Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1326 It's All Trash

Chapter 1326 It's All Trash
On December 11, the 29th year of Chongzhen, the day before the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen received two messages through the chat group.

The first news is that the Cossack tribe, except for a few ethnic groups, most of the ethnic groups headed by Khmelnytsky are willing to accept Da Ming's request and defect to Da Ming.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy about this.Because of the difficult living conditions, the Cossacks are also brave and good at fighting.However, unlike his impression, most of the Cossacks were not the famous cavalry in later generations, but infantry.

In the original history, when the Cossacks led by Khmelnytsky rebelled against Poland, he realized that if the Cossacks with excellent infantry and strong car forts faced Poland's famous hussars, they would probably be the same as the previous uprisings. He was defeated. For this reason, he made a promise, and finally persuaded the Great Khan of the Crimean Khanate, agreed to many conditions, and finally formed a mixed army of Cossack infantry and Crimean Tatar cavalry. against Poland.

Because Khmelnytsky asked to take revenge before going to the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen did not force him, and agreed to his request, and gave him the surname Zhu of the Ming Dynasty, and rewarded him together after he made new contributions.

Of course, if the Cossacks wanted to make military exploits, they had to go through Daming's training and split them up among various troops.

After learning that it was a very honorable thing to be given the national surname by the emperor, Khmelnytsky was very happy and simply changed his name. Under the staff of Man Gui, he named him Mu Ming. From then on, Khmelnytsky is officially called Zhu Muming.

Also because of his example, most of the Cossacks who defected to Daming enthusiastically changed their names, and all of them changed their names to Chinese names.Zhu Muming did not expect this point, because it actually brought about a trend of changing the name.This trend even affected those serfs who defected to Ming Dynasty.All these western barbarians are proud of Daming. Whether it's clothing or surnames, they all imitate Daming. Not to mention changing names and surnames, even their living habits have begun to imitate Daming.

Two days later, on the first day of the first lunar month in the 12th year of Chongzhen, Man Gui reported another news, saying that the Ottoman Empire sent someone to say that they were willing to join forces with Ming Dynasty to crusade against European countries.However, he made a condition, saying that he would share half of the land in Europe, and according to the meaning of the Ottoman Empire, he allocated the most fertile places to Ottoman.

In the chat group, Man Gui played to Emperor Chongzhen: "The envoys of the Ottoman Empire said that the western barbarians in Europe are rubbish to them. As long as our Ming Dynasty is willing to become an ally of the Ottoman Empire, we will definitely be able to conquer the whole of Europe!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he sneered at this. If the Ottoman Empire really had this ability, why didn't it conquer Europe by itself, and even ran over to curry favor with Ming Dynasty.

Thinking of this, he replied to Man Gui in the chat group: "Man Qing can just reply to them. In the eyes of my Daming, not only the nobles of European countries are rubbish, but even the nobles of his Ottoman Empire are rubbish." , I sent troops to the West in the Ming Dynasty to get rid of all the rubbish."

If it was before, maybe Daming didn't have the confidence.But now, as a technologically powerful country, Ming's national strength is fully developed. It was originally planned to occupy the world and liberate all mankind.Since the Ottoman Empire is so ignorant, it is natural to show its attitude.

When Man Gui heard this, he was very angry and couldn't help being overjoyed. He quickly agreed, conveyed the emperor's words to the envoy of the Ottoman Empire, and drove him away.

The envoy of the Ottoman Empire was very surprised by this, and he felt great hatred in his heart. After leaving the sight of the Ming army, he cursed that he must be bright and beautiful, and hurried back to report to Murad IV.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was February 12th, [-]th year of Chongzhen, and the northern army of the Mughal Empire finally withdrew and finished its rest.After much consideration, Shah Jahan made the decision to enlist himself.

In the palace, I saw him saying to the officials below: "This time when the whole country is sent to conquer the Ming Dynasty, this Khan needs a general who can share the pressure on the Khan's flank. Attack. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

The decision Shah Jahan made was to hit the snake seven inches. He believed that the focus of the attack must be the Ming army in Bangladesh.Only by defeating the Ming army here and advancing the battle line to Dongwu, it is best to defeat Dongwu. In this way, Goa is a lone army, and it will be easy for him to go back and destroy the Ming army in Goa.

