Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 560 The Peak

Chapter 560 The Peak
In the early morning of the next day, as soon as the gate of the yamen, the chief envoy of the capital, was opened, a messenger came on a horse, in a hurry, as if there was something important to do.

The officials on duty at the gate didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly greeted them.But the messenger got off his horse and said loudly: "The governors of the three sides have arrived urgently!"

"What, is it the memorial of the governor of the three sides?" The official immediately remembered the rumors in the capital and immediately confirmed it.

The letter made Yang He order that he should disclose his position so that more people can know it, so that he can have an explanation in the future, so he immediately responded loudly: "Yes, the governor of Yansui hastily mobilized the cavalry troops of Qin and Jin. Your Excellency I am very worried, there is an urgent matter to be reported to the court!"

After hearing this, the official quickly led him into the Yamen, handed over the memorial in the form of an urgent mail, and at the same time inquired curiously: "The governor of Yansui also mobilized cavalry troops from Qin and Jin. What is this for?"

"I heard that Lin Dan Khan is going to be beaten to avenge the Mongolian Tartars for their crimes!"

When other officials in the Tongzhengshi's Yamen heard their conversation, they were immediately attracted by them, put down what they were doing and followed, and asked questions in a hurry.It is true that there has been a lot of discussion in the capital recently, which made them involved in right and wrong, intentionally or unintentionally.

This matter is very sensitive, and the atmosphere was ignited in the Secretary of the Tongzheng Envoy, which finally alarmed the Tongzheng Envoy. After reviewing the memorial, he felt that the situation was serious, and immediately sent the memorial to the cabinet in person.

However, the contents of the memorial had already been seen by other officials of the Tongzheng Envoy during the previous handover, and then spread rapidly. Many outsiders got the contents of the memorial from the trilateral governor Yang He before the cabinet.

"The latest news, the imperial court is about to start a war with Lin Danhan!"

"What? Do you really want to fight? There are already military incidents in several places in the imperial court, and you dare to start a war again?"

"What a great achievement! You don't know that the governor of Yansui is so focused on currying favor with the emperor that he hastily dispatched cavalry troops from all over the place! How can we be in such a hurry to fight a war!"

"Really? If this is the case, this war will be bad. How can you win the war without preparing for a year or so!"

"That's not true, so Lord Yang He, the governor of the three sides, sent an urgent memorial to the imperial court to stop this matter, but it seems a bit late. The governor of Yansui wholeheartedly caters to the emperor and is already dispatching troops!"


With the arrival of Yang He's memorial, the public opinion in the capital suddenly reached a peak.The Ming and the Mongols often bumped into each other, but because of the difference in the military situation of the two sides, the Ming was basically passively beaten, and few of the Ming troops could take the initiative to attack.

Due to the influence of public opinion before, the army falsely reported military achievements and exaggerated their claims. The emperor was so happy that he was easily deceived by border officials and generals. Even in order to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, the emperor even disregarded the life and death of the people and imposed violent taxes.
The worries of the three governors now exacerbate this impression.The emperor was so overjoyed that he even agreed with the governor of Yansui to overcome the superiors, ignoring the concerns of the governors of the three sides. After the defeat in the grassland, not to mention the revenge of the Mongols, in the Qin and Jin Dynasties alone, there might be rebellion, and the people would be in dire straits!
The governor of the three sides is the person involved, and he is not optimistic about the grassland war, so there is probably nothing wrong with it.In fact, there is no need for him not to be optimistic. Going to the grassland to fight the Mongols, no one will be optimistic about this kind of thing!

Therefore, some censors acted decisively and began to write memorials at the first time, heartbroken to impeach Hong Chengchou, the governor of Yansui; The officials advised the emperor not to be overjoyed.Anyway, after the memorial of Yang He, the governor of the three sides, arrived, the general affairs envoy suddenly became lively, and the task load also increased.

In the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty, with the arrival of these memorials, right and wrong began to arise.According to the usual practice, there are quite a few memorials for the impeachment of the first assistant, or the impeachment of the person recommended by the first assistant.Even because there are too many memorials to impeach Shoufu, Shoufu has to consciously submit memorials to explain, or simply wait for things to come to light at home, and continue to do things only after he is innocent.

However, Wen Tiren still went his own way. Except for the impeachment memorial, other memorials still had to go through his review, which made some people unhappy.

"Shoufu, you see that some people have made so many memorials without knowing it. If you don't avoid suspicion, there will be more memorials. It will be difficult for the emperor to do so!"

When Wen Tiren heard this, he looked up at the assistant minister Cheng Jiming, and seeing his worried face, he chuckled and said, "If they want to talk, let them talk. Your majesty is wise and mighty, so you can naturally tell right from wrong, so don't worry! "

"..." Cheng Jiming was speechless after hearing this, and felt that this was not something the cunning chief assistant would say!Could it be that he is greedy for the power of the chief minister and is reluctant to let go?

"Old man, wait!" He couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, but on the surface he looked worried for Wen Tiren, but he didn't say anything, and went to work.

A day later, Cao Huachun, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, hurried to see Emperor Chongzhen with an accompanying eunuch holding several stacks of memorials.

"Your Majesty, these memorials are all about the impeachment of Wen Shoufu, Mr. Xue Ge, Governor Yansui and others. The crowd is raging, and the slaves dare not backlog. Please read it!"

Although Cao Huachun didn't know the real situation of the grassland battle, he naturally knew more about the emperor than outsiders.Therefore, although so many courtiers attacked Wen Shoufu's lineage, he still upheld his neutral position, and even slightly favored Shoufu, and properly raised it to the emperor.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he didn't even bother to look at the memorials, so he ordered Cao Huachun: "My companion records all these personnel affairs, and the ones who made the most trouble and the ones with the most violent words are picked out for my review!"

In the past, Emperor Chongzhen had already canceled the right to hear the rumors of the censor, but now it seems that they still didn't take this matter seriously, and they were still doing things in the same old way.Just to take advantage of this incident, let's kill the chicken and scare the monkey!

What's more, not only did those people fail to make plans for major events in the imperial court, but they took the opportunity to make troubles to slow down their legs. If the original Emperor Chongzhen had no idea, a big victory could be dragged into a big defeat for them, and he had to be dealt with in this situation. Cured.

After dealing with this matter, Emperor Chongzhen entered the chat group to check the situation.But I saw Li Dingguo sent a private chat to report the itinerary, saying that the letter of victory would arrive in the capital tomorrow.Hehe, it's my turn to get mad, otherwise I will really think that I am easy to fool, and let them have a long memory!
 Thanks Sisko for the reward!
  The title of this chapter originally wanted to write a climax, but I was afraid of being starred. The modification of the VIP chapter needs to apply to the editor in charge to unlock and modify it. It is too troublesome and I dare not try it.

  There should be 400 more recommended tickets today, and there will be more updates tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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