Templar Sun King

Chapter 104 Level 8

Chapter 104 Level 8

After the members of the fangs killed the thief, everyone else was still in a trance.This white mage named Adam really killed the bounty hunter, not only that, but also killed the other four members, leaving only two silver warriors.They knew very well that the death of four members was nothing to a silver warrior like Heath, as long as Heath and another silver warrior were still alive, everything was acceptable.

Silver is silver after all.

Just like the current situation on the court, it is not so easy to decide the winner in a short period of time in the battle of the four silver players.The bronze warrior led by the fangs thought about whether he should continue to help Adam besiege Heath and others, but soon he knew that he was thinking too much.

Seeing that Adam sent all the Timberwolves back, Heath breathed a sigh of relief, the monster's mental strength finally couldn't hold on anymore.But it turns out he was wrong again.

The 42 holy lights lined up layer by layer, and all the Yaolings were summoned by Adam, and they all targeted the other silver warrior among the bounty hunters, the Magic Arrow, and fired it!
Under Adam's reminder, Spencer quickly hid aside, the silver warrior was not so lucky.

The dense magical arrows instantly submerged him.

The power of these magical arrows is equivalent to an arrow shot by a black iron high-level archer with all their strength, but the speed is far higher than them.Almost the moment the Silver Warrior saw the magic arrow, they had already attacked in front of them.

His first reaction was to dodge, but it was too late, so he swung the big sword with all his strength to stimulate the fighting spirit in his body to resist.

He felt a burning pain in his body, and the dense magical arrows pierced through the weak part of his body's battle qi.The Silver Warrior felt very aggrieved. If the opponent was also a Silver, he would have nothing to say about being injured like this.But a bronze, still a white mage...

After surviving this round of attacks, no matter how high the price is, he will cut off Adam's head, the Silver Warrior thought viciously in his heart.

It's a pity that Yaoling's attack was not limited to this wave. Under Adam's order, Yaoling immediately released the second, third, fourth, and fifth arrows after releasing the first magical arrow.

When he was enduring the second round of magical arrows, the Silver Warrior still hadn't fully reacted.

Not to mention the Silver Warrior at the center of the attack, even the crowd standing by watching did not expect these chubby creatures to release spells so quickly, it could be called instant.

When the third round of magical arrows was fired, the Silver Warrior finally came back to his senses and hid to the side.If you don't evade, even the Silver Warrior will be shot to death.

After the fifth round of Magic Arrow ended, the Silver Warrior had several wounds on his body, and his whole body was bleeding.Fortunately, they were all skin traumas and not fatal.

He didn't have time to lament how embarrassed he was now, and how embarrassed he was by the fact that his opponent was only a bronze mage.Because just after the last round of magical arrow attacks, Spencer attacked with a big sword.

The Silver Warrior was panting heavily. In his current state, he was no match for Spencer. He was soon slashed by a sword and fell heavily to the ground.

Spencer jumped high, and a sword was about to be stuck in the silver warrior's chest!

"Don't kill him."

Hearing Adam's order, Spencer hastily moved the sword to the side, heavily planted it on the ground next to the silver warrior, and made a pop.

The Silver Warrior looked at the big sword stuck beside him, with a look of horror on his face. At that moment, he thought that he was going to report in the kingdom of death.

Because he was lying on the ground, he didn't see a beam of sun flames that Adam sent out after ordering Spencer.

The bright beam pierced the Silver Warrior's chest just as he breathed a sigh of relief thinking he had just brushed past death.

Silver Warrior, die.

A slight tremor came from the sanctuary space, and Adam finally became a level 8 priest!
The silver warrior died just like that, when did it become so easy to kill a silver warrior!
The onlookers felt that today was definitely a day to refresh their views.

First Adam's arrogant rhetoric, then the feat of summoning 35 Timberwolves in one breath, then more round spherical magical creatures that could cast spells, and then the death of the Silver Warrior.It all made them feel like bumpkins who had never seen the world, and only they knew how unbelievable it was.

A bronze mage, who was still a white mage, easily killed a silver warrior just like that.As for Spencer's role in it, Adam's performance has been artificially ignored.

With the death of the Silver Warrior, only the last of the six bounty hunters remained, Hiss.It seems that Heath, the famous bounty hunter in the Kingdom of Sauk, cannot escape the embrace of death today, which is what almost everyone in the camp thinks.

Sure enough, at the moment of the silver soldier's death, Heath had a huge mood swing, and Andrew seized the opportunity to launch a round of fierce attacks.

The desire to retreat from the beginning of the battle and the fear rising from the depths of his heart now prevented Heath from displaying even [-]% of his strength.

