constantly separating to both sides as the Hydra advances.It's not any spell, but Hydra's innate ability to survive in the swamp.

"Ah, that's right here." Hydra suddenly stopped, flicking its tail to a place in front of it.

Snapped!The mud splashed in the passage, and Adam quickly added a holy shield to himself so as not to be doused like Martin.

A dark hole appeared in the place where the hydra's tail flicked. The passage was not mud, but solid rocks, similar to the passage Adam saw for the first time in the Green Cloak Forest.

The passage to the surface world has finally appeared.

"No problem, there is circulating air and wind." Andrew stepped forward to enter the channel, and re-emerged after 1 minute and said to Adam.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief. If this passage could not return to the surface world, then they would have to be hunted down by the dark elves in the Underdark.

This group of people offended Iris Flower City badly.Not to mention the losses caused by the dragon siege, the deaths of Anna, Judy, and Spier alone were enough for Aguilera to be angry for a while.This is because Ben and Prince don't know that Adam emptied Aguilera's second-tier treasure house, or they might panic even more.

Yes, the operation to break into the Iris Flower City seems to be very smooth this time. It seems that the Iris Flower City, one of the ten main cities of the Dark Elves, is nothing special.

But that's because the two most powerful gold warriors in the city, the mistress Aguilera and the high priest Dylan, were pinned down by two giant dragons, and the other silvers in the city were defending against the aftermath of the gold battle.

The black dragon and the bone dragon did embarrass the two golden men of the dark elves, but the other party was a giant dragon, not their human beings whose highest strength was only high-level silver.

If the opponent is them, Aguilera can take their life very lightly.

On the way Prince has learned from Ben what Adam has done.

To be honest, if it weren't for the possibility of no compromise on Bella, he would have wanted to be good friends with Adam.

Join hands with the Scourge Church to make a plan for the four gold wars to successfully obtain the dark rough stone from the treasury of a dark elf mistress. No matter what happens, it will test his ability to accept.

He imagined what he would do if it were him, whether he could do the same thing, and then sadly found that the answer was no.

This is also the reason for his downcast along the way.

"Human beings, the dark rough stone..." Medora watched nervously as Adam and his party walked into the passage one by one and kept muttering.

Adam estimated that if he hadn't handed over the dark rough stone to Medora in a while, the other party would launch an attack.

"Here you are." Adam threw the dark rough stone to Medora.

"My my..."

"Go away, you bitch, it's mine!"

"My dark rough stone, my baby..."

When the nine heads of the Hydra Medora faced the dark rough stone thrown by Adam, they fought fiercely again, making Adam have to wonder whether the Hydra really had nine different consciousnesses.

After a struggle, the head in the middle took the dark rough stone in its mouth and hissed in satisfaction.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Martin couldn't wait to return to the Kingdom of Sauk, deliver the task, and become an official member of the Bafison Chamber of Commerce.

"Wait, human." Medora suddenly stopped Adam.

"what happened?"

"Since we are very happy with this cooperation, I have a free news to tell you here."

"What news?" Adam didn't think the news that Hydra knew was very important to him. If he could, he would never come to the Underdark again.

"About a priest of the Church of Dawn."

"Church of Dawn?" Others showed puzzled looks. The Hydra Medora, who lived in the shadow swamp in the Underdark region all year round, had news about the Church of Dawn.

"That's right, the Church of Dawn, a high-ranking silver old man, very powerful." One of the heads laughed loudly, "He's been asking for news about you in the Underdark."

"Are you sure he's looking for me?" Adam pointed to himself.

"Of course you can't be wrong, human. 'Tell me, dark creature, have you ever seen a bronze white mage and a silver knight?' The madman asked from above, ha, how could I forget." One of Medora The head also vividly imitated the tone of the other party.

Adam was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a playful smile.It was definitely his biggest mistake for the bishop of the Church of Dawn to come to the Underdark at this time.Just as Adam left the sign of the Church of Dawn in Aguilera's treasury, a high-ranking silver bishop appeared here.He might be the unlucky one for Aguilera, in a rage, to vent her anger.

Originally, Adam didn't expect the mark left in the treasury to be blamed on the Church of Dawn, but simply to provoke the relationship.But this time, it's hard for Aguilera not to doubt.

"Thank you very much, Medora. Your news is very important to me." Adam thanked with a smile.

This is the first time he has cooperated with a dark creature. If you don't consider the strange emotions brought about by the confrontation of attributes, to be honest, it's actually not bad.

Hydra turned and left very fast, probably returning to the depths of the swamp to use the dark rough stone to advance to the golden rank.

Silt and black water flowed from all directions and closed the passage, leaving only the light from the Bird of Paradise to illuminate the way ahead.

Set off and return to the surface world.

(End of this chapter)

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