Templar Sun King

Chapter 117 The Plan Begins

Chapter 117 The Plan Begins

A day later, Adam and a group from the Scourge Church came to a hill.Here you can vaguely see a huge city in the distance, which is Iris Flower City, one of the ten main cities of the Dark Elf clan.

"It's right here." Adam looked at the distance and said to No. 18.

No. 28 followed behind 17 and 18, staring blankly at Adam, recalling in his mind what happened after they joined forces temporarily yesterday.

"On the 17th, you have entered the Iris City, do you know the strength of the Iris City?" On the 28th, Adam still remembered that Adam asked the 17th at that time, as if he was the leader of this temporary team.

"Very strong, two genuine gold ranks, one is Aguilera, the mistress of Iris Flower City, and the other is Dylan, the high priest of the temple, both of them are of the first rank of gold."

Others may not understand it, but No. 28, who is a member of the Scourge Church, knows very well that No. 17 and No. 18 have the ability to fight against the gold-ranked powerhouses in a short period of time.Being able to be treated seriously by the two of them shows that it is really very powerful.

"Besides these two gold ranks, there are at least 20 silver professionals in the city. This is not counting the hidden power in the temple."

The 28th saw that Adam gasped obviously after hearing this sentence, so she let out a loud laugh, even though she didn't behave any better than Adam's reaction when she first learned the power of Iris City.

"There are so many questions, have you thought of a solution?" Although they have joined forces for the time being, if possible, she really wants to see Adam make a fool of himself.From the first time Midland met Adam until now, she found that Adam's growth rate was too fast, which gave her an unusual sense of urgency.She would be happy to see Adam deflated.

"You were right, I accidentally thought of a way."

She snorted coldly and stopped talking, intending to hear whether Adam really thought of a way or was bluffing.

"If I remember correctly, the Black Dragon lives near Iris City, and has a very strong sense of territory."


The last time Lord No. 18 fought Adam, it was because he didn't know how strong the black dragon's territorial awareness was, so he triggered the black dragon's attack after summoning the bone dragon.

At that time, she thought she was going to die, but luckily she was rescued by two adults.

"That's good." She was very confused by Adam's words, and she felt better when she saw the expressions on the faces of the two silver warriors following Adam who were even more confused than her.

"Say it straight, Adam, what's your plan?" asked Mr. No. 17, who was not very patient.

She wanted to see even a little guilty conscience from Adam's face, but the other party didn't, and instead looked quite confident.

"With the strength of the few of us, it is obviously unrealistic to swagger into the city of Iris. Not to mention the mistress Aguilera and the high priest Dylan, just twenty silver in the city is enough to take us all Down."

Isn't this obvious?She was about to refute, but Adam had already continued.

"So, we have to find a way to find an opponent for the two gold powerhouses in the city, so that they don't have extra energy to pay attention to us."

The only ones who can be the opponent of the gold powerhouse are other gold rank powerhouses.If they have gold rank professionals here, is there still a need to discuss countermeasures here?
But Adam was so confident in his demeanor and tone that she forgot to find fault.

Even adults No. 17 and No. 18 looked at Adam curiously, wanting to know how Adam could restrain the two gold powerhouses in Iris City.

"I heard that the black dragon attacked Iris Flower City not long ago, causing huge losses to Iris Flower City. I think both the Dark Elf Mistress and the High Priest hate that black dragon to death."

"If possible, the two of them will work together to kill the black dragon."

"Then my plan is already obvious." Adam spread his hands, "Find a place not far from Iris City and where the black dragon can feel it, and summon the bone dragon."

After the black dragon feels the breath of the bone dragon, it will definitely rush over as soon as possible.She remembered the scene of the black dragon's attack that day, and she still felt a little scared in her heart.

"In this way, Iris City is facing the threat of two giant dragons." The soldier named Ben who was next to Adam answered.

"No, what Adam meant was to make the Bone Dragon and the Black Dragon use Iris Flower City as a battlefield." Lord No. 17 suddenly laughed.

"That's right, the bone dragon and the black dragon can fight without any scruples in the Iris Flower City, but the Mistress and the High Priest can't. Not only can't they, they have to get the two giant dragons out while protecting the Iris Flower City. "

She saw a great brilliance blooming on Adam's face, which was the confidence and ability of a man.

This person is really terrifying. He is obviously only in the Bronze rank, but with his messing up, Iris Flower City will usher in a scuffle between the four Gold ranks.

This is definitely going to be a disaster!
A powerful aura woke up No. 28 from her memory, and she quickly took a look, only to see that Master No. 18 was already standing aside, ready to summon the bone dragon.

The plan has begun!

Called by number 18, a black rift appeared behind him, and the bone dragon descended from the rift into the Underdark again.

"Aw..." Bone Dragon let out a loud roar, and the sound rolled out.

Adam felt that with the hearing of the two gold powerhouses in Iris City, he probably heard the bone dragon's cry.

Next, it depends on whether the black dragon can respond to the bone dragon's provocation and come to fight.

Three seconds later, there was another roar of a giant dragon in the distance, it was the roar of a black dragon.

"Success!" Adam cheered, "According to the plan, we are leaving for Iris City now."

Adam took Andrew, Ben, Spencer, No. 17 and No. 28 to Iris City immediately.The speed of the giant dragon was higher than them, and they had to wait for the opportunity near the city of Iris before the two dragons entered the city of Iris.

