Templar Sun King

Chapter 101 Competitors (2)

Chapter 101 Competitors (2)

Prince gave Adam a provocative look when he asked the question, but Adam really didn't know the question.

Dark elves are a type of elves, so you can't answer that they were elves before they fell.Will be laughed to death by Prince.

Fortunately, other people didn't know the answer, so Adam didn't look particularly embarrassed when facing Prince's provocation.

It's like in modern society, when you find that the teacher asks questions that even the top students can't answer, suddenly you don't feel ignorant.

This is how Adam comforted himself at this moment.

The second round hit Adam, and I don't know whether it was a success or a failure.

But Prince still explained to everyone.

"Before the establishment of the Sither Empire, the elven empire ruled the mainland. At that time, the elves in the elven empire were mainly divided into two categories, high elves and ordinary elves. The high elves were the nobles among the elves, and they controlled as much as 10% of the entire elf empire. power and wealth, but the population is less than [-]% of the entire elven society."

Adam was stunned. Regardless of whether it was rumors or novels, elves have always given people the impression that in addition to their outstanding and exquisite appearance, they are peace-loving and artistic, and they do not eat fireworks.

It was only now that Adam discovered that elves also have the mundane reality that a few privileged classes control most of the wealth.

"The aristocratic high elves among the elves are divided into sun elves and moon elves. They have a long life span and are born archers and mages. However, before the establishment of the elf empire, there was a third type of high elves."

Hearing what Prince said, Adam almost knew what the third kind of elf was.

Sure enough, Prince said next, "That is a kind of high elf called a star elf, and the sun elves and moon elves are nobles among elves."

"How did they become the current dark elves?"

"A curse, a powerful curse," Prince said, "Under that terrible curse, all the star elves fell into evil and cunning dark creatures, and started a great war with other elves at that time."

"In the end, these fallen star elves were defeated and were driven to the underdark region of the first layer of the underground world. Since then, the star elves, one of the three high elves, have disappeared, and the dark elves, one of the dark races, have been born and become the leader of the underdark region." ruler."

"Wait, you just mentioned that the population of high elves in the elf empire is less than 10%. Star elves, as one of the high elves, shouldn't have many people." Adam questioned.


"The population is small, but the dark elves are very good at infighting. How did they unify the first layer of the Underdark in the underground world?"

"Dilution of the blood." Prince spit out a word that was very unfamiliar to everyone.

"I've only heard of purifying blood," Martin muttered.

"The high elves are natural favorites. Once they reach adulthood, they almost possess the power of the silver rank. It is very easy to be a silver rank with better talent. But they also have a fatal weakness, which is the low birth rate."

This is the same as the race of giant dragons. Adult giant dragons are basically golden ranks, but their number has been relatively small.

"The star elves gave up their powerful bloodlines as high elves after they fell, and chose to dilute them. They exchanged strong racial talents and long lives for high fertility. Therefore, the lifespan and talents of dark elves are not much different from humans."

Three days later, Adam and his party had come to the Green Cloak Forest near the passage.

Because adventurers and businessmen often go to the underground world for exploration or trade, a camp has been formed in the remote place of the Green Cloak Forest, and adventurers of various professions come and go from time to time.

However, the atmosphere in the camp was a bit strange at this time, and there was no usual hustle and bustle. Several adventurers in uniforms were still wounded.

"Could it be that the races in the underground world plan to rush out from here to fight the adventure group?"

Martin and Pepin took Spencer to inquire about the situation, and it was always right to collect enough information.

Adam took Andrew, Prince took Ben, and the four found a place to rest in the camp.

"I heard you're from Celtic?" Prince asked stiffly.

"That's right, Falcon City in the Federation of Seven Cities."

"So it's the Church of Dawn?"

"What?" Adam didn't follow Prince's train of thought at all.

"You are on the blacklist of the Church of Dawn, you don't know?" You are on the blacklist of the Church of Dawn, and all of them flow into the hands of bounty hunters in the black market. Such a thing requires him to be notified by an outsider.

For the first time, Prince felt a little admiration for Adam in his heart.

"Blacklist." Adam glanced at Andrew, who shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"Here you are." Prince took out a piece of parchment and threw it to Adam. "So you should be careful recently. It would be too boring if the priests of the Church of Dawn took care of it."