Conversely, if he attacked the Ming army in Goa first, the Ming army in Bangladesh would continue to send troops to attack the flanks of the army, which is very dangerous.

As soon as Shah Jahan finished speaking, a young man stood up from the crowd closest to him, volunteered to salute and responded: "Great Father Khan, I am willing to lead the army to attack Goa! Guaranteed, even if Goa cannot be defeated, the Ming army in Goa will not have any influence on Father Khan's army!"

Shah Jahan heard the sound and saw that it was his third son Aurangzeb, so he nodded slightly.This son, usually known for his resourcefulness, especially in martial arts, is indeed a very good candidate.

He saw that the other sons were still hesitating at first, but now they seemed a little moved when Aurangzeb stood up, and he couldn't help being very disappointed, so he asked with a smile: "Very well, how many troops do you need? "

"It is reported that the Ming army in Goa that can maneuver only has a total of [-] cavalry and [-] infantry." Aurangzeb said confidently, "Therefore, I only need [-] cavalry and [-] local troops. That's enough!"

The troops he asked for were not many at all. Shah Jahan was very satisfied and believed in his son's ability, so he nodded and agreed.The ministers below also flattered one after another, saying that as long as Prince Aurangzeb stepped in, Goa would be fine.Maybe Goa can still be taken down by Prince Aurangzeb.

In the original history, this Prince Aurangzeb was indeed a capable man. He not only defeated several of his brothers in the battle for the throne, but even imprisoned his father Khan.It can be said that his throne was actually taken by him by force.

Then the Mughal Dynasty expanded abroad under his rule.However, the Mughal Empire was also under his rule, and civil strife began to break out. The forces that rebelled against him in the empire came one after another, and they could not be extinguished at all.As a result, the Mughal Empire turned from prosperity to decline.

After the deliberations were completed, the Mughal Empire declared war on Ming. Anyway, the excuse was that Ming had deceived others too much. If Bengal, which occupied the Mughal Empire, was not returned, it would be as if there was no Shah Jahan. This revenge must be avenged.

Shah Jahan personally led an army of 5000, with countless auxiliary soldiers, and drove eastward to Bangladesh in a mighty manner, known as a million.At the same time, Aurangzeb led [-] troops and twice as many auxiliary troops to Goa, and at the same time launched an attack on the Ming army.

Emperor Chongzhen received the news when Shah Jahan had just set off with his vows.In this regard, he immediately created a temporary group and named it "Mughal Campaign".Those who entered the group included Liang Xiaozhen from the navy, Zhang Fengyi (representing Ma Xianglin) and Deng Kelu from the army, ministers Min Hongxue, Gushi Khan, minister of the Ministry of War Lu Xiangsheng, and others.

Among them, Gush Khan was drawn into a temporary group for the first time because of the war. When he saw the name of this temporary group, he couldn't help being secretly surprised.

You know, in the past, when a battle occurred in a certain place, it was called a battle in a certain place. For example, in this war, the main force was fought in Bangladesh, which can be called the Battle of Bangladesh.But Emperor Chongzhen directly named it "Mughal Battle". Obviously, for him, this battle was to solve the entire Mughal Empire.

Gushi Khan felt that there was a great courage rushing towards his face.But when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing strange about it.This battle should indeed solve the Mughal Empire, not to mention occupying it all, but at least destroying it. He thinks there is no problem.

This battle was under the unified command of Min Hongxue.The general people were silent, only Jinyiwei spies from all over the country reported the information of the Mughal Empire's army from time to time, and then, except for Emperor Chongzhen's blundering, only Min Hongxue issued orders.

Gushi Khan also personally led the army this time, gathering all the elite under his command, and marching on the uninhabited Tibetan plateau.The journey is considered good, and after getting off the plateau, there will be a rest.After the Bangladesh war started, he could do it here.

On Liang Xiaozhen's side, the Ming army and Tang army who were originally in Bangladesh have also been transported to the lion country to wait.When the time comes, the commander of the army will be Deng Kelu.The reason for this assignment is that the Bangladeshi army has been stationed here for a long time and is familiar with the situation of the Mughal Empire.

The second reason is that they can deploy troops to the Lion Kingdom without waiting for the Ming army from Daming territory to arrive.And when the domestic army came, it happened to be able to take over the defense of Bangladesh.