The arrogance and inevitability of Adam when he first came to the camp had long since disappeared, and the great despair and fear of death made him break out in a cold sweat.

Soon, he was defeated by Andrew's attack, his throat was cut by a sword, and he fell to the ground and twitched a few times before dying.

Six bounty hunters were wiped out.

The camp was extremely quiet, who would have thought that Adam would really have a way to keep them all behind.And from the beginning to the end, Adam himself played an extremely important role in this battle.

Looking at Adam standing on the field who only had a bronze level, and then looking at himself, the adventurers clearly realized for the first time that the gap between bronze and bronze was so huge.If they were standing in Adam's position, they would probably only be able to watch six bounty hunters leave here today, and they would not be able to leave them all with one sword as happily as they are now.

Unknowingly, there was a trace of admiration and yearning in their eyes looking at Adam.

After sending all the Yaolings back to the sanctuary space, Adam closed his eyes, his consciousness came to the sanctuary space, and he accepted the reward brought by the promotion of professional level.

"Your occupation level has been raised to 8!"

"Level up, automatically learn the Holy Light Armor!"

"Level up, get 1 action point!"

"Level up, Militia +7, Yaoling +7, Timberwolves +7, Sentinels +5, Archers +5!"

Above the sun garden, the red egg as big as a football obtained from the underground palace was still shrouded in a holy light.Compared with last time, the black air from the egg has weakened a lot, and it has basically been purified.The biggest difference is the shell of the egg. The red color is gradually fading, and the whole egg tends to turn milky white.

Probably won't break...

Adam didn't know what to do, so he handed over everything to the sanctuary space.

Click on the character interface, and there is a new defensive spell in the spell list, Holy Light Armor.

Armor of Holy Light: Wear a pair of armor of Holy Light on the designated target, an intermediate defensive spell in the temple.

Adam experimented on himself, and a pair of armor composed entirely of holy light appeared outside his body, tightly protecting the upper body including the waist and hips, very docile.Moreover, he didn't feel that there was an extra pair of armor on his body during his actions, and it didn't affect the battle even if it was a battle between soldiers.

This is much better than the spell of Holy Shield.Coupled with its higher-level defensive ability, once the Holy Light Armor, an intermediate defensive spell of the temple, is released, the holy shield can be temporarily eliminated.

Click on the building list, and a plus sign appears on the three buildings in the list, which are Wolf Forest, Barracks and Shooting Range.

If you upgrade the barracks and shooting range, Adam will soon be able to get a bronze mid-level sentry and a high-level archer.However, considering the quantity, Adam finally decided to upgrade the wolf forest first.

Click the plus sign on the wolf forest icon, and the wolf forest will be upgraded.

The holy light that fell from the sky shrouded the original wolf forest, and the hill gradually became taller and bigger.

The holy light dissipated, and after the wolf forest was upgraded, what appeared in front of Adam was a wolf forest that could really be named after the forest.

It was a stretch of mountains, with about six or seven peaks, and the vegetation was lush and lush.From time to time, one or two howls of wolves came from the forest, and then the sounds one after another joined together, exuding a strong wild atmosphere.

"Fenrir." At Adam's call, Fenrir, who had upgraded to Bronze Elementary, ran out of the wolf forest.

Compared with the previous appearance, the current Fenrir is stronger and taller, and Adam feels that there is no problem in sitting on him.

The fur is as thick and shiny as before, and all the hair on the back has turned into a beautiful silver color, which is also the origin of their name after the upgrade.

Silverback Wolf: The core unit, upgraded from Timberwolves. After gaining extraordinary strength, there will be a substantial leap in attack power, reaction speed, and acuity, and it will be better at group attacks.skill, hunger.

Hunger: The silverback wolf is the most cold-blooded predator, extremely aggressive in battle, and will enter a burst state after tasting the blood of the enemy, gaining amazing bite and fighting power.

Wolf Forest LV2: The building of the core unit, each time the occupation level increases, you can summon Silverback Wolf*7.

The words Silverback Wolf*7 and Skill Hunger surprised Adam very much.

You should know that whether it is a barracks or a shooting range, the number of units that can be summoned by the core unit building when Adam's professional level is increased is 5 units, instead of the 7 units of the basic unit building.

After being upgraded to become a core unit building, the wolf forest can summon 7 silverback wolves at a time just like the basic unit building, which made Adam feel from the bottom of his heart that upgrading the wolf forest is really a very wise decision.

In this way, Adam's data becomes:

Name: Adam Weaving
Occupation: The first authorized owner of the sanctuary space, priest

Rating: 8

 Thanks again for the reward O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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