He also wanted Adam to be alive and watch in pain as he married Bella.

Adam saw his own portrait. Seriously, this body created by the sanctuary space is really good, even if it is painted on parchment, it is very attractive.

"We'll have to take a long detour on the way back." Andrew reminded Adam of a fact.

It is impossible for Adam to swagger through France to Celtic, unless he has the strength close to the golden rank like the two of the Scourge Church.

"Sooner or later, we will settle accounts with them."

Adam has no real enmity with the Church of Dawn. At the beginning, Adam regretted that he did not go to the noble council to join the Church of Dawn.Who would have thought that there would be a conflict of interest between him and the Church of Dawn because of their different positions, and it would slowly evolve into the current situation.

Prince is skeptical about Adam's bold ambitions.

"Only the strength of the Bronze rank is openly opposing the Church of Dawn. You are the most courageous White Mage I have ever seen."

"It's just a conflict of interest, and it's not worth making a fuss about." Adam thought for a while and asked, "If one day you have a conflict of interest with Harvest Church, will you watch your own interests suffer?"

"I think that as the eldest prince and the first heir of the Sauk Kingdom, there will be no conflict of interest between me and the Harvest Church." Prince said confidently.

"What if one day the Harvest Church fully supports your brother to compete with you for the throne?" After finally seizing the opportunity, Adam would not let Prince go so easily, and asked persistently.

Prince was silent for a while and said: "If something like that really happens, it can only show that I am not a qualified prince."

Adam pouted, not at all satisfied with Prince's answer.

Prince did not think about Adam's question just now. If such a situation really happened, would he really be willing?

he does not know.

Fortunately, Martin and the others came back at this time, letting him breathe a sigh of relief, and temporarily put this issue behind him.

"what's going on?"

"Hey, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Good news." Adam found that he could always get all kinds of news from Martin.

"The good news is that when we go to the underground world from here, we don't need to pay any fees to the adventure group who master this passage, it's free."

Things like free are very popular in any world, and they are still today.

Although Adam didn't need to spend money in the first place, he was still a little happy.

"What's the bad news?" Prince asked.

"You also know that the passages leading to the underground world are generally controlled by the major forces. The Fang Adventure Group and the Shadow Adventure Group master this passage. According to their regulations, each time you use this passage, you need to submit to two adventurers. The group pays a fee at the same time, which is about ten gold coins per person. The adventurers who have been using this passage have also consciously complied."

"However, an accident happened four days ago." Martin gloated. "When the two mages were going to the underground world, a member of the Tusk Adventure Group stopped them and asked to pay the fee, but they were rejected."

"and then?"

"Of course there was a fight. It's not uncommon for such a thing to happen before. Soon the leader of the silver-ranked Tusk Adventure Group came out to fight the mage, and was almost killed in the end."

"It doesn't seem to have much to do with being free." Adam would not think that just losing the battle would waive all the fees for them.

"Of course, what comes next is the key point." Martin enthusiastically explained to Adam, "The two mages cast a curse on the two adventurers Fang and Shadow before entering the passage. The two adventurers here that day All the members of the regiment have not eaten anything, not a sip of water for four whole days."

"Is it because of that curse?" Prince also became interested.

"That's right, that's the curse. Poor guys, they're starving to death, but they can't eat any food."

This curse is indeed vicious enough to starve people to death.It would be fine if you starve to death without food, but what is desperate is that all kinds of delicacies are placed in front of you, and you can't swallow them after trying all kinds of methods.

"What happened, the two adventure groups no longer have the extra energy to send people to guard the passage to collect fees. They are looking like crazy for the white mage and the priest to lift the curse. But..."

Martin was a little worried: "This means that we may encounter these two powerful mages when we are in the underground world. It would be bad if there was an accident."

"Just avoid it in advance." For black mages who can cast evil black magic like curses, if you really don't want to encounter them, the best way is to avoid them in advance.

"Have you found out what those two mages look like?"

"Yes, yes." Martin said quickly, "They made it very clear that the two mages are very recognizable. One of them is covered with white bandages all over his body, like a mummy."

"Why are they again?"

(End of this chapter)

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