Not long after Adam and the others left, the black dragon flew here waving its wings.

The black dragon is very angry, it just had a fight with this damn bone dragon yesterday, if the other party didn't run fast, he would have completely dismantled him into a pile of rotten bones.He didn't expect that the other party came to provoke him before he closed his eyes just after returning to the cave, which made him sit still.This time, he wanted to kill this lifeless bone dragon!
Under the control of No. 18, the bone dragon issued another challenge to the black dragon, then waved its bone wings and flew towards Iris Flower City.

want to run?The black dragon's eyes are red. If the bone dragon is not taught a lesson, will other creatures in the Underdark feel that the dignity of the great black dragon can be provoked at will!The black dragon has decided that he will remove all the bones of the bone dragon and put them at the entrance of the cave as the best deterrent.

Adam felt two gusts of wind, looked up, and saw two huge dragons, the bone dragon and the black dragon, flying fast from behind, one in front and one behind.

In order to ensure that the black dragon was willing to catch up, the bone dragon even turned around and breathed out at the black dragon.Suddenly, a huge blue flame appeared in the sky, illuminating an entire area.

The inexplicable light startled some other Underdark creatures that were active nearby.They raised their heads and saw that there were actually two giant dragons chasing back and forth and fighting.

Bone dragon, black dragon, this is a battle between two giant dragons!
They hurriedly looked for a place to hide, jokingly, they could hide as far as possible from the battle of the dragon, or they would just wait to be the unlucky ones who died in the aftermath.

In Iris City, the City Lord's Mansion is undoubtedly the most magnificent building besides the temple.The riches that the dark elves looted from other parts of the Underdark became the finest decorations in the castellan's mansion.In stark contrast to these exquisite decorations is the uneasy mood of the dark elves guarding the city lord's mansion.The reason is that Aguilera, the ruler of Iris City and the mistress of the dark elves, is not in a very good mood today.

They know very well that it is best to work harder when the mistress is in a bad mood, and not to slack off easily.Otherwise, the dungeon would be a good place to go. Of course, it would be a good choice to be beheaded by the guards around the mistress on the spot.

At this moment Aguilera was reclining on a throne made of gold, covered with several layers of thick ferret fur, which the dark elves snatched back from the hands of human merchants.

Beside her were four very handsome male dark elves who obsequiously helped her massage and beat her legs, but all of this did not make her feel any better.

The matter started with the Black Dragon's attack on the Iris Flower City.

Her eldest daughter Anna, who is extremely intelligent, stole a silver cup from the black dragon's treasure while the black dragon was leaving the cave. Even with her strength, she couldn't understand the function of the silver cup.But the enormous power emanating from it made even a gold professional feel palpitated. There is no doubt that this is a rare treasure.

She remembered that she praised her daughter severely at that time.

The end of stealing the treasure of the black dragon is to usher in the attack of the black dragon.

Aguilera will never forget that it was the most embarrassing day in the 25 years since she became the lord of Iris Flower City. The dragon's breath exuded black light, and the swamp acid hit overwhelmingly. I don't know how many dark elves died under the dragon's breath of the black dragon. .

During this battle, the pretty face of her woman Ana was ruined by the highly corrosive acid spit by the black dragon.With that look, even Aguilera's mother didn't want to admit that the ugly monster could be her daughter.

When Anna ran to her and begged for help to restore her appearance, she finally found the cause of the matter and vented her anger.If Anna hadn't claimed to steal the black dragon's treasure, Iris Flower City would not have suffered such a disaster.

Black dragon, under the attack of a black dragon, a quarter of Iris City was reduced to ruins under the attack of the black dragon!

If Dylan hadn't teamed up with her at the critical moment, the entire Iris City would have been ruined!
If such a thing really happened, she, Aguilera, would become the laughing stock of the entire Dark Elf clan.

Iris City, one of the ten main cities, was not destroyed by the Dark Elf herself, but was destroyed by a black dragon. She didn't even have the courage to meet the Spider Goddess after she died.

As for the joy after obtaining the treasure silver cup, Aguilera had long since left it behind.

Even so, her current situation has become more delicate.Some families in the city who refused to accept her rule were about to move, trying to sit on the throne of Iris City Mistress.Other cities that are strong enough not to be named main cities are also preparing to challenge Iris Flower City when it suffers heavy losses.She even heard some rumors that the priest of the Spider Queen in the temple was very dissatisfied with this, thinking that she had lost face to the Spider Goddess.

Aguiler stretched his hands and rubbed his forehead, feeling that the most important thing now is to find a way to completely get rid of the black dragon living nearby.


A giant dragon's roar came from afar, and she could hear it clearly with her golden rank.

"How is this going?"

Just as her question flashed through her mind, another loud and angry dragon roar came.

"Damn, what's going on here?" It was the voice of a giant dragon, and she could feel that it was two giant dragons, and they were flying towards the city of Iris.

Aguilera stood up from her throne like an angry lioness, and slammed the four male dark elves who were waiting on her out.

Needless to say, the fate of being thrown out by a strong man of the golden rank naturally, they lost their lives the moment they hit the ground.

Huh... The two guards at the door heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were not the ones who were called in to serve them just now.

But the next moment their heads were pinned down by the furious Aguilera and burst open.

(End of this chapter)

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