Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 226 Top-down fashion

Chapter 226 Top-down fashion

With a sound of "Ah Choo", Hu Guang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who was far away in the capital, sneezed.

"Your Majesty, take care of your dragon body!" Empress Zhou immediately reminded her with concern when she saw it, and then immediately turned around and told the maid next to her, "Don't add more clothes to Your Majesty..."

"It's okay, I'm afraid someone misses me!" When Hu Guang saw it, he shook his head with a smile, and seeing that other concubines were also looking at him with concern, he gestured with his hand holding chopsticks: "It's okay, it's okay, New Year's Eve Those who are thirty, take it easy and eat!"

Seeing that the emperor seemed to be all right, Empress Zhou forgot about it, and ordered the other concubines to eat again.

But Hu Guang stopped eating instead. He put down his chopsticks and looked at his wives.

It's lucky to say that Daming's aesthetic concept is not as perverted as Manqing's.Moreover, the Ming Dynasty did not need to use the royal family to marry, unlike the Manchu Qing Dynasty, out of political needs, they would marry other people's wives, no matter how old or young, beautiful or ugly.

Daming's concubines are all women from good families.Just imagine, being selected from so many women from good families across the country, they are definitely not bad in beauty and talent!
For example, Empress Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui, and Concubine Yuan Gui, all of them are beautiful.The temperament they carry is not at all what those stars in later generations can perform.

Hu Guang was looking at him one by one, unexpectedly those concubines were also looking at him secretly, seeing that he didn't eat, they also stopped eating one by one.

When Hu Guang saw it, he stopped persuading them, and said to them with a smile: "I am very pleased that you can cooperate with me and make sacrifices in the matter of Daming Zhonglietang! With you as my virtuous helpers, when the country is difficult, I'm really grateful for helping me through this difficult time!"

"Husband and wife are one body, what Your Majesty said is the duty of concubines!" Queen Zhou replied on behalf of the other concubines.At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that if the emperor made such a statement, he couldn't let his father make any more troubles!

Hu Guang listened comfortably, nodded and smiled and said: "When I rejuvenate Daming and the country's affairs are on the right track, I will take you all over the country and mountains of Daming, so that you can see the vast territory of my Daming, the scenery and customs from east to west, from north to south. The difference! Vast deserts, boundless grasslands, vibrant rainforests, towering mountains..."

Listening to his description, a group of concubines couldn't help being fascinated, and they were all brought into the scene he described by Hu Guang.

Only Empress Zhou came back to her senses quickly, frowned, and immediately interrupted Hu Guang's words: "Your Majesty, I have heard something from the sage..."

"Queen, don't worry about the sage, you are my wives, I will take you to my territory, what can I do? Don't worry, I won't labor the teachers and mobilize the people, and I won't waste the people's money, let alone the people's lives..."

Hu Guang was not annoyed by the interruption of his interest, but spoke kindly.I just thought in my heart that the queen is really good, but she is a bit old-fashioned, which is not good.

Seeing that the emperor's attitude was very good, a concubine hesitated for a moment, and played in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the harvest of the people these years has been very bad. My concubine's father said a few days ago that there is only a little Susukida in the family, and the expenses of the family are all expensive." I'm very nervous. I... I want to ask Your Majesty to give me some land for my father to support my family. I don't know... I don't know..."

If it was the original Emperor Chongzhen, he would be in a good mood after hearing this, and he would probably agree.

But Hu Guang frowned when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "If you are really tight, you can get some silver taels from the palace! I have other considerations about the field, so let's not mention it for now!"

The land that the emperor bestowed on his noble relatives was the only one in the Ming Dynasty that was exempted from taxation and military service.Hu Guang wants to reform fiscal and taxation and increase treasury revenue. He has already noticed this aspect when discussing with several courtiers before.For this part of the field, he does not have a complete report in hand, so he has not yet made a decision, but one thing he is sure of is that he absolutely does not want to increase the grant of land at this time.

After Hu Guang finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the eldest wife, Empress Zhou, and said, "Empress, please take care of her matter!"

Queen Zhou glanced at the concubine, then turned around and agreed.Unknowingly, the atmosphere at the family banquet became a little dignified.

Seeing this, Hu Guang smiled at Concubine Tian Gui and said, "Sing that song before and listen to it. When you look back, everyone in the palace must know how to sing it."

Immediately, everyone's attention was focused on Concubine Tian Gui.Tian Guifei's singing and dancing are recognized as the number one in the palace.Being highly regarded by the emperor, some people would be a little jealous.

However, Concubine Tian Gui doesn't care about these things, as long as the emperor likes it, she only cares about the queen next week at most.

Hu Guang listened to her singing the national anthem that he had racked his brains to think up. The melodious voice contained the unique excitement of military music. He heard it very well and couldn't help nodding.

At the end of the song, he nodded in praise, then turned his head to look at Empress Zhou and said, "This is the national anthem appointed by me, and everyone in Ming Dynasty is required to sing it. Outside, I have asked the Ministry of Rites to promote this matter. Inside the palace, The empress and concubine Tian should be more concerned. Well, they must play a leading role, a role model! And use this to influence the families of civil and military officials!"

This was something he thought of on the spur of the moment. If he wanted to promote it as soon as possible, most people would say that the Ministry of Rites should promote it.However, the Ministry of Rites is not easy to work hard on the family members of civil and military officials.But if the harem takes the lead, the effect will be much better.As long as the upper echelons of Ming Dynasty are doing it, in the words of later generations, a fashion will be formed from top to bottom, which will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The simple family banquet ended in unconsciously talking about state affairs, and then it was the New Year's Eve.

It was also at this time that Hu Guang was free to worry about the chat group.

After his consciousness entered the chat group, he only glanced at the lower left corner of the chat group, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth and smile.The achievement value is 23456!

He knew that most of the achievement points came from the contributions of those soldiers who worked hard this morning.If it wasn't for the distance limit, he had every reason to believe that this figure would have to be added to 0.

With so many achievement points, there is nothing to say. Hu Guang opened the upper limit of the 17th class in one go, and the achievement point was only 6456.

On the eve of the New Year's Eve, he took a deep breath and immediately started adding people. He filled up the quota for the elementary group in one go. A total of 21 people were added, with 4356 achievement points remaining. There were 26 people in the elementary group.

The reminder that someone has joined the group rang out continuously, and all the divers in the elementary group were immediately blasted out.

Some asked what was going on, some asked about the identity of the people who came in, some showed off their identities, and they had everything.

But Hu Guang didn't care about this. What he cared about was that so many people have been added this time, and when the chat group is upgraded again, what new functions should there be?
 Thank you for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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