All these preparations were planned according to the itinerary of the Mughal Empire's army, and everything was prepared before the Mughal Empire's army came.

Shah Jahan naturally knew nothing about this.He led the army across the country mightily, with so many people along the way, it was like a wolf crossing the border, stirring up all the chaos in the place.

Hearing that the Great Khan is leading the army, prepare food and grass!Local officials want to see the Great Khan!The local people should avoid the army!Anyway, there are a lot of things. Originally, because of years of wars in the local area, life was already difficult, and now it is even more difficult.

The march of this army was very ink-stained, and it did not reach Bangladesh until a month later.Then, it started to enter the state of war.

"Report, it was found that the Ming army does not accept night!"

"Report, our army's scouts fought with the Ming army's Ye Bushuo, each of them suffered casualties, and now the Ming army's Ye Bushuo has retreated!"

"Report, there are no people in the villages and towns ahead, it is suspected that the Ming army drove them away!"


Shah Jahan listened to the reports one by one and didn't pay much attention to them.The power of the whole country to attack depends on strength, no matter what conspiracy and tricks the Ming army has, just crush it with strength.

The army continued to penetrate into Bangladesh, and Shah Jahan and others saw that there were no people in the villages and towns along the way.Regarding this, he said disdainfully: "Want to fortify the wall and clear the country? Hehe, don't you want to think about where is behind Ben Khan?"

However, he is also a veteran of war after all, so he issued an order to send more scouts to scout around the army to prevent the Ming army from sneaking around behind and cutting off his food road.

"Khan is wise, as long as our food supply is safe, this battle will be won for sure!"

"Yes, the Great Khan sent heavy troops to escort food and grass, how can the Ming army sneak attack!"

"The Ming army only has 2 people. Even if the Tang Dynasty reinforces it, [-] people will be able to reach the sky. The Great Khan led us all the way to crush them, how dare the Ming army divide their troops!"

"Yes, just look at how they used the strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the field. If there are enough troops, how can they use this strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the field!"


Listening to the discussion of the accompanying ministers and generals, Shah Jahan smiled and remained silent.You must know that I am attacking with the whole country's troops, and I just want to crush it with great strength, so that the Ming country can't have time to send troops from a distant country.Killing a chicken with a sledgehammer is nothing more than that!
Generally speaking, he was right.However, if Shah Jahan knew that Emperor Chongzhen had such an artifact as a chat group, he would not think so.Unfortunately, he doesn't know!
Shah Jahan led the army, pushed all the way, or marched all the way, there was basically no fighting, until Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, finally saw the flag of the Ming army.

The cavalry of the Mughal Empire roared back and forth around Dhaka, going to a distance from time to time, or coming from a distance from time to time.Outside the city of Dhaka, there are all cavalry troops of the Mughal Empire.

Shah Jahan sat on his horse, looking at the heavily guarded Dhaka.Then he sneered, pointed at Dhaka with his horsewhip, and said, "Every army rests and builds siege equipment. This Khan will hang all the Ming troops in the city on the city wall!"

His subordinates suddenly agreed, and then the army set up camp. The entire Dhaka field was densely packed, all of which were camps of the Mughal Empire army. It can be said that there is no end in sight.

A day later, the scouts reported that there were no other Ming troops within a hundred miles of Dhaka.

Hearing this, Shah Jahan became more confident in his heart, and immediately laughed and said: "The army in the lonely city has no reinforcements outside, and there is only one city that will be destroyed."

When his courtiers heard this, they all echoed.

"With Khan here, even if the Ming army sent someone back to ask for help, it would be useless!"

"Yes, by the time Ming reinforcements arrive, we will have already breached the city!"

"That is, the Ming army in the city is probably trembling at this time, haha!"


However, what they didn't expect was that in the city of Dhaka, Min Hongxue was playing chess with Ma Xianglin, and Zhang Fengyi was pouring tea by the side.Looking at this leisurely look, people who don't know may think they are resting there!

They're not pretending, but they really have nothing to worry about.Things have been arranged, and the enemy outside the city has not attacked the city. With the military strength and materials in the city, they will not be afraid even if they are confronted head-on. Now they are alone in the city and do not go out to fight.

 Thank you that I am not a high-ranking official for the reward of 500 starting coins, thank you for the reward if you can!

(End of this chapter)

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